January 27, 2012 http://www.henrymakow.com/theargumentfukushimasabotage.html
(Jeff Rense refused to link to this article. He thinks it is a psy-op to absolve the nuclear industry of blame for Fukushima. Fine. But when I posted it anyway so people could decide for themselves, he announced he would no longer link to my site. You will no longer find my work on Rense's site. Sad that a 10 year relationship should end in this fashion.)Reactors Destroyed
by Nukes
It turns out that the official explanation for the Fukushima reactor explosions
was bogus as well. Nuclear power containment walls are extremely thick and
strong. Hydrogen explosions could never have destroyed them. As a historical
reference, hydrogen explosions occurred at Three Mile Island and caused no
structural damage, nor even any injuries to plant personnel.
Furthermore, Reactor Four contained no fuel on 3/11/11, and was therefore
nonoperational -- yet it exploded and was destroyed as completely as were the
other reactors that day. Reactor Four is like Building 7 at the World Trade
Center - an utter impossibility, a blatant smoking gun. A reactor containing no
fuel cannot operate; a nonoperational reactor cannot explode unless someone
explodes it. The destruction of Reactor Four can only have been the result of
Israeli Involvement
In February 2010, Japan
offered to enrich uranium for Iran. Soon thereafter, an Israeli firm by the
name of Magna BSP secured a contract to run security at the Fukushima Daiichi
plant. They installed oversized cameras strongly resembling gun-type nuclear
weapons. There is strong evidence that they planted Stuxnet, an Israeli computer
virus that attacks Siemens power plant control systems, and which Israel
previously used to damage Iran's nuclear program. Magna BSP also established
internet data links in the reactor cores, in blatant violation of international
nuclear regulations.
All twelve members of that security team returned to Israel in the week before
3/11/11. In the aftermath of the disaster, the Israelis publicly monitored the
reactor cores via their illegal internet data links. Yet no one took them to
task for this.
Jim Stone Targeted for Revealing Truth
What caused the tsunami? What destroyed the reactors?
Using skills honed as a former NSA analyst with an engineering background, Jim
Stone concluded that Israel was behind the destruction of Fukushima Daiichi. Now
he is paying the price.
Stone proved that there was no 9.0-magnitude quake to cause the tsunami. The
tsunami must have been artificially induced, perhaps by an atomic bomb placed in
the Japan Trench.
The tsunami was blamed for flooding the reactors and causing the explosions. But
Stone presents compelling evidence that Israel destroyed the Fukushima Daiichi
plant by installing gun-type nuclear weapons in the guise of security cameras,
and then setting them off in the tsunami's aftermath.
Stone demonstrates that the Stuxnet virus continues to distort sensor readings
at the disaster site to this day.
Unlike many others in the world of whistle blowers, Stone bases his conclusions
on hard evidence and unassailable logic. Anyone can review and challenge his
work. He is open to it.
Since releasing his report and making several radio appearances to support it,
Jim Stone has been harassed, threatened, unlawfully detained, and is currently
facing prison time on completely trumped-up charges.
I have watched the reaction to his work on the net. Some have slandered him.
Others have railroaded his work.
No one has debunked him yet.
His conclusions have ramifications that make 9/11 pale in significance.
Why, all across the alternative media, this roaring silence on the work of Jim
Why haven't more truth sites simply linked to his report, directing people to
review the evidence and decide for themselves?
Some have expressed suspicion that Stone might not be what he claims to be.
That's irrelevant. Facts are facts. The report stands on facts.
If you haven't done so yet, I urge you to study Jim Stone's Fukushima report. It
is well worth the considerable time and effort. Then, if you agree that his
conclusions are correct, please do your part in spreading this information and
dispelling the alternative media's silence on it.
To conclude, a 9.0-magnitude earthquake never happened in Japan on 3/11; the
tsunami must have been artificially induced. Nor did hydrogen explosions
obliterate containment walls of concrete and rebar several feet thick. The
official story is impossible. Israel was punishing Japan, and Zionist operatives
now are attempting to destroy Jim Stone, the man who exposed the truth.
The original report:
Interview with visuals: