Transcript from THE HALLETT REPORT NO. 1
‘Mafia, Blackmail & The New Zealand Government’
Historical Crime Solving
Non Fiction

Text from the movie above, Part 2
Greg Hallett: So here we are, talking about “New Zealand – A Blackmailer’s Guide”.
One of the things I found out over the last ten years of studying governments and listening to intelligence and counter-intelligence is that those in government are sexually compromised, and their sexual secrets are collected and then they are promoted into governments and into judiciaries and into all the positions of importance.
In 2007 I wrote and published “New Zealand – A Blackmailer’s Guide”.
It was nominated for “Book of the year” and then, within about ten days, the article was removed, the book was no longer nominated, and concerted government attacks began, because I got the sexual secrets of New Zealand politicians and judges – the same sexual secrets that were sold to foreign countries to control New Zealand.
The person who collected the sexual secrets on New Zealand is the same person who became the Prime Minister – Helen Clark.
Former New Zealand Prime Minister
Helen Clark, KGB Agent,
St. Petersburg Gang Bang Prostitute
She collected the sexual secrets from the seventies and sold them to a Russian intelligence agent called Valenti Putin. He had two body doubles, also living in Wellington between 1980 and 82, and they were called Alexander Putin, Valenti Putin and Alexia Putin.
Valenti Putin is Vladimir Putin.
Helen Clark collected the sexual secrets of New Zealand’s politicians, lawyers, judges, mayors, gave them Valentin Putin, and he used them to create and govern New Zealand as a communist mafia dictatorship, that would do absolutely anything that it could to cover up its sexual shame.
Valenti/Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
So along with publishing the sexual secrets of New Zealand’s notoriety I also published the names of the security intelligence services and their addresses.
Two weeks before I published, the same agency changed the law, so that it was legal to do so, so I was getting help from the inside.
One of the things I discovered about New Zealand is, that it is a ‘Paedophile Movement Fronting as a Country’, and New Zealand’s main import and export, apart from dairy, maybe, is heroin. More recently that has been taken over with methamphetamine.
I also found that the heroin deals were being done during and just after the royal visits, and that the principle heroin trafficker is ‘The Black Prince’ – Prince Philip – along with his wife Queen Elizabeth and the now deceased Queen Juliana of Holland and her husband Prince Bernhard.
Queen Elizabeth II and The Black Prince
Those who supplied children for paedophilia to Prince Philip were invited into the heroin trafficking ring. The heroin was then sent from South America in Phillips light tubes to Waihi, where they were taken out of the boxes, broken open and the heroin was taken out of the fluorescent light tubes, and the boxes were sent back to Holland, as a stocktake of the amount of heroin that had gotten through.
On the 27th of June 1979, two lawyers, Peter Williams, who became Peter Williams QC, and his business partner Eb Leary, later convicted twice, sold the house to the heroin trafficker Terry Clark.
On the 3rd of October 1979 the heroin trafficker Terry Clark sold that house to two Detective Inspectors of the New Zealand Police – they were Detective Inspector John Rex Hughes and Detective Inspector Ian Hastings, who was known as “Hastio”, and is now, well, he took over from Terry Clark’s heroin trafficking in 1980, and Detective Inspector Ian Hastings then ran casinos, and he used that to launder methamphetamine money. He is known as “Hastio” on the street.
Helen Clark had been a Tavistock St. Petersburg gang-bang prostitute.
She came back to New Zealand wanting to become an MP, but everybody knew that she was a lesbian. She was in a relationship with Judith Tizard. So Judith Tizard’s mother became the wedding celebrant, and Helen Clark married Peter Davis.Peter Davis is a known homosexual and child sex abuser. He was on the police list of those who needed cover.
So Helen Clark, lesbian and paedophile of a ten-year-old Vietnamese girl in Vietnam in late 2002, she married Peter Davis for cover, and became an MP. And because she had supplied the sexual secrets of New Zealand’s notoriety to Vladimir Putin, they both became the leaders of their country at the same time.
Helen Clark became the Prime Minister of New Zealand on the 6th of December 1999 and Vladimir Putin became the President of Russia on the 31st of December 1999.
