Dry your tears and continue the
fight: the one you were shown was not Muammar Al-Gaddaf
Posted on
2011/10/26 by
Ismail originally
pubished here
Translated from French by
Auntie Adjeley
Editing and
post-script by Mathaba Libya
According to reports reaching us, the martyr humiliated and presented as
Muammar Al-Gaddafi, in videos and photographs that have been shown around
the world, has been identified as the real person actually called Ali Majid
Al Andalus who was an inhabitant of Sirte in Libya and was famous for his
resemblance to the brother Leader of the El Fateh Revolution.
We publish this news to put an end as quickly as possible to the
confusion in the psychological war during which NATO has flooded the web
with false news, false documents, false Libyan sites, contaminating social
networks and unfortunately also some sites of friends of Libya.
The man in the photo with the bullet hole in the head was not Muammar al
Gaddafi, but his double. He called himself 'Ahmid'. Just look at his face
and compare it with that of the true Muammar Al- Gaddafi!
Ali Majid Al Andalusi

Muammar Al-Gaddafi
We have obtained this information from a reliable source and we ask that
you mobilize more than ever to work in order to update the truth and for an
end to unjust wars against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and elsewhere such as
in Iraq, Afghanistan and those wars that predators would launch against
Syria and Algeria, for example.
We ask the European and American populations and all peoples of the world
to step up their actions with all their might, with all means available and
to set in motion any concerted effort to ensure that NATO and all their
accomplices throughout the world be rendered permanently 'checkmated'. This
is the future of humanity. Do not leave your future and that of future
generations in the hands of dangerous psychopathic criminals.
The psychopathic criminals Obama, Sarkozy, Cameron and ignoble Albellajil
know very well that they did not kill Muammar Gaddafi. They used this
innocent man solely for their psychological operation by having him lynched
by armed thugs of the TNC before the cameras. This served several purposes
including tarnishing the image of the Guide on the one hand and smearing
Islam on the other.
The reason that Jalil was quick to declare Sharia in Libya is to place
the blame for the crimes of NATO squarely on the backs of Muslims and Islam,
when in reality it is these 'druggie types' hired by the secret services of
NATO countries, who have nothing to do with Islam, who committed these
This is a war against Islaam. Once these monstrous mercenaries from NATO
have committed enough crimes before the cameras around the world with the
help of NATO, the latter will then have every excuse to kill more people and
boost their wars to strengthen their control over the Muslim countries that
they have been pitching as wild and barbaric societies. Islam will then have
been discredited and their victims will quietly accept their 'offer' and
help to execute the infamous project of the so-called New World Order.
NATO's process of psychological destabilization must be retained forever
by the citizens of the world as a lesson.
Mathaba Post-Script
We fully endorse the above article, originally published
here. From our own impeccable sources close to the Leader Mu'ammar
Qaddafi and within his own circle, at a sensitive time, without placing any
risk to any source we
published a denial on the same day that all world media declared -- on
the basis of video files alone -- that Mu'ammar Qaddafi was dead. Once
again, the minority in the world who have learned over the past 12 years
that Mathaba stands alone with Truth, and who
follow Mathaba closely, as well
as our
subscribers, knew the
truth while the world was misled by tell-lie-vision media.
We also published on the very next day once again a
rebuttal of the reports
of Qaddafi's death and called for the matter to be closed and not to become
the subject of controversy, time wasting, deflection and endless discussion.
However, we were attacked by a great many who feared we would "lose
credibility" and "aid the enemy" because our detractors were convinced
Mu'ammar was dead. Those who have followed Mathaba online since 12 years,
know that we do not pay attention to
perceived "credibility", but
only to the publication of truth, without fear nor favour, and without
regard to political ideologies of left and right.
We had hoped that at least the minority in the world, the
truth soldiers would hear our message loud and clear, and we
were not disappointed. They agreed with us that if anyone wishes to consider
Qaddafi dead, let them do so, or alive, let them do so, we simply stated the
facts of him being physically alive, and choosing not to communicate so that
the world media who started this war, the bankers who bankrolled it in their
attempts to grab African resources, and the other slaves of the "new world
order" could "have their day" and their own perceived victory, even if it
will be short-lived.
