What is Cancer


What is Cancer?

Cancer can best be understood by comparing cancer cells with pre-placenta cells. Everyone has them and from time to time they become active trying to form a placenta we call cancer.

This is a normal metabolic process and these pre-placenta cells become trapped in the normal somatic tissue of the developing fetus. Later in the life of the individual, in the absence of the body's normal metabolic defense, these pre-placenta cells develop into cancer of various cell types.

Most doctors, even the research scientists, suppose cancer is caused by such things as viruses, X-rays, smoking, chemicals, sunlight, trauma, etc. These, sometimes, are an indirect cause. The direct cause, according to our research, is the changing of an ectopic germ cell into an ectopic trophoblast cell. An excess of female sex hormones brings ahout this change. Both men and women have male and female sex hormones. When this delicate male-female sex hormone balance is upset, cancer may start.

Let us explain this a little further. In the human life cycle, the male sperm unites with the female egg. Now if this fertilized egg would grow directly into a new baby, we would have no cancer or cancer problems; but nature does not act so simply and directly, for if she did, the newly formed embryo (baby) would fall out of the uterus. Therefore, nature had to develop some way to attach the new embryo to the wall of the uterus and some way to nourish (feed) it.

Actually, therefore, the fertilized egg gives rise to three basic kinds of cells:

(1) Primitive germ cells.

(2) Normal body or somatic cells.

(3) Trophoblast cells.

The egg is fertilized by the sperm in the fallopian tube of the mother. By the third day this fertilized egg has fallen into the uterus. During the three days and for many days thereafter, the trophoblast cells (cancer cells) are growing very rapidly and surround the other two types of cells (primitive germ cells, and normal body or somatic cells).

This new baby will fall out of the uterus unless something happens fast, and happen it does. The trophoblast cells metastasize (as cancer does) to the wall of the uterus. Now the baby cannot fall out of the mother's uterus, but needs nourishment. The trophoblast cells (cancer cells) continue to grow rapidly and form the placenta. Now with a good food supply and no danger of falling out of the mother, the baby (embryo) can continue to grow, safe and sound, until birth.

The placental trophoblast tissue (cancer mass) continues to grow until about the seventh week when the baby's pancreas develops.

The baby's enzyme production along with the mother's enzyme production stops the growth of the placental trophoblast tissue.

As the new embryo (baby) is being formed from the normal body or somatic cells, the primitive germ cells are multiplying. In a few days when the embryo (baby) develops

to the proper stage, the primitive germ cells stop multiplying and begin to migrate to the gonads (ovaries or testes).

There are about three billion of these primitive germ cells that fatigue and never have the vital force necessary to reach the gonads. This means that there are two germ cells for every area the size of a pin head dispersed throughout your body. Any one of these germ cells is a potential cancer. That is why cancer can form in any part of the body. All that is needed is a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, an imbalance of sex hormones and the embryonic destiny of these basic germ cells. The imbalance of sex hormones can take place at any time, but usually it occurs between 45 and 60 years of age.

When all is said and done, cancer is a normal growth of tissue (placenta) due to the development of basic germ cell in the wrong place (outside of the uterus). Sometimes this placenta also has a "baby" or begins tumor inside of it much like a normal pregnancy -only it is in the wrong place.

Malignancy, therefore, is never normal (somatic) tissue gone into wild proliferation, but a normal primitive germ cell growing normally in the wrong place.

Metabolic Procedure

The person who has the metabolic malfunction should be addressed, not the disease that has the person. We call our system of addressing malignancy 'METABOLIC' because the total person and his total environment must be considered in order to obtain a reasonable state of health and new habits of health developed.

We advise a very comprehensive program. It is extremely effective and rather inexpensive. Those who are willing to faithfully and tediously follow it will be successful. Those who follow it in part or haphazardly will be completely unsuccessful.

Our program is based on the best scientific knowledge available and has been condensed to a simple well-balanced system. 'Metabolic' Therapy can be compared to a fine watch; each part must be there and be working properly or it does not work at all. Each step of the Ecology 'Metabolic' program must be followed exactly or there will not be any relief of the symptoms.

We have found that halting or stopping the malignant growth is relatively simple. The clinical problem in treating a cancer victim is clearing the body of accumulated toxins. The growth is usually stopped from within 3 hours to 12 days of 'Metabolic' procedures, depending upon the amount and method of administration. This is usually noted by a sharp elevation of body temperature lasting about 3 days. Then comes the long laborious period of detoxication. This takes from 3 weeks to 12 months, depending upon the location and mass (amount) of growth. Many cancer victims have had their tumors successfully treated only to die of toxic poisons as the mass is dissolved and excreted from the body: The clinician treated the disease and not the patient, or failed to treat 'Metabolically'.

