
Case Histories Include: Cancer of the Nose, Tongue, Throat, Vocal Cords, and Tonsil  

Three out of ever four patients with cancer of the tonsil and positive nodes who do not use Laetrile but choose orthodox therapy instead will be dead within five years(1). Two of every ten patients with cancer of the vocal cords who choose orthodox therapy will be dead in five years(2). Those patients who do survive therapy for cancer of the face usually suffer extreme cosmetic deformities. The following case histories should be read with these facts in mind.

(1)Clinical Oncology, op. cit., p. 242.

(2)Ibid. p. 246.
P1O3MX: Cancer of the Lymph

Glands in the Neck and Cancer of the Base of the Tongue

In April, 1964, at the age of thirty-seven, this woman detected an enlarged lymph gland on the side of her neck. Biopsy revealed "poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma." The patient had surgery—a left radical neck dissection for removal of all the lymph nodes—and, at the same time, the entire right side of her thyroid and part of the left side of the thyroid were removed. Later pathology exam of all thyroid tissues showed "thyroiditis" [inflamed thyroid] but no evidence of cancer.

Several years later she had a non-cancerous tumor, a neurofibroma, removed. The surgery resulted in the paralysis of her left vocal chord, and also paralysis of her diaphragm.

Nine years later, in May, 1973, at the age of forty-six, she developed a lesion at the base of her tongue. Biopsy was positive. Pathology report revealed "poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, transitional cell type." She was referred by her local hospital to Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

Physical exam revealed an irregular mass 2 cm. by 2 cm. at the angle of the jaw. Examination of the mouth revealed an approximately 2 cm. by 3 cm. (¾ inch by 1¼ inches) mass at the base of the tongue on the left and "extending down into the vallecula."

Pathology and primary-site summary stated, "Poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma [cancer] transitional cell type of the base of the tongue with metastasis to the jugulodigastric area [neck]."

The patient received 200 rads per day to a total of 6500 rads of cobalt60 irradiation.

About two-thirds of the way through the course of this treatment, a new area of cancer involvement manifested itself—the lower right cervical (neck) lymph node area. The upper right had been included in the first field of radiation, and now her doctors planned an additional course. Radiology stated:

This will be done through a single anterior tangential portal—1500 rads per week for a total of at least 5000 rads with care being taken not to overlap any of the several fields.

The radiation was completed on July 20, 1973, and the patient was requested to return in three weeks. During this period she lost all ability to speak, which, according to the hospital reports, "worried her a great deal" because she could not work unless she could talk.

The patient progressed fairly well, considering the extensive radiation. As late as October 12, 1973 (two and one-half months following radiation), no new swelling of the neck lymph glands or the lymph glands under the arm were noted.

Between October 12, 1973, and November 7, 1973, however, further exams yielded more bad news. In a letter dated November 7, 1973, the Radiology Department of Massachusetts General Hospital advised this patient:

The lump in your right axilla turns out to be of the same nature as were the glands in the left side of your neck. Therefore, I think you have something further done about this. I would like to give you some X-ray treatment to the place from which the gland was removed. For this you have an appointment with us on Wednesday, November 14, at 10:30 A.M. We will want to see you for treatment three days a week for about three weeks. I have in mind a course of drug treatment which I should like to have instituted so as to increase the security of control of your trouble.

At this point this forty-six-year-old widow decided she had had all the orthodox cure she could handle. One vocal chord was paralyzed, she had lost her voice, her diaphragm was paralyzed, she had had two surgeries on her neck, most of her thyroid was gone, her skin had been burned from the radiation, and her salivary glands had ceased to function—and still do not function. To this day she must carry an atomizer of water in her purse, and, must use it every few minutes to moisten the inside of her mouth.

She declined Harvard Medical School’s offer and turned instead to Laetrile, in the hope of controlling the cancerous axillary lymph nodes.

In 1974 she went to a medical doctor in the Southeast for Laetrile treatment, and in September of 1975 came to the Richardson Clinic to continue maintenance therapy.

Our last contact with this patient was on January 5, 1977—two years and two months after she turned down additional radiation to the site of newly developing cancer under her right arm. (The only treatment this area has received is metabolic therapy.) At that time she reported she was in good health, that her voice had returned, and that her cancer apparently had been brought under control.

P1177J: Cancer of the Vocal Cords

This man went to Kaiser Hospital in Santa Clara, California, in August of 1971 because of persistent hoarseness and difficulty in speaking.

The vocal cords were biopsied and the pathology report dated August 13, 1971, reads as follows:


The three specimens are imbedded in the order

in which they have been identified.

Micro + Diagnosis:

(1) No demonstrable epithelial atypism right posterior commissure of vocal chords.

(2) Squamous carcinoma [cancer], right middle

commissure of vocal chord.

(3) Squamous carcinoma, right anterior cornmissure of vocal chord.

Biopsy is considered one hundred per cent accurate if positive(1).

*(1)Clinical Oncology for Medical Students and Physicians, op. cit., p.


Despite the recommendations of the staff, however, this gentleman accepted no surgery, no radiation, and no chemotherapy whatsoever

He began metabolic therapy August 18, 1971. Within about eight weeks following metabolic therapy his voice returned to normal.

He has had intermittent laryngitis. He does a great deal of talking in connection with his work. The repeated laryngoscopic examinations of the vocal cords through the years, however, have never revealed a return of the tumor.

This patient’s tumor regressed and has not returned. Five and one-half years have passed since the initial diagnosis. The only treatment he has received is metabolic therapy.

C147DR: Cancer of the Right Tonsil, Metastatic to the Right Neck

This seventy-six-year-old man went to his local doctor in March, 1974, for an ear examination following a two to three-year history of difficulty in hearing. Examination also revealed an enlarged right tonsil and an enlarged lymph node in the right neck.

