Rick Perry
Political Mafia
Bill Psychopathy
Authoritarian leader
Double High).
[2011 Sept] Texas Gov. Rick Perry Cut Fire Department Funding by 75%
[2011 Aug] King of Texas, is he the victim of mistakes or bad judgment? By Cynthia A. Janak Each one of these bills takes the hard earned money out of the pockets of the Texas citizen and those citizens are not being represented by their elected officials.
Governor Rick Perry's Gardasil ‘Mistake’ Cost Girls their Lives
Rick Perry and The Conflicts of Government Licensed Corporate Profit: Merck & Gardasil
[vid] Rick Perry Hurt Little Girls! Gov Rick Perry knowingly lied and told Texas families that he had the power to force their 11 year old girls to take a vaccine that was killing people in the test trials. Perry was Merck's ace in the hole , now he will be their man in the White House if they have their way.
It is very depressing to see how the presidential candidates are servants of
Israel (See Governor Rick Perry’s opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal,
“The U.S. Must Support Israel at the U.N.”
(16 September 2011). Hopefully somebody knowledgeable could counter each of the
deceiving paragraphs of that article, which I think was not even written by
Perry, but by Zionists endorsed by him. Thanks for all your efforts and may God
guide you and protect you and your family.
Governor Perry receives an award from the Texas-Israel Chamber of Commerce,
a private Zionist business organization Perry established
in September 2007. A glance at
the board members of Perry's group of Israeli supporters reveals the
heads of two of Mossad's biggest intelligence gathering companies in the United
States: Amdocs and Elbit. Elbit (a military subsidiary of Elron) is
directly involved in stealing presidential elections in the United States
through its control of the tally of the Iowa caucus. So, who do you think will
win Iowa? It's usually NOT the front runner. See
"ELRON - VOXEO: The Israeli Defense Firm That
Tallies the Iowa Caucus" and
"Elbit - The Hellerstein Connection to 9-11"
Bollyn Responds: The Perry piece, “The U.S.
Must Support Israel at the U.N.” was actually published the previous day in the
Jerusalem Post under the rubric,
“Comment: The Palestinians’ illegitimate UN gambit”
on 15 September 2011.
I agree with the comment that the Perry piece was probably written by his
Zionist handlers. While Perry’s pro-Israel piece is chock full of lies and
distortions, what I found most disturbing was this dangerous lie: “Iran pursues
nuclear weapons its leaders vow to use to annihilate Israel.”
For a leading American presidential candidate to state such a provocative and
dangerous lie in a published article is alarming. The sentence actually contains
two lies: that Iran is developing nuclear weapons and that Iran’s leaders plan
to use these weapons to annihilate Israel. Both are nothing but fabrications
that are being used in the Zionist propaganda campaign to push the United States
into a war with Iran, which is why these lies are so dangerous.
As the evidence from 9/11 shows, the Zionist fifth column used terrorism and
deception to drag the United States into a series of wars and confrontations in
the Middle East. The illegal and unnecessary conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq
have bankrupted the U.S. treasury and destroyed the lives of countless Americans
and others. At least one-fifth of the current U.S. national debt is due directly
to these two utterly wasteful wars of occupation in which there is certainly no
real American interest. Iran is obviously the nation being targeted for the next
phase of the Zionist war agenda. For an American presidential candidate to
support the continuation of this criminal war agenda is treasonous.
Rick Perry has shown himself to be a Zionist-controlled politician. Benjamin
D’Israeli, the Jewish Prime Minister of Britain who made Great Britain
half-owner of the Suez Canel with borrowed money from the Rothschild family,
explained the hidden power behind governments: “Governments do not govern, but
merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the
hidden hand.”
The hidden hand that controls Rick Perry is the same that controlled Bill
Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama – it is the hand of Zionist banksters
like the Rothschilds and the state of Israel, which they created for their own
"Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government,
being themselves controlled by the hidden hand."
— Benjamin Disraeli, Britain's first Jewish Prime Minister (1868, 1874-1880)
the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, the Rothschilds made a high art out of
deliberately provoking wars and revolutions. This furthered the Jewish Messianic
goal of destroying the Gentile nations and supplanting them with universal
Jewish rule. It also enabled the Rothschilds to further the Jewish Messianic
goal of concentrating the wealth of the world in Jewish hands. By the 1870s, the
Rothschilds had accumulated at least $3,400,000,000.00. [USD non-adjusted]
- "The Rothschilds", Chicago Tribune, 27 December 1875