Simon Shack
911 Fake news events
[All the 911 planes and building collapse film/videos where fake, computer creations, made before the event, with Fake witnesses. Most deaths also faked, similar victim fakery to the Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon. Electronic jamming prevented anyone making their own video. It is odd that he wont address the Dr. Judy Wood evidence.]
"It is now high time for everyone to realize that the entire world was fooled by digital computer-generated imagery on 9/11. The entire 9/11 morning's TV broadcasts were nothing but a prefabricated "Hollywood"-style production. This has now been demonstrated in every imaginable way."
See: Moon landing Hoax
See first: Audio interview
THE 9/11 HOAX infrastructure - and its operatives: too many people involved?
The most common objection people have to our research: "Too many people would
have been involved to pull off such a massive hoax." Well, with trillions of
taxpayers' dollars at hand, this operation could certainly afford contracting
many individuals (under a gag order and on a need-to-know basis). Meet the real
- and unreal - persons, companies & entities assigned to carry out this
gigantic, media & military-assisted psyop.
VICSIMS: the simulated victims of 9/11
The notion of 'thousands of victims' was crucial to generate universal public
outrage. However, having 3000 angry families breathing down their necks was
never part of the perps' demented plan. Our ongoing analyses and investigations
suggest that NO one died on 9/11.
SEPTEMBER CLUES: the 9/11 psyop exposed: the media aired a "Made-for-TV
Hollywood movie"
It has taken less than 10 years to pry open the can of worms enshrouding the
pathetic 9/11 scam. The central role of the major newsmedia corporations to pull
off this sordid "terror" simulation has now been comprehensively exposed. Before
joining this forum, please get familiar with the research at:
The picture shows a moment (at 8:59AM) of the four synchronized TV broadcasts of
ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX: yet another indication that the 9/11 TV "LIVE" broadcasts
were managed by one single, centralized studio.
all photographs and video snippets depicting people (or silhouettes
thereof) falling down the side of the WTC’s have also been comprehensively
exposed as digital forgeries. Only time will tell whether anyone really was
killed on 9/11 - and under what circumstances - but, as things stand, the bulk
of available evidence suggests otherwise.