On March 4, 1974, this man was admitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital, Eureka, California, where his right tonsil was removed. Pathology diagnosis of the frozen section was "lymphocytic lymphosarcoma, well-differentiated." The description of the surgery reads in part as follows:

It was felt that an excision biopsy would be more likely to reveal the nature of tonsillar enlargement. Therefore, a fight tonsillectomy was performed. . . . During the process of hemostasis, a frozen section was performed on the removed tonsil. The pathologist’s diagnosis was moderately well to well-differentiated lymphoma. Therefore, the procedure was terminated as the enlarged lymph node must be presumed to be the same pathological entity.

The local physician planned to refer him to another doctor for a complete lymphoma work-up. The finding of positive nodes is a poor prognostic sign. Cure rates (with orthodox treatment) are as low as five per cent (1).

1Clinical Oncology I or Medical Students and Physicians, op. cit., p.


On April 19, 1974, the local doctor’s secretary wrote Mr. C. a note which read in part:  

It is very important that you see a doctor about your cancer. Dr. (name omitted) has been very concerned about your getting help.

The local doctor was advised that the patient wanted to go to the Richardson Clinic, and his records were forwarded.

The patient completed his initial course of metabolic therapy and returned home.

Mr. C. wrote to the Richardson Clinic in April, 1976—two years after his surgery and the diagnostic impression of metastatic cancer of the neck. He states he is still taking the recommended vitamins and following the vegetarian diet, that his health is good for a seventy-six-year-old man, and that his cancer appears to be controlled.

He has had not any radiation or chemotherapy, nor has he had any further surgery.

L128WX: Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Nose

This woman was seventy-four years old at the time of the first biopsy of the side of her nose on August 12, 1971. The diagnosis was basal cell carcinoma.

In a letter dated August 24, 1971, the referring physician stated:

Patient has basal cell carcinoma of the face involving the left nasal labial area with extension onto the left nasal ala. The lesion is fairly deeply infiltrating, but does not appear to involve the mucous membrane beneath.

Because of the involvement of the ala of the nose, I do not feel that radiation would be the treatment of choice. The deformity following radiation would be quite severe and I think that a better cosmetic result could be obtained with surgical excision. The closure may necessitate a small nasal labial flap.

The patient, who is a nurse, decided in view of her experience to turn down the idea of surgery. She stated she was warned that her face would be gradually eaten away if she did not have surgery.

This lady decided to go on a no-meat diet, yeast, vitamin C, and approximately thirty apricot kernels per day, the latter in divided doses. She stayed on this regimen self-prescribed from September, 1971, until August, 1974.

She began metabolic therapy with the Richardson Clinic in August, 1974. At that time the cancer area at the side of her nose was about the size of a quarter, which, according to patient, was somewhat smaller than it had been two years previously.

A biopsy, December 10, 1974, was returned with a diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma.

The patient continued on the diet, the Laetrile, and vitamin regimen. By November 11, 1975, the area of previous cancerous erosion had almost completely disappeared, and only a smooth scar area remained, with a very small red area visible.

The seventy-four-year-old patient works a full day as a nurse, caring for an eighty-six-year-old invalid. In a letter to the clinic in November, 1975, the patient concluded:

I feel that the treatment has brought this dread disease under control and has the added benefit of improving my general health. I-I think that had I come earlier in the history of this tumor (had I known of Doctor Richardson) it might have disappeared completely under this treatment. I am grateful to have this available to me, and wish that others suffering greatly with cancer treatment could know of these benefits.

B113: Cancer of the Nose, Cheek, Throat, and Brain

This woman had a tumor removed from her nostril 1962.

The patient states that the same area began to cause her discomfort within two months following the 1962 surgery, and she was then given cortisone and radiation therapy.

In 1968 she was seen by a plastic surgeon in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, who removed a second tumor and part of her nose. Within three months the patient was again having pain at the site of the previous surgeries and received more radiation therapy. The radiation therapy did not control the patient’s pain.

In October, 1970, she was referred to Stanford Medical Center in Palo Alto, California, and received 6,000 rads of radiation from the linear accelator. She was told at the time that she would be unable to receive any more radiation at that site. The radiation provided the patient relief from pain until 1973.

During the interval from 1970 to 1973, the patient continued to have routine check-ups and X-rays of the nose area every six months. Despite the return of pain in 1973, she was advised there was "nothing wrong." When the skin broke adjacent to the surgical site and began to drain, further tests were taken and the patient was advised that the cancer had returned.

The patient went to Stanford Medical Center in May, 1974, and had the remainder of her nose and part of the cheek bone amputated. Four months later in September, 1974, the pain had again returned, and the patient called Stanford Medical Center and asked if it were possible to have more radiation to control the discomfort. She was advised she had had all they could give her. She was also advised that she might return and have the other cheek bone removed.

At this point in time Mrs. B. looked into the possible use of metabolic therapy, including the use of Laetrile, at the suggestion of a member of her family. She began metabolic therapy on October 7, 1974. She was seventy-five years old at the time.

In a letter to the Richardson Clinic dated March 4, 1976, (one and one-half years later) the patient describes her response to the treatment in this way.

I started taking it [Laetrile] and had four shots [one each day for four days] in the vein and immediately started getting relief.... I have had one shot a week in the muscle, and two pills a day and have had complete relief.

Before taking Laetrile, I was having soreness in my mouth and in my throat; also the cancer had spread up to my brain. This was confirmed by the doctors at Stanford when I had my nose removed.

I feel that Laetrile has not killed the cancer but is controlling it.

I saw Dr. G, my medical doctor, six months ago and he checked my nose and said. "Mrs. B., whatever you are doing, continue it."