Transcript from THE HALLETT REPORT NO. 2
Text from the movie above
Historical Crime Solving
Non Fiction

Transcript Interview 1, 22 Oct. 2011
Lord Chancellor Greg Hallett, Jörn
Hello, my name is Jörn and I am your host today with this interview, and today we are interviewing an extremely interesting individual, which I’ll introduce to you right now. It’s author and subconscious mind reconstructed researcher Lord Chancellor of the Exiled King of England, Greg Hallett from New Zealand, and today’s date is the 22 October 2011.
The purpose of this interview is to get to the truth, as this is a world of incredible incredible lies and manipulation, deception and smoke and mirrors, and also to raise the consciousness of the people of this world, to be aware and to realize what’s going on in this world which is so evil around them.
Most of this presented information will be totally unbelievable to certain people, but people should do their own due diligence and research rather than taking everything for granted that comes from the mainstream media that comes from the television. Real knowledge is threatened, just look at all the murders that happened to the people that got to close to it. People can only draw conclusions with the information they have been given. True knowledge is a choice, truth crawls and lies have legs. So truth is slower than the lies. Truth is stranger than fiction. All that evil needs to triumph in this world is for good men to do nothing. With your research, Google the search engine is your friend. And this one interview is dedicated to all people in the world in the peaceful quest of knowledge.
Lord Greg is trained in different international psychological models, seeking redemption through exposure by having written ten books, and all this new information comes from secret intelligence sources. None of the information from his books comes out of other books, but it is rather backed up by other books, autobiographies and reference works. His books are best described as Historical Crime Solving Non Fiction.
Lord Greg Hallett’s books are the following:
And most of the books he wrote together with his intelligence source called ‘The Spymaster’ and Lord Greg is not going to tell the people who that is rather than it is a person who runs other spies, called ‘The Spymaster’. Lord Greg.
Lord Chancellor Greg Hallett:
Well, wonderful introduction, thank you.
Welcome to the show. First of all I would like to commend you on all work you have done, and I do find you a very brave individual as you are exposing corruption, murders, massive paedophilia in this world, fake wars, fake monarchies and also the massive drug trafficking in governments around on in this world.
 Bank of England with statue of Wellington
Can you confirm for the audience out there who is watching, that you had twelve murder attempts on your life, that all had to look like car accidents, or they had to do with attempts of poisoning you in the last 9 years, that you lost 9 houses, Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars, they almost took your child of you, you lost all court cases in the last 18 years in New Zealand as you sued Prince Phillip’s Agent Peter Williams QC - and QC stands for Queen Council - for murder, were beaten up by the New Zealand police, got blackmailed, all your books stolen and reference works in May 2005 by the Israeli Mossad, ten thousand dollars of damage to your Mercedes car, which was attacked twice, were of course accused for murder by Prince Phillip’s agent, were surveilled for such a long time by MI-6 and the Israeli Mossad by telephone taps, Helicopter fly-overs, were bugged, broken in, were denied a Masters degree in History by Auckland’s University after having written four history books, and by the time that your books came out, they abolished in New Zealand the label that one is supposed to put
Greg: Fiction – Non-Fiction
That is supposed to go on each book that comes out in New Zealand.
Just a few corrections: It was three houses, and I had three Mercedes, and they were all attacked, and my last Mercedes was attacked three times. And it was blown up, but it was by an internal implosion rather than an explosion. It was implosion, followed by a bill, implosion followed by another bill, and implosion, they had a bill that was greater than the value of the car. Carry on, I am listening.
I am listening to the introduction here, it is amazing. 'Walking Dictionaries'
and 'Living Libraries'
Welcome to the show. And Lord Greg, can you tell us a little about your intelligence sources, which are called in your world ‘The Walking Dictionaries’ and ‘The Living Libraries’, and that information goes round and round and round and round before you ever publish -
Round robin -
before you publish anything, because people do ask me all the time, where is Greg Hallett getting his information from, you know. Please explain.
Hmm, ok. When I was working in Moscow for DHL in December ‘89, I noticed that the people in Moscow and in Russia were deconstructed. That is, that their subconscious minds had been changed to think like the state, the state of Russia. So I developed a method of reconstructing the subconscious which was to change the person’s subconscious from thinking like the state or the church or whatever government body, to an individual, and I mentioned that on radio in New Zealand in January 2002, and then in June 2002 the President of the Scientists Club in St. Petersburg flew up to New Zealand and asked to see me. We met, and he ended up camping at my place for a month, and he briefed me on a whole lot of occult war secrets, including gravity and antigravity.
