Architects of Deception: The Concealed History of
by Juri Lina
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Contents1. Consensus Trance
Myths as a Base of Power
Gagarin Was Never in Space
2. The Dark History of the Knights Templar
The Origin of the Knights Templar
The Vast Influence of the Knights Templar
Philip IV Strikes Back
The Curse of the Grand Master
The Discovery at Rennes-le-Château
3. The Rise of Freemasonry
The Infiltration Begins
Secret Societies Take Over the Craftsmen’s Guilds
Development of the Masonic System
The Highest Degrees
Other Masonic Rites
The Symbols
Masonic Magic
Masonic Ideology
4. The Powerful Financial Sphere
Interest as a Weapon
Economic Slavery
5. The Global Power of Freemasonry
Freemasonry and Politics
The Illuminati
We are Ruled by the Freemasons
The United States - the Masonic Base
Harry Shippe Truman
The Case of Kissinger
Sinister Plans
The Expansion of Freemasonry
P2 - Europe’s Most Infamous Masonic Sect
Club 45 or ”The Red Lodge” in Vienna
Masonic Influence in Sweden
The Carbonary
Resistance Against Freemasonry
The Masonic World
6. The Red and Bloody Nature of Freemasonry
The Historical Background of Grand Orient
Masonic ”Justice”
Masonic Corruption
The Destruction of Russia
Blood-red Support of the Communists
The Masonic Contribution to Soviet Russia
Stalin’s Struggle Against Freemasonry
The Secret Masonic Archives
The Hidden Influence
7. How the Freemasons Helped Hitler to Power
Hitler’s Meetings with His Financial Backers
Advertising for Hitler
Attempts to Investigate Hitler’s Secret Income
Hitler’s Goal
Secret Manipulations
The American Contribution
Close Collaboration Between Nazis and Zionists
Who was Hitler?
The Magic of the National Socialists
Nazism and Freemasonry
Nazi Plans for a European Confederacy
Secret Plans Behind the Scenes
Aid Continued During the War
Holocaust Hysteria
8. The Crimes of the Masonic Elite
Unlimited Evil
The Double-Dealing of the United States
Conflicts in the Balkans
Resistance Against the New World Order
9. The Hidden Knowledge
Undesired Inventions
Vaccination Injuries
Dangerous Substances
Damaging Phenomena
The importance of Energies
More Effective Weapons
Essential Conclusions
”If you shut up the truth and bury it beneath the earth, it will only grow
and gather itself to such an explosive power that it will destroy everything
in its path the day it breaks free.”
Emile Zola
When the book ”Under the Sign of the Scorpion” was published, I did not
expect it to be a great success, because I knew that most people, due to the
enormous influence of the freemasons over the schools, the mass media and
other key institutions, had lost their ability to think independently. It
became clear, however, that there were some who had managed to stay clear of
the influence of all these lies and understood that something was wrong in
contemporary society. These people found answers to their questions in
”Under the Sign of the Scorpion”. They had already surmised that a malicious
power was behind the process of destruction, which affects us all, but they
needed more facts.
People in different countries have read ”Under the Sign of the Scorpion” and
have become curious about the background of inter-national freemasonry. But
they knew too little about the frightening history and essence of this
secret society. This showed the need for a comprehensive book about the dark
history, ideology and activities of freemasonry, which would act as a
complement to ”Under the Sign of the Scorpion”. Thus there was a demand,
which led to that this new book about freemasonry was written.
During many years, I have gathered large amounts of important facts,
documents and rare source material, which have never been published in
ordinary (that is, officially sanctioned) history books. With the help of
these facts, a completely different picture of major world events emerges.
Without details about the true history of freemasonry, it is very difficult
to orientate oneself in today’s world. For this reason, I chose to collect
all the ”forgotten” and concealed information and thereby re-create the true
history that our masonic leaders have stolen from us.
Our civilization has failed in many crucial areas. These failures have been
aggravated by the fact that those who have understood the reason for our
troubles refuse to speak out. Others have failed to realize the obvious –
that hidden economic forces have acted behind the carefully painted scenes
and, virtually unopposed, manipulated us towards our present desperate
situation. We have been frightened and weakened, and for this reason the
enemies of humanity have succeeded with their treacherous conspiracy. The
hidden forces were unable to act freely without first removing important
facts from our history.
By referring to this concealed information, it has been possible to clearly
identify the masonic forces, which have done everything in their power to
transform our world into Hell on Earth. We have been damaged mentally,
physically and genetically. We have begun to prefer darkness to light. Most
of us have chosen to believe in the illusory myths of the freemasons and
assisted in the fight against those who have attempted to reveal the true
facts. Far too many of us choose to defend these dark forces. The evil
forces are close to victory. Those who defend these forces must also share
the responsibility for their crimes against humanity. Many of us have become
victims of the freemasons and our personal greed.
This book attempts to give an overall picture of the circumstances that have
led to the distressing setbacks, which have afflicted us, especially during
the last 300 years. In order to orientate ourselves, we must finally dare to
call those events and these persons by their real names, despite the fact
that those responsible have become stronger than ever and officially deny
their involvement in all these serious and unforgivable crimes against
The freemasons’ internal sources, however, do not deny these crimes. I will
present such concealed facts to make it possible to draw some amazing
conclusions and to reveal to every seeker of truth who our tormentors really
are. Not being aware of these facts is in itself an evil, because ignorance
serves evil. It is for this reason that our rulers want us to believe that a
lack of historical knowledge and ignorance about the secrets of nature
constitutes true knowledge.
Those who do not examine the different aspects of the conspiracy will remain
incapable of understanding the world. To them every-thing appears dim and
mysterious. Even the ancient Romans said: ”Magna est veritas et praevalebit.”
(”The truth is great and it will triumph.”) The freemasons have always been
enamoured with large social structures and superstates. They have called the
violent social upheavals, which were actually brought about by their grand
lodges under the leadership of masonic grand masters, ”great popular
The Swiss psychologist Carl G. Jung stated: ”The larger the organizations,
the more inevitable are their immorality and blind stupidity.” (Carl G.
Jung, “Die Beziehungen zwischen dem Ich und dem Unbewussten”, Darmstadt,
1928) We also have clues about what will happen within the European Union –
the freemasons’ latest creation. Jung stated in the same book: ”The larger a
society or confederacy, the greater the amalgamation of collective factors –
which is typical of every large organization – will rest upon conservative
prejudices to the detriment of the individual, the more aggravated the moral
and spiritual degeneration of the individual.”
Apparently different ideologies have been forced upon us. In actual fact, we
have all the time been dealing with different aspects of one and the same
ideology – illuminism, propagated by international freemasonry. Only
insecure individuals and weak ideologies and religions need to resort to
violence in order to assert themselves – Judaism, Islam, communism, national
socialism, and others. The hylozoists, who follow the teachings of
Pythagoras, have never resorted to violence, nor have the Buddhists. This
fact alone shows the value of their philosophical teachings, which can help
those souls who seek the truth.
For this reason, the freemasons despise the teachings that represent
goodness and spiritual development. The socialists (the freemasons’ most
effective servants) are parti-cularly prone to using violence in their
attempts to murder the soul. They consider it more effective and beneficial
to murder the soul rather than the body. The communists got nowhere by
destroying people’s bodies. Under the symbol of the Illuminati and
freemasonry – the red rose – the socialists are after our souls. The French
author Romain Rolland stated: ”The murderers of the soul are the worst.” The
socialists are well aware that their falsification of history leads to a
society without history.
The Russian-Jewish socialist Alexander Herzen stated in the 1850s: ”There is
nothing more repugnant than a falsification of history on the orders of
those in power.”
Marx put his finger on the most important method of the Illuminati: “If you
can cut people off from their history, they can be easily persuaded.”
While we may ascertain that our leaders conceal facts with the assistance of
corrupt ”historians”, we must realize that this falsification of history is
part of the conspiracy, since those who control our history also control our
future, according to the British author George Orwell. And those who control
our present also control our past.
All these “isms” are just useful tools for the dark masonic forces that
often use various shady ideologies to fill the gaps in their attempted
construction of ”a better world for us all”. This is why the freemasons wish
to destroy everything connected with ”the old”, that is traditions and
common sense. I have visited many powerful lodges all over the world in
order to become acquainted with the freemasons’ own material and works.
Original sources are the most reliable. It is my opinion that the
freemasons, with their unnatural organization, stand on the brink of a vast
This book shows how and above all why.
Jüri Lina Stockholm, October 2004
Humanity Locked in a Twilight Zone March 7, 2008 by
Henry Makow Ph.D.
As you know, the elite attaches great importance to providing us with an
external enemy: Huns, Nazis, Communists, Muslim Terrorists etc. It also
creates internal enemies based on race, sex and class. Thus it diverts
attention from itself, the real enemy, Freemasonry, an international satanic
cult which controls our political, cultural and economic life with magical
skill. Their smug victory symbols are everywhere: on the US Great Seal and
on the logos of numerous corporations,the UN and even the city where I live,
Winnipeg. All politicians who stand a chance are Masons including Bush,
Obama, Clinton and McCain. They don't even pretend to pose serious
opposition. Bush has doubled the national debt and cut the value of the US
dollar in half but do you hear any criticism for this? On the international
front, Bush and Ahmadinejad, Sarkozy, Merkel and probably Putin are all
members of the same club. These traitors and their lackeys have an elaborate
system of hand signals to recognize each other. Our leaders work for the
international banking cartel, aided by a small army of dupes who may or may
not be Masons but have a keen sense of how to keep their high paying jobs.
