- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer
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"Mortality from whooping cough dropped ten years prior to vaccination programme."
Dr Griffin's report is confirmed in the following graph from HM Stationery Office, Great Britain.
Similarly the following graph taken from Health Reports (Appendices to Parliamentary Journals) and Official Year Book shows the same pattern in New Zealand... By 1962 whooping cough was wiped out prior to the introduction of vaccine.
Parents under pressure to have their babies vaccinated have plenty of evidence that vaccinations are beneficial ONLY to the balance sheets of the pharmaceutical companies producing it.
"The leap in earnings results from the new immunisation clinic and call-up system. The immunisation programme starts at birth. As soon as the practice receives notification of the birth from the local hospital, it sends out a 'congratulations' letter to the mother, also inviting her to bring the baby's registration card to the surgery."
(Financial Pulse, October 10 1987.)
In the United States the courts have made multi-million dollar awards against whooping cough vaccine manufacturers where twenty medical and scientific experts from Britain, Europe and America gave evidence on the link between the vaccine and brain damage. In Great Britain more than two hundred brain-damaged children and young adults heard on March 29 1988 that whooping cough vaccine was "probably not" to blame for permanent brain damage which occurred after vaccination.
"There is no doubt in my mind that in the UK alone some hundreds, if not thousands, of well infants have suffered irreparable brain damage needlessly, and that their lives and those of their parents have been wrecked in consequence."
(Gordon Stewart, Professor of Public Health at the University of Glasgow, 1980, commenting on the deadly effects of whooping cough vaccine.)
The following is an extract from Professor Gordon Stewart's major contribution from his paper presented two years earlier at the International Symposium on Pertussis, November 1978:
Pertussis vaccine is not accidentally or occasionally toxic. It is intrinsically toxic..."
Prof. Stewart goes on to talk about his findings from a scrutiny of hospital records and from reports from colleagues, parents and organisations caring for backward children.
In 1974 Doctors Kalokerinos and Dettman submitted an article to the editor of the Medical Journal which gave:
"Positive and disturbing facts about routine immunisations."
These were not published and the papers returned to them with the comment that:
"Most doctors were aware of the dangers of vaccination."
Kalokerinos and Dettman rightly criticised this decision, aggrieved because in their own words:
"Whooping Cough Vaccine Linked to Brain Damage" was the headline in The Guardian, March 18 1986 in an article illuminating "the causal link between a vaccine that gives immunisation against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus and... brain damage."
"Vaccination levels fell to 32% in 1978 due to the vaccine combine being no longer able to hide the cases of vaccine-induced brain damage. A patient campaign has pushed this up to over 65%; consequently we now face the biggest epidemic since 1957."
(NAVS, Campaigner, March 1988.)
"The DHSS has consistently lied about the risks and problems associated with the vaccine... the truth... is that it has always been a disaster."
(Dr Vernon Coleman, F.R.S.M., The Health Scandal, 1988.)
By coincidence as the writer concludes this article on September 18 1991, T.V. 3, Nightline is taking viewers behind the scenes to see the progress of a three-year-old Auckland boy crippled with cerebral-palsy after receiving his whooping cough shots. (It is noticeable that ARSL conveniently omits to draw attention to the ever-increasing reports of such tragedies.)
(Refer also to section on DPT Vaccination and SIDS.)