Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
Jim Stone - Fear Obscures Fukushima False Flag
April 23, 2012

You are hearing an enormous amount of lies
because the high resolution photos totally blew it for the perpetrators.
"I will directly state to Rense and David Icke,
you are information scammers. BOTH of you either linked or plagiarized my site,
YOU KNOW THE TRUTH, and for whatever reasons you have been made to sit there and
lie about what is going on out there at Fukushima. Your failure to report the
truth will only serve to allow the "elite" to bring a similar 911-type disaster
to some other victim nation, and justice would have it be yours."
--Jim Stone
Hi Henry,
I saw
this article that says Fukushima is falling apart and America has been
Do you think this is just scare-mongering to get us all in a panic? Your
thoughts would be much appreciated. This whole business is very stressful.
Thank you,
Jim Stone replies: Yes, it is Fear Mongering
You are hearing an enormous amount of lies coming out of Japan right now
because those who perpetrated the crime know they have been exposed and that the
high resolution photos totally blew it for them. They were NOT supposed to be
The explosion at #4 was caused by explosives, just like the WTC. Reactor 4 is
building 7.
In the classified photos, you can look straight down the throat of the empty
reactor, you can see the dome sitting in the service area, and you can clearly
see that the service attachment the crane hooks onto, which will NOT be on the
dome when the reactor is in operation, is ON THE DOME. Furthermore, in other
not classified photos that are captures from live drone video feed, you can
clearly see reactor 4's dome is in perfect shape, with the bolts removed and
hanging, as they would be during normal service.
It is highly unlikely that reactor 4's containment is in a condition that would
cause it to collapse, and if the reactor itself is going to fall over it's
meaningless, it's just a shell with no core in it. If the structure itself fell
over, it would not contribute to the disaster significantly, because the fuel
rods will fall in solid pieces, and at #3 the explosion totally blew a real
functioning core out of the reactor, and also blew the fuel pools away, while
atomizing them to dust - the worst possible scenario.
All this hoopla about #4 is to cover what happened at #3. The worst possible
disaster has already happened, which I reported a year ago and the classified
photos PROVE IT.
Don't let new lies cover up an old truth, Fukushima was sabotaged and destroyed
with nuclear weapons, it's especially obvious at #4, where evidence remains and
was not totally blown away like it was at #3. These were low output nukes in
the single digit kiloton range,
Here are the photos that prove everything I have said here; please ask
detractors to present similar evidence DIRECTLY FROM THE SCENE rather than
pretty hand drawn graphics and animations;
This photo clearly
shows reactor 3 and its fuel pools are GONE.
This photo
clearly shows reactor 4 was dis-assembled and DID NOT explode by itself,
explosives HAD TO have been brought in.
And if that is not enough,
This photo ought to
make it obvious #4 really was dis-assembled.
And for those readers who may think I am just some idiot, with no credibility, I
present this screen capture, which I would like Rense and Icke to try to get
these guys to post for them as well if they are so damn smart: http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/800fit.jpg
And, I will directly state to Rense and David Icke, you are information
scammers, BOTH of you either linked or plagiarized my site, YOU KNOW THE TRUTH,
and for whatever reasons you have been made to sit there and lie about what is
going on out there at Fukushima. Your failure to report the truth will only
serve to allow the "elite" to bring a similar 911 type disaster to some other
victim nation, and justice would have it be yours.
That is, of course, if my site and those who linked prove to not be enough to
stop them.
Jim Stone Freelancer - Whole Reply Here