"Nazi medicine has now become a part of the professional genotype of modern
[Seidelman WE. Mengele Medicus: Medicine's Nazi Heritage. Milbank Quarterly,
Vol. 66, No. 2, 1988:221-39]

OPEN LETTER (posted to the following usenet newsgroups: sci.med,
misc.health.alternative, misc.kids.pregnancy)

Donna Laframboise
National Post (Canada)

Ms. Laframboise,

A subscriber to misc.health.alternative (Bill Ross rossviva@erinet.com) just
called attention to your provocative article:

Health food and hate
by Donna Laframboise
National Post (Canada)
May 17, 2001

Bill wrote:

"[Donna Laframboise's] short article linked to below, talks about the
connections between alternative health ideas, anti-Semitism
and hate." (Go to http://groups.google.com and search "Ross anti-Semitisim")

I thought you would be interested to know that modern medicine has
perpetrated and perpetuated a BIG LIE....

Modern medicine expouses MANY "alternative" (unproven) health ideas - then
turns around and labels everyone ELSE "alternative" (unproven)!

Most non-MD alternative medicine is ROCKET SCIENCE relative to the massive
crime that passes as medical "science." (Do you think "massive crime" is an
inaccurate descriptor?  Please keep reading!  The MD lies are obvious - as
mothers and babies senselessly suffer en masse and sometimes die!)

You scoff that the title of Eustace Mullins' planned talk was "The
Rockefeller Medical Monopoly: The Hidden Forces Behind the Myths of Modern

Even assuming Mr. Mullins is the "virulent anti-Semite" you allege - why
give modern medicine a free ride?

Surely you've heard about the prestigious Milbank Memorial Fund.

When Milbank Quarterly published Seidelman's 1988 article ("Nazi medicine
has now become a part of the professional genotype of modern
medicine"; cited above)...

The Milbank Quarterly editor conveniently "forgot" to mention Milbank
Memorial Fund's association with the origins of Nazism in medicine...

Since Milbank Memorial Fund financed burial of the U.S. Public Health
Tuskeegee Syphilis Experiment victims - so as to make sure they could be

Perhaps Milbank Memorial Fund played some small role when major eugenic
institutes appeared in Germany?

After all...

"The Rockefeller Foundation and The Milbank Memorial Fund founded an office
of Population Research in Princeton University."


"The Rockefeller Foundation played the central role in establishing and
sponsoring major eugenic institutes in Germany, including the Kaiser Wilhelm
Institute for Psychiatry and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology,
Eugenics, and Human Heredity." [Kühl S. The Nazi connection: eugenics,
American racism, and German National Socialism. New York: Oxford University
Press 1994.]

Self-acclaimed top "quackbuster" Aaron Fox, PhD suddenly went silent when I
suggested a link between Milbank, Nazism in medicine and CSICOP Skeptics...

For details, search http://groups.google.com for Milbank's Dr. Fox Aaron's
dad?/Nazi quackbusters?/Nazi breast implants?

I never learned whether Milbank Dr. Dan was Aaron's dad - but I think Aaron
offered everyone an emphatic YES with his hasty departure from

Oddly, no one on misc.health.alternative seemed interested in the possible
link between Nazism in medicine, Milbank, Aaron and the CSICOP Skeptics...

Donna, I am thinking that a journalist with an interest in "alternative"
(unproven) medicine and hate would be interested in delving further into the
BIG LIE that medicine is not "alternative" (unproven) medicine.

Tell me, do you think it is LOVE that is causing modern medicine to
routinely close birth canals up to 30% and GRUESOMELY manipulate tiny
spines - sometimes ripping spinal nerves out of tiny spinal cords?

MD-obstetricians actually are closing birth canals up to 30% routinely -
pulling on fetal skulls sticking out vaginas - sometimes pulling so hard
that they rip spinal nerves out of tiny spinal cords!

