Carole Conquers Cancer - One Woman's Odyssey
by Carole Bradford
On March 25, 1993, Carole Bradford faced two key events in her
life: she was turning a young-looking 53 - and she was to undergo a
lumpectomy to remove what she hoped (indeed, prayed) was a benign
What else could it be? Certainly not the feared "C" word.
"I remember thinking what kind of cosmic joke it would be if I,
Carole Bradford, would come down with breast cancer. No way, Jose!"
she recalled.
Why should she not think this way? After all, she was the
hard-driving CEO of California-based American Biologics, an
international bio-tech and nutritional supplement company whose
origins dated back to the laetrile wars of the 1970s.
She "ate right," took up to 30 vitamin/mineral/enzyme tablets a
day, and was fully aware of the nature of cancer.
Of equal or greater importance, she was the globe-trotting wife
of Dr. Robert W. Bradford, the founder of American Biologics, the
scientific director and co-founder of American Biologics-Mexico SA
Medical Center in Tijuana, the co-founder of the Committee for
Freedom of Choice in Cancer Therapy, (the reason for the nationwide
"decriminalization'' moves for laetrile in the 1970s/1980s), the
author or co-author of numerous books and scores of research
monographs on the metabolic management of cancer and degenerative
diseases, the primary author of the "Primordial Thesis of Cancer."
the reason behind the textbook delineating Oxidology as a medical
subspecialty, and, of more recent vintage, the pioneer/developer and
worldwide patent holder of the Bradford Variable Projection
Microscopy system (BVPM¨) and the two revolutionary peripheral blood
tests HLB and HRBM (LBA) he developed that assess morphological
changes in the blood as a means of evaluation of balanced body
chemistry (homeostasis).
Carole Bradford had circumnavigated the globe more than once as
the good right arm of Robert Bradford, and had sat in on as many or
more scientific sessions on cancer, degenerative disease and
microscopy lectures as any licensed professional. She knew cancer
intimately: it was in her family, among her friends. She knew what
it was, what it could do.
"I had had cysts for several years, so had my mother, and my
grandmother had died of breast cancer. But there was something
different about this lump," she recalled. "I could feel this one
easily, since it was growing fast - and it was associated with a lot
of heat."
She remembered some "orthodox" miscues along the way:
Three years before, in 1990, she had been at the American
Biologics (AB) hospital for her annual three-day trip for
rejuvenation treatment: some live cells, chelation, blood work,
Dioxychlor "drips." She had a breast cyst at the time and she
recalled that a staff surgeon had encouraged her to have a needle
biopsy, "just to make sure."
"Of course I can't be sure, but I think that is what they would
call 'the initial insult.' I don't feel right about biopsies and
I'll never do one again," she said.
Carole Bradford now believes that she was incubating a malignant
process in a minimally active state at least since that time (1990)
but was keeping it under control with her disciplined diet and
By January 1993, this fast-growing cyst had her worried. She did
another "orthodox" procedure - an ultrasound assay of the right
breast. The ultrasound spotted an area of inflammation but the
official analysis was that it was just another cyst.
Because she was so busy at the office she did not feel she could
take the time away from her duties to have the cyst removed then. So
she waited three months until her birthday, March 25, 1993, to have
the lumpectomy, which she undertook while wide awake and following
the procedure with keen interest. "When I saw the tumor in the
operating room I exclaimed "God - that's big!" The tumor was 4cm x
4-1/2 cm x 3.8 cm plus extra tissue taken - it looked like a
After five days, Carole Bradford went back to her routine: long
hours (up to 12 deskside) at her American Biologics office in Chula
Vista, California, with endless telephone calls, constant
involvement in the routine operation of a thriving business and all
that went with it, with scant time available to enjoy her beautiful
sprawling ranch in east San Diego County.
Two weeks later, on April 9, she was sitting at her desk when
Robert Bradford entered her office. He had just been on the phone
with Rodrigo Rodriguez, MD, the veteran medical director of the
AB-Mexico hospital. He in turn had already heard from the University
of Minnesota Hospital and Clinic Department of Surgical Pathology,
where the lumpectomy sections had been sent.