Yet others, including a few who should know better, still have a trust in
the one and only difference between a Hollywood movie and a TV News Channel:
that difference being, the channel. Turn channel to Hollywood movie and you
know it is a movie, unless you are young and did not yet know that death on
TV is for entertainment and faked. Turn channel to news, and the vast
majority, including an incredible number of those who are otherwise in high
positions: international human rights lawyers, political leaders, even heads
of state -- just find it hard to believe that a news channel would lie.
News Media
As to how and why news channels lie, this is a different and longer subject.
We work in news, and have seen this for decades. Few know how it really
works. It has a lot to do with editors. The ownership, funds, turning a
blind eye, ratings, policy, the frightful practice of getting news 3rd of
4th hand and passing it off as fact, laziness, lack of education and
critical mind, spin by staff in order to keep their jobs and obtain favour
of editors, and the editors keeping favour of those who own them, all play
significant roles in the picture of why the
so-called mainstream
media (MSM) which we prefer to call Money Slave Media (M$M) is so
compromised from start to finish.
As an experienced editor, who gets to see
too much information that
would make most normal people sick and tired, over and over again, the same
patterns and events, but different actors and locations, over decades, I can
tell you that there will be a great many readers reading my words even at
this stage, and having read the above, who will
still be seeking
some "confirmation" that Muammar is alive and that it was not he who died on
October 19 or 20.
Should we entertain those who do not trust us and our track record, not on
the occasional error out of hundreds of thousands of news reports, a small
handful over the years, in each case corrected, but on those important
issues we have come out loud and clear and would be puting our very future
existence on the line if we were lying or unprofessional? Let us cut a deal.
If I spend time providing additional logical proof, without revealing how
and why it is that we knew for a fact, after that you go and also spend a
little of your time and money for us: because we have many communication,
infrastructure and resource expenses, to keep this operation going.
About Mathaba
Mathaba is not a part-time hobby blog with a blind love for Muammar Qaddafi
without even knowing anything of the man until this war started, we have
been close to him for decades. It is our readers who help pay the expenses
of running this service, including those who work full time, because we do
not get funding from governments, intelligence agencies, corporations, but
only from
subscriptions, individual private
donations, and occasional
ethical advertising (of which there
is too little in this day and age where most capitalist businesses are
motivated by money and not value).
If you read any further below this line, we ask you therefore not only to
sign up for a subscription and/or
make a donation, but that you
read this article again
and that you act upon it: for in truth whether Muammar was really killed and
all the above are suicidal lies on our part, or physically alive but having
divorced himself from this horrible world which failed to understand him
including most of those who shout most loudly both inside and outside Libya
that they are his supporters and would die for him -- the result is the
same. The Jamahiriya was never Muammar even though he started it. The
resistance never depended upon him, even though he went out with his gun.
His political, economic and social program for the liberation of the world,
The Green Book, does
not depend on his physical presence, nor does his (r)
movement nor do the
rights and freedoms of the Jamahiriya (self-governing civil society) for
their fruition.
Doubting Thomases
So, for those doubting Thomases, here a few tips and then do your own
research, away from Mathaba, do not use us, and do not bring this issue up
at our expense deflecting discussions and focus away from the continuing
struggle, most especially, growing the green movement and making sure that
the Libyan Jamahiriya becomes, even with a very slight geographical shift, a
Universal Jamahiriya:
* Muammar was no where near Sirte on 19-20 October. We admit readers will be
unlikely to verify this, but let us just put that out there.
* Muammar is taller and older than the Hero who was
murdered while
the leader of whites Hillary Clinton has called for world-wide applause of
* The photos in this article above are not the best, as they are opposite
sides of their heads. There are others you can compare.
* Muammar has some specific marks, that are always there, more or less
pronounced, study recent photographs if you do not know him well face to
* The rotting bodies "displayed" on the dirty mattresses for days were
covered by blanked, with only a part of the head of the victim visible.
* As with the killing of the old man in Pakistan, body dumped out to see,
the bodies of the victims were destroyed and moved not to be found.
Yes you were lied to again by
all the world media, including those
fake gate-keepers many of you trusted and with the typical switch and bait
method. Jazeera, PRESS TV, BBC, CNN, New York Times, Guardian, fanatically
pro-Qaddafi blogs (who focus on the cult worship aspect but not on his real
ideas, movement and personality). Nation of Islam (Louis Farrakhan), Hugo
Chavez, even Robert Mugabe (for now at least) were deceived, the left wing
who you fail to detect all the loud traits of fascism and nihilism among
them, the "international organizations", all without exception have failed
you. So what are you going to do about it?
Take Responsibility
For those who are looking for Libyans to win a single-handed victory against
the most powerful military alliance on earth, while they fight with their
hands and feet tied, without water nor food, nor adequate medical supplies.
And did so for 8 months, something those soldiers attacking them would not
be able to do for more than a few days or weeks at best. For you, shame on
you. One of The Third Universal Theory premises is that no one can represent
you: no one can die for you. If you think the battle is military, then go
out there, go into Africa, anywhere, and fight. Do not call on others to
fight if you are not willing and doing so yourself.
For those of you who are looking for Mu'ammar Qaddafi to come out and
address you to deny his death, when it has clear advantages at this new
phase of the struggle, shame on you. Seek your reassurance elsewhere. Feel
him alive in your hearts, know that no matter what happens he would always
either be alive with Allah, or alive on Earth. There can be no death for
Mu'ammar, even if they would succeed to get his physical body in future.
continue his work.
A Word on Islam
Finally, a word on Islam, to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Again, take it
from us or leave it, we report only fact and truth. Up to you to go out and
verify what we say if you doubt it. Libya has had Sharia almost since the
start of the Al-Fateh revolution in 1969. To be implemented, required there
to be a Jamahiriya. Without a Jamahiriya you cannot have Sharia. The Holy
Qur'an has been the Law of Society in the Jamahiriya since its inception
with the Sebha Declaration of 2nd March, 1977.
Mu'ammar has addressed Muslims and also on occasion given significant
messages to non-Muslims and spoken on Islam on numerous occasions throughout
the years. He always did so from a position of truth-seeking and
truth-telling, no matter how much it angered and annoyed the "religious
establishment" throughout the Arab world and even beyond. His was never the
method of diplomacy, but, of Education: of himself and others. Please read
the chapter
Education in
Green Book.
A very good book was written on his religious thought by Mustafa Ayyoub,
titled "The Third Universal Theory and the Religious Thought of Muammar
Qaddafi" (spelling of author and title may be different), from Canada. If
you wish to know the details, purchase that book. It may even be available
online these days, do a search.
On the other hand, his enemies, those hostile to Islam (Truth, Peace,
Justice) such as the Anglo-American-Zionist groups and their servants,
always wish to portray Islam and Muslims (and Mu'ammar for those who know
his personal life and methods, as well as his political, economic and social
activities well, can attest to this, he was among the best of Muslims in the
world) in a negative light. Sometimes Libya and the Leader naively played
into those images, for they were not professional deceivers or versed in the
art of propaganda and deception, as their enemies are.
Therefore psychotic criminals, murderers, rapists, drug addicts, human
traffickers, corrupt former officials, royalists, foreign agents,
opportunists, heretics, and money slaves -- all of which make up the vast
bulk of the so-called "revolutionary rebels", "TNC" ("NTC or CNT"),
Al-Qaida, LIFG alliance which will now fight each other, providing a haven
for non-stop mobile intervention in Africa by the predatory bankrupt western
forces in their grab for resources, are portrayed as Muslims.
The louder they shout "ALLAHU AKBAR" while actually believing the opposite
("NATO AKBAR") with fearful loud hoarse voices to conceal their ignorance,
fear, pretence and love of dirt and squalor, the more the barbarian white
elites of the world are in joy, for that is what they wish Islam to be. And
that is why Mutassim, moments before his death, when hearing these words
from his torturers smiled: for he knows their abode as promised by Allah is
to be in the depths of hell.