In an estimated 10 to 15% of vaginal births, MDs reach INSIDE vaginas and
drag babies through pelvic outlets senselessly closed up to 30%.  This, too,
can rip spinal nerves out of tiny spinal cords!

For details, see Bonehead Shoulder Dystocia Attorney James L.
O'Leary, II...

Also noteworthy...

In most births in America, MDs slash the vagina (euphemism
"routine episiotomy"), fraudulently claiming they are doing everything to
open the birth canal -
even as they close it up to 30%!

See Episiotomy is 'nice' violence against women performed by 'nice' MDs (I'm
speaking of ROUTINE episiotomy, of course.)

And see Obstetric Crime Photos

Ms. Framboise, do you think it is love that is causing modern medicine to
deny massive numbers of babies massive numbers of free daily immunizations?

For details, see Prof. Millard's Ebola bomb/Two Gastaldo maneuvers...

I wrote to Prof. Millard,

American medicine's mass immunologic child abuse matches perfectly American
medicine's mass PHYSICAL child abuse - the latter being associated with mass
physical ADULT abuse - i.e., mass vagina slashing.  See above.

And then there's mass PENIS slashing - American medicine's most frequent
surgical behavior toward males - currently being promoted in Africa as part
of American medicine's HIV/AIDS infant formula marketing scheme...

See HIV/AIDS: Aaron's infant formula marketing scheme

Ms. Framboise, I think the Jews are being used and abused because of their
sincere belief that slashing infant foreskins in perpetuity will bring them
all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates.

See again Prof. Millard's Ebola bomb/Two Gastaldo maneuvers...

Here's a relevant excerpt...

According to Simpson [1993], after Hitler murdered (or banished from
Germany) the very Jews that the Dillon Read Banker-General Draper had
looted, the banker-general was sent overseas to de-Nazify Germany - which he
failed to

"[T]he upper echelons of the U.S. occupation government agreed as early as
the summer of 1945 that, regardless of what might be said for public
consumption, a thorough denazification and decartelization of the German
economy would never be attempted...Draper's administrative techniques [were
as follows:]...He announced tough anti-Nazi measures in accordance with the
official policy; then, shortly afterward he proclaimed success in carrying
out those measures while at the same time undermining the very policies he
publicly claimed to support..." [Simpson 1993:251]

Failure to de-Nazify extended to the founding of the United Nations.

Professor Simpson notes that CIA agent Ivan Kerno, a long-time friend of CIA
director-to-be Allen Dulles, was instrumental in sealing (in a UN warehouse)
25,000 case files on alleged Class A Nazi war criminals:

"Kerno's claim that the records had not been submitted to judicial process
was actually 'blatantly false,' noted historian Alti Rodal...[who noted also
that]...'In fact...the UNWCC's Committee...insisted that only crimes of
reasonable importance be examined...and took pains to insure that evidence
and allegations presented by the exiled governments was judiciously
tested...'" [Simpson quoting Rodal 1994:276]

Perhaps not surprisingly, in 1986, it was revealed (in an Austrian
presidential campaign) that U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim was himself
a Nazi.

In Countenance of Truth: The United Nations and the Waldheim Case [New York:
Viking 1990], author Shirley Hazzard notes that the U.N.'s Great Powers not
only knew about U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim's Nazi past, they
obscured it, almost as efficiently as the Secretary-General himself.

Hazzard also notes the disappearance in 1952 of the UN Directive prohibiting
the hiring of "persons who have discredited themselves by their activities
or connections with Facism or Nazism." [Hazzard 1990:8]

The UN, of course, was built on Rockefeller-donated land - not long after
which Nelson Rockefeller became Eisenhower's special assistant for
psychological warfare.
(As noted above, Nelson Rockefeller succeeded Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's
wartime special assistant for psychological warfare after Eisenhower became
president; and both Nelson and his brother David were close to the CIA,
according to Cary Reich's The Life of Nelson Rockefeller: Worlds to Conquer
1908-1958. NY: Doubleday 1996.)