It is an interesting story how Vladimir Putin became President of Russia.
Boris Yeltsin had stolen US$ 1.5 Billion
Yeltsin was in power, he had stolen US$ 1.5 Billion, and an investigative reporter was onto it. So he asked the head of the KGB, Vladimir Putin, to do something about it, and that’s why it was done on the last day. Either that, or Yeltsin was going to be exposed.
The reporter disappeared, Yeltsin got to keep his money, in exchange for Putin becoming President of Russia by the end of 1999.
I spent 9 years collecting the intelligence and counter intelligence secrets of New Zealand, and a longer period collecting them of the world. A lot of the stories you read in my ten books are stories that you won’t read anywhere else. Some of them you’ll know to be true, some of them will have been published, some of them will seem incredulous.
Intelligence and counter intelligence ‘work’, and they ‘work together’ to create scenarios that are so unbelievable that they cannot be published in the mainstream media, and if they are, they will appear like a joke. The information to blackmail a country, to blackmail its politicians, to blackmail its Prime Ministers and Presidents, to blackmail its judges and lawyers is a very serious matter.
When this book was first going to the press in October 2007, I’d been talking to the convicted murderer David Bain outside a local shop. No one believed he murdered his entire family, in fact he was set up by the Police. When I walked out from the pavement across the road, Helen Clark came out of the Domain, out of Park Road, across Parnall Road, down Ayr Street, in Parnell, in an S-Bend, doing 40 km an hour, which is twice as fast as most cars. She was in a red (crimson) Ford Mondeo, which is a government carpool car, and she tried to run me over. So I stopped the press, and added that as the final chapter.
Helen Clark is a KGB agent. She is a very dangerous woman. She murdered, ordered the murder of her best friend, one of her best friends, Michael King, who was the chief historian in New Zealand. The murder took place on the 29th of March 2004. We had fore-knowledge of it. The contract was put out on about between June and October 2003. Nobody picked it up, and then Sian Elias picked it up on the 13th of October 2003, and then she was awarded the New Supreme Court in the position of Chief Justice of that new Supreme Court two days later, on the 15th of October 2003, and in those two days the Supreme Court Act was absolutely rammed through New Zealand (Parliament).
So New Zealand now has a Chief Justice, Sian Seerpoohi Elias, who is a contract killer. She is a Sayanim Mossad agent.
Sian Seerpoohi Elias is a
Sayanim Mossad agent and contract killer
I also exposed Peter Williams – now Peter Alridge Williams QC – for his role in the Mr. Asia Heroin Trafficking ring, as the kingpin of that ring, and exposed him as the murderer of Marty Johnston – Christopher Martin Johnston – on the 12th/14th of October 1979 in Lancashire in England, and as soon as Peter Williams own lawyer, junior lawyer Karen Soich, was arrested for that murder – on the 3rd of November 1979, Peter Williams flew to England – and I’ve written in the book, and I have got this from second in charge of the Security Intelligence Service (SIS) – who knows Peter Williams very well – that Peter Williams went to his hotel, walked into the hotel lobby – this is in England – two mafia boys in suits walked past him and said: “Your payment’s in your room”.
Peter Williams went up to the room, there was a suitcase on the bed with ₤2 million pounds in it. Peter Williams used that money to bribe witnesses and anyone of influence and judges and very likely eliminated some people. His junior lawyer Karen Soich was let off. It was the longest trial in England’s history, about 3½ months long – it was over 100 days – and then Terry Clark was found guilty, put in Parkhurst prison on the Isle of Wight, where he died 3 years later in 1983 – faked his own death. He went to Breeze Norton Military Base, and he had plastic surgery, which was funded by Prince Philip – ‘The Black Prince’ – and then Terry Clark went to Perth in Australia, where he set up as a second hand car dealer.
I went round to Peter William’s place and told him that story, and he said: “Yes, I have heard that”.
In that same timeframe, with Peter Williams arriving to England – on the 27th of August 1979, Lord Louis Mountbatten was blown up in his boat. Now Lord Louis Mountbatten was part of the ‘Triumvirate’, which was the heroin trafficking ring run by Prince Philip.