And he suggested to me that the way to understand gravity was to work out how to fly the planet. So he gave me some initial pointers, then I ended up writing a book, in between writing ‘Hitler Was A British Agent’, called ‘Flying the Planet’. And at the end of this month long stay he said “Would you like a reconstruction?” and I said: “Sure”. He said, "What would you like to get reconstructed as?”
And I said “Two Term Prime Minister, ah sorry, Internal Prime Minister and Two Term Government General”. So I was. It took ten hours, from 8 am until 6 pm. And then the next day I met the former 2IC from Intelligence, who was having lunch with the mafia boss, which is actually typical in New Zealand. So I started to get briefed for the next seven years, and I was briefed four to six times a week, over an intense period of about 4 and 1/2 years, and it started to wind down a bit in about July 2009. And it was 4 ½ years, before the story started to repeat.
So I was essentially a confessee to intelligence, so I was able to collect the stories on New Zealand and also the stories that New Zealand played a part in overseas, and put them all into a book, several books, and that’s how I got my knowledge. So I got it all from inside sources.
Right. Yeah, that is quite something.
Unusual way to go about it, but it’s the unusual part that gets to the results.
Would you, can you elaborate a little bit more for the people who are wondering ‘What is reconstruction of the subconscious’ – how it actually works, and what it is, because I am sure a lot of people don’t know. 'Reconstruction' and
Well, you have got hypnotism, and it is not hypnotism. What it does, is that the process bypasses the conscious and unconscious minds, and there is about three or four different methods of doing it now. So you bypass the conscious and unconscious mind and talk directly to the subconscious. And the subconscious is a very powerful tool, the subconscious is virtually the same size as the universe- or it might be a better way to put it – you can google the universe.
So, what tends to happen that when you reconstruct the subconscious towards your goal, then everything in your life moves towards that goal, even when you are not consciously or unconsciously thinking about it. So it’s really just like drawing in
Works like magic . . .
And it is straight away. Bang! Straight away! Reconstruction and Deconstruction used to take 9 ½ months in Hitler’s time, when he was deconstructed by the British. And, when Admiral Doenitz was captured by the British, and deconstructed, and then he ended up becoming the head of the navy, and the Fuhrer for a while, he was actually a British agent. So, in 1912 and 1917 it took 9 ½ months. In 2002 it took 10 hours, and now it’s probably down to 3 ½ hours – maybe 2 ½, maybe 1 ½.
As technology is so much more advanced.
Yeah, there is technology, and there is also the shamanic way of doing it, which is when the person understands the theories, understands the application and understands a multitude of responses. It can move that person rapidly right through very quickly.
Ok. Ok, well we go to the last section of our introduction with Lord Greg Hallett
What, there is more?
Well, of this introduction, yeah. All of your history is like new history to a lot of people, including to me. You said before, that if you studied history you have been propagandized, and you’ve learned bunk.
Tell us a little bit about the general propaganda machine, layers of lies, and the manipulation on top of the truth, which is called ‘The Four Layers of History’.
The Four Layers of History
- what really happened
- official history
- Counter-Intelligence History
- Motivations behind it
Well, can you give me a lead-in?
Yeah. The four layers of history, like if we take
You’ve got the official history
Yeah. So the official history is the first layer . . .
Well, you got what really happened, and you got the official history, and you’ve got the intelligence history that is leaked, which is actually counter-intelligence history, and then you got what really happened and the motivations behind it. And to understand real history, you have got to realize for instance – who was Winston Churchill working for, and who was Adolf Hitler working for. And it turns out that Adolf Hitler was working for the British, and that Winston Churchill was working for the Royal Family and the Illuminati, which are, you know, very much tied together. And Hitler was also working for the banks as well, and so was Churchill. World War II was a war that was designed to bankrupt the nations, which it did. So every country ended up owing money to the banks. There is nothing more expensive for a country than going to war, especially when the war is on their soil.
And those are just holes in history, which are not told through the mainstream media. When you watch ‘National Geographic’, they are not talking about those subjects.
No, they don’t. All of the other history books on Hitler, none of them mention his period from 1912 to 1913 because he was in Britain. He was in the Tavistock in London and he was in Liverpool, staying with his half-brother and sister-in-law.
So basic the conclusion is, if you study the holes, you get to the truth.
Greg: Yes, yeah.
There is holes in history, and holes in history books, the size of, you can fly a Boeing 747 through . . .
Yeah, you can, and the rest of it is just propaganda . . .
Yeah, it is true. So going on in this interview with Lord Chancellor of the Exiled King of England, Greg Hallett, we are going to talk about
1. Number One: The Histories between 1776 and 1915
2. Second subject is going to be the British Monarchy and the Hidden King of England
So. . . having said that, we go to the first chapter right now, and the first chapter was “The Years of History from 1776 until 1915. And today’s date is the 22nd of October 2011, and my name is Jörn, your host, and we are talking to Lord Chancellor of the Exiled King of England, Greg Hallett. So, my first question, Greg. The independence for America, the United States of America, was declared on the 4th of July 1776, as we still celebrate every year today. ‘1776’ numerologically means ‘New Beginning of Government’. Was the whole American revolution rigged and a con? Please explain to the audience – I can help you a bit. History from 1776 to 1915
1776, if you take the numbers, 1 plus 7 equals 8 and 8 means ‘A New Beginning’, because you can draw the number over and over again, and then 76, the last two numbers of the year 1776, 7 plus 6 is 13, and 13 means ‘government’, so it is “New Beginning of Government”. Do you have any idea who started the revolution that year or why it was caused? No? Ok. Next question.
Well, you know, I can have a guess. 1st of May 1776 was the beginning of the Illuminati in a cave in Bavaria.
It is a very important Illuminati date, the 1st of May. Just like Bin Laden discovered May 1st.
 Adam Weishaupt
Yeah absolutely. So that was Adam Weishaupt who had collected a whole lot of occult symbolism and occult happenings from all over the world, and that was something the Illuminati followed, and it appears the American government has been occult driven, and it also appears that the American Government and the whole of the United States is a British plantation, and that America actually pays its taxes to the monarch of Britain, who then redistributed it back to America, and the Queen can write letters, and I have seen these, she can write simple letters to the American government dictating to them what the social policies and what the law will be in America.
So America is a British plantation, it was raised up after World War II to succeed Britain. And then it was chopped off at the knees on the 11th of September 2001, and this was predicted in a British-Israel document in 1937, saying that the end of America would be five days later on the 17th of September 2001 – so they were six days out. So that was 1937.
This is called the British-Israeli federation movements.
And two years later America printed its new dollar notes that had pictures of the Twin Towers collapsing on the 5, 10, 20, 100 Dollar notes – at different stages of the collapse. So the collapse of the American government, the United States government, as a peak civilization was only deemed to last from 1945 with the collapse in 2001, it was taking a world collapse, and with Israel being superseding America as the prime civilization from about 1993, which is when President Bill Clinton handed over America’s greatest technology to Israel, including HAARP and the Nautilus Projector. President Clinton is the
grandson of King Edward VII
 King Edward VII

Winston Churchill,
illegitimate son of
King Edward VII

Pamela Digby Churchill,
the daughter of
Winston Churchill,
and mother of Bill Clinton
And President Bill Clinton turns out to be British, he was born in Britain in 1946, and he turns out to be the son of Pamela Digby Churchill and her father-in-law Prime Minister Winston Churchill. And Winston Churchill was the illegitimate son of King Edward VII.
So we’ve got an American President Bill Clinton, who is the grandson of the British monarch King Edward VII, which is not known in history.
And both King Edward VII and Bill Clinton were given the same byline ‘The Peacemaker’, and they both created wars. So they were propaganda bylines. It took quite a while, the British monarchy’s illegitimate children and how they have risen to power, and run programs in other countries under different names.
We will go in depth in the second chapter. But this is still chapter one, which is the history from 1776 until 1915. So my second question to you is, in this period we also had Napoleon doing his work – conquering – so the question is, was Napoleon’s march to Moscow in Russia in 1812 and the loss of 600,000 of his people out of his army of 625,000 people, was it an occult hit, was it done on purpose as wars are fake wars, as you decribe?
Well, Napoleon was given a chance. He was the great grandnephew of Louis XIV. Louis XIV had a twin brother, Louis XIV was the slightly fatter brother, so they chose him and they had jailed the skinnier and older brother, and Napoleon is supposedly the great grandson of that second brother. So they did give him a chance to rule, he was a bank-funded agent, the Rothschilds ran the banks, owned the banks. The Rothschilds funded Napoleon. So Napoleon succeeded in killing 600,000 soldiers plus more. He also succeeded in recording Egypt via pre-photographs, via etchings, and it is just the most beautiful collection of Egypt, it is just fantastic. It is a book about that thick (ca. 10 cm). So that was some great artistic work that he did.
So Napoleon was a Rothschild agent, Wellington was a Rothschild agent, and when Wellington and Napoleon went to war, the Rothschilds withdrew the funding of Napoleon and let Wellington win. And that information was passed to them via Scandaroon pigeons. Scandaroon actually translates as Alexander the Great, and Scandaroon pigeons and homing pigeons have been some of the most influential influence on war, homing pigeons. So the information that came to the Rothschilds was that Wellington was winning, and they passed the information to everyone else that Napoleon was winning, and they used that to manipulate the stock market and then buy up when it was at its lowest. That gave them the Bank of England.
This is Nathan Mayer de Rothschild.
The Rothschilds took over the
'Breeding rights' of the British Monarchy
22nd of June 1815. Now after that the British Royal Family were also in debt to the Rothschilds, and then the Rothschilds took over the ‘Breeding Rights’ of the British Royal Family. So Nathan Mayer Rothschild, who was a head of the Rothschild’s dynasty in England, started to breed with the British Royals, as did his son Lionel Nathan Rothschild.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild

his son
Lionel Nathan Rothschild
(half brother of
Alois Hitler)
So we find that from about the time of Queen Victoria, that the children were all fathered by Rothschilds and were illegitimate, and what I am going to show you, they were also bigamously born, meaning that a lot of the Royals are not Royals at all.
And it’s true that the Bank of England was taken over by the Rothschilds in 1815, that same year.
22nd of June, yeah.
That’s amazing. So, yeah that made them control Europe of course, as Napoleon was controlling Europe before the battle, and then he got defeated, and that put the Rothschilds in charge. Can you elaborate a little bit about Napoleon’s escape from St. Helena, and where he is buried today, because that is not very well known in modern history.
He officially died in 1821 but he escaped in February 1820, and he had a seaman who looked similar to him. So he put out a round robin to find somebody who looked like him, and they came up with a seaman called Eugene Lenormond, and Eugene Lenormond sailed to St. Helena and then rode ashore into a cave and met Napoleon in a cave. And Napoleon got down the cave on a silk rope ladder, which was hidden in a teachest which was delivered to his house, and so the silk ladder was incredibly strong and incredibly light. So they made an exchange of a few words and their clothing, and then Eugene Lenormond climbed up the ladder and became Napoleon in St. Helena, and Napoleon sailed back, his was heading for Brest and he ended up going to Antwerp and then making his way back to Paris.
And he tried to claim that he was Napoleon, but there were all these people in a mental asylum, claiming that they were Napoleon and dressed like Napoleon, so he decided that that was not a good idea, so he became a watermelon salesman. And he is buried in St. Thomas cemetery in Paris, right in view of the French Defense Department, so they have got like an eight story building, and they look out of their window and have their cups of tea, and look down on the grave of Eugene Lenormond, which is Napoleon. And they have little tea and chocolates and little ...
And I assume that Eugene Lenormond is
They soon found out that Eugene Lenormond was a fake, so they poisoned him and killed him. And the British were quite happy, because they did not have to fund his stay on St. Helena anymore.
Jörn: That’s amazing.
History is actually full of these weird things. When Eugene Lenormond died, they shipped his body to Paris and they built a mausoleum for him, and it took about 20 years to build a mausoleum, and during that time the British stole the body, that they thought was Napoleon, and buried him in the horse guards, which is in between Scotland Yard and Buckingham Palace, and the Duke of Wellington used to visit the grave of what he thought was Napoleon and talked to it every day. But it wasn’t. Abraham Lincoln's suppposed father
never existed
Amazing. Ok. Next question. The murder on President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, was it rigged, was it an occult hit, what else can you tell us about Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln was never Abraham Lincoln. His father was A. A. Springs and his supposed father Thomas Lincoln never physically existed. [In ‘The Synagogue of Satan’ Andrew Carrington Hitchcock states that this is a previously-held misnomer and G.H. has no problem with A.C.H.’s claim.]
 Abraham Lincoln
He had a wife called Mary, and he also had a bodyguard, and he used to sleep with his bodyguard. So he was that way inclined. His wife Mary had a lot of slaves, they came from a large slave owning family, and 31 years before the American civil war, which was propagandized to think that it was to end slavery, but 31 years before the combined harvester and the mechanical reaper had been invented, and that meant that slaves were now very expensive to keep, so they were trying to get rid of the slaves. So they decided to have an American civil war to free the slaves, and then sent the slaves into war and killed off the slaves and then took their cotton via mechanical reaper and combined harvester.