World government, �the New World Order� is the goal of Freemasonry. It
will be achieved by a �dialectical process� of phoney conflicts and
false flag operations, brainwashing (sensitivity training), propaganda,
slander and coercion. The Masonic New World Order represents the translation
of this economic monopoly into absolute political, social and cultural
control. It involves the destruction of the four pillars of human identity:
race, religion, nation and family. This is what feminism, porn, "diversity,"
"multiculturalism," "sexual liberation" and "gay rights" really are about.
human nature, turning us into more desperate, isolated, selfish and demonic
creatures. They do this by destroying homogenous nations with their
multiculturalism and invasion by migration. They are destroying families by
brainwashing women to seek careers instead of husbands and children. You can
identify their agents as the people who �want to change the world.�
These dupes don't realize that they are making it worse. �Progressive�
is defined by the Masonic agenda of world domination. They don't realize
that social programs are temporary bribes to put their agents in power. We
are fed a diet of lies, trivia, sex and dogmas designed to make us
dysfunctional and docile. They want us to be producers and consumers,
debtors and drones-- not human beings. DISCERNMENT Freemasonry shows a false
face to the world. Lina writes that Freemasonry "is closely associated with
socialism and communism, as well as with organized crime. The primary task
of freemasonry is to combat knowledge of the real world and to ignore the
facts from true history." (281) Exoteric Freemasonry is for the rubes. It is
about �making good men better� etc. The real Freemasonry, the esoteric
or occult, known to adepts, is about conquering the world for Lucifer. Thus,
we always must discern between the formal and the informal, the
�subjective� and the objective. Formally, we live in a free society.
Informally our �leaders� are dupes and traitors dedicated to our
ultimate enslavement. Formally, we have a free press and education system.
Informally, only those views that correspond to the occult (Masonic,
�enlightenment�) agenda are allowed. Formally, art and entertainment are
free expressions. Informally, with a few exceptions, only entertainment that
advances the occult program will be tolerated. Literary and cinematic art
reflect a decadent Luciferian philosophy and serve a psychological
modification function. Formally, elections express the peoples' will and
desire for change. Informally, elections are required to maintain the
illusion of freedom and secure the taxes and bodies for endless wars.
Formally, we believe in our country. Informally, we are doing everything we
can to undermine it so the population will accept world government.
Formally, we are Christians. George Bush is a Christian. Informally,
Luciferianism (Freemasonry, Cabalist Judaism, secularism) is the religion of
the post-Enlightenment West. George Bush is a Satanist who proudly uses the
horned goat symbol. Dupes are the overpaid people who maintain the
�formal� and hoodwink the masses. This includes most successful people
in media, education and culture. CONCLUSION Right now, I'd say the most
revealing book on our predicament is Jyri Lina's �Architects of
Deception.� I reviewed it once but I must commend it to you again. Here's
another example of the revelations it contains: Most of George Washington's
generals and the signatories of the Declaration of Independence were Masons.
The values of the Declaration are valid but they fall under the category of
the �formal.� Informally, Lina says: �The freemasons created the
United States of America as an effective base for their world-encompassing
activities and to attain their utmost aim-world supremacy.� Our lives are
built on a monstrous fraud. Gradually we are being mentally enslaved by the
psychotic leaders of an evil secret society. Humanity has passed into a
Twilight Zone between reality and an occult spell. Our only hope is for
"formal" to trump the "informal," and for the dupes to come to their senses.
(alternative historian and author of Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic
Architects of Deception is certainly one of the most informative and revealing
books on Freemasonry and secret societies by a committed and courageous
researcher and personal friend. It is essential reading for those with a
passionate desire to know how to combat and stop the onslaught of the
nightmarish Orwellian "New World Order" which daily looms into view before us.
Now available for the first time in English, this masterpiece of scholarship on
the origins and agendas of the world's powerful secret societies leaves the
reader aghast but empowered. Juri Lina brilliantly exposes the secret origins of
world Freemasonry, and of other elite cabals such as the Priory de Sion, the
illuminati, the Knight Templars, and the Bilderberg Group, and explains what
anti-human agendas lie behind their bizarre ceremonies, rhetoric and occult
symbolism. Among many things, the book explains the manner in which these
self-proclaimed "illumined-onesï" succeed in manipulating the course of
political and religious events, they means by which they orchestrate wars and
designer-violence, and dumb-down the "smiling depressives" whom they consider
sacrificial victims to their ancient but diabolical gods. Reading this fine book
confirms and strengthens the fact that we are living in the age in which
humankind can finally be free from the age-old clandestine forces that have
conspired to control the human mind, body and soul. Clearly, this freedom cannot
come into being without knowledge. Knowledge is our greatest weapon and ally. As
Juri Lina's book explains, there is an alternative history of the world, one
that makes greater sense than the pseudo-histories taught from text books and
classrooms. The measure of our sanity lies in our openness to learn what has
been hidden from us, and to cherish those teachers who assist us to light the
true torches of freedom and empowerment. In this masterly and essential book the
reader is provided with a rare vision into the kind of life and world that once
was, and which will be again, after the savage secret leviathans of tyranny and
suppression are brought before the altars of truth, correctly exposed and
prosecuted, and finally vanquished from the earth.