Carole Bradford, remembered it well:
"Bob came in and sat down in front of my desk. His behavior was
very calm. He just said it all at once: it was confirmed that I had
breast cancer. It was a 'high-grade infiltrating ductal cell
carcinoma of the right breast, Bloom-Richardson grade 3.' So I'm
just sitting there trying to take it all in. Not an easy moment.
"But within two minutes I was asking Bob to check my blood on the
microscope. I wanted to see what my blood looked like. And I needed
to see it for myself."
"But I never had this feeling of, 'Why me - 'Why not me?' I'd
been through this with enough patients to know not to be too
negative, even if the information was tough to take. I do remember
one thought, looking back, that really sank in: being who I was, and
what we were involved in, how could I not pull through? I didn't
sleep very well that first night, though. It was really a rude
Working side-by-side for years with medical maverick Robert
Bradford, she had come to have enormous admiration for him and all
that he had done, particularly in helping to get the "AB" hospital
functioning in Tijuana. He and the old nucleus group of the activist
Committee for Freedom of Choice in Cancer Therapy Inc., had formed
the first Bradford-oriented medical center in 1975 (Cydel Clinic
later called Manner Clinic).
"I thought, 'Of course I'll pull through this. My God, haven't we
all been working for this? Don't we have the best therapies and
techniques available? Does anyone know more about cancer than we
do?' I decided then and there I was going to do everything to beat
this thing. I was lucky. I had access to every conceivable cancer
therapy. I was well backgrounded in the subject matter, and I had a
brilliant husband who would be directing my treatment in every way."
The Bradfords' general belief is that the earlier signs of a
possible malignant process were masked because Carole was
nutritionally doing all the right things. But between her
rejuvenation visits and blood analyses several things had happened:
Both were travelling extensively to Europe and China, where there
has been a major effort to use the Bradford microscopy system and
blood tests as therapeutic modalities. Too, Carole was taking very
personally some personnel upheavals at work.
"I'm not trying to make excuses here," she said. "But I am saying
that I was extremely stressed by these problems. Aside from that,
until the diagnosis came like a proverbial knock on the head, my
favorite place was my desk and I spent a great deal of time there.
In retrospect, I can only think now that the needle biopsy of 1990
and this personnel problem in late 1992 were what it took to knock
over the dominoes and bring my malignancy to the fore."
The "coagulation" blood test (HLB) did in fact pick up areas of
suspicious inflammation, adrenal stress and bowel flora imbalances.
The AB hospital had become a major center for the use of another
test - AMAS, or the test for antimalignin antibody, preformed in
Boston; and the five-parameter Augusti test, pioneered in France by
Dr. Yves Augusti, a collaborator of the Bradford Research Institute
(BRI). Neither has received the full blessings of the US medical
establishment, but the AB hospital and BRI incorporate both as
useful monitors.
Admitted to the AB hospital the day before the scheduled
lumpectomy, Carole Bradford's Augusti test had shown a suspicious
rise in the "allergic" parameter, frequent in cancer cases. The AMAS
test was slightly "positive." Later, from medical orthodoxy, a
breast cancer "marker," CA 15-3, turned out to be very high.
"Okay, the results were in. It was cancer, no doubt about that,
and it was happening to me, Carole Bradford," she recalled.
"So I decided to take charge of my illness and created with Bob
my own injectable program, what we later came to call the 'Bradford
cocktail.' I had a hospital at my disposition, and a collaborating
medical staff. I could have anything done I wanted to."
AB-Mexico's primary claim to fame, by 1993, was already in the
cancer department. Since creation of the original AB medical group
in 1975 and the opening of American Biologics-Mexico in 1980, the AB
team had seen upwards of 18,000 cancer cases. It was securing some
kind of positive responses in 95% and reaching what American
orthodox oncology described as a "cure" - meaning five years free of
symptoms - in at least 20%, a remarkable feat at a time when
metastatic, or "spread" cancer, was "curable" in the US about 9% of
the time.
