Willie McRae
Willie McRae was found badly injured in his crashed car.
The car was on a remote road in Wester Ross in Scotland.
At the local hospital, medical staff found a gunshot wound behind McRae's right ear.
The police found 'the weapon' some distance from the car.
There were no fingerprints on the gun.
A BBC journalist was given the number plates of three cars alleged to have been following MacRae before his death.
Reportedly, one of the cars was a 'blocked vehicle' from one of the security services.
One of the cars used to trail McRae "was a Triumph, registration number PSJ 136X. Wherever McRae went, that car followed.
"He had noticed the motor. Willie McRae was nobody's fool. When he raised the matter with a friendly cop, he checked the computer.
"The car came up marked as 'blocked vehicle'. That's shorthand for belonging to the Special Branch" or intelligence services. (The McRae Mystery - The Daily Record)
The 'Security service had tailed the SNP activist on the day of his death'
No fatal accident inquiry was held.
McRae's death remains unsolved.
This was in 1985.

Former Scottish National Party vice-chairman Willie McRae
McRae was a top man in the Scottish National Party (SNP).
And he was an anti-nuclear campaigner.
Many people assume that McRae was murdered by the spooks.
John Finnie is an SNP councillor and a former policeman.
John Finnie has asked Scotland's top legal officer, Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini, to look at the case. (Call for SNP activist death probe)
Angiolini, originally appointed by a Labour party government, is seen by some as being part of the Lockerbie cover-up.
Finnie has asked Angiolini to release any official details so far kept secret.
In a letter to Angiolini, the SNP group leader on Highland Council said:
"The circumstances of Willie McRae's death, and the subsequent investigation, have led to a quarter of a century of speculation and public disquiet.
"Public confidence in the functions of state is very important...
"I ask you to ... institute a full investigation into all the circumstances surrounding the death of Willie McRae."

McRae's car
It was in 1985 that Glasgow lawyer Willie MacRae was found unconscious in his car near Kintail in Wester Ross in the Scottish Highlands. (Willie Macrae murder part 1 )
He died soon after.
It looked as if his car had crashed.
Then it was reported that MacRae had been killed by a gun fired at his head. ( Scottish News Headlines )
Two bullets had been fired.
The Lord Advocate (chief legal officer in Scotland) claimed that the gun was found beneath the door of the car.
This was contradicted by the policeman who found the gun, and by those involved in recovering MacRae from his car.
A BBC journalist was given a list of three car number plates alleged to
have been following MacRae before his death.
Reportedly, one of the cars was a 'blocked vehicle' from one of the
security services.
No fatal accident inquiry was held.
MacRae had been active in the campaign to prevent nuclear dumping in
The Thatcher government wanted to dump nuclear waste in the Galloway
Hills in Dumfries and Galloway, at Mullwharchar.
MacRae had been a vice-chairman of the Scottish National Party, and was
seen as a possible future leader.
MacRae was the author of the maritime law code of Israel and emeritus
professor in the University of Haifa.
MacRae had served in military intelligence.
McCrae had been working on a book on the nuclear industry. The papers he
was working on have never been recovered.
Reportedly, MacRae told friends shortly before his death, "I've got
Iain Fraser, a policeman who became a private investigator, has revealed
that he was asked by a mystery client to spy on Mr McRae just three
weeks before he died. (Willie
MacRae « alastair’s heart monitor)
Scotsman article about Iain Fraser claims
Website for this image
Campaigners claim that children living near the Dumfries and Galloway
shoreline are twice as likely to contract leukemia as those living
further inland (
DGB Life - the magazine for Dumfries and Galloway and the Scottish ...
September 2007)
The Chapelcross nuclear power plant, in Dumfries and Galloway, became
operational in 1959.
(DGB Life - the magazine for Dumfries and Galloway and the Scottish ...)
Why was it built?
Chapelcross produced much of the plutonium for Britain's nuclear bombs.
Chapelcross produced tritium, used in Trident warheads.
Tritium can cause cancer and can cause permanent changes to people's
Humans can be injured by tritium if they eat plants or animals
containing tritium.
Chapelcross disposed of liquid effluent through a pipeline into the
Solway Firth.
Dumfries and Galloway has also been affected by sea pollution from the
Sellafield nuclear plant and by the firing of depleted uranium shells
near Kirkcudbright.
Hilda Murrell was also murdered.
Gary Murray, in his book Enemies of the State: A Sensational Exposé of
the Security Services by a former MI5 Undercover Agent, describes McRae
as the "most formidable opponent in Scotland" of the Nuclear industry.
Murray lists similarities between the deaths of Hilda Murrell and Willie
1. Red Escort observed at scene
2. Activities of interest to M15, Special Branch, Atomic Energy Police
3. About to appear at public hearing dealing with nuclear issues
4. Passionate antinuclear campaigner
5. Under surveillance by Security Services
6. Witnesses overlooked by police investigators
7. Drove/driven to death scene in own vehicle
8. Death scene: quiet country spot outside of town
9. Victim was said to have discovered something specific about nuclear
10. Authorities refused Enquiry into death and murder investigation
wound up
11. Conflict in official statements about evidence
12. Victim's property broken into and burned down
13. Anomalies concerning nuclear papers
14. Associates and friends attempting to pursue the case become victims
of burglary and/or acts of violence or damage to property.
Judith Cook wrote a book, 'Who Killed Hilda Murrell, Unlawful Killing',
about the murder of anti-nuclear campaigner Hilda Murrell.
She quoted an "MI5 operative" who told her that Miss Murrell had indeed
died after disturbing operatives searching the house. Two of the men had
gone "berserk" and killed her.
Willie Macrae murder part 1
Willie Macrae murder part 2
Willie Macrae murder part 3
aangirfan: William McRae & Hilda Murrell
The Scottish Patient: Nov 9th: Willie MacRae 'Unsolved' (STV, 9/11/06)