
Case Histories Include Cancer of the Prostate

Cancer of the prostate is the most prevalent cancer in men over fifty years of age. Under orthodox therapy it is the second most common site of cancer causing death in the male (1). Virtually 100% of patients will be impotent following surgery (2). Once metastasis is present nearly 100% of patients choosing orthodox therapy will be dead by the end of the third year (3). Read the following case histories with the above facts in mind.

(1) Clinical Oncology for Medical Students and Physicians, op. cit. p. 203.

(2)Ibid, p. 206.

(3)Ibid, p. 206.

P107J: Inoperable Cancer of the Prostate

This man was sixty-one years old when he went to Kaiser Hospital in Sacramento, California, in August of 1973. His complaint was pain in the pubic area.

Numerous exams were performed, including a biopsy of both lobes of the prostate gland. The pathology diagnosis was "well differentiated adenocarcinoma" (cancer) of both the right and left lobes of the prostate.

A bone scan was performed in September, 1973.

The report stated "Impression: Abnormal bone scan demonstrating an increased uptake of tracer by the right anterior-superior iliac spine [part of the hip bone]. No other abnormalities noted."

Urology consultation in October, 1973, stated in part:

Bone scan shows a hot spot over the anterior-superior iliac spine. This plus elevated bone marrow acid phosphatase removes him from the operative group.... We will follow him regularly and, should the bone metastases increase, or bone pain develop, or serum acid phosphatase increase, or local extention of tumor occur, or obstructive symptoms develop, we will then begin stilbestrol [female hormone] daily, with or without orchiectomy (removal of testicles).

The patient states the doctors told him that surgery would only increase his suffering and that they were going to wait until his symptoms were no longer tolerable before attempting the only procedures available. He says he was grateful for their honesty.

The patient states further that he asked the doctor "how much time" he had and was told he had one plus on a scale of four.

The patient related in a letter to the Richardson Clinic what the next few weeks were like for him:

My condition following the testing became rapidly worse. I was in constant, unrelenting pain, my body jerked in spasms, there was some rectal bleeding, and I became so weak I could hardly rise from a chair and walk.

At this time I learned from friends where I could get Laetrile treatment. My wife drove the car, the one and one-half hour drive to the San Francisco Bay area where I received my first injection of Laetrile, October 25, 1973. I was too weak to drive, in fact I passed out in the car both going to and returning from these first daily treatments. Improvement was apparent within ten days and in about thirty days I was driving the car myself. I was again looking forward to each new sunrise with anticipation of some pleasure in being alive.

The patient was concerned at first that the Kaiser Hospital doctors would refuse to give him check-ups when advised he was taking Laetrile, but they have continued to see him and are pleased with his obvious good health.

This patient was interviewed at length on October 29, 1975, two years following his diagnosis of inoperable cancer of the prostate. His eyes and skin were clear, and his conversation animated. He proudly showed the nurse some scratches on his right arm and announced they were from chopping wood. He stated the doctors had given him about a year to live, (this was two years later) and Then he concluded:

1 figure I’ll renew the lease for another year. You know, I go back to my other doctors about every three months just so they will see how well I’m doing and know they don’t have all the tools available to them. I am the sixth of eleven brothers and sisters to get cancer.

The patient has been essentially symptom-free now for over three years. He states, "I feel so good it bothers my wife because I can go all day and get along on four hours’ sleep, and she can’t keep up with me." This statement is from a man who three and one-half years ago was too weak to drive himself to the clinic.

H151W: Cancer of the Prostate

This man was sixty-nine years old when he first developed symptoms which his local doctor considered to be an inflamed prostate gland. The symptoms began January, 1974, and he finally sought medical help on October 8, 1974. He did not improve much when treated with tetracycline.

Because of his failure to improve, his local doctor had him admitted to a hospital near his home in Stockton, California, for further tests. Cystoscope exam revealed a completely obstructing prostate. Both sides of the prostate were removed and the tissue was cancerous (well and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma). He was placed on Estradurin injections in the hospital and started on Estinyl tablets, 0.05 mg., one a day. These are female hormones which are considered to be useful in providing temporary control of the spread of cancer beyond the prostate.

A radiotherapist advised him to have X-ray to his chest to prevent female type breasts from developing due to the female hormones he would be receiving. The radiotherapist also advised a "full course" of radiotherapy to the lymph nodes of the pelvis. The patient’s survey for metastases and his bone scan were negative.

The patient was against radiotherapy, explaining to the radiotherapist that he had seen someone with very poor response to cobalt and did not want the same for himself.

His acid phosphatase was elevated 3.1 units over a normal of 2.

In a letter to the Richardson Clinic, dated January 14, 1975, the local doctor stated:

I hope Mr. H. has a very slow growing tumor and that it would be sensitive to estrogen control. He seems to be not a candidate for either radiotherapy for cure nor orchidectomy [removal of testes] at the present time due to his emotional state. If he could stay on the estrogen tablets once a day, I think all would be well for the time being.

The patient not only refused radiation and what is referred to as "therapeutic" removal of his testes but also stopped taking the estrogen tablets after only twelve days.

Mr. H. came to the Richardson Clinic to start metabolic therapy including Laetrile on January 3,1975. He says he has been faithful to the vitamin program, and about fifty per cent of the time he stays on the diet. Mr. H. wrote the Richardson Clinic, March, 1976, and stated:

As you know, what was left of my tumor has disappeared. My general health is better than before surgery. I have much more energy and no aches and pains. I’m a seventy-one year old man and work on a ranch almost as hard as I did twenty years ago.

This man remains symptom-free two years after his initial diagnosis and the incomplete removal of prostate cancer.

B144J: Cancer of the Prostate

This man was sixty-two years old at the time he first sought treatment for a prostate problem. That was in the fall of 1968.

Diagnosis of cancer was made by his local doctor. The patient stated he was advised that if he did not agree to surgery or radiation, he would not live long. The patient described the tumor as being about the size of "a bar of soap."

Mr. B. originally sought the services of another physician in the San Francisco area. He went on a strict vegetarian diet at that time and still maintains the same dietary regimen. He received injections of Laetrile every four days from January of 1969 to January of 1970.

Mr. B. has been seen at the Richardson Clinic intermittently since September, 1971. As of February, 1976, Mr. B. is seventy years old. He still works his farm. His days are full of activity eight years after being told that without treatment he had only months to live. The only treatment he has received is metabolic therapy including Laetrile.

A14OR: Cancer of the Prostate, Probable Cancer of the Liver

Mr. A. had had intermittent difficulty urinating for two years prior to October 13, 1975, at which time he went to his local doctor because he was completely unable to urinate.

Examination revealed an enlarged prostate. Biopsy was positive for cancer. Lymphangiograms indicated the cancer had spread to the adjacent lymph nodes.

Exploratory surgery, October 20, 1975, showed the patient had widespread involvement of the lymph nodes and cancer of the liver. The extent of the cancer made surgical removal impossible, and neither radiation nor chemotherapy was recommended.

The patient stated he was sent to Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, for further evaluation and that their recommendation was to withhold the use of female hormone therapy until the patient felt worse. The reason for waiting is that female hormone therapy appears to slow down the cancer growth for a limited time only.

The patient explained his reaction to the limited therapy available this way. "They told me they could do nothing more. I don’t know how to explain my feeling. I never felt it would get the best of me? The patient’s daughter gave him a book on Laetrile, and, encouraged by what he read, he decided to try it.

Mr. A’s first appointment at the Richardson Clinic was November 19, 1975. At the time he was weak from the abdominal surgery and still had difficulty urinating. Six weeks after starting metabolic therapy he had returned to work full time; he no longer had difficulty urinating, and stated he "felt great."

The prostate has decreased somewhat in size. The only therapy the patient has received (following incomplete surgical removal of his cancer) is metabolic therapy. He continues to work full time and to enjoy life in good health.

B109WJ: Cancer of the Prostate

This seventy-five-year-old man had a biospy of his prostate in February, 1973. The biopsy revealed cancer. He refused surgery or radiation. Lymphangiograms taken at that time were negative for metastasis.

This patient came to the Richardson Clinic for metabolic therapy July 12, 1973. An initial physical exam revealed a small hardened mass on the fight lobe of the prostate. Approximately five and one-half weeks after beginning metabolic therapy, physical exam showed that the mass had decreased.

In October, 1973, the patient stated he had just returned from a vacation during which time he had "out golfed" his son. He said, "If I felt any better, I wouldn’t know how to act."

This patient visited the Richardson Clinic on January 16, 1974. During that visit he stated he had a left herniorraphy. Recovering had been uneventful except for mild left leg pain. The patient stated that his surgeon found the prostatic tumor to be very small with no visible signs of metastasis. In a letter to the Richardson Clinic dated March 3, 1976, (three years after he had been advised he had cancer) he summarized his experience in part as follows:

I had seen my mother dying of cancer. She had both surgery and radiation, which probably extended her life for a year or so, but she suffered more from the treatment than from the cancer itself. It was then that I had made up my mind that if I ever had a cancer, I would rather just let nature take its course than go through all that. So, I did nothing for the first couple of months, but I got to feeling so bad I went back to Dr. [name omitted] and had him give me a prescription for the female hormones [previously suggested]. I took these for perhaps a month. Besides feeling no better otherwise, the hormones made me feel like I had been castrated, sort of in limbo between a man and a woman, and I began to grow breasts.

