UK Government document confirms over 2,000 child sex abuse
files destroyed
Posted on 3
February, 2015by Undercover1

Click on image to enlarge
Today a 37 page file regarding the central role that the
late British PM Margaret Thatcher and the late Attorney-General Sir Michael
Havers played in the cover-up of the sexual – including possible paedophile –
activities of Sir Peter Hayman (MI6) was released. However, we can now reveal
the exact number of files on child abuse evidence that were either lost or
destroyed during the period 1979 – 1999. The figures (see below) are staggering.
We also provide a timeline of 62 instances of child sex abuse by establishment
figures, as well as the verbatim responses by Havers when questioned about
The full list of UK Government documents (retained or lost) from 1979 – 1999
on child sex abuse can be found here.
In addition to the infamous 114 files ‘lost’, it shows that a staggering 2,074
files were destroyed..
Havers – the brother of Baroness Butler-Sloss, who was forced to resign from
the historical child sex abuse inquiry – is believed to be one of many names
listed in the notorious ‘Holy Grail’ contact list of Jeffrey Epstein, the US
billionaire and convicted paedophile and close confidant of Prince Andrew.
Documents relating to the legal proceedings against Epstein and Andrew Windsor
can be found here.

A handwritten memo from Margaret Thatcher to Sir Michael Havers
Regarding the 37
page report, this includes a letter by Margaret Thatcher (see image above)
on 10 Downing Street notepaper, dated March 20, 1981, to Sir Michael Havers .
The letter says: “So that there be no doubt, I leave to your judgment whether or
not you are interviewed on media or TV about the Hayman matter.” Signed
“Margaret”, the memo is the final chronological entry in the file which has been
released to the National Archives, titled “PREM 19/588 SECURITY. Sir Peter
Hayman: allegations against former public official of unnatural sexual
proclivities; security aspects.” (See also image at end of this article.)
Hayman, whose pseudonym was “Henderson”, had worked for MI6 and was also the
high commissioner in Canada. “Henderson” was later revealed via Private Eye to
be Sir Peter Hayman. In 1981, Geoffrey Dickens MP asked Sir Michael Havers, the
Attorney-General “if he will prosecute Sir Peter Hayman under the Post Office
Acts for sending and receiving pornographic material through the Royal Mail”.
Havers replied, “I am in agreement with the Director of Public Prosecutions’
(Sir Thomas Chalmers Hetherington QC) advice not to prosecute Sir Peter Hayman
and the other persons with whom he had carried on an obscene correspondence.”
Dickens then asked, “How did such a potential blackmail risk come to hold highly
sensitive posts at the MOD and NATO?”
Here is a transcript of
a Q & A between Dickens and Havers on 19 March 1981:
Mr. Dickens asked the Attorney-General if he will
prosecute Sir Peter Hayman under the Post Office Acts for sending and receiving
pornographic material through the Royal Mail.
Havers: “In 1978 a packet containing obscene literature
and written material was found in a London bus. The subsequent police
investigation revealed a correspondence of an obscene nature between Sir Peter
Hayman and a number of other persons. Altogether a total of seven men and two
women were named as possible defendants in the report submitted by the
Metropolitan Police to the Director of Public Prosecutions. The Director advised
against prosecuting any of the nine persons either under section 11 of the Post
Office Act 1953 or for any other offence. Among the considerations he took into
account were the factors that the correspondence had been contained in sealed
envelopes passing between adult individuals in a non-commercial context and that
none of the material was unsolicited. Subsequently the Metropolitan Police
submitted a further report which revealed that one of the nine, not Sir Peter
Hayman, was also carrying on a correspondence 140W with a tenth person.
The police investigation showed that the two shared an obsession about the
systematic killing by sexual torture of young people and children. In view of
the extreme nature of the material they had sent each other, the Director of
Public Prosecutions decided to prosecute them for conspiring to contravene
section 11 of the 1953 Act. There is no evidence that Sir Peter Hayman has ever
sent or received material of this kind through the post. It has been suggested
that Sir Peter Hayman was considered as a possible defendant following
the police investigation into the conduct of the Paedophile Information Exchange
which led to the recent trial at the Central Criminal Court for conspiracy to
corrupt public morals. That prosecution was against persons alleged to have been
involved in the management or organisation of PIE. Although Sir Peter Hayman had
subscribed to PIE, that is not an offence and there is no evidence that
he was ever involved in the management. At the recent trial, whilst there were
general references to members of PIE, including, though not by name, Sir Peter
Hayman, there was no reference to any material produced by him or found in his
possession. I am in agreement with the Director of Public Prosecutions’ advice
not to prosecute Sir Peter Hayman and the other persons with whom he had carried
on an obscene correspondence. The Director of Public Prosecutions and I remain
determined that, where the evidence justifies it, prosecutions will be
brought in cases involving sexual acts with children or offences under the
Protection of Children Act 1978—indecent photographs of children.”
