Dragon symbol of the Cosmos
See: Yad pointer
Cosmos signal. Alternative names: "Dragon symbol of the Cosmos", "Cosmos signal", "Throwing the Cosmos".
Obama, Michelle
Lucifer/Illuminati Origins of Michelle Obama’s Hand Sign. What does it mean?
In original Jewish texts, which pre-dates the current Torah, Satan would hold up
the exact hand sign which Michelle Obama is using in her speech to Veterans, to
summon demons and direct them to posses a tribe, which would lead to war, chaos,
child molestation, sodomy, gossip, murders, drunkenness and obsessive emotional
issues. King Solomon also used this Satanic hand command and it is a
way of cursing the people who view you holding it up, even if their conscience
mind doesn’t take it in because one can flash this particular hand sign for a
quick second and the sub-conscience mind has already picked it up....In
conclusion, what Michelle Obama is doing by holding up this hand sign is placing
a curse on American Troops and their families. This is something that is very
real depending on whom does it and how much of original blood a person has,
which can be traced back to Illuminati Rulers. ...according to Illuminati text
and even the role that Satan plays in the Christian Bible, this sign is only of
use as a way to petition Satan and his demon to posses the audience.
Napoleon I
Film, TV
Baphoment - detail (c. 2006 Luke Brown)
Nazi oath
Hammerskin Mário Machado Goes To Jail
The Hierophant which in some Tarot card decks named "The Pope", is the fifth
trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional Tarot decks. In Attica (Greece),
it was the title of the chief priest at the Eleusinian Mysteries. A hierophant
is an interpreter of sacred mysteries and arcane principles. Note: the Papal
Satanic hand gestures of Pagan Rome are found on thousands of statues as
well as paintings all throughout the Vatican as well as countless cathedrals and
Roman Catholic churches the world over http://www.remnantofgod.org/images/IGC/pagan-rcc.htm
Pope Adrian VI (1459–1523, Pope from 1522 to 1523) Note: He was Pope for just 18
months (until his death) and was the last non-Italian pope until John Paul II,
456 years later!
Pope Urban VIII (1568–1644, Pope from 1623 to 1644)
jaime with Corrado_Ba
Pope Pius XII wearing the traditional 1877 Papal Tiara, is carried through St
Peter's Basilica on a sedia gestatoria (circa 1955).
Pope Pius XII
Pope John Paul I
John Paul II
Statue of Pope Giovanni Battista Montini (Pope Paul VI) in Sacromonte, Spain.
St Peter, Vatican
"9/11 truth" disinfo agent David Ray Griffin
Dane Cook
Agent Steel
Job for a Cowboy
Kevin Federline
Daryl Hall
Jeff Hardy (Former WWE Wrestler now TNA)
This is the Roman hand of Power. The hand as an amulet, can be traced back as
far as 800 BC. The ring finger and pinky are bent down to reveal only the
thumb, index finger and middle finger. It's also similar to the Benediction
17th century painting of Geoffrey Chaucer (1343–1400?) He was an English author,
poet, philosopher, bureaucrat, courtier and diplomat.
Reliquary Arm, location found Belgium, housed in the NYC Metro Museum of Art.
Circa 1230, relic bones, or objects thought to have been touched by Saints, were
housed in this vessel, and used by Priests as a 'Healing Hand' to bless the