Christopher Black
[Chris Black, since 2000, has been a lead counsel
at the International Criminal Tribunal For Rwanda (ICTR).
From that perspective he has seen that Rwanda was not a situation in which the
United States and its allies failed to act. On the contrary, it was an example
of direct interference by the United States and its allies. Why? Three reasons:
the US wished to replace the Hutu regime which did not want to cooperate with US
aggression towards Mobutu in Zaire. Secondly, the US wants to reduce French
influence in central Africa. The final US objective was and is control of the
vast resources of the Congo.]
[2010] The Rwandan Patriotic
Front's Bloody Record and the History of UN Cover-Ups by Christopher Black the
Kagame dictatorship is a client of
the United States and "acts as a mercenary for U.S. interests in Africa,"
as Glen Ford observes;
the current conflict between this dictatorship and
the UN "threatens to reveal
the United States' role as enabler in
the deaths of as many as six million people while
Washington's allies occupied and looted
the eastern regions of
the Democratic Republic of Congo."
importance of this letter if you have grasped it fully cannot be
overstated. It means
the attack on Rwanda from 1990 was not
the prime objective of Kagame and his collaborators. Zaire was always
the prime objective. That
their excuse for
the attack on Rwanda about establishing democracy and return of refugees,
was completely false. That
the invasion from Uganda had only one purpose: to clear
the path through Rwanda to Zaire. That
the return of refugees, as many witnesses have stated, was not for
humanitarian reasons, but to clear
the path for
the invasion of Zaire. It means that
the Americans, British, particularly with Kagame and Museveni, planned
the invasion of Zaire [sic] in 1994, probably before that. It means that
the excuse given for
the invasions of Congo since this letter was written to clear
the 'Interahamwe' or 'genocidaires' is completely false. No
mention is made of 'Interahamwe'. No mention is made of 'genocide'.
[2010] THE TRUTH ABOUT RWANDA by Christopher Black
[2009] The Dallaire Genocide Fax by Christopher Black
[2009] The Hidden Story Behind Rwanda's Tragedy By Christopher Black
[2006] Who Killed Agathe? The Death of a Prime Minister by Christopher Black the murder of the two Hutu presidents was preceded a few months before, on 21 October, 1993, by the murder of President Melchior Ndadaye of Burundi, also a Hutu, murdered by Tutsi officers of the Burundian Army. It is strongly suspected that the RPF was also involved in that assassination and it is known that Paul Kagame was in Bujumbura a few days before the Hutu president was murdered. This complicity of the RPF in the murder of the President of Burundi was a principal factor in creating extreme fear in the Hutu majority population of Rwanda that the RPF intended to kill as many Hutus as possible and that no political solution was ever possible with an organization whose methods were worthy of Murder Incorporated of the US Mafia.
Articles re Christopher Black
[2008] Rwanda:
UN's Louise Arbour Under Fire Over 1994 murder of the presidents of Rwanda and
Burundi The former UN High Commissioner for
Human Rights Louise Arbour is responsible for covering up the murder of the
President of Rwanda, the President of Burundi and many other persons who were
assassinated on April 06 1994, a senior attorney with the UN Tribunal for Rwanda
(ICTR) has alleged. Lead Counsel Christopher
Black who is defending General Augustin Ndindiliyimana, former Chief of
Staff of Rwandan Gendarmerie says that Louise Arbour - as Chief Prosecutor of
the ICTR conspired with some countries to cover up investigations into
allegations against the RPF. According to the Canadian
Barrister, Ms. Arbour, 61, is a "criminal, corrupt, (and) a shame to all
Canadians". The sooner she is indicted and thrown in prison the better, says Mr.
Black - who was reacting to an interview of the former senior UN officer on CBC.
Every time I finish a great book (always in French) about what
went down in Rwanda/Congo between way-back-when and day-after-tomorrow, I think
my internal organs just can't take any more of this kind of unspeakable evil.