Carole Bradford then began her incredible treatment odyssey. But
it began with an attitude change:
"I knew I was going to have to spend a long time away from my
desk, resting in one of our recliner treatment chairs at AB-Mexico.
I was going to have to learn to relax, read books, watch television,
whatever. After the first week of this, I told myself, 'Hey, this
isn't too bad now.' Several weeks later I began to play tennis on a
more regular basis, to swim, took Spanish language classes, and
really began working on getting de-stressed.
"This was the beginning of healing and I have to add that, thank
God, I was never in pain. I did not have to go through the horrors
of awful pain that I have seen and heard about from so many
Carole Bradford was an "outpatient" at the AB Medical Center at
least four times a week, returning to her desk at Chula Vista for
only a few hours in the afternoons. "Suddenly, I found I didn't
really need to spend all those hours at the desk. All that paperwork
was somehow getting done by able staff members and it became less
all-consuming to me," she remembered.
"I kept a record of my visits to the clinic for my injections,
like a score card and after 100 injection days I stopped counting.
Now that is a lot of injections." Her daily program consisted of:
In the first "drip bag" she received: 9 grams Laetrile, 25 grams
of vitamin C, 10 cc of GE-OXY 132 (germanium sesquioxide), 10 cc of
reduced glutathione, 5 cc of pangamic acid, 16 mg of superoxide
dismutase (SOD), 10 cc of NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine), 2 cc of thymus
extract, 5 cc of licorice extract (Biorizin), 10 cc of taurine, 3
grams of sodium butyrate, and 20 cc of DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide).
In her second "drip bag" she received 100 cc saline with 10 cc of
Dioxychlor, the oxidative agent pioneered by the BRI.
Her oral program, which reached up to 100 tablets or capsules
daily during 1993, consisted of around 30 items: liquid Vitamin A in
the form of A-E emulsion (200,000 units), between 15 to 20 grams of
Vitamin C, proteolytic enzymes in the form of the AB product
Inflazyme Forte, antioxidant enzymes and other substances in the
form of the AB product Oxy-5000, acidophilus/lactobacillus
combinations as Bio-Dophilus Complex, co-enzyme Q10, three different
combinations of "omega" fatty acids, spleen glandular, adrenal
glandular, a combination of vitamins/minerals/nutrients as AB's
Multiplex, shark cartilage, selenium, licorice extract (Glycyron),
Basic 9 minerals complex, thymus glandular, GE-132 oral (germanium
sesquioxide), laetrile (amygdalin tablets), benzaldehyde, mammary
glandular, beta-carotene, herbal specialty products called Coleus
forskohlu, Ascorfutaruplex, Lapachoplex (from the South American pau
d'arco therapy), homeopathic burdock root, chitin (crab extract) and
apricot kernels (a natural high source of laetrile and other useful
She also took a combination of homeopathic injectable extracts
from the pioneering Heel Company of Europe which consisted of 12
separate products including mistletoe extract (Iscador, from Viscum
And that was not all:
For 90 days daily, and then once or twice a week for many more
months, she utilized treatments by another Bradford-pioneered
ACN (Accelerated-Charge Normalization), which alters the negative
tissue potential usually found in breast cancer to the normal or
positive potential characteristic of breast tissue without cancer.
By establishing a positive tissue potential, immune cells, being
negatively charged, are attracted to the malignant site and greatly
enhance the body's immune response against cancer.
In addition to the obvious therapeutic advantage there is also a
diagnostic or assessment advantage in measuring the tissue potential
which can be related to tumor activity. In Carole's case, the
tumor's negative charge exceeded 200 millivolts. This is over 100
thousand times the potential required to repel the immune system's
macrophages from the breast tumor. In other words, her body did not
recognize there was an ongoing malignancy. Amazingly, it took over
nine months of integrative therapy for the potential in her breast
to normalize.
