- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer
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A lead article in Dominion, May 13 1988 reported a warning about the impending Hepatitis B. immunisation programme, published in the N.Z. Medical Journal, from Waiuku doctor Jonathan Kuttner, who had written:
"The risks involved with the vaccine did not equate with the benefit."
"Apparently" wrote Dr Kuttner "the avowed purpose of this campaign is to wipe out Hepatitis B. in this country... but to succeed one would need to stop the 800,000 tourists that visit New Zealand annually".
Dr Kuttner also expressed concern about the blood-plasma based vaccine being used in the programme, "coming mainly from the American homosexual community". This brave and outspoken doctor went on to say:
"I shudder to contemplate the effects of a bad batch of this vaccine on our newborn population. There has not been one major vaccine which has not had a purity breakdown somewhere in its history"
The tragedies arising from Hepatitis B. vaccine are given more fully in NZAVS Submission in Support of its Petition to Abolish Vivisection (1989) but briefly: In January 1983 Dr John Findbeiner, writing in Medical World News, warned that the Hepatitis B. vaccine "might be contaminated with a pathogen responsible for the AIDS epidemic". Alan Cantwell, a Los Angeles doctor, confirms in his book AIDS the Mystery and the Solution that investigations revealed the first 26 cases of AIDS in the U.S. were from New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, the three cities that carried out the most extensive early Hepatitis B. vaccine trials. Dr Cladd Stevens of the New York Blood Centre assembled 212 men out of the 1083 who had taken part in the Hepatitis B. vaccine trials and found 85 of them with AIDS.
In an article "Hepatitis B. Side Effects in New-Born Babies", April 1989 by Hilary Butler comes the following:
"Over the last few months, I have had a lot of letters from both the North and South Islands of New Zealand detailing new-born babies who have had serious illnesses following the Hepatitis B. injections."
It should be obvious that the money wasted on phoney vaccinations produced to keep the chemi-medi-vivi alliance in clover should be spent on cleaning up the polluted environment, and investigating industrial plants in districts where outbreaks of Hepatitis occur.
All the evidence shows that the relation between the soaring rate of liver disease and the prevalence of liver poisons is no coincidence. Insecticides, chlorinated hydrocarbons, organic phosphates. To this could be added lack of hygiene, lack of nutrition and lack of interest as people are bulldozed by scare tactics like those used in ARSL into lining up like sheep for their easy fix which fixes nothing but the profits of the vaccine producers whilst at the same time imperilling the health of the trusting populace.
"As long ago as the mid-1930s a special group of hydro-carbons the chlorinated naphthalenes, was found to cause hepatitis, and also a rare and almost invariably fatal liver disease in persons subject to occupational exposure"...
"Our line of defence against invading poisons from within is now weakened and crumbling."
(Rachel Carson, Silent Spring.)