Montefiore and the Stalin Conspiracy File
September 25, 2011

"The evidence Montefiore willfully ignores
suggests that even in his early career Stalin was already an instrument of the
corporate PTB who were building up the Soviet Union as an industrial and
military counter-balance to the USA."
Review by Guy Nicholls
(Edited by
In 2004 Simon Sebag Montefiore described
Georgian Prime Minister Mikhail Sakashvilli as "the dashing young victor of
Georgia's Rose Revolution" (1).
His biography of another Georgian, Josef Stalin. up until the Russian Revolution
in 1917, was published in 2007. Young Stalin was favorably reviewed in
all the establishment media. Montefiore contends that the man who Trotsky deemed
a "mediocrity" was actually the master tactician and prolific fund-raiser who
made the Russian Revolution possible.
Simon Sebag
Montefiore is the scion of an old Illuminati banking family. Simon's
great-great uncle, Sir Moses Montefiore, became a banking partner of N M
Rothschild & Sons. The book is supposedly an attempt to shed new light on the
early life of the former Soviet dictator mass murderer and thereby rebut
Trotsky's charge.
If the "dashing young victor" of the Rose Revolution is now reviled by the
Georgian opposition in 2011 as a dictator, Sakashvilli's resemblance to Stalin
is not illusory (2). Like the Bolshevik clique that came to power in 1917
Sakashvilli's National Movement-Democrats enjoyed sponsorship from the stable of
powerful Rothschild-linked international bankers (3).
If Montefiore was reticent about discussing these backers of Sakasvilli's ascent
to power, he is equally coy about the forces behind the Bolshevik seizure of
power in 1917!
Aside from signally failing to convince us that Stalin was more of a
swashbuckling career criminal, a Robin Hood of the Revolution, soon to be a
major Hollywood movie, Montefiore fails in a number of other ways to
rehabilitate his subject.
Indeed though it might be highly entertaining as a novel; from an historical
point of view, a vast lacunae of unanswered questions lies at the heart of the
book. Though Montefiore was given acess to sources in the Rothschild archive and
newly released Georgian documents, the book is actually thoroughly and
deliberately under-researched.
Banker Moses Montefiore (1784-1885) was one of the founding fathers of the
Jewish Freemasonic group, B'nai B'rith, and an active Zionist in the nineteenth
century (4). Montefiore visited Palestine seven times during his lifetime and
also paid a visit to Russia in 1872. Trotsky himself was a B'nai B'rith member
having joined in New York from whence he sailed for Russia in 1917 with Wall
Street gold.
Readers will find little depth to the coverage here of far more significant
sources of finance behind the Bolsheviks than supposed master bank-robber,
Stalin (5). Wall Street financier, Jacob Schiff and the Warburg group as well as
the Rothschild agent, Alexander Parvus are airbrushed in this account. These men
--the true shapers of history-- do not figure in Young Stalin.
Parvus had been a pioneer of the permanent revolution tactics used in the Young
Turk Revolution in 1908. This turned out to be the Judaeo-Masonic rehearsal for
the Russian Revolution. According to Solzhenitzyn, Parvus taught Lenin and
Trotsky as well as the German High Command how a small clique could seize power
in Russia (6).
Parvus was an instrument of the powers of "Alien High Finance" described by Ivor
Benson (7). According to Benson, financiers like the Warburgs, Rothschilds and
Montefiores were able, by Stalin's time, to control politics on an international
basis. In other words-though of course Simon Sebag isn't going to tell us this -
an illegitimate financial elite is the true power behind figures like Stalin and
Hitler in the last century!
A number of conspiracy researchers like Cliff Shack hoped Montefiore would shed
light on Stalin's relationship with the Rothschilds (8). Shack along with
another researcher, Greg Hallett, has suggested that Stalin was lfathered by
Edmond de Rothschild who in his capacity as a wine entrepreneur had been let
loose in Georgia, a country which, according to Montefiore-"virtually floated on
wine" (9).
There he may well have come into contact with Yakov Egnatashvilli the prosperous
Georgian wine merchant for whom Stalin's mother worked. Alas, we can only wonder
why the possibility that Stalin was a Rothschild bastard remains unexplored by
Montefiore describes Stalin's elation in 1902 when he secured a job in the
Rothschilds' Batumi refinery and how within days he had burned down the
warehouse (11). We can only speculate about the secret evidence Montefiore tells
us exists re-"the secret contact with the Rothschild management-the start of his
murky relationship with the oil barons" .
Despite his having access to the family archive, we never learn whether Stalin
was a paid saboteur FOR or AGAINST the Rothschild oil interests. Nor do we
discover how long his relationship with the "Franco-Jewish dynasty", as
Montefiori quaintly refers to them lasted. He tells us about the protection
rackets Stalin ran to extort money for the Bolshevik cause from the oil tycoons.
We also learn that he enjoyed the protection of the manganese-mining tycoons
(12) but due to Montefiore's irritating intellectual fan-dancing, this crucial
part of Stalin's career remains murky.
It is, however, illuminating to discover that once in power in 1925, Stalin
farmed out contracts for the development of Soviet oil to the Rockefellers
whereby in return for financing his Five Year Plans, they got a half-interest in
Soviet oil including the Baku field.
In the same year Stalin also allowed the Harriman interests and Guarantee Trust
to develop and exploit the Georgian manganese mines at Chiatura. Montefiori
notes that Stalin had been active at Batumi, Baku and Chiatura before the
Revolution, but he does not touch on the relationships Stalin may well have
cultivated with the US financial oligarchy at this time. Anthony Sutton found
that US-built infrastructure and technology were crucial to subsequent Soviet
industrial development (13).
The evidence Montefiore willfully ignores suggests that Stalin even in his
early career in the oilfields was already becoming an instrument of the
corporate PTB who were building up the Soviet Union as an industrial and
military counter-balance to the USA. Montefiore with the Rothschild archive at
his finger-tips merely signs off on his threadbare coverage with the suggestion
that Stalin was "probably" still on their payroll in 1907 (14)!
The London Conference of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party was hosted
by the Fabians during April-May 1907. The fact that London was a training ground
at this time for foreign subversives and terrorists much like the "Londonistan"
we know today is alluded to by Montefiore who likens the Bolsheviks at that time
to jihadis today (15). Characteristically Montefiore keeps the real purpose of
Stalin's visit and the connections between the early Bolsheviks and the British
Fabians vague.
Evidently Stalin's terrorist exploits had so alienated his fellow Georgians that
none of his delegation had voting rights. The Bolsheviks had been routed in
Georgia and Party finances were at a low ebb. Nevertheless the Conference was
covered by the tabloids which reflected the vicarious fascination the British
had for these exotic swarthy anarchists from the East (6)!
Every day Okhrana agents and British Special Branch kept eyes on the
subversives. Whether Stalin received training from British military intelligence
on this visit or subsequently as Greg Hallett has suggested, is another
off-limits topic area for Montefiore (13).
Pictured wearing a scarf resembling a Jewish prayer shawl Stalin's dashing (Sakashvilli-like)
features stare out from the cover of the book. Montefiore's coverage of the
spectacular Tiflis bank raid Stalin organized on his return to Georgia from
London in 1907 implants the image of the romantic young brigand in our minds.
Yet just what dividends for the Bolshevik revolutionary cause did Stalin's
repertoire of permanent revolution tactics achieve?
Notwithstanding all Stalin's "shakedowns, currency counterfeiting, extortion,
bank robberies, piracy and protection rackets-as well as political agitation and
journalism" the Bolsheviks were still losing support and desperate .
for money.
Despite Stalin's much flair vaunted flair as a "super-conspirator" (256) the
Bolsheviks were deeply penetrated by Okhrana double agents. Stalin himself fell
victim to their machinations in 1913 when he was betrayed by Malinovsky and sent
to Siberia ( 278-281).
By his failure to address the question of how far Stalin's links with
international finance may have been forged early in his career, Montefiore has
in fact answered the question that lies at the heart of this book.
For Montefiore admits that if Stalin had been a "phoney," then the whole Soviet
experiment must have been a fraud too (228)!. To an establishment historian, the
possibility of answering both questions in the affirmative is unthinkable. To
the rest of us-as well as all his millions of victims-no amount of execrable
poetry and vicarious revelations about his romantic liaisons should be allowed
to deceive into thinking otherwise!
(4) For Montefiore's involvement in British intelligence and the opium trade see
Kalimptgis,K. et al: Dope Inc. (1978)
(5) Montefiore, to his credit, does finger the Paris Rothschilds and various oil
barons and tycoons as Bolshevik financial backers but surmises that they were
all misguided and all lost fortunes after the Revolution! YS pp.206-207.
(6) Lenin in Zurich: The Bodley Head:London, 1976
(7) Benson, Ivor: This Age of Conflict
(9) YS p.24
(11) YS Chapter 10
(12) Ibid. pp.135-136
(13) On the theory Stalin's activities in the oilfields were on behalf of John D
Rockefeller all along see:
The Sutton work is Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution here:
(14) YS p.194