Hans Nieper
[Hans Nieper was born in Germany in
1928 and died in 1998. He did his premedical studies at Johann Gutenberg
University in Mainz, his medical studies at the University of Freiburg, and he
received an M.D. degree from the University of Hamburg.
Nieper expected about a 50% survival rate of 'terminal' patients. If
patients survive for 18 months on his programme, their statistical life expectancy becomes
about normal, unlike with chemotherapy where life expectancy continues to drop after 18
Dr. Hans A. Nieper of Germany has this to say about B–17
"Dr. Nieper's Revolution
in Technology, Medicine and Society" ISBN 3-925188-07-X
"You wouldnt believe how many FDA officials or relatives or acquaintances of
FDA officials come to see me as patients in Hanover. You wouldnt believe this, or
directors of the AMA, or ACA, or the presidents of orthodox cancer institutes. Thats
the fact."---Hans Nieper.
In 1987, Dr. Hans Neiper, an ozone using doctor in Hanover, FRG, in an interview by NHF videographer Jeff Harsh, talked about his colon cancer work. Although he says he can't divulge the name of his patients; "President Reagan is a very nice man." And, "You wouldn't believe how many FDA officials or relatives or acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients in Hanover. You wouldn't believe this, or directors of the American Medical Association (AMA), or American Cancer Association, or the presidents of orthodox cancer institutes. That's the fact." Odd that it's good enough for, and sought after by the bigshots with enough money, but not allowed for the common people. OZONE HAS CURED AIDS IN OVER 300 CASES--Ed McCabe
As an explosive internal issue, the laetrile affair has almost attained the order of magnitude of the Vietnam conflict. I still do not see how some of the exponents of official American cancer medicine, and certain bureaucracies in Washington, are going to emerge from this affair with clean hands. The effect of this bitter almond substance is not strong, and can be observed only if the defense mechanisms are in operation. In any event, it can and was clearly proven both clinically and experimentally, with positive results, at both the famous Sloan-Kettering Institute in New York, and at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. An enormous suppression story was leaked to the press by a member of the New York institute. A rather mysterious "testing" in five clinics, including the famous Mayo Clinic, led to the strong suspicion that certain oral (not intravenous) doses of laetrile were tested after having been previously and intentionally "contaminated" at the National Cancer Institute in Washington, with a certain highly poisonous cyano urea combination. Officially, a "purification" was admitted. Dr. Hans A. Nieper of Germany has this to say about B–17
Bibliography of the publications of
(Edited by Andrew W. Saul, with the assistance of Berke Durak and Michael
Jolliffe. Peter Meiers wrote the introduction, and Barry Rosa contributed to
this bibliography. Additions or corrections are welcomed.)
Dr. Hans Alfred Nieper, late of Hannover, Germany, was an oncologist consulted by prominent persons including Red Buttons, Yul Brynner and Ronald Reagan. He was president of the German Society of Oncology. Dr. Nieper was outspoken against fluoridation, as witnessed in his book "Revolution in Medizin und Gesundheit." His last work was a German translation, with commentary, of Ralph Moss' "Questioning Chemotherapy.")
Nieper, H.A. and Blumberger, K., The Effectiveness of Electrolyte Carrier Compounds on Myocardial Metabolism, Illustrated by Magnesium and Potassium Aspartate, Ärztl. Forsch. 15:305-309 (1961) (No known electronic link)
Nieper, H.A., Experimental Bases and Clinical Use of Electrolyte Carrier
Compounds. Ärztl Forsch. 15:510-514 (1961) (No known electronic link)
Nieper, H.A. and Kohler, L., Investigation of Potassium and Magnesium
2--Aminoethylphosphate, Ärztl Forsch. 16:641 (1962) (No known electronic link)
Nieper, H.A. and Kohler, L., Investigation of Potassium and Magnesium Nicotinylaspartate. Ärztl. Forsch. (1966) (No known electronic link)
Nieper H.A., Köhler F., "A salt of a nitrogen-containing ester of phosphoric acid and the therapeutic applications thereof", Brit. Patent 1,092,185, appl. April 21, 1965, pat. Nov. 22, 1967. (Abstract available at ESpaceNet)
Nieper H.A., "Therapeutically effective calcium diorotate", US Patent 3,621,024, filed Nov. 13, 1968, pat. Nov. 16, 1971 (No known electronic link)
Nieper H.A., "The Nieper Regimen: A biological approach to the control of cancer", Cancer Control J. Vol.2, No.5:1-6 (1974) (Available at Brewer Science Library)
Nieper H.A., "A medical approach to a cancer therapy of low toxicity and long-time perspective. The Nieper Regimen", Cancer Control J. Vol.2, No.5:7-9 (1974) (Available at Brewer Science Library)
Nieper H.A., "Sollten Tetrazycline immunsuppressiv wirken?", Praxis-Kurier No. 34:16 (1981) (No known electronic link)
Nieper H.A., "Dr. Nieper assails the NCI ´laetrile trials´", reprinted from Health World News, Westlake Village, CA, Febr. 1982; Cancer Control J. Vol.6, No.1-6:83 (1982) (No known electronic link)
Nieper, H.A., Hanover West Germany, International Academy of Preventive Medicine (1984) (No known electronic link)
Nieper H.A., "Der Eklat ist vorprogrammiert: Die Behandlung der Multiplen Sklerose", Raum & Zeit No.15:8-11 (1985)
Nieper H.A., "Conversion of gravity field energy: Dr. Nieper´s Revolution in Technology, Medicine and Society", USA, 1985. (Available at NuTech 2000 and at Brewer Science Library)
Nieper H.A., "Fluor: Gefahr für die Gesundheit", Diagnosen No.2:67 (1986) (No known electronic link)
Nieper H.A., "Umweltbedingte Krebsursachen", Dtsch. Z. Onkologie 20:102 (1988) (No known electronic link)
Nieper H.A., "Fluor: Sondermüll zur Vorbeugung?", Raum & Zeit 13:61-62 (1994) (No known electronic link)
Nieper H.A., "Kat-Autos schädigen das Immunsystem", Raum & Zeit No.78:84-86 (1995) (Quotations available at Naturheilpraxis)
Nieper H.A., "Linus Pauling: Der Visionär", Raum & Zeit No.81:49-51 (1996) (Available at Kundenserver)
Moss R., "Fragwürdige Chemotherapie. Entscheidungshilfen für die Krebsbehandlung", German translation of Ralph Moss´s "Questioning Chemotherapy", with preface and commentaries, by Dr. Hans A. Nieper, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1997 (Available at Amazon)
Nieper H.A., "Revolution in Medizin und Gesundheit", 2nd. edition, MIT Verlag, Oldenburg, 1998 (Available at Miterverlag)
Nieper H.A., Alexander A.D., Eagle-Oden G.S., "The curious man: The life and
works of Dr. Hans A. Nieper", Avery Publishing Group, Dec. 1998 (Available at
Brewer Science Library and