- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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In November 1990 the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture (MAF) (using the taxpayers' money), began a bulk mailing from parliament of the booklet Animal Research Saves Lives (hereafter referred to as ARSL).  MAF's co-producers of this calculated advertising stunt that is aimed at destroying the growing anti-vivisection movement in this country include:  The Cancer Society of New Zealand, the N.Z. Heart Foundation, the Medical Research Council of New Zealand, and the Agricultural Chemical and Animal Remedies Manufacturers Association of N.Z. (AGCARM).

AGCARM is New Zealand's arm of the vivisection industry.  The powerful multinational conglomerate whose individual names occur repeatedly throughout this work.  Its full membership is listed hereunder.

The introductory letter accompanying ARSL was written, say its authors, "after consultation with the appropriate independent experts".  Why are these "experts" not identified?  In what are they "expert" and to what are they "appropriate"?  What is their connection or involvement with the writers of ARSL?  And how "independent" are they?

Without exception the creators of ARSL are linked by a single common denominator, the absolute necessity of maintaining vivisection, euphemistically known as "animal research", acceptable to, unopposed and unchallenged by the public.  For vivisection is the key to their profits.

MEMBERSHIP OF AGCARM (As at August 1992)
(Co-Producers of
Animal Research Saves Lives)

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