Here is a transcript of
a follow-up Q & A to Havers on 8 April 1981:
Mr. Stokes asked the Attorney-General, pursuant to his
reply to the hon. Member for Huddersfield, West (Mr. Dickens) on 19 March,
Official Report, col. 139–40, whether the Director of Public Prosecutions gave
special treatment to Sir Peter Hayman by taking steps to prevent his indentity
being revealed in court.
Havers: “No special treatment was afforded to Sir Peter
Hayman and no steps were authorised or taken to protect his identity in evidence
given to the court during the trial of O’Carroll and other members of the
executive committee of Paedophile Information Exchange. I made this clear
in answers I gave to the hon. Member for Lewisham, West (Mr. Price) on 6
April—[Vol. 2, c. 682–83.]—to which I refer my hon. Friend. Furthermore,
although the indictment in that case was amended before trial, this was because
Treasury Counsel had doubts, following a preliminary hearing, as to whether the
wording of the original charges might, as a matter of law, be open to objection.
The amendment did not arise from any wish to protect the indentity of any
person. The material of a pornographic nature found in the possession of Sir
Peter Hayman was not relied on by the prosecution at the trial. There
was, so far as the Director of Public Prosecutions is aware, no evidence
whatsoever of Sir Peter Hayman having received or sent by post any obscene
photograph of a child or young person or of his having taken such photographs or
of his having committed any other act which might have been an offence under
section 1 of the Protection of Children Act 1978. The mere possession of obscene
material whether relating to children or adults is not in itself a criminal
offence. The Director’s decision not to take proceedings under the Post Office
Act against Sir Peter Hayman and others was taken in January 1979 before he
received any papers relating to the activities of O’Carroll and other members of
the executive committee of PIE.”
The context of the coverup:
- Jimmy Savile (now dead) is proven to be a prolific
paedophile. Savile was knighted by the Queen, knighted by the Vatican, was a
top BBC figure, spent time with Margaret Thatcher at Chequers on several
occasions (Thatcher lobbied heavily to have him knighted by the queen), was
close friends with Prince Charles (was even described as his “mentor” by
Princess Diana) and spent time with him alone on at least one occasion – see
here. He also boasted he had police pals who would protect him from
child abuse claims – see
- Liberal MP Cyril Smith (now dead) is proven to be a
prolific paedophile – see
- Cyril Smith was only one of a number of alleged high
profile child abusers within Westminster said to have been named in a
40-page dossier submitted to the Home Office by the late campaigning Tory MP
Geoffrey Dickens in 1983 – see
- Home Secretary at the time, Sir Leon Brittan “lost”
files containing evidence of paedophiles in positions of great power –
including Cyril Smith – see
- Kincora Boys Home-linked politician kills himself
after answering questions pertaining to paedophilia at the home – see
- Ken Livingstone (the ex-Mayor of London) claimed that
MI5 orchestrated paedophile events at Kincora Boys Home in order to
blackmail politicians – see
- A royal butler allegedly ‘took his paedophile victims
to tea with Queen Mother – see
- Prince Andrew was close friends with a now-convicted
paedophile – see
- Edwina Curry MP wrote in her autobiography that Peter
Morrison (the now-deceased Personal Private Secretary to Margaret Thatcher)
was a noted “Pederast” (aka paedophile) and admitted as much to then
Conservative Party Chairman Norman Tebbit – see
- An as-yet unnamed Labour peer is being investigated by
police after 12 men made allegations of historical child abuse against him
– see
- MP Simon Danczuk was allegedly warned by a top
Conservative MP not to challenge Leon Brittan over paedophile dossier – see
- Lord Tebbit admits that there was an establishment
cover-up of child abuse – see
- UK Government admits 114 secret files on paedophile
cases have gone ‘missing’ – see
- One of Tony Blair’s Ministers is accused by Liverpool
council officials of helping a convicted paedophile foster two young boys.
The convicted paedophile was running a children’s home at the time – see
here (Note: involved in the inquiry was Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the
current head of the Metropolitan Police and currently subject to enquiries.)
