Alvin Mahoney
Mind Control of Medical Doctors


[vid] Trauma-Based Mind Control: The Making of Medical Doctors with Dr. Z Episode 1
[vid] Trauma-Based Mind Control: The Making of Medical Doctors with Dr. Z Episode 2
[vid] Trauma-Based Mind Control: The Making of Medical Doctors with Dr. Z Episode 3   Dr. Alvin Mahoney a.k.a. Dr. Z is a medical doctor who is currently working in private practice as a Neuropsychiatrist and Naturopath focusing on techniques and strategies to obtain optimum health both mentally and physically. Dr. Z is writing a Book titled “Complicated World”. In this book Dr. Z shares his journey to becoming a master of the healing arts. Throughout his Journey Dr. Z has been faced with many challenges including a medical system that traumatizes, manipulates, and brainwashes medical students. As Dr. Z will explain, trauma-based mind control is the methodology through which medical doctors are made.   In this series of radio interviews Dr. Z will share with us how he overcame the challenges he faced and how he has become a caring and compassionate medical doctor. Dr. Z will also share with us some of his personal experiences with the medical establishment’s use of trauma-based mind control and how doctors are set up for manipulation, mind control and ultimately brainwashing.  Dr. Z’s book “Complicated World” also addresses the 5 Elements of Healing and consciousness awakening. Dr. Z is currently involved in setting up a Multidisciplinary healing institute called Total Life Center.  Dr.Z can be reached via e-mail at