Aspartame Linked to Leukemia & Lymphoma in Groundbreaking Study
[2012 Oct] Aspartame is linked to leukemia and lymphoma in new landmark study on humans
Billy's story
Billy's story
Lymphoma & macrobiotics
One Patient's Recovery from Lymphoma by A. Hoffer, MD, PhD"Dr. Pinto quietly proceeded with diseases and dates. "This type of lymphoma was not noted until 1832, a short time after amalgam was introduced in the area where the disease was discovered. The first amalgam to be placed in an African-American was in 1904. Sickle-cell anemia was noted to move out of the rare in 1906."---Hal Huggins DDS
"Where you would have a two-banded Hartman crossing a two-banded Hartman it was my
experience to find that would cause Hodgkins Disease but it would take a minimum of
fourteen years to do so. I never came across a case of Hodgkins Disease associated
with a Hartman grid that took less than fourteen years to form.
With the Hodgkins you have the two-banded
Hartman crossing the two-banded Hartman. With the Non-Hodgkins you get the
three-banded Hartman crossing the two-banded Hartman. Thats what I found."--Alf Riggs
[2010 Feb] Cancer and pesticides: victims fight for justice After long battles, three farmers in France have won legal claims that their cases of cancer and Parkinson's disease were caused by working with pesticides..... Two other agriculturalists in France have won recognition for the link between pesticides and their leukaemia. ....other farmers and agricultural workers with cancers such as myeloma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are trying to gain recognition and compensation for their conditions.
Video [See: Cancer videos]
One Answer To Cancer - Speech about Dr.
Part 2 - One Answer To Cancer - Speech about Dr. Kelley