Lord Louis Mountbatten was part of the
'Triumvirate', the heroin trafficking ring
run by Prince Philip
Also by Lord Porchester, Prince Andrew’s father, and Lord Plunket, who died in 1975, and that’s Prince Edward’s father. And with Lord Plunket dying, Lord Louis Mountbatten was invited into the heroin trafficking ring, and he qualified, because he was already compromised, because he is a long standing paedophile, and Lord Louis Mountbatten considered the mentorship of his nephews and grand nephews to be the same as sodomy.
The first man to escape out of Colditz, first or second, Airey Neave, who was a lawyer and British MP, a man of note and influence, and Margaret Thatcher’s bondage lover.
Peter William’s QC is Prince Philip’s agent in New Zealand. Prince Philip’s wife owns the Court buildings and owns the Judiciary.
He (Airey Neave) was trying to clean up the heroin trafficking ring and he got to Lord Louis Mountbatten. So Lord Louis Mountbatten was on a target list of Prince Philip’s to be killed. And it looks like Prince Philip gave the ₤2 million pounds to the mafia, who gave it to Peter Williams, who found it in a suitcase on his hotel bed, and then went around eliminating those who could jeopardise his case.
(Irish voice: “I tell you, it’s like what happened to the world over the last twenty or thirty years:
Greed, greed & more fucking greed, & cheap money, & in Ireland, it is a tragedy what happened.)
When I exposed Peter Williams QC as being in charge of paedophilia in New Zealand, being in charge of heroin trafficking in New Zealand, and his partner being in charge of Methamphetamine trafficking in New Zealand,
a Police Inspector called Winston West, who was in a full motor cycle suit, helmet, on a motor cycle, came alongside of the car I was in, which was a very small Honda Civic, jumped on the bonnet, ripped the wiper blade and arm right off the car, and he ripped the rear vision mirror right of the car, and then fell on the ground with his arms and legs in the air, like a dog wanting to get patted.
There were two detectives here, two there, two there. Two minutes later an ambulance turned up, picked him up, took him to the hospital. No police chased me, nothing. It was just Peter Williams saying he had total control over the police doing any hits that he wanted.
'The Black Prince' Prince Philip and
Peter Alderidge Williams QC 'Mr Asia',
MI-6 / Mafia Boss
I went to the Auckland District Law Society and got the payment schedules for the murders. They went through the bank accounts controlled collectively by Terry Clark, Peter Williams, Eb Leary and Billy Boyd.
Terry Clark was convicted, his death was faked, he was given plastic surgery and a new life. Eb Leary was charged for laundering drug money twice, convicted twice. Billy Boyd was convicted, supposedly sent to prison for six months, but he may have spent a maximum of three nights on the Wardens couch. Both were struck off for about 19 years.
On the other hand Peter Williams was not charged, was not sent to prison, and was made a Queen’s Counsel lawyer, and I am absolutely certain that is because Peter Williams was trafficking the heroin and doing the contract killings for Prince Philip, who was the head of the Triumvirate, the head of the heroin trafficking ring.
And those who supply children to Prince Philip for paedophilia qualify for entrance into the triumvirate heroin trafficking ring.
Peter Williams had so much work from people, who have been had for trafficking heroin and other drugs, that he had to give that work to other lawyers. With the notoriety and the leading people in New Zealand being heroin traffickers and paedophiles and contract killers, we have a case where ‘there is absolutely no justice whatsoever coming out of the New Zealand judiciary’.
That is backed up further, when Sian Elias, current chief justice Sian Seerpoohi Elias was bribed into the position of chief justice, when her husband Hugh Fletcher, a known child abuser, bribed Prime Minister Jenny Shipley and the leader of the opposition Helen Clark into naming and seconding Sian Elias into the position of Chief Justice.
That way Hugh Fletcher was never being charged for his child sex abuse. Hugh Fletcher would run child sex abuse soirees with 14–18-year-old Polynesian boys, and wear a Nazi uniform while he orchestrated them. That uniform may have come from Nicholas Courlander, or maybe it was one size up.
One of those boys in Hugh Fletcher’s child sex abuse ring, Phillip Leyton Edwards, murdered David McKnee, who was a small time TV presenter, homosexual, so it was interior design, what do you expect – pillows for biting.
That murder was covered up by Sian Elias and by Helen Clark, and that should have thrown them out of office and out of the government, but because so many people of influence in New Zealand are homosexuals and paedophiles and murderers, and drug money launderers, there was a cover up. That includes Paul Holmes who bought his 18-month-old stepdaughter Millie Elder for NZ$ 850,000. He borrowed that money off two judges in Alcoholics Anonymous, and St. Marks on Khyber pass. That money went across Kevin Ryan’s desk, who was the biggest fundraiser for the IRA in the Southern Hemisphere. And it looks like the IRA was at least 80 % MI6.
Paul Holmes then rented out his stepdaughter Millie Elder to Bob Jones, who was paying both of them in methamphetamines.
And we should not forget Sir Geoffrey Palmer, who became a Privy Counsellor, the highest ranked judicial figure in New Zealand. He got into that position of Privy Counsellor by covering up a police paedophile ring in Dunedin, and another one in Christchurch, and then he would go to a dominatrix called Christine Rankin to get his white ass whipped.
Sir Geoffrey Palmer then promoted Christine Rankin to the Commissioner of Families
which really helps the paedophiles.
New Zealand is a completely dysfunctional country, absolutely dysfunctional. The person who reorganised state services in 1988 is Margaret Bazley. She was the bag lady for the heroin trafficking. She would carry the money for the hits and the guns for the hits and deliver them to her husband James Frederick Bazley, known as Steve Bazley, who was then convicted of triple murder, including the murder of Doug and Isobel Wilson.
Dame Margaret Bazley is
for destroying
the lives of about 2200 people
'Deep Sleep Experiments'
Dame Margaret Bazley was also in charge of the Deep Sleep experiments in the mental institutions in New Zealand, where she succeeded to keep someone alive who had been asleep for three months. Dame Margaret Bazley is responsible for destroying the lives of about 2200 people. In about 2005 the survivors were each paid out about NZ$ 170 000 in damages.
When I published “New Zealand – A Blackmailer’s Guide” in October 2007, in June 2008 James Frederick Bazley, released out of prison and working as a Tax Account, Budget Advisor in Invercargill, he contacted his ex-wife Dame Margaret Bazley and said he wanted to murder me. Dame Margaret Bazley stopped it, she said no. I didn’t know about it actually – Intelligence told me about that probably three years later.
Dame Margaret Bazley this year 2011, about June this year, was given the New Zealand’s highest award, the Sir Peter Blake award, supposedly for services to New Zealand, but what she has achieved was to go through all the major government departments in New Zealand, and organize them internally so they are completely dysfunctional. So New Zealand does not function, absolutely does not function.
With my radio interviews, people have been ringing up from overseas, complaining to New Zealand Foreign Affairs, so all of the government departments, 12 of them, got together, and they worked out a way to attack me. So what they did is they each sent me fines, and then when I replied to those fines, they ignored my response and send me penalties on those fines.
At the same time I had five cases going on in the High Court, one in the District Court, with all of my evidence suppressed. The end result of going through the New Zealand Judiciary for four years, from 2007 to 2011, the end result was that the judiciary could not hear any one of my cases.
Now, another thing, you shouldn’t really trust Intelligence. What I was doing was, they were feeding me stories, because they thought they were gonna die, and they wanted their legends told, so they were feeding me stories. I was typing them up, and taking them back to them, and they looked at them and said “Yeah, yeah, yeah”.
So I ended up with having 500 written pages of these stories. So what intelligence did is, they had got these stories, that they had told me, that I had typed up, and they put them in the bottom of my court files in the boxes, so that the judges would read them, as though that information came from me.
And indeed, all of the information that I presented in the New Zealand courts came either first hand, that is, it was my knowledge, or it came from Intelligence, retired Intelligence, and in the main it came from retired Intelligence.
