- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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World Day for Lab Animals 1989 Lou Moss & Max Heinegg (185k)D


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The central caption reads "WORLD DAY FOR LABORATORY ANIMALS 1989: NZAVS March to Parliament to Present Petition of 100,640 Signatures seeking ABOLITION OF VIVISECTION IN NEW ZEALAND.".  A caption in the right hand top corner reads: "Lou Moss (left) and Max Heinegg (right) in action on WDLA.".  The main photo shows Lou and Max carrying a banner that reads "VIVISECTION MAKES EVERYBODY SICK".  The caption towards the bottom left hand corner reads "A politician's birds' eye view from Parliament House, WDLA 24 April 1989".  The photo it is referring to runs along the bottom and shows hundreds of anti-vivisection protesters, all with banners or placards outside Parliament.  The caption along the bottom reads "PHOTOGRAPHER: Melanie Bromley".
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