Here's what I've just sent Carl:
Carol and I often discuss the Tornado Alley campaign and I've made a $#!+load of orgonite (including a couple of large buckets full of earthpipe plugs) for it but it's hard to narrow down the theatre of operation, so to speak. I don't know how much travelling you're willing to do but Offutt AFB outside of Omaha is the HQ for weather warfare against the American states, so I suspect a thorough 'consecration' of that underground/surface facility is a key element of a relevant strategy.
I got a letter from an elderly guy in the middle of the Nebraska border with South Dakota and he seems really knowledgable about how the $#!+birds are trying to destroy our climate in the region and beyond. I've had a hunch that if we will work with him and flip all the weaponry that he talks about we might finally get at least some grassroot recognition. He's written a lot of letters to editors and such but isn't online. After his first round of exposés and some fruitful grassroot networking in '89 they (most likely US Air Force) burned his barn down. USAF and CIA are grisly Siamese twins, born in 1947 under a bad sign

I don't know if you're familiar with the weather of the western American prairie but it's horrific, even without these $#!+birds messing it up even more. I can hardly bear to read Carol Two Eagle's winter emails to me about the weather where she lives, in North Dakota

Another potential 'theatre' is near the east coast, where the $#!+birds recently created a swarm of killer tornadoes. Tornadoes are not common, there, but even if we did all that, who would notice? I grew up in Arkansas where tornadoes are standard fare every spring. People would notice a lack of tornadoes in that area. The warm Gulf air moves up the western part of the Mississippi Valley every spring and spawns tornadoes when it mixes with colder air but I'm pretty sure that turning a swatch of weather weaponry into healing tools will interfere with even the natural formation of tornadoes. I know that having an orgonite cloudbuster pretty much guarantees that no tornado will touch down within ten or twenty miles but that many CBs is beyond our budget, even if we could find people to host them. There are LOTS of CBs in the region, already, but hardly anyone busting towers, sad to tell.
Carol and I invested a year of our time ruining the Florida/Gulf HAARPicane agenda and it was successful but nobody who isn't familiar with EW even knows or cares that we did that, though we did get a lot of 'thankyous' from Floridians, whom the HAARPicane agenda over the previous years caused to be genuinely more open minded and aware of their surroundings than average Americans are.
I want this Tornado Alley exposition to count in terms of getting more recognition for orgonite's ability to fix the bad problems that the corporate fudgepackers routinely create for humanity.
What are your thoughts? I'm sure we'll find a way to coordinate our efforts once we've developed or discovered a strategy

I haven't yet written back to the old guy in Nebraska. Want me to send you his material? Good stuff.