Export of mercury and withdrawn vaccines

Tell Washington USA Should Not Export Mercury to Global Children

Click Change.org AAP Mercury Export Petition
 to express your dismay at the thought of the American Academy of Pediatrics representing the United States of America by exporting mercury laden medical products around the global in an acts that could only be called periodic table of the elements' terrorism.

To prevent injecting mercury (thimerosal) into pregnant women, infants and children around the world by supporting a global phase-out of mercury from all medical, pharmaceutical and personal care products. The second most toxic element on Earth has no place in 21st century medicine.

Rep. Darrell Issa, CA-49
Rep. Elijah Cummings, MD-07
Sen. John Kerry, MA
Louis Z. Cooper, Columbia University
Shane K. Green, University of Toronto
Walter A. Orenstein, Emory Vaccine Center
AAP Director, American Academy of Pediatrics

Support must be reversed for the unrestricted use of mercury in vaccines.

[Your name]