Like in ‘Rwanda: The Taking of Kigali--and the Hunting Down of Refugees by the
Army of General Paul Kagame’ (Rwanda: La prise de Kigali et la chasse aux
réfugiés par l'Armée du Général Paul Kagame), by Faustin Ntilikina (on Éditions
Sources du Nil, 2008), or my mainest of mainest men,
Charles Onana's latest, ‘These Tutsi Killers’ (Ces
Tutsi Tueurs, Duboiris, 2009)--I dunno why I'm citing English titles for these
book, they exist only in French, so far!--the Hutus have not only been faced
with physical extinction at the hands of those who think of themselves as their
moral and ontological betters, the neo-feudal Tutsis, and their North American,
European and Israeli sponsors, but they have then been charged and prosecuted in
some sort of media kangaroo court for committing the very heinous crimes
committed against them. These stories would put Kafka on Paxil. Yet, through all
the hopelessness and grinding misery, guys like Chris shine the light of their
legal reason and historical experience, and make us see why we have to keep this
history, the Real History of the Real World, alive and out there in One.
[2006] Who Killed Agathe? The Death of a Prime Minister by Christopher Black the murder of the two Hutu presidents was preceded a few months before, on 21 October, 1993, by the murder of President Melchior Ndadaye of Burundi, also a Hutu, murdered by Tutsi officers of the Burundian Army. It is strongly suspected that the RPF was also involved in that assassination and it is known that Paul Kagame was in Bujumbura a few days before the Hutu president was murdered. This complicity of the RPF in the murder of the President of Burundi was a principal factor in creating extreme fear in the Hutu majority population of Rwanda that the RPF intended to kill as many Hutus as possible and that no political solution was ever possible with an organization whose methods were worthy of Murder Incorporated of the US Mafia.
THE TRUTH ABOUT RWANDA by Christopher Black
As far back as December 1993, UN reports
document the massive build-up of men and weapons coming into Rwanda from Uganda.
The UN force that was deployed supposedly to ensure a peaceful transition, in
fact, was a cover for the U.S. and its allies to assist in this build-up.
General Roméo Dallaire, the Canadian general in charge of the UN force, hid this
build-up from the Rwandan army and the President. The build-up was accompanied
by death threats against President Habyarimana. In October 1993, according to an
account of Habyarimana’s last conversation with Zairian president Mobutu just
two days before the Rwandan president was murdered, U.S. State Dept.
representative Herman Cohen told President Habyarimana that unless he ceded all
power to the RPF, they would kill him and drag his body through the streets. He
received the same threat from the Belgians and the Canadians through General
Dallaire. These threats were punctuated by the murder of the Hutu president of
Burundi by Tutsi officers in October 1993, another assassination in which Kagame
and the RPF had a hand. In the aftermath of that murder, 250,000 Hutus were
massacred by the Tutsi army of Burundi, and hundreds of thousands of Hutus fled
to Rwanda.
........The RPF was directly assisted in this
offensive by the U.S., which set up the UN Rwanda Emergency Office in Nairobi,
manning it with U.S. Army officers and acting as the operational headquarters of
the RPF to give them intelligence on Rwandan Army troop movements, actions and
directions. Prudence Bushnell, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African
Affairs under Ambassador George Moose, telephoned the Rwandan Army chief of
staff in May 1994 and told him that, unless he surrendered, he must know that he
would be fighting the United States of America and would be defeated. U.S.
Special Forces fought along side the RPF. There is also evidence of the Belgian
UN forces involvement from an intercepted radio message sent by Kagame to his
forces in the field and referring to the help the RPF had received from the
[2010] THE TRUTH ABOUT RWANDA by Christopher Black like the Contras, the RPF was supported by the United States. This was clear from the beginning of the war. When the RPF launched their attack, President Habyarimana was in Washington, lured out of the way, by the U.S. State Department. The evidence that the U.S. was aware of and supported the October surprise attack was the U.S. administration’s offer to Habyarimana of asylum in the U.S. if he surrendered power to the RPF. Habyarimana refused and immediately flew home. There was no condemnation of the Ugandan-RPF aggression by the U.S. or any of its allies, despite the big noise they made at the same time over the advance of Iraqi forces into Kuwait. Further, the Rwandan ambassador to the UN, then seated on the Security Council, filed a protest in the UNSC, but the U.S. had it taken off the agenda. In fact, the U.S. and its allies supported the aggression against Rwanda from the beginning, and U.S. Special Forces operated with the RPF from the beginning. Recently in Toronto, Bill Clinton denied any involvement in Rwanda, but this is one of the Big Lies of the Century. He and Bush are up to their necks in the blood of the Rwandan and Congolese people.
In fact, it is known that Museveni’s half-brother, Salim Saleh, was at the
final RPF meeting in Mulindi where the date for the shoot-down was set. The
attack on the plane killed the Rwandan president, Juvénal Habyarimana, a Hutu,
the Burundian president, Cyprien Ntaryamira, a Hutu, the Rwandan Army chief of
staff, Deogratias Nsabimana, a Hutu, and everyone else on-board.
It was the first massacre of 1994, and it was a massacre of
Hutus by the RPF. The RPF then immediately launched attacks across Kigali and
throughout the north of the country. In the sector of Kigali known as Remera,
they killed everyone living there on the night of the 6th/7th, wiped out the
Gendarme camp there, wiped out the military police camp at Kami, and launched a
major attack against Camp Kanombe, Camp Kigali and the main Gendarme camp at
Kacyiru. They slaughtered everyone in their path.
[2010] THE TRUTH ABOUT RWANDA by Christopher
[2010] THE TRUTH ABOUT RWANDA by Christopher Black The Rwandan government asked for more UN help to control the situation. The U.S. arranged, instead, that the main UN force be pulled out, while they continued to supply the RPF with men and supplies flown in by C130 Hercules. The Rwandan Army, short of ammunition and unable to contain the RPF advances, even offered an unconditional surrender on the 12th of April. Incredibly, the RPF refused it. Instead, they shelled the Nyacyonga refugee camp where a large part of the one million Hutu refugees were located, provoking their flight into the capital, Kigali. The effect of one million people flooding into a small city that itself was under bombardment cannot be described. The RPF used this flood of people to infiltrate its men behind army lines. This created panic among the Hutu population, who began killing anyone they did not recognize, fearing that everyone was an RPF soldier out to cut their throats. It was clear that the RPF was not interested in saving lives, even Tutsi lives, but only in seizing total power, and they did not want to negotiate at all.
[2010] THE TRUTH ABOUT RWANDA by Christopher
Black Antoine Nyetera, a Tutsi prince, who was in Kigali
during that period, testified for the defense in the Military II trial and
stated that not only were there no massacres committed against Tutsis by the
Rwandan Army, but that it was the RPF that began the massacres against Hutus
after taking Kigali. He also testified that despite the claim by the RPF of
being a Tutsi liberation group, when he saw their long columns enter the
capital, he recognized that most of them were Sudanese, Eritrean, Ethiopian,
Tanzanian, and that others were speaking Swahili or Sudanese languages: In other
words, they were mercenaries.
Several RPF officers have testified
at the ICTR and stated that they fled the Kagame regime because they had been
promised that they were fighting for the liberation of the Tutsis. However, when
they wanted to take to the streets of Kigali to stop reprisals against Tutsis by
Hutu civilians, the junior officers were forbidden to do so, putting the lie to
Kagame’s claim that he attacked to save Tutsis. These officers testified that
Kagame wanted (Tutsi) deaths to justify his war. The RPF could have controlled
large parts of Kigali as they had at least 15,000 men in or near the capital
opposed to 5,000 Rwandan Army forces. Instead he used his men to ethnically
cleanse the rest of the country of its majority Hutu population.