Study finds psychopaths have distinct brain structure
Kate Kelland
Mon, 07 May 2012 17:25 CEST
© Reuters/Institute of Psychiatry King's College London
A brain scan shows areas of reduced grey matter volume in the medial
prefrontal cortex of the brain of the psychopathic group of antisocial men
compared to the non-psychopathic group of antisocial men.
Scientists who scanned the brains of men convicted of
murder, rape and violent assaults have found the strongest evidence yet that
psychopaths have structural abnormalities in their brains.
The researchers, based at King's College London's Institute of Psychiatry, said
the differences in psychopaths' brains mark them out even from other violent
criminals with anti-social personality disorders (ASPD), and from healthy
Nigel Blackwood, who led the study, said the ability to use brain scans to
identify and diagnose this sub-group of violent criminals has important
implications for treatment.
The study showed that psychopaths, who are characterized by a lack of
empathy, had less grey matter in the areas of the brain important for
understanding other peoples' emotions.
While cognitive and behavioral treatments may benefit people with anti-social
personality disorders, the same approach may not work for psychopaths with brain
damage, Blackwood said.
"To get a clear idea of which treatments are working, you've got to clearly
define what people are like going into the treatment programs," he said in a
telephone interview.
Essi Viding a professor in the psychology and language sciences department of
University College London, who was not involved in Blackwood's study, said it
provided "weighty new evidence" about the importance of distinguishing
psychopathic from non-psychopathic people rather than grouping them together.
The findings also have implications for the justice system, because linking
psychopathy to brain function raises the prospect of arguing a defense of
Interest in what goes on inside the heads of violent criminals has been
sharpened by the trial of Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian who massacred 77
people last July.
Two court-appointed psychiatric teams who examined Breivik came to opposite
conclusions about his mental health. The killer himself has railed being called
Less Grey Matter In Brain's "Social" Areas
© Reuters/Institute of Psychiatry King's College London
A brain scan shows areas of reduced grey matter volume in the temporal pole
of the brain of the psychopathic group of antisocial men compared to the
non-psychopathic group of antisocial men.
Blackwood's team used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to
scan the brains of 44 violent adult male offenders in Britain who had already
been diagnosed with anti-social personality disorders.
The crimes they had committed included murder, rape, attempted murder and
grievous bodily harm.
Of the 44 men scanned, 17 met the diagnosis for ASPD plus psychopathy and 27 did
not. The researchers also scanned the brains of 22 healthy non-offenders.
The results showed that the psychopaths' brains had significantly less grey
matter in the anterior rostral prefrontal cortex and temporal poles than the
brains of the non-psychopathic offenders and non-offenders.
These areas of the brain are important for understanding other people's emotions
and intentions, and are activated when people think about moral behavior, the
researchers said.
Damage to these areas is linked with a lack of empathy, a poor response to fear
and distress and a lack of self-conscious emotions such as guilt or
Lindsay Thomson, a professor of forensic psychiatry at the University of
Edinburgh who was not involved in this study, said Blackwood's findings add to
evidence that psychopathy is a distinct neurodevelopmental brain disorder.
Research shows that most violent crimes are committed by a small group of
persistent male offenders with ASPD.
In England and Wales, for example, around half of male prisoners meet diagnostic
criteria for ASPD. A major review of studies covering 23,000 prisoners from 62
countries conducted in 2002 found that 47 percent had anti-social personality
Such people typically react in an aggressive way to frustration or perceived
threats, but most are not psychopaths, the researchers wrote in a summary of
their study, which was published in the Archives of General Psychiatry
There are clear behavior differences among people with ASPD depending on whether
they also have psychopathy. Their patterns of offending are different,
suggesting the need for a separate approach to treatment.
"We describe those without psychopathy as 'hot-headed' and those with
psychopathy as 'cold-hearted'," Blackwood explained.
"The 'cold-hearted' psychopathic group begin offending earlier, engage in a
broader range and greater density of offending behaviors, and respond less well
to treatment programs in adulthood compared to the 'hot-headed' group."