- A Conservative Party Whip from 1970-1973 admits to
covering up problems for MPs, such as “a scandal with small boys”, because
then the MP would “do what you want forever more” – see
- Ex-Minister, Lord Warner, says Children’s homes were
‘supply line’ for paedophiles in the ’80s – see
- Former child protection manager says there are up to
20 prominent public figures in alleged paedophile ring covering Parliament
and Judiciary – see
- Scotland Yard handed Leon Brittan, the former
Conservative Home Secretary, a dossier naming 15 members of notorious
paedophile group. This file is currently unaccounted for (this is not the
same file given to Leon Brittan by Geoffrey Dickens) –see
- A David Cameron aide, Patrick Rock, arrested for child
abuse images – see
- Ex-Police Officer involved in the 1992 arrest of
notorious pedophile Peter Righton claims that Righton had in his possession
an enormous cache of documents that linked him to an establishment child
abuse ring (including senior members of the clergy) – but it was not acted
on by the police – see
- Former civil servant accuses the Home Office of giving
tens of thousands of pounds of public money directly to the British
pedophile advocacy group P.I.E. (Paedophile Information Exchange) at the
request of the Metropolitan Police’s Special Branch – see
here (halfway down the page)
- MP who handed VIP paedophile dossier to Leon Brittan
was on triple killer’s hit list –see
- Labour MP Tom Watson has alleged that a member of a
notorious paedophile group was connected to a former No 10 aide. He said:
“The evidence that the file used to convict Peter Righton, if it still
exists, contains clear intelligence of a widespread paedophile ring – see
- A member of the House of Lords escapes probe over 20
child sex claims because he is “suffering dementia” – see
- The names of at least ten prominent and former
politicians plus senior police judges are being named “again and again” by
people calling a child abuse hotline – see
- Baroness Butler-Sloss, the retired judge leading an
inquiry into historic sex abuse said she will not quit, after her brother
was linked to an Establishment ‘cover-up’ of the paedophile ring she will be
investigating – see
- David Cameron’s adviser on Child Abuse says that a
“Westminster Chumocracy” has protected itself from pedophile allegations – see
- Margaret Thatcher ‘personally covered up’ child abuse
allegations against senior ministers, according to a source with “inside
knowledge of Scotland Yard in the early 1980s” – see
- Former Conservative activist Anthony Gilberthorpe
alleges he saw top Tories having sex with boys and told Margaret Thatcher
about it 25 years ago – see
here. He also found “Rent Boys” (sexually abused children) for top Tory
politicians – see
here A victim tells his side of the story – see
- A Labour peer identified at the centre of paedophile
allegations: letters show the politician cultivated an extremely close
relationship with a teenager – see
- Retired judge, Baroness Butler-Sloss, steps down as
head of major inquiry into sex abuse allegations. Possible reasons: a) her
brother Sir Michael Havers was Attorney General during the alleged cover-up
of a previous paedophile scandal – see
here. b) her brother was seen at a paedophile party in the ’80s by a
seemingly credible witness – see
here c) she has already examined paedophile claims against a bishop – see
- The adopted daughter of Conservative MP Ralph Bonner
Pink (now deceased) claims he abused her as a ten year old girl then put her
into Broadmoor mental hospital where she was abused by Jimmy Savile – see
- Award-winning author alleges that systematic abuse at
the council-run Shirley Oaks care home in Surrey was covered up after the
investigation turned up information that linked the abuse to a prominent
Labour MP in Tony Blair’s government – see
- An adviser to the Scottish Government uncovered a
paedophile ring, which included well known TV personalities, lawyers and
police officers. Calls for an investigation were ignored – see
- A female MP allegedly “abused care home boy aged 13 as
part of paedophile network at heart of government” – see
- A Scotland Yard detective was ‘removed from a
paedophile probe after naming politicians’ – see
- Labour peer Barbara Castle drew up a dossier on VIP
paedophiles: the file was seized by Special Branch ‘heavy mob’ – see
here. A newspaper editor confirms the story – see
here At least two senior Thatcher Ministers were named in the file – see
- An ex MI5 informant says that MI5 knew about child
abuse at Kincora Boys Home and did nothing about it – see
- A Kincora victim tells of sex abuse and ‘stream of
men’ – see
- Re. paedophile politician Cyril Smith: detective
claims three probes were stopped – see
- Jill Dando, a TV Presenter murdered in 2001, was
working to expose a high-profile pedophile ring at the time – see
- A UK ex-Minister is being investigated for child
abuse. 15 years ago, an investigation into the same person was mothballed