By now I was getting so I could only work a couple hours and then I would have to rest or go to bed for a time. [The patient then describes medical consultations regarding radiation, and his subsequent decision to come to the Richardson Clinic.]

I saw you [Dr. Richardson] in July, 1973. You had so many patients waiting in your outer office that day, it was several hours before you could get to me. It was time well spent because the reports I got from a number of your other patients out there astounded me. I made up my mind then and there to cancel my radiation appointment....

In the middle of August, my wife and I went back to Pennsylvania to visit a daughter of mine and her husband.... I felt so peppy, I amazed them that a man in his 70’s could show the stamina I seem to have at golf, dancing, etc.....

I am now 75; I am still working and enjoying it. Of course, I am delighted with what vitamin and nutritional therapy have done for me.

Of all your patients, I am sure there is not one who stays on the diet more strictly than I do. As a matter of fact, the more I am on it the more I enjoy it.

One final observation. It seems to me that, if vitamin therapy and the use of Laetrile in cancer therapy were quackery, there would be no end of complaints from patients and their relatives. There is no cry from your patients, only from the purveyors of radiation, chemotherapy and surgery; and what have they got to boast about? If the record of Laetrile were half as bad as theirs, they would be burning you at the stake. They accuse the Laetrile doctors of "ripping off" the public to the tune of forty million dollars a year with a useless remedy. I have my own opinion about who, if anybody, is doing the ripping off, and not to the tune of forty million. More like sixteen billion.

L123A: Cancer of the Prostate

This sixty-two-year-old man went to his local doctor for a routine check-up in November, 1974. The physician felt a lump on the prostate.

The patient was subsequently referred to a urologist, who recommended a biopsy. The biopsy report dated February 28, 1975, stated the diagnosis as "moderately differentiated prostatic carcinoma [cancer]."

In a letter dated March 7, 1975, the urologist described Mr. L’s situation:

Since Mr. L’s [name omitted] perineal needle biopsy showed carcinoma, and since rectal palpation indicated that it had already extended beyond the prostatic capsule (or at least involved it), I have advised him to have radiation therapy after a thorough metastatic work.

A subsequent letter dated March 28, 1975, revealed the patient’s situation to be even more dire.

Unfortunately, the lymphangiogram showed positive nodes and the KUB suggested ileal metastases. This precludes radiation therapy.

I talked with Mr. L [name omitted] and his son in the office. Since the hormonal therapy, which would be the proper treatment, has a limited and predetermined duration of effectiveness, I don’t think that we need start it until he has symptoms or some findings which indicate progression of the tumor. Accordingly, I’m going to check him in three months and keep an eye on him. He seemed to take the thing psychologically better than I expected, after all his troubles.

Among the other "troubles" that this gentleman had was the fact that he was fired from his job as soon as they found out he had cancer.

Mr. L. stated, "This proposal not to have any help shocked me, and my mental state was beyond description." It was at this point that he turned to vitamin therapy as a last resort.

Metabolic therapy was begun April 8, 1975. After two months, the patient began to feel improvement in his general health. In a letter dated August 25, 1975, the consulting urologist stated, "Mr. L. seems to be holding his own well."

Examination of the prostate on November 17, 1975 (seven months following commencement of metabolic therapy), revealed no sign of tumefaction.

Mr. L. stated again in December, 1976, (one and one-half years after being diagnosed as inoperable and non-radiatable) that he was feeling good and that his cancer apparently had been successfully controlled.

K114M: Cancer of the Prostate

In July, 1974, this sixty-six-year-old man had a routine physical exam. His family doctor found a lump on the prostate and referred him to a urologist.

The urologist had him admitted to Mercy Hospital in Carmichael, California, for a needle biopsy. The report, dated July 29, 1974, stated, "prostatic tissue showing adenocarcinoma." Radiation therapy was recommended but was refused by the patient because of the possible side effects of sterility and impotency.

The patient decided to try metabolic therapy, which was begun August 26, 1974. Approximately one year later, July 16, 1975, physical examination failed to show any tumefaction whatsoever.

At the time of this writing, over two and one-half years following biopsy, the patient was symptom-free and in good health.

BlO8C: Cancer of the Prostate

This sixty-eight-year-old male had a biopsy of the prostate on May 29, 1975, at Washoe Medical Center, Reno, Nevada. The pathology report stated in part, "Left prostatic needle biopsy... focus of well differentiated adenocarcinoma." He was given a choice of surgery or radiation.

The patient chose, instead, to come to the Richardson Clinic for metabolic therapy. At the time of his first visit, he was essentially symptom-free except for a palpable tumor in the left lobe of the prostate. Metabolic therapy was begun on July 8, 1975.

After an examination, on July 31, 1975, the physician stated: "There really is no sign of residual tumefaction." The patient remains on his diet and medications. He continues to be free of symptoms and in good health.