So the New Zealand judiciary is incapable of looking at itself, as I name New Zealand judges and lawyers, who were laundering heroin money, involved in paedophilia, involved in heroin trafficking, covering up murders, involved in murders, and judges who were mentally ill, like judge Johnny Hole from District Court of Auckland, formerly of Gisborne.
The judges refused to look at it. They refuse to look at any information which puts them in a bad light. But the New Zealand judiciary is the Mafia. All of the judges and all of the heads of the judiciary have been promoted there because someone has the ‘wood’ on them. Someone knows, and has photographs of them having sex with children, trafficking heroin, laundering heroin money, same with methamphetamine, trafficking methamphetamine, laundering methamphetamine money. It is so blatantly obvious now, it is actually done in government approved trusts, with tax dodges, incorporated, approved by the government.
Yeah, it is kind of stuffed really, you know, when you really find out how your country works, they just do their best to kick you out of it. They’ll attack you, they’ll attack you for two decades. They’ll take your house, they’ll destroy your family, they’ll blow up your car, they’ll rape your finances, they’ll send you false bills, they’ll destroy all your relationships, and all of these things is what the Mafia does. Governments are the Mafia. The judiciary is the Mafia. That is all I have got to say . . .
Here is the castle. It is called Schenkenburg. It was a big castle, reasonably big. It was a tax collecting castle. There is a river going all the way around it, there are hills all around it, so you have to come through this valley.
The tenants here that were using it for tax collecting, the owner decided that he didn’t like them, and he could not get rid of them, because it is on such a high promontory, so he had to get canons to blow up his own castle and get rid of his own tenants, and it is such a good metaphor for governments today.
Anyway, enjoy it. Get the book. It used to be, but that got attacked as well. . . .
I’m back. There is another couple of points I’d like to make.
New Zealand is a test tube shaped country in the bottom of the South Pacific, it is the test case for the Western World. So what happens in New Zealand, when that plan has in some form succeeded, it is exported to other nations, in the West and other nations.
When I published Peter William’s heroin trafficking, the Army said, that they “had been aware of Peter William’s heroin trafficking since the early 1960s”, and the commissioner of police said “No greater truth had come out of police investigations since Te Rauparaha, which was in the 1830s.
The reason why no greater truth had come out of Police investigations since the 1830s was, that it wasn’t the Police investigating it. It was the Police doing the crimes, it was the Police doing the heroin trafficking, it was the Police doing the murders, and it was the Police doing the paedophilia. And that is all Police Detective Inspector Ian Hastings plus others . . . So, crimes are now being solved by individuals.
The Police don’t solve crimes, they cover them up. And when there is enough media pressure to solve a crime, they just stitch someone up. Most of the larger crimes now are Inside Jobs, done by governments, done by Police, done by Lawyers, done by Judiciaries, and that includes murders, heroin trafficking, paedophilia and methamphetamine trafficking, and those are pretty much the largest crimes . . . we should add financial frauds.
The series 'The Sex Collectors' is
now available as PDF files
Anyway, check out the website, have a listen to me on Jim, The Real Deal with Jim Fetzer, (’ve got an audio modified CD now with 33 interviews, Radio interviews, and we are just moving into video, so we are just playing around with taking test shots.
Hope you like it, hope you believe it, hope you take action.
The information in “New Zealand – A Blackmailer’s Guide” is expanded in greater detail including some of the legal documents, some of them obtained from the Auckland District Law Society. These are quite big books, there is three in the series called “The Sex Collectors”.
- The Sex Collectors, Vol. 1, How the World is Run on Shame – Stitch-Ups.
- The Sex Collectors Vol. 2, How the World is Run on Shame – Murders.
- The Sex Collectors Vol. 3, How the World is Run on Shame – Heroin Ticket.
These books are 600 pages A4 full color, so we prefer to sell them as PDFs please, just because it is like 40 quid to post them, so PDF’s please . . .
Get yourself some real knowledge . . .
(Sounds and videos – Pull it)
Jorn: And how was that?
Fantastic . . . There’s some extra chemtrails . . .
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