>>>><<<<END excerpt of Vaccines/Eugenics/Primatologist Apes MD/Small Pox
(Jenner's 'Spurious Cowpox')...from Prof. Millard's Ebola Bomb...

Ms. Framboise, if Eustace Mullins doubts the sincerity of Jews in general -
and pretends that Jews in general haven't been manipulated by capitalists
(some of them prominent Jews) down through history up to and including the
present - then I think he is mistaken.

If you think most of modern medicine is not "alternative" (unproven) -
criminally so - then I think *you* are mistaken.

Again quoting Milbank Quarterly,

"Nazi medicine has now become a part of the professional genotype of modern
[Seidelman WE. Mengele Medicus: Medicine's Nazi Heritage. Milbank Quarterly,
Vol. 66, No. 2, 1988:221-39]

REMEMBER:  When MDs say they are opening birth canals in a small minority of
cases - this is OBVIOUS evidence that they are CLOSING birth canals in the
majority of cases!  See again Bonehead Shoulder Dystocia Attorney James L.
O'Leary, II...

Please use your journalistic skills to help me stop the grisly massive
obstetric travesties discussed above!

Thank you,


Dr. Gastaldo

Todd D. Gastaldo, D.C.
8948 SW Barbur Blvd
Box 6
Portland, OR 97219
TEL (503) 640-0456

IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm not licensed anywhere - by choice...

Back around 1990 when I *was* licensed (and had been for 10 years) - a man
claiming to be Michael Schroeder, Esq. (attorney for the California Board of
Chiropractic Examiners in a lawsuit
brought by 10 MD-obstetricians and others) - told me it was not within my
scope of practice as a California licensed DC to inform women regarding
MD-obstetrician birth practices.

Coincidentally, a Michael Schroeder, Esq. - former chairman of
the California Republican Party - sued me for one million dollars for
defamation - for claiming that he improperly used hundreds of thousands in
DC licensing fees to defend Rule 302, a regulatory definition of
chiropractic that he had written - and which had been publicly pilloried as
being "unlawful" by a
former assistant DA/public defender.

Incredibly, in taking *me* to task for indicating publicly that Mr.
Schroeder's Rule 302 was unlawful, Acupuncture Today editor Donald M.
Petersen, Jr. "forgot" to mention that he had printed Attorney Prescott
doing the same thing - and Mr. Schroeder STILL hasn't written to complain!
(For details, go to http://groups.google.com and search "Congressman Ron
Paul, MD/eMedicine.com: Child Abuse EMERGENCY!")

Attorney Prescott wrote:

"[Schroeder et al.] did not attack the validity of the chiropractic
'board's' scope of practice rule (rule 302). In my opinion, the rule itself
should have been directly attacked as unlawfully limiting our scope of
practice to straight chiropractic...My disagreement with Mr. Schroeder over
the scope of practice issue is not new. I wrote an article which appeared in
the March, 1986 issue of this paper making many of the same points I...make
in this article.
David Prescott, DC, MA, JD, FIACA
Chiropractor Prosecuted for Recommending Vitamins -- Why? What to Do?

FACT: 10-MD-obstetricians were in part the cause of Mr. Schroeder earning
hundreds of thousands of dollars if DC licensing fees in the Rule 302

QUESTION: WHY isn't "chiropractic" attorney Schroeder helping me stop
routine gruesome spinal manipulation by MDs who are obviously lying and
closing birth canals?

See also my mention of "chiropractic" attorney Schroeder in SLAPP?/Robert S.
Baratz, DDS, PhD, MD to help mothers and babies?

Posted to the usenet
misc.kids.pregnancy, sci.med)

Before we teach more MDs how to manipulate the spines of adults"

...maybe we should stop MDs from GRUESOMELY manipulating the spines of
(Go to http://groups.google.com and search "Pardons in advance for MDs" )

Copied to Acupuncture Today editor Donald M. Petersen, Jr at Don@DCMedia.com
and Don@MPAmedia.com

Copied to Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners/OBCE Exec. Dir. Dave
McTeague via oregon.obce@state.or.us

For details on OBCE Exec. Dir. McTeague's foot-dragging, go to
http://groups.google.com - search "OBCE/Whether to x-ray Medicare
patients/Atlas Shrugs"


MDs and CNMwives are perpetuating TWIN MEDICAL HOAXES: the McRoberts
maneuver hoax and the "inlet" shoulder dystocia hoax...

