Stevens-Johnson syndrome and drugs
Drug citations

Stevens-Johnson syndrome and vaccines

[2012 Oct] Boy nearly killed by a dose of ibuprofen: Allergy left him covered in blisters on life support

Arola O, et al. Arthritis, uveitis, and Stevens-Johnson syndrome induced by trimethoprim. Lancet. 1998 Apr 11;351(9109):1102. No abstract available.PMID: 9660586; UI: 98322023.[See Related Articles]

Cotter JB. Methazolamide-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome: a warning! Arch Ophthalmol. 1998 Jan;116(1):117. No abstract available.PMID: 9445224; UI: 98106002.

Srivastava M, et al. Drug-associated acute-onset vanishing bile duct and Stevens-Johnson syndromes in a child. Gastroenterology. 1998 Sep;115(3):743-6. PMID: 9721172; UI: 98387853.[See Related Articles]

Jan V, et al. Stevens-Johnson syndrome after sertraline. Acta Derm Venereol. 1999 Sep;79(5):401. No abstract available.PMID: 10494732; UI: 99422923.[See Related Articles]

Carrion-Carrion C, et al. Fatal Stevens-Johnson syndrome in an AIDS patient treated with sulfadiazine. Ann Pharmacother. 1999 Mar;33(3):379-80. No abstract available.PMID: 10200866; UI: 99216873.[See Related Articles]


Photos of an infant with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a blistering, peeling, potentially fatal skin rash. It is one of the known side-effects of the AIDS drug Nevirapine . Nevirapine is one of the primary drugs being readied for distribution in Africa. [See: [2003/4 AIDS drugs] Incarnation Children痴 Center (ICC) (New York痴 Washington Heights )   Liam Scheff]