Israel/Zionist control of UK government
'There is a reason to believe that
the British Government is under the control of a foreign power.'---Gilad
"I am a passionate Zionist." ~
Boris Johnson
"Israel's enemies are our enemies and this is a battle in which we all
stand together or we will all fall divided." ---Liam Fox MP
[The Zionists have been running the UK for at least 100 years, bit more obvious now they have their own state, Israel, hence we are fighting all their wars. Around 80% of Conservative MPs are members of the Conservative Friends of Israel openly supporting genocide, and paid for it, selling their souls to Satan for money and power.1]
See: Jewish media control Jews and Hollywood Jews and the Music industry Israel/Zionist control of USA government Israel control of Australian government Germany: Since 1945 a Vassal State to Israel
[25 June 24] How Israel funds UK parliamentary staff Israel is quietly financing assistants of British MPs, Declassified has found. Declassified previously revealed that one in four British MPs in the last parliament accepted funding from pro-Israel lobby groups or individuals.
Guilt By Association by Jeff Gates