And at the same time in 1861 when the American civil war began, there were 7000 different currency notes in America and every village had a printing press and was printing their own notes. So the Rothschilds who owned the central bank wanted to get it just down to the 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Dollar note and some ornates which went up to 20 000 dollars, maybe 30 000 dollars. So they decided to have a civil war and put both sides of America, the northern states and the southern states, in debt, both banks, bring in the single greenback notes and virtually bankrupt the north and the south, kill off a whole lot of slaves, and call that the end of slavery.
So it was a rig. And then, my understanding is that the assassination of Lincoln was faked, because all we’ve got is a couple of etchings, someone who was called for who may or may not have done it, and then set free. And you can tell that Abraham Lincoln was a British Agent, because when you go to Bank in London, in the Royal Exchange Building, there is a statue of Abraham Lincoln, a bust there. Someone actually put a bullet hole in the statue, and next to him is, I think, John Paul Reuters. So you have got Lincoln here, there is the doors to the Exchange Building behind you, there is Lincoln here and John Paul Reuters there, who was the propagandist from Reuters, so they were all working together.
There is just so much of history now that you can’t trust, and I don’t trust that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at all, especially since his father Thomas Lincoln never existed. His real father was A. A. Springs who was a huge financier, and they had an enormous amount of gain by putting in a son under a different name, which still happens to this day – like Winston Churchill and Pamela Harriman, his concubine essentially and his daughter-in-law, put in their son Prince William Churchill Rex, grandson of the King of England, into the American Presidency. No one knew. And so what they did is they came up with this cover, they had six fathers.
Excerpt from 'The Sex Collectors Vol III: Heroin Ticket'
And one of them fell out of his car and drowned in a puddle – love it, you know, it is really believable . . . – and his mother never actually looked like him at all, and even when the true story comes out, that Bill Clinton is the son of Winston Churchill, they are still pumping the idea that he had six different fathers, and one of them died in a puddle, and he has got a mother that doesn’t look at all like him, and he’s got a brother that doesn’t look anything like him at all. His brother is similar in that he is white, and that he is within six inches in height, and that’s it, and that is the connection.
There is no intelligence connection, there is no charisma connection. It’s just a joke, but they keep it out of the media. And they keep fronting . . . talking lips of Bill Clinton as being the truth, pump him up as being as a charismatic, and when people get close to the truth, they pump bring up the Monica Lewinsky story as another distraction.
The Monica Lewinsky story, she was a Polish Mossad agent, and she was there to run as a distraction and put pressure on Clinton, so that he would surrender the best weapons America had to Israel.
Closely related:
Bill Clinton is the half brother of Queen Elizabeth II
Right. And he was protected – Bill Clinton – by Queen Elizabeth II, wasn’t he.
Yeah. She called up a favour, because Bill Clinton is the half brother of Queen Elizabeth II, because Queen Elizabeth is also the biological daughter of Winston Churchill by artificial insemination, and it was one of the first cases of artificial insemination, and it’s the same for Princess Margaret. And the Irish knew about it, but, you know, there is no real media in Ireland, it doesn’t get into the Mainstream media, it is side-lined because they know.
That’s amazing. Yeah. Anyway, talking about more holes in history. We are gonna talk about my personal favourite history aspect what happened which is the sinking of the passenger ship the Titanic, which happened on the 15th of April 1912, when the ship hit the supposed iceberg on the 14th of April 1912. So when I sum up all these similarities and coincidences about it and most likely the reasons why this ship had to go down, and who died on it, you wonder what really happened. So I will give the summary right now and then we will ask you for your comment. So we are talking about the passenger ship the Titanic which hit the iceberg on the 14th of April 1912.
The 'Sinking' of the Titanic made it possible for the Federal Reserve Act to be pushed through, which paved the way to the financing of World War I
It was the biggest ship in the world that was ever built at that time called ‘unsinkable’ under lots of propaganda through the media. It was the ship’s first maiden voyage and the captain’s last maiden voyage, as he was going to retire 2 or 3 days later in New York, and New York was the destination for the ship and its trip. The next year the Federal Reserve Partial Owner and Titanic funder J. P. Morgan cancelled his trip with the Titanic. He was supposed to go on the ship and travel along to New York, but he cancelled his trip a few days before the ship had to sail.

The Wreck of the Titan -
published 11 years before the Titanic was built
A book, which I show right now here to the audience called ‘The Sinking of the Titan’, written by author Morgan Robertson, this book came out in 1898, which is eleven years before the ship was ever built, and this book has all the Titanic aspects written in it eleven years before the ship was ever built. So coincidence or not, it looks like the whole event was orchestrated according to this book, and it is still available today at Amazon, where I bought it myself. But there is more: the Titanic was heading towards New York, in New York called the Empire State. When the ship was launched on the 31st of May 1911, a person called James Dobbins lost his leg, and died the next day. This was seen as a very bad omen for the ship. The Titanic also missed ramming another ship while leaving the Port of Southhampton on the 10th of April 1912 by a few meters, and one of the coalbunkers got on fire for the entire trip until the ship sunk.
Sailing full speed through an ice field with not enough life boats by half, in a dark moonless night with missing binoculars, and a too small of a rudder – as they found out with the sea trials they did, the ship had a very slow reaction to its steering capacities. The lookouts in the crows nest looking for iceberg that fatal night were in the open with no windshield, so their eyesight was impaired with the ice in their eyes. With the known minus 2° Celcius sea water temperature, they know that it is 2 minutes that people go into hyperthermia, but it might be 5 minutes.
It would be 2.
It was real cold. Putting the engines in reverse when the iceberg was seen is not a smart reaction to do, because it took the pressure off the rudder, while trying to avoid and steer away from the iceberg.
As it sunk in 1912, that is exactly 100 years before the alleged end of the Mayan calendar, which ends in 2012, the first few life boats were lowered with half or less than half their capacity, and another passenger ship, the California, was only 10 miles away from the Titanic when it was sinking, could have saved everyone, but the captain of that ship ignored the spotted and seen white colour emergency flags because they were not in red colour seen.
Going on, with the design of the Titanic, the 15 watertight bulk heads that make the 16 water tight compartments due to budget costs, they were only raised from the keel to E-DECK, so they knew that if the first five compartments would be breached, the ship was doomed, and the Poms couldn’t save the ship. That was done by project costs allegedly.
The Titanic was given the wrong colour emergency flares, white instead of red. Abraham Lincoln, we just discussed him, being a British Agent, as you said and also written in your books, was shot on April 14th 1865 as a British Agent in the head, and died the next day April 15th 1865. And the Titanic was a British ship, as it was registered in Liverpool, struck the iceberg on her bow, which is her head basically, on the 14th of April 1912 and sunk and hit the bottom the next day, which is April 15, 1912. All opposition to the Federal Reserve System in America were eliminated with the sinking of the Titanic, and their names were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss and John Jacob Astor, and those people were one of the richest people in the world at that time. This way the Federal Reserve Act was pushed through US Congress a year later, which made the USA a debtor nation, which is a nation in debt by its – how do you say that?
The Jesuits had sufficient funding
through the Federal Reserve Bank
to begin World War I
Financial prostitution.
And 8 months after this act was signed by American President Woodrow Wilson, the Jesuits had sufficient funding through the Federal Reserve Bank to begin World War I for us. The Jesuit order is controlled by the Rothschilds, Morgans and Rockefellers who now own the Federal Reserve. So, knowing all that, it’s not inconceivable that we’ve heard so much about the famous voyage of the Titanic, because it was one of the most perfect crimes ever committed, I would suspect, and as Hitler later on said: ‘The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.’
I would ask you: how was it made sure that she would go down, the Titanic, because it is not coincidence what we are talking about here now.
So to get an overview: was it 51 years between the shooting of Abraham Lincoln and the sinking of the Titanic?
1865 to 1912. So that is 35 plus 12, is 47 years.
Ok. Well, both have to do with the huge financial changes in America. One was bringing in the greenbacks and ending slavery, because that was expensive, and the other was bringing in the Federal Reserve, which created slavery for both whites and blacks, African Americans from 1961 according to history. So, what was your question?
The question was, knowing that disaster events are not engineered to happen, they are allowed to happen or a combination of both . . .
No, they are actually engineered, they are pre-engineered with the design of the ship and the budget cuts during the building of the Titanic, if it was the Titanic and not the Olympus. But they are also built according to the novel, and the novel that was written might actually have been commissioned as well, because the powers that be like to have the old ‘I told you so’ or ‘We told you so’, and they certainly outlined that the Titanic could sink.