The prognosis for a cancer victim is very good when the liver, kidney, and lung functions are at least 50% of normal, and an optimistic spiritual attitude is maintained. Unfortunately, we have found many people who have lost hope, or their next of kin have lost hope, to the degree they were resigned to death and refused to try our system of therapy.

We find that the rate of recovery is subject to another law - that of blood supply. If the rate of blood supply to an area is great, recovery is fast. If the blood supply to an area is inadequate, recovery is very slow. Thus, we find those with leukemia respond quickly, while those with bone afflictions have a much slower response. We have also noted that in tumors of large diameter (three or more inches) the outside diameter is quickly dissolved, but the interior, where there is a lack of blood supply, often takes several months to dissolve. This is a very wonderful thing; the body has time to detoxify and the death rate from toxemia is greatly reduced.

Basically, the 'Metabolic' treatment involves four essential steps:

(1) Supplemental nutritional therapy

(2) Detoxification of the body

(3) Adequate, proper, well-balanced diet

(4) Spiritual attitude



There are only two Physicians - the Almighty and your own body

The PANCREAS as a complex organ has many functions and purposes, we will briefly mention three here:

A. Carbohydrate (Sugar) Metabolism, and if this pancreatic function fails, the resulting disease process we call DIABETES.

B. Digestive Enzymes:

1. AMYLASE which results in the digestion of starches, glycogen and other carbohydrates.

2. LIPASE which results in the digestion of fats.

3. PROTEASE which results in the digestion of proteins.

If this pancreatic function fails, a resulting disease process is called:

a. Cystic Fibrosis (usually in children) and/or;

b. Malnutrition, starvation, cachexia, wasting, or emaciation (usually in adults).

C. Cannibalize the intercellular metabolic waste and toxic metabolic materials. Also cannibalize and digest the intracellular waste products and dead or dysfunctional normal cells. Also cannibalize and digest the normal dormant pre-placenta cells as they become the CANCER cells.



There are many causes for failure of pancreatic metabolic function. Often more than one cause exists simultaneously within the cancer victim. Listed below are some of these and all must be considered as possible or ruled out as non-causative in each cancer patient:

1. The pancreas fails to produce an adequate quantity of enzymes.

2. We take into our bodies such large quantities of foods that require pancreatic enzymes for their digestion that there are none available for the cancer digestion.

3. We may produce enough enzymes but we fail to take into our diet enough co-enzymes (vitamins) to make the enzymes work.

4. Our bodies produce anti-enzyme factors. These factors keep the enzymes from digesting our own bodies. Sometimes we produce an over-abundant supply of these anti-enzyme factors.

5. Often we produce enough enzymes, but the blood supply to a cancer area is

so poor the enzymes we produce are not carried to the area.

6. We may fail to take into our diet enough minerals which are essential to release the enzymes into activity.

7. Genetic that is, inheriting a very small, weak or defective (ineffective) pancreas;

8. Infection: Bacterial or viral;

9. Obstruction of pancreatic secretion flow;

10. Absorption of pancreatic secretions from the intestines into the body:

11. Nutritional Components are not available (vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc.) necessary for normal metabolism within the pancreas;

12. Proper Ph (acid/alkaline within the intestinal tract), within the cancer tumor mass;

13. Chemical Poisons within the patient's body from environmental, food chain, drugs, metabolic wastes or medications;

14. Radiation Damage such as from therapeutic procedures etc.;

15. Biological destructive or infectious agents;

16. Spiritual weakness;

17. Emotional instability and/or trauma;

18. Balance instability and weakness of the ANS (autonomic nervous system);

19. Diet Type. amount, & timing of nutritional intake.

The essential thing, then, in resolving the metabolic malfunction of those with pancreatic failure, is to get the enzymes to the affiliated areas of deterioration. We must have enough enzymes there to stop any further deterioration of body tissue.


The pure white race, Aryans, and in particular, the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic, French, Scottish, Irish and British peoples, genetically appear to have a much higher incidence of cancer than other races. The Jewish race, as well as Blacks, Asians and mixed races have a much lower incidence of cancer than the Aryan race.

Other races have cancer of course, but in proportion to the pancreatic damage from malnutrition, viruses or infection. In addition, the percentage of cancer within the other races can be correlated to the percentage of white blood mixed in the individual's gene pool.