Etheric warfare
Hitting Back in the Etheric Realm
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Dec 2011
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 2199
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Hitting Back in the Etheric Realm
At the end of July, about a half dozen of us who have businesses
that are linked on found that our sales suddenly
dropped. Other folks who do business here were unaffected but Carol
and I felt sure that this was not related to a business cycle or
trend, nor did it have anything to do with the economy.
She was in France at the time, I think.
Dooney told me that her gemstone bracelet sales also suddenly
dropped, then, and Andy of also reported a sudden
So, when Carol got home in August we got into the chatroom with
Dooney to gather some intel and fight back. We did a chat session
with her every week or two after that and, each time, all of us
experienced a jump in sales for a day or two (sometimes more) right
afterward. Andy was a sort of control in the experiment, since he
wasn't participating in teh chats.
I later learned that Laurent n Switzerland was also getting hit,
beginning at the end of July, and I think one or two others might
have been.
Some folks ask me in email to share more reports about what happens
in the chatroom but I've always felt that the focus of the forum
needs to remain on what we're doing with (mostly) simple orgonite,
instead. It's so easy to shift the focus to sensational subjects
and personalities that many of us pull the reins in when we're
talking about it, here.
The corporate world order relies very heavily on filthy magic to
bolster their propaganda, gulags, academia, clergy chicanery,
'entertainment,' 'medicine,' etc. so that people won't question
whether there are better alternatives. Some evidence of that is
that you can utter simple, demonstrable facts to people, like 'The
only terrorists states are US/US/Israel,' and it will sound like
complete gibberish to 99.99% of people, at least in the West.
Since our routine chat sessions were only bringing back some of our
trade Carol finally decided, in the last week of October, to fight
magic with magic, so she lit a black candle while focusing on the
problem. Our sales immediately went up, as did Andy's and Dooney's
although we weren't trackng their businesses as closely as ours and
we continued to have chat sessions with Dooney. Carol figured that
the black candle draws so much of the sewer rats' directed hatred
that everyone associated with us was bound to benefit from her
We approach everything pretty objectively. Blind faith doesn't
really serve anyone but the sewer rats, after all. Each time the
candle went out our sales returned to zero or close to it and when
she fired one up, again, the sales returned.
Everything in the world has its own energy and magic, of
course. Everything in Creation is alive, after all. After a couple
of weeks Carol got the notion to enhance the process by putting a
little Catholic statue of St Anne on a stack of our Terminator
zappers beside the candle and also a ruby zyosite, carved owl next
to that.
A couple of times the arrangement was 'rearranged' and the flame
went out, then our retail sales immediately stopped. Once, when we
returned from errands the little statue was head-down in the candle,
for instance, and another time the statue was knocked to the
floor. Carol ordered some of those candles that are in glass
containers so that we can have one burning when we're gone.
Also, the sales come in at a faster rate when the flame of the
candle is exceptionally large. Carol says that it's because the
flame, itself, is a sort of indicator of how much energy is being
directed at us. Carol and Dooney see rituals being done against
us, every time we do a chat.
The energy is coming from China and at first we assumed it was just
the Triads but in each session we've dug deeper into the hierarchy
and found some curious things--one being that the Triads are
evidently just the blunt instruments in this case and the directors
are evidently not human or from here.
After Laurent told me, about a week ago, that he was also being
sabotaged since July we arranged to have a larger session, right
before the last full moon on November 10, 2011 and invited him to
join us, also Hawthorne and Mark Bennett, who was evidently poisoned
with mercury or some such in September. Getting poisoned with heavy
metals is an unwitting kudo from the sewer rats, I think. Carol and
I got hit with beryllium, a Canadian mega-gifter was dosed with
lead, Carol got dosed with uranium, etc. None of us have expired
from any of that, fortunately, but most of us understand that
healthy living isn't enough for one to heal from the effects of
those poisons; one has to either get competent professional help to
get it out or else know how to do it him/herself.
I think PCA Rx might suffice for most or all of these episodes and
Carol and I have used it to get rid of small doses of metal poison
but when someone's hit really hard I think it's prudent to send a
hair sample to Dr von Peters of and then follow
through with his homeopathic/herbal chelation treatment, as we've
done a couple of times. The fellow who developed the hair analysis
that he uses was railroaded into prison, I think in the 1970s. It's
the only hair analysis that checks for exotic metals and of course
the sewer rats are very, very exotic when it comes to getting rid of
people who improve the world or might do so.
The attack has been so bad for us that Carol's had to sell some of
our assets to manage to pay the people who are selling us their
labor. We don't want their families to suffer on account of the
sewer rats' hatred of us. I think that this month we'll break even,
thanks to the progress we've made in teh chat sessons and to the
candle magic.
The psychics saw what looked to them like old humanoids in very
tall, dark hats (similar to the old Persian taj) directing the
assault. They say that these parasites are extremely old and
someone wondered whether they're like the sewer rat version of the
Wingmakers--the psychics agreed that this was a good analogy. I
wonder if these intestinal worms in the body politic are the occult
mainstay of the entire corporate world order. We've mainly focuses
on the draconians, who are much higher (sic) profile but might be
only middle management. They're all a bunch of arrogant, grouchy
We used to just go after these bloodstained predators 'with extreme
prejudice' when we found them but more recently we've developed more
finesse and are taking our cues, better than before, from our
sponsors in the finer realms. Sometimes the $#!+birds we are
treating do suffer and expire but we figure it's just suicide.
It's been quite a ride!
As a spiritual test it's been exquisite and I think Carol and I are
actually being protected this way--hard to explain but sudden wealth
or fame can be pretty destructive, as history has shown us
repeatedly. It's a good idea to consolidate our efforts as we
expand because that helps us keep the criminal element out of all
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Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Hitting Back in the Etheric Realm
Coach Dooney visited us last weekend so she and Carol could work on
some promotional work for Dooney's gemstone bracelets with the aura
camera. The rest of the time, Dooney helped Carol with her blogsite
and we didn't get around to doing another session to smack down the
sewer rats over in China who are trying to savage our, Andy's and
Laurent's businesses.
The night before Dooney arrived Carol was wakened by a very personal
psi assault and while she was beating the cr@p out of the assailants
she looked across the hall and saw the candle flame flaring like a
torch. She had the impression that the personal assault was out of
desperation and we were getting a normal number of retail orders
during that night. All three of us have the feeling that the
Triads/NSA are experiencing diminishing returns with their assaults
on the five of us. This should earn a lot of business for Laurent
and Andy at the end of this campaign against us all

you might remember that Laurent and Marco in Switzerland are the
guys who kind of pulled the rug out from under the Vryal, some years
ago, by thoroughly gifting Lake Geneva and some 'prime secret real
estate' during our little campaign against the Vryal, who are
otherwise known as the SS in modern times. Dr Farrell refers to
them as the 'Fascist International,' and Jim Marrs also documents
their foundational involvement with the present American and Israeli
There's also a lot of good, supportive data in The Hitler Book,
which is a free PDF download here. Franklin Press, the publishing
house which had printed it, was destroyed by the FBI in the late
1980s. I find that more and more people are reading good books,
now, and relying less on the preening, glitzy plagiarists and the
CIA/NSA-sponsored internet disinformation sites.
Last night, at bedtime, Carol had just gone upstairs and yelled at
me to come up. Unfortunately, I had just fallen asleep in my chair
& didn't hear her. She had just gotten a box full of black,
seven-day candles in glass jars from a company she does business
with and she was looking forward to not having to worry about a
house fire, any more, caused by the sewer rats' mischief. Candles
in glass jars only go out when they fall over or get knocked
over. The worst that can happen is that there will be a puddle of
melted wax to clean up.
The candle in the pictures in the previous post lasts about four
days and last night one of those was being used but it was only two
days since she lit it and when she went upstairs, last night, there
was a puddle of wax that filled the dinner plate that the candle was
in and the entire puddle was on fire, which I think defies some
alleged law of physicis.
Carol rarely yells and in fact is a little bit of a 'low talker'
around the house when she's not in party mode. I didn't know that
she'd hollered until just now (the following morning) when she was
telling me more about the situation. For the past couple of days
our orders have slowed to a trickle and the candle flame had been
very tall and steady (so is the flame on the new candle). Last
night she lit the first of the seven-day candles and that one is one
third gone after only 9 hours, which indicates to her that the
assault on our businesses is more aggressive than ever. The
candles, alone, had deflected or absorbed most of the force until
recently and she's close to being able to pay all our bills and
labor-providers without selling any assets, this month so I know the
assailants must feel frustrated. I'm a little concerned that the
spring-back effect, after they've decided to stop trying to erase us
from the market, might earn us so much money that the London
intestinal parasites may send their IRS legbreakers after us but I'm
leaving that in The Operators' capable hands and we're ready to make
our biz portable, again, on short notice in that case.