My personal view is that it was sunk by a can opener submarine which were available from about 1870.
Can openers.
Can opener submarines, how do you describe it, you know, a bit comes out of the side of the submarine, and it runs along the side of the ship and chews through the walls of the ship and fills up the holes with water and then tills the ship and sinks it. [A more recent theory is that the steel was of low quality and the pot-rivets although massive, were of very low quality steel and incredibly brittle. In the cold water they virtually snapped when tapped.]
For the people who will find that hard to believe as the ship was sailing - the ship was stopped allegedly when it was struck by the iceberg.
They used a can opener submarine on a ship on the top of South Ireland on the 16th of February 1986 and it was actually engineered with the complete complicity of the New Zealand government and the New Zealand navy as well. Yeah, so can opener submarine. And they changed the SOS just beforehand to a CQD signal, which no one really appreciated, so when the SOS was given out, it was not acknowledged.
They changed the warning flares from red to white, and people were shooting out white flares to celebrate, so it was completely missed. And what we were given in history was that some old woman lost a ring, and it was found on the bottom of the ocean, and her love was for a lower class man, and some people played violins when the ship sunk, and that is what we were given. It is a joke history.
Could it be that mind control was behind all this?
I think some of the crew were mind-controlled, and I think the captain was in on it.
The captain died, the First Officer who was on a watch committed suicide that same night . . .
Yeah, but so we are told, and no one saw the iceberg. So, you know, what’s the truth? You can disregard so much of the eyewitness reports.
And you got all the symbolisms and coincidences all lined up. Sinking ships is a complete art form
Sinking ships is a complete art form, and it is done again and again and again, and if you consider that it was the British who sank the ship that Lord Kitchener was on on the 5th of June 1916, and that it was self-sabotage – they wanted to kill him, but at the same time they killed another 680 men, but they just wanted to kill Kitchener, you know. The sabotage of ships is done repeatedly, and it’s often self-sabotage. So it is often done either as an insurance job, or with the complicity of governments. Like, it was Winston Churchill who was behind the sinking of the Lusitania to bring America into World War I.
Yes, Lord Greg, I was going to ask you that in World War I, was the sinking of the passenger ship Lusitania on the 7th of May 1915 off the south coast of Ireland, was that an inside job as well?
It was completely organised by Winston Churchill. He was the Sea Lord. The Lusitania was loaded with gun cotton on the holes, so if it was going to be hit by a torpedo, the whole ship was going to explode. So it left Cunard Pier in New York on the 1st of May 1915 and motored towards Ireland. Now the British sent a cipher to their own agents in Queenstown in Southern Ireland saying that they wanted the escort for the Lusitania removed. So that went, and it was in a cipher that the Germans could understand, so they knew that the escort was not going to be there. And then the Germans torpedoed the Lusitania. It had gun cotton on the sides and it was doing 15 to 18 knots. So instead of taking 1 to 2 hours to sink, it ploughed down in 18 minutes with a loss of about 1200 people, and that was used to bring America into World War I.
Jörn: Right. It’s amazing.
Yes, absolute sabotage. History is a Con
So with all those examples, it’s safe to say that history is a con, it’s a lie, it’s manipulated. With all those being inside jobs, and rigged history examples, do we have any real history or non-rigged events that were not manipulated? How far do we have to go back in time?
Probably ‘til when I put my glasses back on to maintain continuity. Are we in rigged history now or in unrigged history? Well, pre-Arcon.
Pre-Arcon? That’s about 2000 years?
Maybe more, maybe, you know, before Alexander the Great. History has been rigged as long history has been written.
Right. That’s amazing. With massive holes
Absolutely massive holes, yeah.
And this includes History Channel, National Geographic Channel, Discovery Channel. They don’t tell you that Hitler was in England. Hitler in England
Yeah. They all skip that Hitler was in England, and if it is produced that Hitler was in England, then it’s produced as a conspiracy and then written off, and then written off with distractions. Oh yes, and Hitler had nephews, and they were in New York, and they all have changed their names, and it’s all very confusing and very badly produced. What they tend to do is, they show documents, but they show them instant and then blurred, so you can’t get any valuable information out of it. So you really have to get into the details, the devil is in the details.
With the Titanic being sunk by a can opener submarine, are there any more examples of other ships that were sunk by a can opener submarine?
There is a recent example in New Zealand on the 16th of February 1986 with the sinking of the Mikhail Lermontov. It was taken out of Picton Harbour on top of the South Island by the pilot for Picton who was called Don Jamison. And normally they go right round the South Island and they are heading down the west coast. And in this case he cut in between two rocks at [Port Jackson sic] Cape Jackson between the lighthouse and another rock, Palum Rock rock. He was close to the right hand side of the rocks, which meant that if he hit a rock, it was going to cut on the right-hand-side of the ship. Instead a can opener submarine cut a 13 meters long hole, 5.5 meters below sea level on the left-hand-side of the ship. And the ship came round, it was still motoring and it went into a shallow bay about 100 metres off shore, so that people could actually get into the life boats and rode ashore, and the life boats could come back and they could unload people. It got in close to shore, and then it turned around, this is with the breach of the hole, it turned around and motored into deeper water.
They sent a ‘May Day!’ out at about 6.07 pm, about half an hour after it got breached. No one received that ‘May Day!’ call, no one officially received it. The ship was calculated as due to sink at 9.30 pm. The rescue boats arrived ten minutes later, so it was due to sink at 9.20, the rescue boats arrived at 9.30, and the ship ended up sinking at 9.27 pm. It was supposed to sink with a lot of lives lost, and that didn’t happen. What did happen was, one Russian sailor was reported dead, and when the ship sank, it was giving off a sonar beep at midnight every night, and that was actually mapping out the floor of the Cook Straight for the Trawler Wars. Helen Clark is a KGB
gang-bang prostitute
As well, 52 KGB Agents got off that ship and infiltrated into New Zealand, and that same year we had ‘Goods and Services Tax’ brought into New Zealand, the homosexual law reform bill was passed and the Pope came to visit. Richard Prebble intoned that Helen Clark and Margaret Wilson were responsible and they were both KGB-Agents. Margaret Wilson sent out a press release from St. Petersburg in 1987, saying that people needed more face-to-face time with the Russians, and that was during the Cold War. She was a KGB prostitute. And Helen Clark was a KGB gang-bang prostitute and she turned out to be a paedophile as well in the style of Janet Reno, and she was in a cover marriage to a homosexual child sex abuser called Peter Davis. And Helen Clark and Margaret Wilson, who were major players and instigators in the sinking of the Lermontov, then became lawmakers in New Zealand. Helen Clark became Prime Minister, and Margaret Wilson became Attorney-General and Speaker of the House of Parliament, and Helen Clark went on to become the third in charge of the United Nations, specifically in charge of developing nations, which as we know was genocide through vaccinations, and blood with AIDS in it etc.
And that is where she’s positioned right now?
That’s where she is right now, yeah. And the minister who brought in the ‘Goods and Services Tax’ that same year in 1986 is Roger Douglas, and in 1999 he was convicted of paedophilia by his stepson, and then that information was suppressed. So there’s a major theme in history where sexual deviants, people who are not heterosexual, and people who are shamed by their sexual practices, are the ones who are making history to our detriment, and influencing history to our detriment. Almost as though they are commissioned to sink ships, and sink the ships of nations in order to maintain cover for their sexual practices, and once they’ve done their double jeopardy deeds, they are promoted further and further and given everlasting cover which includes a fake history written about them.
So, if you look at ‘who gains’, Helen Clark and Margaret Wilson became Prime Minister, Third in charge of the United Nations, Attorney General and Speaker of the House of Parliament. And in the same situation, we should look at the Titanic and see ‘who gains’, and the person who gained was J.P. Morgan. He lost the Titanic, got the insurance money, and then got the Federal Reserve.
Which was pushed through the next year. The Federal Reserve Act.
Greg: 1913.
Which paved the way to the financing of World War I.
Yeah. So in New Zealand, with the sinking of the Mikhail Lermontov, the equivalent to the Federal Reserve was the ‘Goods and Services Tax’ which is a tax of 10% on every exchange of money. That then went up to 12.5% and more recently it’s gone up to 15%. And what it does is, it cripples the poor, it doesn’t affect the rich at all. Cui bono - Who benefits
Right. It’s always very important to ask the question ‘Who benefits?’ isn’t it.
Cui bono?
‘Cui bono’ is Latin for ‘Who benefits’. I might be wrong, but I think it was a law in old Greece. Cui bono, who benefits.
We should look at it in terms of war as well, and we will get on to Hitler and how he benefitted, and how the British benefitted from having an Austrian running Germany, and run Germany into the ground. For the next chapter . . .(see Hallett Report No. 3)