[A vaccine for a vaccine-induced illness, also an illness that comes after suppression of eczema and other skin conditions (which follow vaccines)]


Bugs probe may bring asthma vaccine

(UKPA) – 6 hours ago

Farmyard bugs may help children to avoid asthma, a study has suggested

Scientists believe the discovery could pave the way to a vaccine for the condition which affects 1.1 million children in the UK.

Researchers have identified several types of "dirty" bacteria and fungi that seem to reduce the chances of developing asthma.

The micro-organisms are linked to known lower rates of asthma among children who grow up on farms.

The evidence provides strong support for the "hygiene hypothesis" which suggests children's immune systems are not primed properly if they live in too-clean conditions.

Some experts think this could account for rates of asthma and other allergy conditions rising as hygiene has become a watchword of the modern age, and people increasingly move into towns and cities.

Knowing which bugs might prime the immune system against asthma raises the possibility of developing preventive treatments.

"We have a long way to go before we can present new preventive measures, but at least we now have candidates for the development of a vaccine," said study leader Dr Markus Ege, from the University of Munich in Germany.

The research is reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.

A number of studies have shown that farm children have a significantly reduced risk of developing asthma. To investigate why, Dr Ege's team focused on a group of Bavarian schoolchildren, comparing those living on farms with others from the same rural districts who did not.

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