This won’t hurt you
Before I put it in
Close your eyes and count to ten
Don’t cry
I won’t convert you
There’s not need to dismay
Close your eyes and drift away
Oh God he’s taking Demerol
Oh God he’s taking Demerol
–Michael Jackson, DEMEROL Song, 1997, Blood on the Dance Floor, The History of Mix[1]
The Past is Prologue
Jonestown, Oh God, They’re Drugging Them with Demerol
Jonestown was America’s version of Auschwitz Nazi Concentration Camp. It was also an important CIA-MK ULTRA mind control medical experiment.[2] The Jonestown Extended Care Center was a special medical isolation unit set aside from the mission clinic for troublemakers, dissidents and runaways where they were heavily tranquilized into stages of unconsciousness and rehabilitated- “re-socialized” -MIND CONTROLLED.[3]
On November 18, 1978, 914, predominately Black, people mostly women and CHILDREN that included Native American, brown, yellow and white were murdered and left in the South American rain forest to literally rot in the hot sun.
Jonestown Extended Care Center and mission clinic had been run by Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Eugene Schacht, age 30 (born 10/02/48) of Houston, TX. On December 15, 1978, allegedly, the U.S. military identified his body among the dead.[4] Hitler’s financer, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, may have been his Nazi counterpart, but Dr. Larry Schacht and his background have been quickly erased from historical inquiry.
Contrary to common belief, Adolf Hitler, Reinhard Himmler and Josef Goebbels did not band all Masonic Lodges in Nazi Germany. The nationalist (Wotan) “Old Prussian Grand Lodges” freemason lodges which contained the German high command, industrialists, financers, and the royal houses were exempted from Nazi Germany’s 1942 law banning all secret societies.[5]
Among the “Old Prussian Grand Lodges” most likely included the Scottish Rite Lodges. In Nazi Germany, the “Old Prussian Grand Lodges” reorganized to distance themselves from “regular” humanitarian (racial neutral) freemasonry. The grand masters sent oaths of allegiance to the Third Reich and reorganized as “The Frederick the Great Association”.[6] In 1762, Frederick the Great of Prussia became the head of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry.[7]
Double Headed Eagle Scottish Rite Symbol with 32
degree inside a Pyramid, Secret Nazi Lapel Pendant with 32 degree inside a
Pyramid atop the Nazi Swastika.
There are reports that Lucifer’s Servants Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Josef Mengele, Old Prussian-New Order of the Teutonic Knights, and Reichsleieter Martin Bormann, Nazi Party-Old Prussian-Thule Society-Brotherhood of Death, visited Jonestown and may have partially secretly help fund along with the CIA, the Jonestown Experiment.[8] On October 29, 1965, Operation PAPERCLIP/MK-ULTRA/BLOODSTONE/MOCKINGBIRD CIA Chief Frank Wisner had become so fearful and obsessed with Martin Bormann taking over the world that he blew his brains out with a shotgun. It is an over simplified cover story.
Frank Wisner was one of America’s most important post WWII OSS/CIA intelligence operatives. He had been bound by a blood oath far greater and deadlier than his oath of allegiance to America and U.S. Constitution. He belonged to the New Order of Teutonic Knights headed by Nazi intelligence operative Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, Chief of the Gehlen Org in America. Wisner is generally disguised as being a Knight Templar. Baron Bolschwing is U.S. National Security Top Secret, a layer of Top Secret then layered upon Top Secret and classified in America.
Martin Bormann is generally considered to have been far more powerful than the Fuhrer himself. Bormann is also top secret stuff of the likes of Baron Bolschwing. Wisner bleached National Security and violated his blood oath by talking about Bormann’s secret quest for global dominance among the unauthorized. Bormann was supposed to be left dead in Germany in May 1945. Wisner was drugged out of his mind, institutionalized in a mental hospital, then liquidated in a gory-heinous fashion as a message. They play no games.
After the Jonestown Massacre, 20,000 doses of Demerol were found along with 1,150 doses of Talwin which is similar to Demerol in morphine-like actions. The drug has a history of creating psychological and physical dependence. They found 2,000 Valium tablets, along with 10,000 injectable doses and 1,000 tablets of Thorazine (chlorpromazine).[9] However, the drug of choice for experimental behavior modification and mind control purposes appears to have been Demerol[10] and Thorazine.[11]
All the medical experimental notes and charts from Dr. Schacht’s Jonestown Extended Care Center and mission clinic were secreted out of Jonestown.
Oh God he’s taking Demerol –Michael Jackson
Datura stramonium, known by the common names jimson weed, devil’s trumpet, devil’s weed, thorn apple, tolguacha, Jamestown weed, stinkweed, locoweed, datura, pricklyburr, devil’s cucumber, hell’s bells, moonflower appears to be the genesis of Dermerol.[12]
Scopolamine is among the secondary metabolites (organic compounds) of plants from Solanaceae (nightshade) family of plants. The family of plants informally known as the nightshade includes Datura stramonium.[13]
Datura stramonium was used as a mystical sacrament in both possible places of origin, North America and South Asia. In Hinduism, Lord Shiva was known to smoke Cannabis and Datura. Datura effects can be unpredictable and sometimes fatal.[14]
In the United States the plant is called jimson weed, or more rarely Jamestown weed; it got this name from the town of Jamestown, Virginia, where British soldiers were drugged with it while attempting to suppress Bacon’s Rebellion. They spent eleven days generally appearing to have gone insane.[15]
The plant is also the real world basis for the fictional plant “Devil Grass” in Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series, a drug which variably brings sweet dreams; or nightmares, and possibly death.[16]
The synthesis of Scopolamine and/or atropine in the 1930s and 1940s resulted in a subclass of drugs, called Pethidine, the first fully synthetic opioid analgesic, known as Dolatin and Demerol amongst many other trade names.[17] Demerol is the synthetic first cousin of Scopolamine out of the Nightshade Family.
