Flashback: Two British SAS Officers Dressed Up as Arabs,
Drove Around Basra, Iraq in a Car Fitted with Bombs And Shot Iraqi Police in an
Effort to Create a Terrorist Event to Prolong The War…

- “All wars are based on deception!” – Sun Tzu,
The Art of War
- The Iraq and Afghanistan wars are based on fraud and
deception. No WMDs were ever found in Iraq. No genuine proofs were ever
given to show the involvement of Iraq and Afghanistan to 9/11. They were/are
not involved. These Illuminist generated wars are for world conquest, drugs,
oil, oil/gas infrastructures, strategic positioning of forces for the coming
Satanic World War 3 …. for the coming Luciferian New World Order! The
sheeple are easily deceived useful idiots complicit in their own
destruction! The world is ruled by a Satanic cabal !
Two British SAS officers dressed up as arabs, drove around Basra, Iraq in a
car fit with bombs and shot Iraqi Police in an effort to create a terrorist
event to prolong the war…
by Catastrophist ,
Does nobody remember the 19-Sept
2005 Basra incident involving two British SAS operators
carrying heavy weapons, large amounts of “ammunition”, driving a
“booby-trapped car” [i.e. rigged to be a car-bomb], wearing wigs and
dressed as Arab militants? They refused to stop at an Iraqi police
checkpoint, choosing instead to open fire, killing one. They were
subsequently captured, lightly beaten, and arrested.
British Coldstream
Guards surrounded Jamiat Police Station in an attempt to
“negotiate” their freedom. This “peaceful” approach was abandoned after a
few hours, andan assault-force (backed by “up to 10 tanks” and helicopter
gunships) broke down the walls of the jail to free the men, meeting heavy
resistance from a crowd of 500 to 1000 angry Iraqis who pelted tanks with
petrol bombs and demanded the SAS men be tried as terrorists. Approx 150
detained Iraqis were reportedly able to escape from the demolished jail.
Hundreds of Iraqi civilians continued to protest in the surrounding streets
the following day.
Put on your analytical hat for a moment and ask yourself: what was the
nature of their mission? Why the urgency to free them in this manner? Why
did Western MSM scramble to put a disingenous spin on this event, first
denying the assault on the jail, then repeating the British Army’s early
lie that the men were actually being held by Mahdi
militia — and finally accepting the baseless MoD assertion that the
men were possibly about to be handed over to militia?!
Hrmm, how to spin this? Let’s take
the rioting to be proof of anti-Western hysteria — and so the
Brits were just reactingto defend the safety of the
heroic SAS men. Furthermore, the refusal of the Haji police to “negotiate”
is clear evidence that they’ve been infiltrated
by radical terrorist insurgents. Now repeat the mantra: “Maybe
Iraq is sliding into civil war?”
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