and the police officer leading the case was sidelined and then disciplined
as a result of his inquiries – see
- Ex-house of commons Speaker and ex MP, George Thomas
(deceased), investigated for abusing a boy – see
- Home Office whistleblower alleges that Intelligence
services infiltrated a Paedophile group (PIE) to blackmail establishment
figures – see
- The son of Conservative MP David Atkinson (deceased)
claims his father was a sexual predator, that he was linked to a Westminster
paedophile ring, and that he was being blackmailed by a Westminster staff
member – see
- Disgraced MI5 double-agent, Anthony Blunt, frequented
well known VIP Paedophile hang-out, Elm Guest House – see
- Department of Health fails to follow up on allegations
of a paedophile ring in Westminster and Whitehall because it was a waste of
time – whistleblower was told there were “too many of them over there” – see
- Police chief removed from paedophile investigation
after making several high-profile arrests – see
- Ex-Scotland Yard commander: “We were ready to
investigate Westminster paedophile ring in early 1980s” – see
- Jersey Senator arrested on data charges and dismissed
from post after claiming that there had been a child-abuse cover up on the
island – see
- Peter Hayman, HM High Commissioner to Canada, who held
top posts in the Ministry of Defence and the UK delegation to NATO, was a
member of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and was cautioned after
his flat was searched and pornographic material pertaining to children was
found – see
- Information held by Conservative whips – including
details of any sexual misdemeanours – has been shredded since 1996 – see
here – sixth paragraph
- Scotland Yard detective ‘removed from paedophile probe
after naming politicians’ –see
- September and October 2012: Jimmy Savile abuse scandal
- October 2012: Labour MP Tom Watson claims at Prime
Minister’s Questions there is ‘clear intelligence suggesting a powerful
paedophile network linked to Parliament and No 10’ and that a ‘senior aide
to a former prime minister’ had links to a child sex gang member.
- November 2012: Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk uses
parliamentary privilege to claim Cyril Smith sexually abused boys.
- November 2012: the CPS reveals it considered Smith
allegations in 1970, 1998 and 1999. It admits Smith should have been
- December 2012: Operation Fairbank set up to examine
allegations that VIPs, including politicians, abused young men at Elm Guest
House in Barnes, south-west London, in the 1970s and 1980s.
- February 2013: Operation Fernbridge begins
investigating the alleged paedophile ring linked to Elm Guest House. The
Daily Mail reveals Peter Hatton-Bornshin – allegedly abused there as a
teenager – killed himself in 1994, aged 28.
- December 2013: Ex-Labour MP Lord Janner’s home
searched by police investigating historical child sex abuse. He is not
- June 2014: Lord Janner’s Westminster offices searched
by police. Again, he is not arrested.
- July 3, 2014: it emerges Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens’
dossier on suspected Establishment paedophiles – sent to then Home Secretary
Leon Brittan in 1983 – had “disappeared”, but the Home Office could find no
record of it, fuelling claims of a cover-up. Lord Brittan amends his story
twice over his dealings with the original document.
- July 5, 2014: more than ten current and former
politicians reported to be on a list of alleged child abusers held by police
investigating Westminster paedophile ring claims.
- The Daily Mail reveals the Establishment protected
diplomat Sir Peter Hayman, a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange,
when police found child porn at his flat in 1978.
- July 6, 2014: Home Office permanent secretary Mark
Sedwill reveals 114 files relating to historical allegations of child sex
abuse, 1979 to 1999, have “disappeared” from the department.
- July 7, 2014: Home Secretary Theresa May asks NSPCC’s
Peter Wanless to head inquiry into Home Office handling of historical sex
abuse cases. She also announces an overarching inquiry.
- Chairman Baroness Butler-Sloss is forced to step down
amid questions over the role played by her late brother, Lord Havers, who
was attorney general in the 1980s.
- Inquiry replacement Fiona Woolf resigns amid criticism
over her ‘Establishment links’, most notably in relation to Lord Brittan.
- Operation Midland, to investigate the Westminister/VIP
Child abuse claims – specifically the murder of children who were abused at
Dolphin House – is begun
- Sir Cliff Richard’s property raided by
Op Midland police; no
charges are laid.
- Harvey Proctor’s property raided by
Op Midland police; he is questioned but
no charges laid
- Leon Brittan’s and Lord Bramall’s properties raided by
police. No further action taken.

A page of the previously secret file confirms that Hayman
was a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange. (PIE)