Modern medicine's grisly "inlet" shoulder dystocia hoax (see Hibbard's
rendition below) was promoted right along with the McRoberts maneuver hoax -
probably intentionally...

Early articles on McRoberts maneuver failed to mention that the pelvic
outlet diameter can
change MASSIVELY at delivery.  These same articles called attention away
from the pelvic
outlet by citing the grisly "inlet" dystocia hoax....

Here is Hibbard's rendition of the "inlet" shoulder dystocia hoax...

"With typical shoulder dystocia...the posterior shoulder is lodged [at the
inlet,] at the level of the sacral promontory...The soft tissues of
the...vulva are fitted closely around the infant's neck."
--Lester T. Hibbard, MD, University of Southern California Medical School,
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Shoulder dystocia. Obst Gynecol
1969(34):424. Reproduced and reviewed in Obstet Gynecol Survey

FACT: Hibbard [1969] describes a physical impossibility! With the
posterior fetal shoulder trapped way up the Curve of Carus at the sacral
promontory/pelvic inlet, there is no force to push the head out the vagina -
even if the fetal neck could stretch that far!

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists/ACOG perpetuates
this grisly inlet dystocia hoax by selling a video titled, "Shoulder
Dystocia Drill"...

The ACOG video also promotes the pelvic-outlet-closing McRoberts maneuver.

Do NOT use McRoberts!

Instead, use Extreme Lithotomy.

Or better - use the Gastaldo maneuver...

For details, search http://groups.google.com for:

1) "Wayne State Emergency/Gastaldo maneuver"

2) "AARF/The Gastaldo maneuver makes birth MUCH easier for mother and baby"

3) "OBs: STOP promoting McRoberts! NOW. It keeps the birth canal closed!"

See also TWO Gastaldo maneuvers! (one for birth; one for life)



NOTE: Extreme lithotomy is simply rolling a woman off her sacrum at
delivery - getting her OFF her butt - and MDs wrote that it may OCCASIONALLY
be helpful to know about this, as in,

"[I]t may occasionally be helpful to know - for forceps, let us say - that
the extreme lithotomy position gives the maximum anteroposterior diameter to
the outlet."
--Nicholson J. Eastman, MD
Professor of Obstetrics
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
--Howard W. Jones, Jr., MD
Associate Professor of Gynecology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
--Georgeanna Seegar Jones
Associate Professor of Gynecology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
(Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 1957;12:648)

It may OCCASIONALLY be helpful to know how to offer babies up to 30% of
"extra" room at the pelvic outlet?!

I'd say it's ALWAYS helpful to know how to do this!

MD-obstetricians actually are closing birth canals up to 30% routinely -
pulling on fetal skulls sticking out vaginas - sometimes pulling so hard
that they rip spinal nerves out of tiny spinal cords!

In an estimated 10 to 15% of vaginal births, MDs reach INSIDE vaginas and
drag babies through pelvic outlets senselessly closed up to 30%.  This, too,
can rip spinal nerves out of tiny spinal cords!

For details, see Bonehead Shoulder Dystocia Attorney James L.
O'Leary, II...

Also noteworthy...

In most births in America, MDs slash the vagina (euphemism
"routine episiotomy"), fraudulently claiming they are doing everything to
open the birth canal -
even as they close it up to 30%!

See Episiotomy is 'nice' violence against women performed by 'nice' MDs (I'm
speaking of ROUTINE episiotomy, of course.)

And see Obstetric Crime Photos

See TWO Gastaldo maneuvers! (one for birth; one for life)