Eleven years ago these sewer rats railroaded our main competitor
into federal prison with dizzying velocity and Carol and I then went
on the road for a year until these vampires lost interest in
destroying the zapper trade. They had essentially destroyed the
magnet, colloidal silver and ozone trade this way in the previous
decade so we were just being prudent. Since the present attack is
coming from China (Gobi dark masters? You might have seen them
referred to as The Great White Brotherhood by theosophy chumps) it
may be that the IRS isn't going to padlock our rented property after
we've perhaps removed our business to the road, again. I kind of
think this attack has more to do with orgonite's imminent emergence
into public awareness and when that happens in China it's sure going
to speed up the demise of Mao's bloody, Tavistock-spawned legacy.
The wormy. dung-eating entities behind the corporate world order
might still be entertaining the faint hope that China represents the
last gasp (er, I mean 'hope') of their old world-domination agenda.
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Posts: 2199
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Hitting Back in the Etheric Realm
Carol reminds me that the candle magic is a last resort for us and
is completely defensive in our case.
Only sewer rats and their grinning, complacent Theosophy chumps
would ever consider using magic to harm people and even that is weak
compared to the positive work that the Average Joe does every day
with orgonite. These filthy machinations are also weak compared to
what anyone can do with the heart-centered boosting that
Dooney teaches to individuals. When more people recognize this we
won't have to wait as long for the demise of this ancient, parasitic
order. A lot of people (not just us) feel that the end of
corporate/occult tyranny is in sight.
I'm going to post something about this (the use of magic) in the Q
and A section, too.
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Posts: 265

Re: Hitting Back In The Etheric Realm
Back in the Sixties I experimented with Candle Magic and was so
successful with it, it scared me and I dropped it.
Might be time to try it again...sales are just dead here and it's
embarrassing to admit that on this forum. Zoe and I thought that
possibly the Google attack warning on my site's shopping cart, which
stayed-up for four or five days after the problem was fixed, was the
cause of the lack of sales. We've built an entirely new site at
great effort and expense and it's made no difference. I should have
bought a new play-bike for that money, or bought some silver. on the
other hand, I don't regret the changes, the site is more secure and
easy to use than ever. They were needed upgrades anyway.
Where do I get those candles? And, no, wax does not burn like you
described, Don. That's weird.
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Posts: 2199
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Hitting Back in the Etheric Realm
The NSA have always hit Andy very hard, maybe because he's the first
fellow ever to go into this as a business. We were already selling
zappers or a living before we started promoting orgonite and giving
away the inventions in 2001 and Andy was already selling orgonite
cloudbusters before that. The Triads, with NSA lapdog assistance,
are apparently using other forms of dirty magic to attack our
livlihoods so we're having to change up. I don't even like to
mention the disgusting, old parasitic entities which the psychics
are seeing behind the Triads
Carol lit up the first white candle, last night, to go along with
the black candle. Throughout most of the night the black candle
flame was barely lit and the white candle flame was like a
torch. Maybe she'll post some particulars about these dynamics but
when we got up both candles were burning normally. The first
seven-day black candle in a tall jar lasted two days, this
time. Carol's been buying these from the same supplier for years
and candles have never burnt down this fast for her.
I suppose that in the sixties this stuff frightened lots of people,
maybe the way aviation frightened people a hundred years ago. I
think bornagain chumps vented their spleens at aviation, then

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Posts: 2199
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Hitting Back in the Etheric Realm
"Etymology: from the idea in the past that the spleen (an organ in
the body) was the place where evil intentions began"
It's funny that I found this etymology of 'vent spleen' online
because bornagain chumps actually believe that we're all essentially
evil. What a bunch of schmucks; the ultimate devil worshippers in
what Jüri Lindo cleverly terms 'consensus trance.' Breaking out of
the sundry consensus trances is what discernment and independent
examination of reality is all about. It's natural to be curious,
rational and open minded and it's toxic to be a bornagain chump or
any other minion of clergy/academia/media-regurgitated ideologies,
including theosophy/masonry, communism/atheism (humanism), ad
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Re: Hitting Back In The Etheric Realm
Don, you wrote:
"bornagain chumps actually believe that we're all essentially evil."
Yes, and they have been programed to believe this through Tavistock
television shows and movies,
in conjunction with the other corporate mechanisms you mentioned
above. "Are you of the body?"
Like in the Matrix:
Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my
time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I
realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this
planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the
surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area
and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is
consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another
area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same
pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a
disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the
I think the parasites want us to believe that this is the natural
state of being for humanity. It is not.
People have been manipulated into acting destructively. But we are
not naturally destructive.
The parasites want us to think that we are evil, so that we give up
and act evil all the time.
When I say parasites, I mean both physical beings like politicians
or other deceitful people, and whatever
is ultimately controlling them. William S. Burroughs said: "My
contention is that what we call evil is quite literally a virus
parasite occupying a certain brain area which we may term 'the right
center'. The mark of a basic sh*t is that he has to be right."
Now that is kind of long-winded. Don, you put it succinctly when you
said, "disgusting, old parasitic entities"...
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Re: Hitting Back In The Etheric Realm
that is an interesting comment you have made about the spleen and I
would like to add this:
The spleen is considered as the base of instincts therefore it is a
most powerful human "equipment" against extermination. It is the
center that 'rings the bell' when danger is approaching and it is
also where our animal instincts are based.
So, it is natural for every anti-human to create false impressions
and demonize the spleen because that way it cuts people off their
basic alarm center.
The only strange thing in our Cosmos is the perception we have of
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Re: Hitting Back In The Etheric Realm
Stevo and I have also been using a black candle on the advice of
Carol and Don, and we have found it to make a big difference in the
energy around our businesses. It's quite apparent when Stevo's
business phone doesn't ring for days on end that something is wrong.
When we lit the candle, the phone started ringing - simple. I track
it by the number of orders I get, and although I have been coaching
and sending card reading reports all these months, I've sold few
bracelets. So it seems like the black magic aimed at my business has
specifically targeted the bracelets.
Also, there were many distractions and interruptions before Carol
and I could get together and do the aura photos I recently posted.
It took us nine months to get it done, what with technical
difficulties, weather preventing us from getting together, illness
keeping us from making a trip, etc. Finally, I made up my mind to
just go to Carol and Don's and do it, and a severe snow storm sprang
up. I had headed out to Idaho, but turned around in Missoula and
came back home. The next day, I tried again, and although I was
leery of driving through the mountains in winter I got brave and did
it. The result was great and suddenly I'm getting bracelet orders.
This is really typical of the NWO when we are trying to get together
and do something important. For example, Don's recent air gifting
over our mountains was years in the making. The first time he
planned to do it, they crashed his plane. They literally ran Don's
plane into a wall of energy. Luckily he was not damaged, but the
plane was totaled. We've had the same kind technical and weather
interruptions on that mission. But, Don persevered and did his first
run a couple of weeks ago. I think that particular spell is broken
now, and Don won't run into so many complications on future sorties.
So, you just have to keep trying when stuff like this happens. You
simply can't give up.
The other thing that's been happening is that Stevo is getting
attacked in the middle of the night. He's fine while he's awake, but
in the middle of the night they put cords all over him. A few times
I have woken up in the middle of the night and cut all the cords,
and then he sleeps fine. Otherwise, he doesn't sleep much at night.
This is a pretty sneaky method of attacking him when I'm asleep and
can't help. Those gutless wankers...
I think all of this is a sign of desperation on the part of the NWO,
and although I would have wished for a more profitable year, we
always learn something from these attacks. Now we're going to use a
white candle and a dark green candle (prosperity) along with the
black candle. As usual, Madame Carol is our guide for hitting back

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Posts: 8

Re: Hitting Back In The Etheric Realm
At a supper at my sister's place about a week ago, two candle jars
made of glass broke. We thought it was a little strange, because
although the candles were lit, heating the glass, and they were
probably from China, they are not supposed to break like that. My
sister confirmed it never happened before. She also remarked that
black stuff was coming out of those white candles. Coincidentally,
when the first one broke, I was just about to share to my mom some
insight related somewhat to "magic", which was: that before I was
born, when my dad had a car crash and was ejected, (knowing him he
was probably going at a cruising speed of 90 miles per hour) and had
came out with only a few scratches, and she woke up at the same time
his car clock had stopped, maybe she was instrumental in saving his
life. It sounds far fetched but it reminds me of those people who
will somehow be able to lift a vehicle in order to save someone who
is trapped beneath, only in her case the action would be remote and
unconscious. In that case, it would support the explanation that the
strange happenings I've been noticing over the past 12 years or so,
like a Bible jumping off a shelf(not mine, I was at somebody else's
house), scratches appearing on my body, object teleporting, water
drop materializing, etc... are hereditary. I sure hope those are
signs of a healing gift rather than freak symptoms. After I came up
with the above hypothesis, I emailed my mother asking her when she
would come to visit my sister and myself because I was looking
forward to tell her. When I got her answer, she told me she had had
trouble emailing me. Her messages would bounce back even after
trying with two different providers that I have an email at. Maybe
it was hacking. Maybe the candles breaking was a sign of magical
Last edited by
NoFairweatherFriend on 01 Dec 2011 08:19; edited 4 times in
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Posts: 49
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Re: Hitting Back In The Etheric Realm
Apperently I sent my bracelet order to Dooney that very weekend when
she was at Don and Carol's for doing the aura photos.
From a customer's viewpoint in this matter of etheric attacks on
Dooney's business, I would like to mention that I actually had made
up my mind several weeks earlier to order bracelets. For some
inexplicable reason I kept lingering on actually sending the order
Obviously I was experiencing some kind of artificial stop on the
line. It's easy to see that now after the fact.
I'm glad things are improving and I'm looking forward to another set
of wonderful energy bracelets!
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Re: Hitting Back In The Etheric Realm
Can one do the black candle thing "wrong"? I don't want to make
matters worse

far, I'm getting that you light it and focus on the dark energy
being absorbed by the candle. Is that right?
I purchased one of Dooney's Psychic Enhancement bracelets a while
ago. The first few days I wore it, I wondered why the world looked
different. I had to go to a mall (yuck!) and in the crowd, noticed
that everyone was asleep, except for a few dark people (who looked
surprised I could see them) and a few light people (who gave me big
knowing smiles and etheric hi-fives). I got a little freaked out, I
must admit, and wore it just for EW chats and at night, at first. It
really is that powerful! Now I wear it often and it feels great.
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Posts: 8

Re: Hitting Back In The Etheric Realm
After editing the above message, I felt a pretty strong pressure in
my chest/heart area: a sensation I had never felt before. Obviously,
I haven't gotten a heart attack, and I'm too young to worry about
that anyway, so it may have been an etheric attack. I put my
harmonic protector on and two minutes later I was fine.
replying to Dooney's aura pictures thread, I felt somewhat like
my eyes were attacked, but this was not a new sensation, though.
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Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Hitting Back in the Etheric Realm
Great thread, thanks folks! I see that we should have been
including Sharon in our little mini chat sessions since August but I
didn't realize that her business, too, is evidently under assault by
these agency felons. If that's so, then the total number of
orgonite businesses being attacked, internationally, is now at
least seven.
Most people who get attacked this way also get poisoned routinely,
by the way, which is a good reason to wear a good zapper around the
clock for the duration. They nearly killed Carol and I with
successive poisonings, four years ago, but we finally managed to
turn that around and when we get poisoned, these days, we barely
notice it. We got competent professional help during that time,
dropped a load of weight and also vastly improved our diet. I owe
some thanks to the FBI, CIA and NSA baby killers for essentially
enabling us to feel better, now, than we ever have in our lives.
I'm asking Carol to add some thoughts about candle magic. She's
gotten hacked out of here so often, over the years, that she's a
little gun shy about posting

just like I was about posting photos until Ben helped me over that
I'm happy to report a nice confirmation, though:
Last night the black candle burned down and went out. She forgot to
light another one until this afternoon. Sales online were flat since
the middle of the night; no surprise, but as she was coming
downstairs, the phone rang and it was Sonia, 'The Truther Girl,' in
Montreal, inviting us to be guests on her radio show, again. After
our interview with her, a year ago, our sales went through the roof
and stayed that way until the end of July, which is when the assault
started. We sent her a bunch of orgonite after last year's
interview, so let's see what the next show is going to be like.
It will be Thursday, noon on the N. American left coast. I'll post
the URL when I find out from her.
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Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Hitting Back In The Etheric Realm
I've done candle magick my whole life. Most churches practice Candle
Magick, although they don't call it that
A candle's flame is another, what I call, "Tween Place" More
powerful tween places are mirrors/shiny surfaces or door ways or
window openings or closets.... Hence the power behind Candle Magick.
You can influence the Etherial realm inside one of these tween
that's what makes candle magick so powerful. Black candles being the
most powerful at absorbing dark energy. Like attracts like.
We have been under such intense attack as of late, that my 7 day
black candles burn down in about 2 1/2 days... The flame gets about
3 inches high and almost an inch thick around 8:30pm - 9:30pm...
That must be the time when they are focusing on us the most
The post above about the candle jars breaking is a good example to
alot of energy running thru candles. I've seen that happen before
when I'm using candles for specific purposes. I've also seen it
happen when there is alot of aggressive energies present near or
at the area where the candles are burning...
You can get the 7 day black candles and jars at this website: It's one of the only places I've seen them.
have alot of fun also strange candles.