Also "working" was Carole Bradford's adherence to the anti-cancer
diet long followed at AB-Mexico and also detailed in the recipe book
she co-authored with Beverly Novak: Cookbook for Healthful Living.
"Another reason we dared not fail," she said. "It would be bad
press! If we couldn't save me, then who could?"
Within a six-month period, most all her blood tests were turning
back to normal. "The only orthodox things I ever did in my cancer
program were the lumpectomy and yes, tamoxifen. It was suggested
that I needed this, particularly against breast cancer. But I took
this only for about 60 days.
"I just knew that it was doing something abnormal when I began
having daily cervical discharges. So after two months, I said, 'No
more.' I would never do it again. Some things are just intuitive in
nature and you have to listen to your body! Once again, I was taking
charge of my health, not the doctors."
(It would subsequently be learned that, however useful tamoxifen
might be in the short term against breast cancer, it increases a
woman's risk of both endometriosis and cervical cancer. It still
remains an optional treatment within an integrative program.)
In May of 1993 she allowed a follow-up mammogram of her left
breast since AB doctors had noticed abnormal tissue and feared that
the cancer had spread.
"I have my doubts about mammograms too. I wouldn't do them again,
either. Squeezing the breast into a vise can't be any good. And it
seems barbaric," she assessed.
(Some research, particularly in Canada, has sustained her fears:
clamping breasts into a vise for a mammogram can indeed have the
effect of damaging tissues and enhancing an existing malignant
process, at least in some cases.)
"Doctors, including some of our own, kept pestering me about
using chemotherapy, because of a suspicious lesion in the left
breast showing up in the mammography. One doctor insisted I have a
needle biopsy of the left breast. Re-thinking what happened with the
initial needle biopsy in 1990, I refused.
"Weeks later, the surgeon came to me as I sat in the treatment
room and waved his finger in my face, telling me, 'You have a
fast-growing tumor and you're not taking it seriously. You could
die.' He had suggested a double mastectomy or at least a 'quad.' I
rejected all of this.
"I remember saying, 'We're a holistic hospital, we've been in
this business for 20 years now and that's what we're all about. I
believe that's what is best for me and we must prove that we're
right.' Maybe the big thing is that I never accepted the fact that I
might die of cancer. I said in essence, "We're into
holistic/integrative therapy. This is what we're all about."
But she was also aware of the developing doctrine of the true
nature of cancer: it is not a tumor, but a malignant process; it is
not "curable" in the sense that all aspects of it vanish forever; it
is susceptible to long-term control, even for the whole of a
lifetime. But you don't "get over" cancer and follow the same
lifestyle as before. The key word is "control" - not "cure."
"I am a very disciplined person. I said on more than one occasion
to my husband when he would forget to take his 'few' vitamins; 'It's
a good thing I'm the one who has cancer - because of the discipline
necessary to stay on the program.' I was able to stick with the
program," she recalled.
Carole Bradford did stick with the program. Year in and year out,
one blood test after another, reducing her oral program back to 30
tablets or more, occasionally taking "drips," even cramming
12,000-gauss magnets into her brassiere as a daily kind of localized
magnetic therapy, in conjunction with ACN.
Now the magic date was looming; March of 1998 - if she had five
years free of symptoms, she would be "cured" by the definition of
standard Western oncology.
"Even though we in holistic medicine perhaps laugh at the premise
that after exactly the fifth year you're instantly 'cured,' the mind
still plays games with you and for me, even though I had been
completely healthy for the past perhaps 3 years, I still celebrated
the fact," She remembered.
Carole had another birthday - March 25, 1998 - with a series of
health assessments and blood tests. Her birthday gift this year was
the best of all:
She was certifiably free of cancer!
(The complete Carole Bradford program is available by contacting
American Biologics, 1180 Walnut St., Chula Vista, California 91911
USA; 619-429-8200 or fax 619-429-8004.)