Mike Hinchliffe Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS)
Mike Hinchliffe formally accused of Child Abuse and Conspiracy in Child exploitation and Fraud
Mike Hinchliffe formally accused of
Child Abuse and Conspiracy in Child exploitation and Fraud
Mike Hinchliffe (Michael Hinchliffe) legal deputy for Cafcass has been formally accused of child abuse, aiding kidnapping and fraud, acting in conspiracy with others to obtain gains in the Millions.
Mike Hinchliffe (Michael Hinchliffe) from Cafcass has also been formally accused under the Fraud Act of 2006, with a pending Judicial Review he has failed to respond of:
1. Fraud by false representation
2. Fraud by failing to disclose information
3. Fraud by abuse of position
Mike Hinchliffe acted as an anonymous “Guardian Ad Litem” abusing his position to commit all types of illegal acts in conspiracy with others to obtain gains in the millions. Though investigations, his name was found to be the “Anonymous Guardian Ad Litem”.
Amongst the illegal acts of Mike Hinchliffe :
Maliciously he concealed records the court order to be provided to the father, records that by law and Cafcass guidelines should have been provided timely, but up to date have not been provided. Mike Hinchliffe, by fraud and deception concealed such records to keep the father out of proceedings and also maliciously committed other actions to keep the father out of proceedings and even concealment of factual events and evidence from court.
Mike Hinchliffe aided the kidnapping of the child at his 8 months old working in conspiracy with others hereby called the “ network “ of child exploitation to obtain gains of over 35 millions dollar and other valuable property exceeding such amount and obtained from the kidnapping and exploitation of such child, followed by the breach of an International Settlement Agreement Under Hague Proceedings between the countries of Mexico, United States and United Kingdom which ordered the child to remain under mutual custody of the Parents.
The criminal acts of Mike Hinchliffe within this civil case are very extensive, including Mike Hinchliffe emotional blackmail, coercion with intend to cause mental anguish, fraud and further causes referred within the judicial review.
The Final trial took place on or around December 2010 without the father, the malice of this Guardian Ad Litem can be seen not only by the breach of court orders, concealment of records, defamation, alteration of facts, concealment of evidence, failure to respond questions, failure to respond to the Judicial Review.
The illegal acts of this Malicious Mike Hinchliffe acting as anonymous guardian ad Litem started since October 2009, time when a secret case started without notice to the father and after he had started Hague Convention proceedings for the return of his abducted son.
By fraud and deception, Mike Hinchliffe in conspiracy with others, without any evidence, without any grounds, concealed all such proceedings and obtained orders to fully obstruct the treaty of the Hague Convention between the countries, and with full knowledge of the fraud of millions by the abductors, since, the case has been on the internet since the start, and with evidence on Line.
Judgment without been heard, Judgment without knowledge and without any records provided:
The Malicious Guardian Ad Litem acted anonymously, claimed the final trial was to begin on November 23, 2010, he did not provide the information requested, nor the information required for him to provide to the father by the court. On November 23, 2010 was no hearing, nevertheless and through internet, hearings where found that took place without notice to the father after such date. The father did file his pleadings and evidence records to court, but all his pleadings remain unanswered.
Up to date, even the judgment is unknown and all records ordered to be provided to the father have been and remain concealed, in violation to the law, in contempt of Justice, in violation to several human rights, in violation to treaties.
This fraudulent secret proceedings attempting to change the name of the kidnapped child while proceedings against the abductor are taking place abroad.
All is known by the father of his new born son since his kidnapping, is the child poor welfare, with a fracture, otitis media acute with vomiting and other matters of extreme concern.
The whereabouts of the child and the abductors remain concealed without any explanation why or under which evidence they claim to rely, in fact, once the father requested such, and proved perjury, fraud, violence, threats, extortion and extensive criminal activity of the network and the high conspiracy with evidence on line, the illegal acts of this network was to simply keep the father out of all proceedings, conceal all records, only possible and aided and abetted by this fully corrupt Mike Hinchliffe who was acting “anonymous” and concealing names, records and acting freely in his criminal activity of child exploitation in conspiracy with others, without even been able to file a complaint without a name or even location.
A Judicial review is pending against Mike Hinchliffe and others within the "network".
Full evidence records will be provided proving the illegal acts of this Mike Hinchliffe, including his black mail, coercion, threats, fraud and concealment of records from the father during proceedings as well as acting in conspiracy with others for the breach of International Treaties, including The Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abductions a multilateral treaty, which seeks to protect children from the harmful effects of abduction and retention across international boundaries by providing a procedure to bring about their prompt return.
The violations to Human Rights of the abducted child, the father and others continue.
We found through the internet, Mike Hinchliffe had previous complaints of criminal acts.
Mike Hinchliffe through Cafcass has used public funding to obtain gains for himself and through abuse of position and fraud by exploitation of the child, harming the child forever, acting in conspiracy with others to obtain gains in the millions.
This conspriacy is of public interest, as all this conspiracy have something in common: Over 50 people involved in high positions, committing illegal acts and all with the initials in their names of "J" "S" or "M".
Through the comments of our viewers, some claim they are "Masons", but regardless if this is a secret society, the fact is, their acts are by law, criminal in nature, Organized crimes, conspiracy with international connections.
The abductors own at least one child care center in the UK Swindon Area, with previous accusations of child abuse.
Investigations continue.
Mike Hinchliffe formally accused of Child Abuse and Conspiracy in Child exploitation and Fraud