Pethidine (Demerol) was the first synthetic opioid synthesized in 1932 as a potential anti-spasmodic agent by the chemist Otto Eislib. Its analgesic properties were first recognized by Otto Schaumann working for IG Farben in Nazi Germany.[18]
CIA-MK ULTRA drug experiments conducted by Victor H. Vogel and Harris Isbell of the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, Lexington, KY, found that Demerol’s first cousin Scopolamine or hyoscine make patients psychotic.[19] Scopolamine intoxication can be used as a model of transient global amnesia.[20] From recent reports of the abuse of Scopolamine, the drug removes free will, effectively turning victims into suggestible human puppets.[21]
Michael Jackson-Trance Formation
Post-hypnotic suggestion is the induction, under hypnosis, of a person into a behavior or thinking pattern that makes itself manifest after he has come out of the hypnotic state.[22]
On May 10, 2009, Dr. Conrad Murray secretly recorded Michael Jackson (MJ) on his iPhone. During the trial of Dr. Murray for involuntary manslaughter, the prosecution played Dr. Murray’s four minute plus tape recording of MJ. MJ is heard in badly slurred speech and in an absolutely unrecognizable voice as if he was drugged, but reading, word from word, directly from a script speaking to a man in a mirror,
“When people leave this show, when people leave my show, I want them to say, `I’ve never seen nothing like this in my life. Go. Go. I’ve never seen nothing like this. Go. It’s amazing. He’s the greatest entertainer in the world.”[23]
MJ goes on to describe how he wants to use proceeds from the concerts to fund a “Michael Jackson’s Children’s Hospital.” he continues as if again, word to work, repetition,
“Gonna have a movie theater, game room,” he says on the recording. “Children are depressed. The — in those hospitals, no game room, no movie theater. They’re sick because they’re depressed. Their mind is depressing them. I want to give them that. I care about them, them angels. God wants me to do it. God wants me to do it. I’m gonna do it, Conrad.”[24]
In mind control programming, the programmer/handler is most often perceived as the “master” or “God.” At the end of the spoken script, SPEAKING FROM THE LAND OF THE DREAM WORLD, MJ said, “I am asleep”.
“I am asleep” -Michael Jackson
MJ’s speech wasn’t just markedly “slurred” and “drugged.” It wasn’t a “rambling.” MJ had been speaking to Dr. Murray from the dream world in trance formation. Sirhan Sirhan has to be one of best documented cases of automatic writing, hypnotic repetition and “POST-HYPNOTIC SUGGESTIONS.”
MJ’s speech from the dream world was like Sirhan Sirhan’s infamous “RFK MUST DIE, RFK MUST DIE.” It was actually hypnotic repetition, repeating, word to work, from a programmer/handler’s “POST-HYPNOTIC SUGGESTIONS”.
When Sirhan was asked who told him to do this (the assassination) he said “my mirror my mirror my mirror”.[25] Immediately after RFK’s assassination, Sirhan suffered post-hypnotic symptomatic “chills” in a hot Los Angeles police department station in June 1968.[26]
Kenneth Ortega, director of “This Is It” Live testified for the prosecution in Dr. Murray’s manslaughter trial. Just days before MJ’s death, he said Michael seemed lost and was “incoherent.” Ortega said that he sat with Michael as he watched the rehearsals — rubbing Michael’s feet because the singer was symptomatically “freezing cold”.[27]
MJ had been programmed by his programmers/handlers to temporary perform at peak levels for musical rehearsals under “POST-HYPNOTIC SUGGESTIONS.” For his upcoming AEG Live This is It tour in London, MJ was brought in and out of consciousness to perform in “TRANCE” to create an illusion that he would be able to carry out the concert tour. These remarkable post-hypnotic state performances are exhibited by filmed rehearsals which became the subject of the Sony Pictures, This Is It, the Movie.[28]
Just before his death on June 25, 2009, Michael Jackson, among some of the greatest and successful entertainers in modern history, was only an illusion. The decision had been made that MJ would be catatonic among the walking dead until the time was right to devour-outright kill him.
The genius of Michael Jackson was simply a deep hole, a cash cow to a lot of shady people including the underworld. It was in their interest to maintain MJ in a state of unconsciousness and confusion with drug protocols like something out of a CIA-MK ULTRA mind control program and the Jonestown Medical Experiment in Guyana.
According to a declaration of Dr. Steven Hoefflin, Dr. Arnold Klein “Dermatologist to the Stars” and Debbie Rowe, who worked as a nurse for Klein, injected as much as 1,850 mg of Demerol into Jackson during a three-day period in August 1993. MJ was stressed with the Chandler Molestation Case. It is alleged by Dr. Murray’s defense and others allege that Klein and Rowe kept MJ under a regiment of Demerol, a MK ULTRA Hypnotic,[29] until his death on June 25, 2009. [30]
MJ had been maintained under a regiment of Propofol for more than a decade before Dr. Murray came on the scene. Dr. Murray said that he had been instructed by Dr. Steven Adams how to administer Propofol to MJ at his office in Las Vegas. Police affidavits says that Dr. Murray told them that he was not the first doctor to introduce MJ to the drug, and that multiple doctors had done so, including Dr. Arnold Klein, Dr. Alan Metzeger, Dr. Cherilyn Lee and Dr. Adams, two unknown doctors in Germany.[31]
One of the paramedics responding to MJ’s medical crisis asked Dr. Murray if MJ was allergic to any drugs that he knew of, he responded, Thorazine. It suggests that MJ had been previously experimentally drugged with Jonestown’s second most used hypnotic drug, Thorazine, but developed an allergic reaction to it. Who told Dr. Murray about MJ’s Thorazine allergic reaction- Dr. Klein, Metzeger, Lee or Adams-DOCTORS IN GERMANY?
Michael Jackson & the Luciferians
“So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Revelation 12:9
It doesn’t take much reading between-the-lines to see from the early stages of Dr. Conrad Murray’s manslaughter trial that Michael Jackson had been liquidated…assassinated. What is also chillingly frightening in this case is that MJ appears to have been deliberately maintained by his enemies in a state of continuous confusion and unconsciousness with experimental drugs out of the pages of CIA-MK ULTRA.
In 2002, MJ had proclaimed that that he had outsmarted the shadowy-demonic figures revolving around Sony like Tommy Mottola, the chairman of the company. Jackson particularly singled out Mottola for being “mean … a racist … and very, very, very devilish.” On June 15, 2005, MJ told a crowd at a fan club event in London in no uncertain terms, “Tommy Mottola is a DEVIL.”[32]
The principals in line with Mottola to destroy him and steal his music catalogue included his so-called friend, film director Brett Ratner, MJ’s business attorney John Branca and Al Malnik, a wealthy Miami attorney who had been a “foot solider” for the infamous underworld Mafia Crime Boss, Meyer Lansky. In fact, it is generally believed that Malnik was Lansky’s “heir apparent” in the underworld; that is no small and insignificant matter to overlook.[33]
Al Malnik: Michael Jackson, Meyer Lansky & Murder, Inc.
“’It was a known fact among the criminal underworld that dealing with Al Malnik was the same as dealing with Meyer Lansky,’ [said] Vincent Teresa, ‘a convicted criminal and frequent government witness currently in the federal Witness Protection Program,’ …”[34]
Al Malnik of Miami is a successful restaurateur, a major consumer loan lender and an entertainment lawyer to the likes of late iconic entertainers Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., Dean Martin and Jackie Gleason.[35] Just the mention of a Meyer Lansky link is chilling and can never be any small and insignificant matter. Lansky was the right hand man of Mafioso Charles (Lucky) Luciano.
According to Lucky Luciano’s authorized biography, Lansky helped arrange a deal (Project UNDERWORLD) with the U.S. Government via a high-ranking Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) official, Frank Wisner and Wild Bill Donovan of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).[36] This deal secured the release of Luciano and other major mafia mobsters from prison; in exchange the Italian Mafia provided security for the war ships that were being built along the docks in New York Harbor. German submarines were sinking allied shipping outside the coast on a daily basis and there was great fear of attack or sabotage by Nazis,[37] and if necessary, the mob provided strong-arm tactics needed to continue their international drug trafficking, prostitution rings, criminal enterprise (MURDER, Inc.); and win the war against incipient Communism in Italy.[38]
Meyer (Little Man) Lansky led the Mafia and Murder, Inc.[39] into a criminal unholy alliance with the U.S. intelligence sector, U.S. and Allied Military Forces during WW II, and loomed significantly inside U.S. covert operations and assassinations around the world until his death in 1983. Today, Lansky’s foot soldiers (Mafia-Murder, Inc.) march in step with Langley, the CIA.[40] The Lansky Gang was like an octopus with tentacles in a lot of powerful and dangerous places and circles within the government and around the globe.
Another second generation successor in Lansky’s unholy alliance with the CIA was a major Los Angeles (CIA & Cocaine Trafficking-DARK ALLIANCE) crime figure, Joey Ippolito, Jr.[41] His father, Joseph Ippolito, Sr., had been in the pay of Meyer Lansky’s criminal syndicate. In Los Angeles, Joey ran a major cocaine trafficking ring. Joey’s Nubian bodyguard and chauffer was A.C. Cowlings, O.J. Simpson’s right hand man.[42]
Cowlings, Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman were alleged to
be part of Joey’s Hollywood cocaine distribution ring that owed him a lot of
drug money.[43] The shadow of Joey Ippolito seeped
into every crack and shadow in the O.J. Simpson murder case.
Yet, his name was seldom if ever mentioned by Simpson’s defense team like “Gatekeepers” to the TRUTH. Simpson’s successful “dream team” circle included Carl E. Douglas.
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8
In March 2005, MJ and some of his family alleged that Mottola and Malnik, above, had formed a conspiracy against him. The Jacksons believed their mother, Katherine, was being paid by them, who wanted to take control of his major economic asset, the Sony/ATV Music catalogue, which holds publishing rights to 251 Beatles songs and works by scores of other pop artists. The catalogue is held jointly by MJ and Sony, and MJ’s share was mortgaged for more than $200 million. If MJ defaulted, Sony had the first chance to buy his half [44]
They also believed that MJ had been framed for molestation of children by these same “racist-devilish” powerful agents. On April 21, 2004, MJ was indicted for four counts of molesting a minor, four counts of intoxicating a minor in order to molest him, one count of attempted child molestation, and one count of conspiring to hold the boy and his family captive at his 2,700-acre Neverland Ranch, as well as conspiring to commit extortion and child abduction. On June 13, 2005, the jury found MJ not guilty on all fourteen charges, plus four lesser-included misdemeanor counts.[45]
Principals like Al Malnik and the unholy-dark alliance just don’t go away. They’ll wait if necessary for decades to move. But all the while, they will put people in place. They will covertly surround you and by the time you realize what happened, it’s too late.
No one has said ‘he must die’. There’s been no vote, nothing on paper, it’s as old as the crucifixion. –X, JFK, the Movie[46]
Gordon Novel, The Clandestine CIA Fix it Man & Neverland Ranch
“According to [Gordon] Novel, Jackson said he was lured to Malnik’s house in Miami Beach by film director Brett Ratner to see a house so beautiful it would make him catatonic.” –Gordon Novel, Vanity Fair
Catatonic! Just now Gordon Novel of the CIA got inside the Jackson family and MJ’s Neverland Ranch is absolutely beyond me. Novel is an infamous CIA disinformation – electronic spy specialist from flying saucers to the assassination of JFK. Novel is an original Plumber out of the criminal neo-Nazi Nixon White House. He is a notorious clandestine U.S. government “FIX-IT” man that plugs public leaks by any means necessary. Novel has to be have been one of the most dangerous Luciferians left over from the CIA-MK ULTRA- JFK Assassination conspiracy era in America.[47]
Gordon Novel: “… I’m trying to get the word. Somnambulistic … where they’re subject to being hypnotized in a second and whatever you tell them to do, they’ll do…”
Interviewer: But this is MK-ULTRA we’re talking about?
Gordon Novel: “Yeah. MK-ULTRA had a major league play in all of this. So, you know who’s running MK-ULTRA type of research now? It’s anybody’s guess. It isn’t the CIA any more. I like to think I had a hand in causing that to go away from Langley.”[48]
Novel’s connection to MK-ULTRA is simply mind-blowing. He has access to Langley’s entire arsenal-stockpile of Top Secret U.S. National Security ungodly biological-CHEMICAL-ethic warfare, mind control and incapacitating drugs. In 1966, Novel had entered the vast clandestine U.S. National Security State with President Lyndon B. Johnson’s White House with the Office of Security and Intelligence linked to Top Secret and classified Nazi-SS (Teutonic Knights of the Black Sun) developmental research of OPERATION PAPERCLIP.[49]
According to Alan J. Weberman, Novel had been one of Lucifer’s Servants from an early age: “In his youth, Gordon Novel belonged to a neo-Nazi group and was arrested and charged with bombing a Metairie, Louisiana, theater that admitted blacks”.[50]
On March 23, 1967, New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison, subject of JFK, the popular movie, had ordered the arrest of Novel as a material witness in the conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. In New Orleans, Novel had secretly infiltrated Garrison’s staff as a “mole” as Chief of Security to spy and sabotage the JFK investigation.[51]
Garrison discovered that Novel secretly worked closely with David Ferrie, Guy Bannister, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Gordon Novel’s wife testified to Garrison that Novel was the clean shaved person impersonating Oswald and fabricating evidence against him in advance of the murder. Novel was an absolute dead ringer for Lee Harvey Oswald and was in Dallas, Texas, as well as in Mexico and Fort Worth, in the six weeks prior to November 22nd, doing his part in the conspiracy.[52]
Novel also worked for the Evergreen Advertising Agency in New Orleans, a CIA front that alerted anti-Castro agents to the date of the Bay of Pigs invasion by placing coded messages in radio commercials for Christmas trees. Novel was a paid employee and secret operative of the CIA.[53]
When Novel fled New Orleans to avoid Garrison’s arrest, he fled to Columbus, Ohio and obtained the aid of the Columbus office of the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC) to avoid extradition.[54] J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, was in charge of NASA’s Security Division and the DISC in his position as head of counter-espionage activities in the United States. His agents investigated every employee of the space agency as well as the employees of the pertinent contractors doing business with NASA and also prospective employees of every arms and munitions manufacturer.[55] Hoover had worked directly with Lucifer’s Servant Sturmbannführer SS Wernher Von Braun in connection with NASA’s security since his arrival in the United States from Nazi Germany in December 1945.[56]
Lyndon Johnson, as Vice-President behind JFK, was Chairman of NASA. Johnson and Bobby Baker worked diligently to obtain a nine billion dollar Apollo space rocket contract for SS von Braun (NASA) and his SS rocket team out of the Peenemünde Rocket base in Nazi Germany.[57]
Novel is also linked with the international assassination network linked with ardent Nazi Lucifer Servant Gruppenfuhrer (Major General) SS Dr. Walter Robert Dohrnberger of Bell Helicopter and Permindex, above with SS-1 Himmler.[58]
Novel was also part of President Richard Nixon’s infamous secret team of White House Plumbers. In 1984, the Late Great Mae Brussell began to work with Larry Flynt’s Rebel Magazine to produce some of her landmark exposes on government criminal conspiracies, assassinations and Murder, Inc. After her classic milestone piece, “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination”,[59] was published in Rebel nationally in January 1984, White House Plumber operatives G. Gordon Libby and Gordon Novel was dispatched into Flynt’s publishing enterprise and into his home to fix it, shut down Rebel, Mae Brussell and forcible turn Larry Flynt.[60]
After Liddy and Novel departed, Flynt was left in almost a vegetable state, his wife was dead from AIDS, and his prized Hustler Magazine was purged of its investigative articles and writing team and by early 1984 Rebel Magazine had been eliminated from existence altogether.[61]
Also, Novel’s housemate, the infamous OSS/CIA assassin and gun runner, Mitchell WerBell, was put on Flynt’s payroll as his million dollar bodyguard.[62] Mae said they’d given Flynt painkillers that fucked his judgment up and made him want to jump from an airplane to his death to protest the New York Times’ refusal to let him buy a full page carrying his view of the KAL 007 disaster that killed U.S. Congressman Larry McDonald of the John Birch Society.[63]
On March 17, 2005, the same infamous neo-Nazi CIA operative and disinformation specialist Gordon Novel, nearly a month into MJ’s molestation trial, entered Neverland Ranch to consult with MJ on the Branca-Mottola-Malnik Combination. Novel told Vanity Fair Magazine that he had been contacted by Jermaine Jackson and family to consult with MJ regarding the plot to steal his catalogue.[64]
With Novel’s appearance at Neverland, MJ’s fate had been sealed from the highest levels of the Underworld and the U.S. Government. Within a few years, MJ would also be found drugged into a virtual vegetable-comatose state. In the end, MJ did not have enough strength to recover his breath, his life forces, after being left with Propofol, DEMEROL and CIA-MK ULTRA drugs… catatonic!
Dr. Conrad Murray, the Perfect Pasty
Dr. Conrad Murray, the Most Faithful Secret Servant of the Scottish Rite with Masonic Chain Collar
Dr. Murray is a lodge member of the United Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F.& A.M out of Houston, Texas. It is true that the grand lodge is not necessarily, per se, a regular charter lodge out of the United Grand Lodge of England.[65]
Headed Eagle- Symbol of the Scottish Rite
United Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F.& A.M is a “Scottish Rite” lodge of the Southern Jurisdiction.[66] The symbol most commonly associated with the Scottish Rite is the double headed eagle. The origins of the Scottish Rite are hidden in mist dating back to 1742 in Berlin where there was talk of “higher or so-called Scottish Masonry.” In 1743 the Grand Lodge of France adopted a regulation limiting the privileges of “Scots Masters” in lodges.[67] These early “Scot Masters” were most likely linked to the Knight Templars that fled into Scotland during the Vatican 14th Century inquisitions.[68] In 1762, Frederick the Great of Prussia cemented the Scottish Rite in Germany when he joined and headed the society.
The Double Headed Eagle of Charlemagne, King of the Franks and Holy Emperor
of the Roman Empire
The Scottish Rite did not formally come into being in the United States until the formation of the Mother Supreme Council at Charleston, South Carolina, in May 1801 declared its existence with a motto of “Ordo ab Chao” (Order from Chaos).[69] They were known as The Eleven Gentlemen of Charleston, the Founding Fathers of the Scottish Rite.[70] This new organization declared control of high-degree Masonry in America.[71]
Albert Pike is asserted within the Southern Jurisdiction as the man most responsible for the growth and success of the Scottish Rite from an obscure Masonic Rite in the mid-19th century to the international fraternity that it became.[72] During the Civil War, Pike became a Confederate General that was linked with the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln;[73] the founding of the Ku Klux Klan;[74] and Luciferian Satanism.
On July 14, 1889, Pike explained the theological dogma of the Scottish Rite in the ‘Instructions’ issued by him, , to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world and have been recorded by A. C. De La Rive in La Femme et l’ Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle (page 588) from which book it was translated and quoted as follows : “To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees – The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.”[75]
Dr. Murray is a blood oath Scottish Rite freemason from Frederick the Great and Old Prussia. He is a member of a sect of an ultra-secret powerful high-degree Freemasonry molded by Albert Pike in the Luciferian Doctrine. It is generally believed that his business and profession really took off when joined the Scottish Rite. He is subject to the command of a higher secret Luciferian hierarchical order that I doubt he seriously fully comprehend the nature of. He is enslaved and bound to a hierarchy of secrecy by his blood oath.
I suspect that Dr. Murray must have truly believed that once in a lifetime contact with MJ and the lucrative $150,000 a month exclusive contract with “This is It” AEG Live concert tour to care for Michael Jackson was one his Luciferian perks. Whoever drew Dr. Murray into a ring of secrecy deliberately bounded him to it with a Luciferian blood oath. They knew of his background and his tendency to be easily distracted and fascinated by young beautiful women with a sugar daddy life style, and blinded by ambition and money. They knew that their perfect “Patsy” and fall guy smoke screen for MJ’s assassination had to be a hapless Black man.
Lloyds of London insured AEG Live’s MJ concerts at London’s O2 arena. It is seeking to nullify the policy through the Los Angeles courts. AEG Live took out the policy two months before Jackson’s death in 2009 under an alias name. The insurance policy covered the promoters up to the value of $17.5million “if MJ failed to perform”. Lloyds claim that the promoter failed to supply vital medical details, including the ‘apparent prescription drug use and/or addiction’. They state that AEG Live should have provided full information on Jackson’s medical history. Lloyds had also sought information about Conrad Murray as MJ’s personal doctor. They claim that the information on Dr. Murray had been withheld from them since December 2009.[76]
In February 2009, Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) and Lloyds allegedly had MJ examined under an alias “Mark Jones” by Dr. David Slavitt, an ear-nose-and-throat specialist based in New York City, under that pseudonym insurance policy. Supposedly, Dr. Slavitt examined MJ and gave him a clean bill of health on the policy, but nobody appears to have a copy of that medical exam. AEG said that they don’t have it, and Dr. Slavitt isn’t talking.[77]
By June 25, 2009, it seems as if time was of the essence. It was only a matter of time before the real MJ had to be examined under the insurance policy, and his true medical condition had to be revealed to the insurer and investors.
Kenny Ortega, the renowned choreographer and director, director of MJ’s “This Is It” comeback concerts already had grave concerns about MJ’s health and his ability to perform. The week before MJ’s death, he observed that MJ showed up at rehearsals too ill to dance. Alarmed by what he saw, Ortega wrote to an e-mail to AEG raising questions about whether the shows should be canceled due to MJ’s health and mental condition. “Everything in me says he should be psychologically evaluated”.[78]
It was also only a matter of time before AEG had to release background information on Dr. Murray; and hire another Doctor and set of eyes to help Dr. Murray with MJ and a CRP machine as they had committed to do.
Conrad Murray, Tiger Woods & Sex Magick in the Public Domain
Conrad Murray’s Secret Masonic hand recognition signal[79]
and the Hidden Hand. The Hidden Hand represents Duality-
Good-Evil, Heaven-Hell, Light-Dark and the Seen-Unseen.
Dr. Conrad Murray is an elite Frederick the Great-Albert Pike
Scottish Rite freemason cultivated in the Luciferian Doctrine. The
prosecution established Dr. Murray juggling at least six poor desperate
young women of color between two cell phones within a couple hours of MJ’s
death.[80] Exploiting young women is part of practice of the Ritual of Auto
Erotic Sex Magick. Sex Magick is the art of utilizing the
sexual act and sex acts auto-erotically to evoke a reality and/or expand
consciousness and power of the Magickan; and obtain the divine union.[81]
Sex Magick Ritual is taught among the highest degrees of
the Luciferian Doctrine.
Ordo Templi Orientis & Sex Magick
Luciferian Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST 666, is a founder of Ordo Templi Orientis and the Master of the Sex Magick Rituals
Our order possesses the key which opens up all Masonic and Hermetic secrets, namely, the teachings of sexual magic, and this teaching explains, without exception, all the secrets of Freemasonry and all systems of religion.[82]
Dr. Murray and Tiger Woods, men of color, exist only on the fringe by their fingernails to a powerful secret racialist elite Luciferian Hierarchy. The elite hierarchy’s Luciferian Sex Magick Rituals are unseen-hidden behind blood oaths, masks and a deadly veil of secrecy. Dr. Murray and Tiger Wood’s (auto-erotic) sex rituals are open subject to be exploited at will by their masters.
Mass media created quite a kick out of the appearance of Dr. Murray’s live-in paramour, Nicole Alvarez, in the Conrad Murray involuntary manslaughter trial. At first appearance, she is an attractive actress playing out a scene in the public domain. However, she may be another hapless programmed sex kitten suffering multiple personality disorder (MPD). When the prosecutor asked her what she meant by maintaining her “instrument” in her profession, she suddenly changed facial expressions, straightened her body and flipped her hand in front of herself as if saying, “presenting.” She flashed into an alternative dissociated state. The “instrument” she explained adamantly was “myself”.[83]
Dr. Murray, the faithful secret servant of the Scottish Rite, didn’t possess the millions of a Tiger Woods or the multi-million dollar criminal Nazi and mob network of his brother mason Italian President Silvio Berlusconi of Propaganda 2 (P2- Albert Pike-linked Masonic Grand Lodge of Italy) to support a gallery[84] and den of beautiful butterfly sex kittens[85] to satisfy his Luciferian auto-erotic lifestyle unseen-under the veil of absolute secrecy.
The secret hierarchy put Dr. Murray on a mission not unlike a Lee Harvey Oswald to save the day by secretly infiltrating MJ’s camp on a undertaking to save MJ from his enemies for the multi-million-billion dollar investment and potential from spin-off movies, television, books, magazines-merchandising opportunities in AEG’s Live This Is It London concert tour.
AEG Live‘s Co-CEO Paul Gongaware sweetened Dr. Murray’s deal to become MJ’s personal physician with $150,000 a month and the dream of opportunities, fortune and fame that awaited him in London. He told Dr. Murray even after selling out 50 shows, there were still 250,000 people waiting for tickets.[86]
The CIA-FBI hierarchy had put Oswald on a similar secret mission to infiltrate the mob-intelligence circles including Gordon Novel in New Orleans and Dallas conspiring to assassinate John F. Kennedy, the President of the United States. When JFK was assassinated in Dallas in front of the book depository where he worked, the net closed so quickly on Oswald that he didn’t know what happened. He looked up. He was isolated and alone. He soon realized that he had been setup from the beginning to be the “patsy” for the assassination of JFK.
But, it was too late to save the President of the United States or himself.
The Net Close in on Dr. Murray
On the evening of June 24, 2009, the good most faithful Dr. Murray had been lured to the Carolwood Drive in the afternoon by Michael Amir Williams. Williams told him that rehearsals had been cut short, allegedly, because of MJ’s business meetings. Dr. Murray took the bait and met MJ at the mansion at about 1:00 p.m. MJ couldn’t sleep. Dr. Murray and MJ were up all night. At approximately 10:40 a.m. June 25, Dr. Murray finally succumbed and had to administer Propofol to try to put MJ asleep.[87]
Dr. Murray was on high alert as he had been all night when he heard MJ coming through Propofol anesthesia heaving for breath at approximately 11:54 a.m. Speculation: He ran to aid MJ with oxygen. The oxygen tank was empty. He found the other two in the room rendered inoperative. Between 12:05-12:10 p.m., he screamed for the chef for help. “Get security”, he shouted.[88] At least 21 fresh oxygen tanks were locked in the security stack outside.[89] Security never arrived. She didn’t call security. There was no CPR machine to help MJ. Dr. Murray had requested one from AEG. It never arrived. Chief of Security, Faheem Muhammad had fortuitously left the premises.
At 12:13 p.m., Dr. Murray called MJ’s personal assistant on the phone, Michael Amir Williams. In a panic, he demanded. “Get here right away. Mr. Jackson had a bad reaction Get somebody here immediately”, Dr. Murray pleaded with Williams. Speculation: Williams knew exactly who that somebody was that he was talking about, Dr. Arnold Klein or Dr. Steven Adams, who drugged MJ with DEMEROL or other secret MK-ULTRA drug during the day of June 24.[90]
Williams called Faheem than Alberto Alvarez in the security trailer at approximately 12:17 p.m. At approximately 12:18 p.m., Alvarez rushed to house and upstairs finding Dr. Murray fanatic applying manual CPR to bring MJ back to life. Alvarez called 9-11 at 12:20 p.m.[91] Faheem Muhammad rushed into the room and began helping with chest compressions while Murray attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.[92]
At approximately 12:27 p.m., paramedics arrive at the Carolwood Mansion. At 12:29 p.m., MJ had no pulse.[93] At 1:07 p.m., the singer was taken to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center with Dr. Murray rode by MJ’s side in the ambulance, where doctors attempted a range of resuscitation techniques. Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m.[94]
At sometime thereafter at the hospital after MJ had been pronounced dead, Dr. Murray had been up all night with MJ and should have been frantically exhausted from ordeal of MJ’s life and death struggle. He approached Muhammad, Chief of Security, for a ride to get something to eat. He refused. Dr. Murray soon thereafter approached Muhammad and Williams for a ride back to the Carolwood Mansion to get his car, they lied and refused to help him.
He looked around. MJ had died right in front of him which from his medical opinion had been a bad reaction to a drug that he didn’t administer. He had being isolated without help. He must have understood at that point that he had been setup from the beginning to be the “fall guy” for the death of the MJ.
But, it was far too late to save the World’s Best Loved and Greatest Entertainer, Michael Jackson or himself.
The Octopus Close it Tentacles on Dr. Murray
On August 31, 2009, two months after MJ’s death, three of his staff at the Carolwood Drive Mansion, Alberto Alvarez (Security), Faheem Muhammad (Chief of Security) and Michael Amir Williams (Personal Assistant) met at Carl Douglas’ law office in Beverly Hills and offered police damaging statements that suggested in the fanatic moments following MJ’s death, Dr. Murray had been preoccupied with concealing evidence (circumstantial evidence of a guilty conscious) than saving MJ.[95]
At trial, Dr. Murray’s defense counsel, Ed Chernoff, tried to establish if their statements were so important, why, they waited two months before going to police, and why they hadn’t offered their statements to police on the day of MJ’s death, June 25, 2009. Chernoff also wanted to know why they needed the assistance of counsel, Carl Douglas, to make their statements to police. Chernoff also attempted to establish why they met, together, on August 31 with Carl Douglas to get their facts straight before offering their statements to police.
Trial Judge Michael E. Pastor and the prosecutors blocked each and every of Chernoff’s attempts to establish and explore the true nature of Carl Douglas’ role in lining up key prosecution witness statements and trial testimony. Judge Pastor is a former Los Angeles City Attorney. He was appointed to the bench by Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing’s Democrat Jesuit Priest Jerry Brown in 1983. Pastor also wrote a letter of recommendation for Dr. Murray’s lead prosecutor, David Walgren, who is looking to become a judge.[96] Interesting.
In fact, Carl Douglas had lobbied in the public domain to setup his clients as Dr. Murray’s key prosecution witnesses. On or about August 25, 2009, Carl Douglas told the Los Angeles Times, “Some of their information could shed new light on the timeline police have established covering Jackson’s final hours and the actions of his doctor.”[97] How did Douglas know about LAPD investigators’ working timelines and notes within two months of MJ’s death?
Douglas told the Times, “We arranged two separate occasions for LAPD investigators to meet with my clients. My clients came early wearing suits and ties. The first meeting was canceled and rescheduled. The second meeting I had to call them to inquire about the [detectives'] absence.”[98] Publicly, in all cases, Carl Douglas has declined further comment on his role in Dr. Murray’s prosecution and setup.[99]
Faheem Muhammad: Dummying the Jury Down, Does anyone know CPR?
At trial, Douglas’ client, Faheem Muhammad’s testimony was that Dr. Murray was in panic trying to conceal evidence. When Dr. Murray asked Faheem to return to Carolwood Drive Mansion to allegedly get some “cream”, he lied to him that he gave the keys to the police. When Dr. Murray asked for a ride to get some food, Faheem lied and refused assistance. When Dr. Murray asked to return to the mansion in Holmby Hills to retrieve his car, Faheem lied again and refused to assist him. The majority of Faheem’s responses to cross-examination were arrogant in tone and manner consistently saying, “I don’t recall” to simple defense questions.
At Dr. Murray’s preliminary hearing, Faheem Muhammad said that Dr. Conrad Murray seemed not to know how to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation as he waited for paramedics to arrive at the house. Muhammad told the court that he and guard Alberto Alvarez saw Murray crouched next to Jackson’s bed “in a panicked state asking, ‘Does anyone know CPR?’” Muhammad told the court, “I looked at Alberto because we knew Dr. Murray was a heart surgeon, so we were shocked”.[100] Does anyone know CPR? Hmmm……!
Did Muhammad or Alvarez know CPR? If either knew CPR, it shows that they were, for some reason, markedly indifferent and incredibly dissociated from MJ’s fate as he was lying in bed desperately near death, or THEY WERE OUTRIGHT LYING. Strikingly by their trial testimony, they offered neither MJ nor Dr. Murray help, but were significantly anxious to help the police target Dr. Murray for homicide. Nevertheless, Muhammad admitted that he took MJ to Dr. Arnold Klein‘s office several times a week and MJ often came out “a bit tipsy” – MK ULTRA-DRUGGED.[101]
The 30 Second Man: Alberto Alvarez
Douglas’ client other client, Alberto Alvarez, told the jury that Conrad Murray asked him to gather drug vials and an IV bag before calling paramedics. But cross-examining Alvarez, defense counsel Chernoff established that phone records cast serious doubt on his chronology and timeline of events. Those records established a window of approximately 30 seconds long of what Alvarez had identified as 14 separate events that he performed in Jackson’s bedroom ranging from comforting of the singer’s children to his placing pill bottles in bags. On re-direct examination, the prosecution did not dispute or challenge the 30 second window within which Alvarez delivered up to 14 separate events that he testified that he had performed before calling 911. According to the prosecution, Alvarez was just “very efficient”.[102] Hmmm…….!
Somebody Call 911 Immediately: Michael Amir Williams
Douglas’ client Michael Amir William told the jury that Dr. Murray called him at 12:13 pm saying, “Call me right away.” When he called back, Murray told him MJ had a “bad reaction” … and to “get somebody here immediately.” When he arrived at the mansion, the first thing he saw was MJ being brought out in a gurney. He said Murray seemed “frantic.”[103] What about MJ on that gurney?
Williams said after he learned of Michael’s death at the hospital, Murray came up to him and said there was “some cream Michael wouldn’t want the world to know about.” Murray asked him to drive him to the home so he could retrieve the “cream.” After checking with Faheem Muhammad, the two decided to deliberate lie to Dr. Murray, and not let Murray back into the house.[104]
On June 25, 2009 or soon thereafter, Williams did not mention to police Dr. Murray’s request to re-enter the house to get some cream, but suddenly two months later at or about August 31, 2009 at Carl Douglas’ Law Office in Beverly Hills decided this fact was relevant to Dr. Murray’s culpability for homicide.
When Chernoff asked Williams why he didn’t call 9-11 or demand Dr. Murray call 9-11 to save MJ, he said with utter cold indifference, Dr. Murray never asked him to call 9-11.[105] Nobody asked him to call 9-11. Hmmm ……!
Lunch as Usual?: Chef Kia Chase
Some of the most bizarre and chilling trial testimony came from MJ’s chef, Kia Chase. Ms. Chase claimed that almost ten minutes before anyone called 911, Dr. Murray frantically begged her for help.[106]
According to Chase, she was in the kitchen preparing lunch for Michael and his kids — and between 12:05 and 12:10 p.m., Murray ran downstairs, yelling for her to “get Prince, get help, get security.”[107] She recalled that Dr. Murray was “flustered” and “screaming.”[108] She said Dr. Murray appeared to be “frantic” and “in a panic”. She testified that “His energy was very nervous…”[109]
She calmly described immediately locating Prince and sending him upstairs to Dr. Murray. “I said, `Hurry. Dr. Murray needs you. There may be something wrong with your father,”‘ Chase said she told the boy. She didn’t call security or offer to help MJ or Dr. Murray. She went back to the kitchen to prepare “Lunch as Usual.”[110] Hmmm ……!
Kai Chase wasn’t one of Douglas’ clients, but exhibited at trial some of the very same strange patterns of utter indifference, impassionate and dissociated behavior to the fate of MJ or the plight of Dr. Murray on June 25, 2009. She had been fired by MJ in May. Who brought her back on June 2, 23 days before MJ’s death? She said it was 7-year-old Prince Michael II, known as Blanket, Malnik’s God-son. Hmmm ……!
Michael Jackson & the GATEKEEPERS to the TRUTH
The Snakes Are Hiding in the Grass
What stands out in the early stages of Conrad Murray’s trial for involuntary manslaughter is the overwhelming appearance of Black and Brown faces carrying the load for the prosecution. It is a deliberate deception and mass media illusion, re-imaging, to dispel MJ’s consistent complaints and the public perception that RACISM was/is at the base of the conspiracy against and assassination of Michael Jackson.
In 1993, Gatekeeper Carl Douglas was behind a combination that took MJ for a bundle in a false child molestation case. MJ had been accused of molesting a 12 year old boy, Jordan Chandler.[111]
Sixteen years ago Jordan Chandler and his father, Evan Chandler, took MJ for $22 million to settle the case and quash a criminal indictment. The Chandlers got $15,332,250 and lawyers got the remainder. Douglas represented Jackson and was behind the settlement in the infamous “800 pound Gorilla in the Room” referring to Jordan’s alleged accurate description of MJ’s genital parts.[112] It is unknown what Douglas got out of the case, but he though it worth joking about.
In the Transcript of “Frozen in Time: A Riveting Behind-the-Scenes View of the Michael Jackson Cases”, Part 3, Douglas joked about his spoils out of the Chandler case “driving in my car that I was able to buy after the Michael Jackson case, I had a little bit of money on the side (laughter!).[113] Douglas isn’t involved in anything in pursuit of TRUTH and JUSTICE.
Jordan Chandler: Oh God he’s taking Demerol –Michael Jackson
After MJ’s death, the Chandler case against MJ seemed to unravel. Reports surfaced that Jordan, 29 years old, confessed that he had been forced to lie about the molestation charges by his father as a sham.[114] In fact, Evan Chandler administered MK-ULTRA Truth Drug Sodium Pentathol (Scopolamine-Demerol), the CIA’s potent Truth Drug used in interrogations, to Jordan for his dream world accusation that MJ molested him.[115]
On or about November 5, 2009, Jordan’s father, dentist Evan Chandler, was found dead in his Jersey City luxury apartment with a bullet in his head, MK-ULTRA suicided.[116]
Douglas’ client, Alberto Alvarez, story may also be unraveling in the public domain as a pack of lies as well. Witness Richard Senneff said the IV, which Alberto Alvarez testified previously was removed by Dr. Conrad Murray, was still attached. Senneff was the firefighter and paramedic who was first on the scene on the Carolwood Mansion when the emergency assistance was called.[117]
County Coroner Investigator Elissa Fleak is suspected of making revisions to her original report on Jackson’s death from 2009. She is suspected of manufacturing evidence to help corroborate with Alberto Alvarez’s testimony. Alvarez testified that he was asked by Dr. Murray to help conceal evidence, a bottle of Propofol in a bag.
Fleak admitted that she didn’t note Alvarez’s bottle of Propofol. Fleak went on to admit that her original notes did not mention finding the Propofol bottle inside the IV bag, and that the first time she placed that in her notes was earlier this year, 2011. Chernoff implied that she did this to help corroborate with Alberto Alvarez’s testimony.[118]
Fleak said she photographed the IV bag and the Propofol bottle, after taking the bottle out of the bag, to show they were found together.[119] On the third day of Dr. Murray’s trial, Alvarez said he saw a “milky white substance” in the saline bag that Murray asked him to stash into a bag moments before the ambulance was called.[120]
“While I was standing at the foot of the bed he (Murray) reached over and grabbed a handful of vials and then he said ‘here put them in a bag’.” Alvarez, testifying for the prosecution, said Murray then pointed toward an IV stand by Jackson’s bed and told him to grab one of the saline bags hanging there and take it away. The bag had “what appeared to me like a milky white substance. I recall seeing it at the bottom of the (saline) bag,” Alvarez said. Prosecutors say the milky substance was the surgical anesthetic Propofol.[121]
MJ’s defense attorney Chernoff points out to the jury that there isn’t any “milky white substance” in Alvarez’s IV bag.[122] Dr. Murray’s defense is also correct from the powerful and demonic forces behind the case that it will take science to determine the true chemical warfare drug agent that actually caused the death of Michael Jackson.
It’s already apparent from the proceedings of the trial and the spin of mass media pundits, MK ULTRA and mind control won’t be touched even though the world heard MJ tape-recorded speaking in TRANCE FORMATION under POST HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION and that he was secretly being DRUGGED up and until the time of his death.
Michael Jackson’s Assassination & The Snakes Hidden in the Grass
Finally, the names of Al Malnik and Gordon Novel and Organized Crime won’t come up in the trial. Dr. Conrad Murray is a diversion, the lone-nut “Patsy” bounded by a Luciferian Blood Oath to Secrecy. He is the WILLIE HORTON, the black face that everyone in the world that loved MJ can hate.
Carl Douglas has again helped line up all the ducks in a roll in this case to divert our attention from economic hit-men Al Malnik, Gordon Novel and the absolute corruption of U.S. Government and its UNHOLY-DARK ALLIANCE of America’s National Security State with Organized Crime for a Luciferian NEW WORLD ORDER.
MJ’s enemies and snakes in the grass, Howard Weitzman and John Branca, right, have taken over his estate as the executors. Weitzman had been MJ’s attorney in the Chandler Child Molestation Sham. They control MJ’s entire Sony/ATV Music catalogue. They produced Sony’s This Is It movie of MJ’s TRANCE FORMATION rehearsals which has become one of the most successful music film documentaries in history.
In a court document, Katherine Jackson told the TRUTH about Branca, she said that her son told her “on more than one occasion that he did not like this man and did not trust him, he told me that John [Branca] had stolen from him.” She has been forced to retract the court declaration.[123] They play no games.
“And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14
Alvin Ira Malnik, the Smooth Criminal and Angel of Light
Michael Jackson, Too Much POWER, Success and Money for a Black Man
Since MJ death, Alvin Malnik has been getting a lot of re-imaging with positive spins from the press to make him look good like an angel of light after MJ’s assassination as if he had been an innocent benevolent and fatherly image to MJ and the Jackson family.
Recently, Malnik has been telling the public through the press that he signed a document in 2003 saying that he could take custody of Blanket if anything happened to Jackson and that he also agreed in writing to be the executor of Jackson’s estate. Malnik says that Jackson at the time became the godfather of Malnik’s then 11-year-old daughter, Spencer.[124] MJ and the Malniks were one big happy multi-racial family. That Dog won’t Hunt!
To make Alvin Ira Malnik look like an angel in anybody’s book is a daunting task if ever there was one. Malnik is a major well known cut-throat organized crime figure and that won’t be ignored. Malnik was called Meyer Lansky‘s “fair-haired boy”. He is linked to some of the most notorious crime figures and political assassins in American history. He is linked along with Gordon Novel in the chain in the assassination of JFK and that cannot be washed away with his recent sense of love and charity and joy to the world.
Malnik is the proprietor of the super trendy Miami Beach hot spot The Forge, Malnik is also owner of Title Loans of America, a national chain that lends money legally at annual percentage rates reaching 264% – higher than most loan sharks, cheating the national working classes, poor and disadvantaged.[125]
The feds opened their first dossier on Malnik in 1963. It was two years after he graduated, first in his class, from Miami Law School. He had helped set up the Bank of World Commerce in Nassau (BWCN), the Bahamas, an alleged money laundering outfit that investigators said involved “some of the nation’s top gangsters.”[126] It so happens that the payoffs to the mafia in the conspiracy to assassinate JFK were linked through the syndicate Caribbean money structure partially represented by BWCN. On September 8, 1967, two of the individuals involved with BWCN were named by LIFE as “bagmen” for the Meyer Lansky crime syndicate. Alvin I. Malnik had been a director of BWCN. Acquitted on tax fraud charges in 1964, Malnik was heard discussing Lansky two years later on bugs placed by cops probing whether casino profits were invested overseas on the mobster’s behalf.[127]
Government agents have linked Malnik’s name to Lansky ever since. When the mobster died in 1983, Reader’s Digest labeled him the “heir apparent.” In 1964, he made his first venture into showbiz, organizing a video jukebox company, Scopitone (Scopolamine-MK ULTRA truth drug), which was touted as a music-industry revolution. Problem was, its stockholders included Vincent (Jimmy Blue Eyes) Alo, a convicted criminal and lifelong pal of Lansky, and Irving Kaye, who was denied a Nevada gaming license because of his questionable associations.[128]
In 1966, the U.S. attorney in New York secretly indicted Malnik on charges of using the mail to defraud Scopitone investors. In 1971, prosecutors quietly dropped the case. Meanwhile, after Malnik opened The Forge in 1969, it rose quickly to the top of Miami’s night scene, attracting regular celebrities such as Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, Richard Burton and even Gordon Novel’s employer Richard Nixon, who came with his Florida mobster banker buddy, Bebe Rebozo AKA Charles Gregory Rebozo.[129]
Jay (Jesse) Weiss and Malnik were the best of friends. Weiss was a confident of Roy Cohn. Cohn, of course, was one of J. Edgar Hoover’s top confidents. Cohn and Weiss were mutual investors in Schenley Industries.[130] Cohn was a notorious New York mob lawyer of Carlos Gambino and John Gotti.[131] Carlos Gambino (Boss of the Bosses) is linked to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.[132]
In June 1977, Meyer Lansky’s stepson, Richard Schwartz, shot and killed the son of mobster Vincent Teriaca in a dispute that began at the bar of The Forge. In October of 1977, Richard Schwartz was shot gunned to death outside his Bay Harbor restaurant.[133]
Two years later, Malnik’s Rolls-Royce was blown up in the parking lot of the Cricket Club, a Miami high-rise he developed with Cal Covens, who served three years in prison after being convicted with Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa of conspiracy and fraud. No one was injured in the blast, and no suspects were arrested.[134]
With all of his history to organized crime, violence, corruption, fraud, loan sharking, murders and the assassinations of world leaders, is it really even conceivable that the leopards lost his spots and Malnik suddenly found the benevolence and goodness of an angel to protect the interests of a lonely and vulnerable young Black musical genius like Michael Jackson.
Gordon Dwayne Novel was friend of Michael Jackson or the Jackson family. He came out of Malnik’s snake pit. Novel is a messenger of entrapment, death, violence and threats.[135] Novel has been a CIA-Mafia (unholy alliance) fixer of murders, political assassinations, and MK ULTRA mind control operations from the early 1960s.
Novel was part of the operational group that helped setup Lee Harvey Oswald as a lone-nut “Patsy” for the assassination of JFK. Novel has been the secret strategist and intelligence operative of Ramsey Clark. Clark was the U.S. Attorney General that refused to pursue the conspiracy in the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. setting up James Earl Ray as another lone-nut “Patsy.” Malnik sent the fixer in to arrange the death of MJ and setup Dr. Murray as a lone-nut “Patsy.”
MICHAEL JACKSON RESISTED! He spoke TRUTH to POWER. Even though, he had been abused, CIA-MK ULTRA-ed, and brainwashed in the Luciferian Doctrine since childhood, HE RESISTED. He had been maligned, abandoned, unjustly prosecuted, robbed and drugged out of his FREAKING mind. HE RESISTED.
What more can we do to bring JUSTICE to Michael Jackson’s true assassins and snakes in the grass; the governmental and national security state conspirators in 9-11; and the forces behind the Mortgage-Banking Scandals that will cripple America for decades. SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER! RESIST!
[6] Id.
[7] Id.
[14] Id. At footnote 66
[15] Id.
[16] Id.
[24] Id.
[34] Id.
[35] Id.
[38] Id. At footnote 5
[41] Id.
[42] Id.
[55] Id.
[56] Id.
[57] Id.
[58] Id.
[61] Id.
[63] Id. At footnote 20
[69] Id. Footnote at 28
[71] Id. At footnote 3
[72] Id. At footnote 5
[93] Id.
[94] Id.
[98] Id.
[104] Id.
[107] Id.
[110] Id.
[119] Id.
[121] Id.
[126] Id.
[129] Id.
[130] North, Mark, Act of Treason, The Role of J. Edgar Hoover in the Assassination of JFK, pg.