The following is taken from Mobilise! 36, July 1993, the newsletter of the New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society (Inc.), pages 7-9.
"Tomorrow, in many countries of the world, hundreds and thousands of people will be taking to the streets to voice their protest at the continuance of animal experimentation... or... to give it its correct name - VIVISECTION.
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For 15 long years the N.Z. Anti-Vivisection Society has struggled in vain for justice and a fair Hearing through the Parliamentary system. Two particularly bitter experiences spring to mind:
The 'ethics committees' are sanitised by the presence of representatives of the RNZSPCA and other 'chosen' lay-persons, who, to quote from the guidelines, must be suitable, well-rounded, respected, and trusted by the community... in other words their function is not to act in the interests of the animals, but as pacifiers between vivisection and the public conscience. This system is now the New Zealand Law. A LAW WHICH IS AS DISGRACEFUL AS IT IS ARCHAIC.
This then briefly is the Society's history and horrifying experience with the Parliamentary legal system. Today, to commemorate World Day for Laboratory Animals 1993, we are therefore NOT launching a third Petition, we are launching a book - a book which in addition to detailing the truth about the fraud of vivisection being one of the most lucrative industries on Earth, which operates not for health but for profit, also gives the truth about the fraud of the Parliamentary system, which is closed to abolitionists simply because our policies are not in line with the profit-oriented policies of the State, which upholds vivisection because of the financial, political and academic benefits it represents. Vivisection is not about guarding and promoting the health of the people as its champions would have us believe - but about guarding and promoting those who profit from the vivisection industry.
WHY EXACTLY did we produce this book? Why bother to undertake two years' gruelling and exhaustive effort to document, with meticulously detailed evidence, the blatant fraud and corruption of today's medical establishment, which, aided and abetted by Governments, seriously expect and urges otherwise intelligent people to believe that our health can be improved, restored, or in any way bettered by creating dis-ease, damage, misery, torture and death in animals?
We produced this book because the Government - which did not have time to give us a Hearing - found enough time to produce a booklet in response to our Petition which they titled Animal Research Saves Lives - Humans and Animals Both Benefit. This booklet suddenly and mysteriously in November 1990 began being widely distributed through the mailing system of MAF's offices. It was targeted to radio stations, newspapers, the media, public hospitals, doctors, colleges, veterinarians, in short, to everyone who is in a position to shape public opinion. It was designed expressly to destroy the abolitionists' cause in New Zealand. MAF's co-producers of the booklet in which not one of the claims is evidenced or substantiated, are:
The AGCARM association is, when investigated, extremely interesting, for when scrutinised it is exposed as the multinational conglomerate whose individual names include:
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All the foregone co-producers of this petty, deceitful, fraudulent and evil booklet - without a single exception are linked by a vital common denominator, that being the absolute necessity of maintaining vivisection, euphemistically known as 'animal research', acceptable to, unopposed and unchallenged by the public, for vivisection is the key to their profits.
Would you trust your health to people like the Agricultural Chemical and Animal Remedies Association of Vivisectors WHO DARE TO TELL US THAT... Animal Research SAVES Lives?
Today, I have a message for our enemies. Though we despise you for your crimes we are grateful to you for motivating us to write our book: ANIMAL RESEARCH T A K E S LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer for in our book all your dirty dealings, your destruction of animal and human lives, and your filthy profits are exposed."
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ANIMAL RESEARCH T A K E S LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer
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ANIMAL RESEARCH T A K E S LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer