- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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Cages of Despair

Primates in cages (41k)D

Photo: Brian Gunn, Intl Assn Against Painful Experiments on Animals

The number of primates used in experimentation is increasing so rapidly that at least ten Asian and nine African primate species are threatened with extinction.  More than 250,000 primates a year are transported in this evil trade.  Decimated populations threaten the survival of the great apes and is merely one result of wildlife trafficking to vivisection laboratories.  Note that the animal in the bottom left-hand corner does not even have room to stand upright.


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Description of graphic
Two rows on top of each other of four cages each. Seven primates are in view (one per cage).  The primates are chained around the neck and it is clear that there is not enough room in the cages for the primates to stand upright.
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