Force medicated
Psychiatry   School shootings and psychiatric drugs

Mark Taylor

[2013 Feb] Breaking Info From Columbine Whistleblower on Sandy Hook   Whistleblower Mark Taylor has been institutionalized against his will in a psychiatric hospital, and force-medicated with psychotropic drugs by court order. Donna Taylor is desperately trying to have her son released from State custody, weened off the psychotropic drugs which have rendered him a virtual zombie, as well as tell the true story about the massive political cover-up of facts about the Columbine shooting.

Mark Taylor: Columbine and Big Pharma Whistleblower, now drugged and jailed  Mark Taylor was apprehended by police who could not produce a justifiable, legal reason to arrest him. On the same technicality which the US government employed to detain US Marine Brandon Raub, Mark was apprehended, institutionalized and force medicated with the same mind altering drugs he fought against in his landmark court case against pharmaceutical companies.  Whistleblower Mark Taylor has been institutionalized against his will in a psychiatric hospital, and force-medicated with psychotropic drugs by court order. Donna Taylor is desperately trying to have her son released from State custody, weened off the psychotropic drugs which have rendered him a virtual zombie, as well as tell the true story about the massive political cover-up of facts about the Columbine shooting.

[2012 Aug] Former Marine Held in Psychiatric Hospital Over Facebook Posts Questioning Govt.   “Without providing any explanation, levying any charges against Raub or reading him his rights, law enforcement officials then handcuffed Raub and transported him first to the police headquarters, then to John Randolph Medical Center, where he was held against his will,” wrote the Institute.