June 2012
A presidential hopeful currently in second place for the Green Party’s nomination fired a string of tweets late last night calling Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., a “reptile” and “criminal.”
“Pelosi is a reptile – watch their eyes,” wrote actress and presidential candidate Roseanne Barr on the popular social media site Twitter.
“Pelosi is a criminal too – insider trader with Visa,” Barr wrote, referring to an expose run by “60 Minutes” last year showing how some lawmakers have profited off technically legal insider trading and spotlighting a lucrative purchase of Visa shares Pelosi’s husband made while Congress was considering new credit card regulations. “She needs to go – vote her out!”
Looking ahead to the Green Party’s Presidential Nominating Convention in Baltimore, Md., in July, Barr is currently in second place, according to the Party’s latest published tally, having garnered 81 of a possible 401 delegates.
The frontrunner, Jill Stein, a physician who ran against Mitt Romney for governor of Massachusetts as the Green Party candidate in 2002, leads a pack of four presidential hopefuls with 193 delegates.
According to a USA Today report, Stein has sent out a press release claiming she has secured another 10 delegates, making her the presumptive nominee, but Barr has refused to concede.
Barr Spokeswoman Anita Stewart sent an email last week asserting, “As I write this, Candidate Barr is still campaigning for the Green Party. I don’t have any other official word at this time. She has definitely not dropped from the race.”
Barr also chimed in through Twitter, arguing she has earned the right to speak at the convention because “I received more delegates than any other challenger hs received (i broke thru the mandated wall) – I received nearly ALL votes by ppl of color.”
Barr has a history of blasting other female politicians, calling former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin a “sociopath” in 2008 and pledging she would “slap Nancy Pelosi right in her face, that’s what I want to say, if I ever happen on [her] … I will walk right up to Nancy Pelosi and slap her right in the face.”
Barr’s most recent rant against Pelosi, after calling the former U.S. House Speaker a “reptile,” continued with the tweet, “Reptile-like criminals in control of our government” and concluded with calling Linda Lingle, the former Republican governor of Hawaii and current U.S. Senate candidate, a “reptile.”