Review by People for Reason in Science and Medicine (California, United States of America) of ANIMAL RESEARCH T A K E S LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer:
1 July 1993
"Dear Bette
Congratulations on a most intelligent, enlightening creation. The title, a play on the vivisectors' own Animal Research Saves Lives - Humans and Animals Both Benefit is clever. It gives a little extra turn of the knife while you so logically and coherently expose a magnitude of error. It is especially heartening to us to learn of your depth of understanding concerning interconnections. We are hopeful that the many people working on so-called 'other' health and environmental issues will more and more see that it is all one thing - just different symptoms of the same disease.
Those who spend their time pouring more Truth and Love into the world, as you have done for fifteen years, and now with this book, will surely help heal it.
Oh, but if only there were no need for any of us to have to spend our precious time writing such books. But since there is the dire need, I am so glad you wrote yours. PRISM is proud and honored to be included among your references, and will certainly promote the work in any way we can...
Again, praises to you for producing one of the world's best, most accurate, truly educational books on the subject of vivisection and the damage for which it is responsible. Hans Ruesch must be elated. Keep up your good work."
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ANIMAL RESEARCH T A K E S LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer