This is given when your child is
2, 3 and 4 months old. (The DT part is also given at age 3 to 5 years as a booster.) The
DTP-Hib vaccine protects against three different diseases: Diphtheria, Tetanus and
Pertussis (whooping cough) and against infection by the bacteria called Haemophilus
influenzae type b (Hib). Your child will receive a further tetanus and diphtheria booster
at age 13 to 18 years.
is diphtheria?
This disease begins with a sore throat and can progress rapidly to cause problems with
breathing. It can damage the heart and the nervous system and in severe cases it can kill.
Diphtheria has almost been wiped out in the UK, but it still exists in other parts of the
world and it is on the increase in parts of Eastern Europe.
is tetanus?
Tetanus germs are found in soil. They enter the body through a cut or burn. Tetanus is a
painful disease that affects the muscles and can cause breathing problems. If it is not
treated, it can kill.
what about whooping cough (pertussis)?
Whooping cough can be very distressing. In young children it can last for several weeks.
Children become exhausted by long bouts of coughing which often cause vomiting and
choking. In severe cases this disease can kill.
I hadn't
heard of Hib before, what is it?
Hib is an infection that can cause a number of serious illnesses including blood
poisoning, pneumonia and meningitis. All of these diseases can be dangerous if not treated
quickly. The Hib vaccine protects your child against this one specific type of meningitis.
The Hib vaccine does not protect against any other type of meningitis.
effective is Hib vaccine?
Before the Hib vaccine became part of the childhood immunisation programme in 1992, over
60 children a year died as a result of Hib infection. And more than twice that number were
left with permanent brain damage. Since immunisation began, the number of children with
Hib meningitis has dropped by more than 95%.
are the side effects of the DTP-Hib vaccine?
It is quite normal for your baby to be miserable within 48 hours of the injection. Some
babies develop a fever.
Sometimes a small lump develops where the injection was given. This lump can last for
several weeks.
If your child has a worse
reaction to the DTP-Hib vaccine - for example, some form of fit - your doctor may not give
your child any more doses of the vaccine. If this happens, talk to the doctor, nurse or
health visitor. If a baby has a fit in the first 48 hours after being given the DTP-Hib
vaccine at 2, 3 and 4 months, having a fit is no more common than at any other time for
young babies.
But if you delay the
immunisation later than 4 months, it increases the chances of fits after DTP-Hib. So, it's
important to make sure your child gets vaccinated on time.
Is it true that
the whooping cough vaccine can cause brain damage?
In the 1970s a study was done which seemed to show a link between the whooping cough
vaccine and a few babies who suffered brain damage. More recent and reliable studies have
not confirmed this theory. But the actual whooping cough disease can cause brain damage.
[1981] British National Childhood
Encephalopathy Study [vid 1984 DPT documentary by WRC-TV]
Vaccine Roulette
Polio vaccine
This is given when your child is
2, 3 and 4 months. The first booster is given when your child is between 3 and 5 years.
The second booster is given when your child is between 13 and 18 years. Polio vaccine
protects against the disease poliomyelitis.
What is polio?
Polio is a virus that attacks the nervous system and can cause permanent muscle paralysis.
If it affects the chest muscles it can kill. The virus is passed in the faeces (poo) of
infected people or those who have just been immunised against polio. Routine immunisation
has meant that the natural virus no longer causes cases of polio in the UK. But polio is
still around in other parts of the world, especially in India.
How is it given?
Unlike other immunisations, you take the polio vaccine by swallowing it. The doctor or
nurse drops the liquid into your child's mouth.
Are there any side effects?
There is an extremely small chance of developing polio from the immunisation - the risk is
of one case in more than 1.5 million doses used.
The nurse at the clinic told
me to be careful about changing my child's nappy after the immunisation. Why is this?
The polio vaccine is passed into your child's nappies for up to six weeks after the
vaccine is given. If someone who has not been immunised against polio changes your child's
nappy, it is possible for them to be affected by the virus. There is about one case each
year. This works out at about one case for every 1.5 million doses used.
You must wash your hands
thoroughly to prevent this happening. If you think you have not had the polio
immunisation, contact your doctor. You can arrange to have it at the same time as your
child. This also goes for anyone else in the family who looks after your child.
MMR vaccine
This is given when your child is
between 12 and 15 months and then again when your child is 3 to 5 years. The MMR vaccine
protects your child against Measles, Mumps and Rubella (German measles).
What is
The measles virus is very infectious. It causes a high fever and a rash. About one in 15
children who gets measles is at risk of complications which may include chest infections,
fits and brain damage. In severe cases measles can kill.
What is
The mumps virus causes swollen glands in the face. Before immunisation was introduced,
mumps was the commonest cause of viral meningitis in children under 15. It can also cause
deafness, and swelling of the testicles in boys and ovaries in girls.
What is
Rubella, German measles, is usually very mild and isn't likely to cause your child any
problems. However, if a pregnant woman catches it in her early pregnancy, it can harm the
unborn baby.
Do children really need
protection against these illnesses? I've heard they're usually mild.
Yes, they can be mild. In some children the illness may pass almost unnoticed, but others
can be very ill. The most dangerous thing about these illnesses is that they can cause
complications. Before the vaccine was introduced, about 90 children a year in the UK died
from measles. Because of immunisation, children no longer die of measles.
Why are two doses of MMR
Your child will receive two doses because measles, mumps and rubella vaccines don't always
work well enough on the first go. The second MMR immunisation makes sure that your child
gets the best protection against these three diseases. This also gives a second chance for
those children who missed out the first time around.
So, you can be sure your child
is well protected before they start school. Giving a second dose of MMR is a recent
improvement to children's immunisation in the UK. Two doses are already used in this way
in many countries including the USA and Canada.
What about children who are
allergic to eggs?
The MMR vaccine is prepared using egg. However it can be given to children who are
allergic to eggs. If your child has had a serious reaction to eating eggs, or food
containing egg, then talk to your doctor.
The usual signs of a serious
allergic reaction are a rash that covers the face and body, a swollen mouth and throat,
breathing difficulties and shock. In these cases your doctor can make special arrangements
for the immunisation to be given safely.
Are there any side effects of
the MMR vaccine?
About a week to 10 days after the MMR immunisation some children become feverish, develop
a measles-like rash and go off their food for two or three days. Very rarely, a child will
get a mild form of mumps about three weeks after the injection.
Your child will not be
infectious at this time, so they can mix with other people as normal. Occasionally,
children do have a bad reaction to the MMR vaccine. About one child in a thousand will
have a fit. A child who actually has measles is 10 times more likely to have a fit as a
result of the illness.
Although encephalitis
(inflammation of the brain) has been reported very rarely after immunisation, the risk of
children developing encephalitis after the measles immunisation is no higher than the risk
of children developing encephalitis without the vaccine. But the risk of a child
developing encephalitis after having measles is about one in 5000. And 1/3 of these
children will be left with permanent brain damage.
A study of British children
shows that during the 10 years after the measles immunisation, children had no more
illnesses than children who had not been immunised - and actually had fewer because they
were protected against measles and did not suffer its complications.
Your child may get a rash of
small bruise-like spots after the MMR, but this is very rare. This rash is linked with the
rubella part of the immunisation. If you see spots like this, show them to your doctor.
Side effects from the second MMR vaccine are even rarer than after the first. Those that
do happen are most likely in children who did not respond to the first vaccine. These are
the children who need the immunisation most. There are no new side effects of a second MMR
BCG vaccine
This is given when your child is
between 10 and 14 years. It is sometimes given to babies shortly after they are born. The
BCG vaccine gives protection against TB (tuberculosis).
What is TB?
TB is an infection that usually affects the lungs. It can also affect other parts of the
body such as the brain and bones.
I didn't think you could get
TB in this country.
Although TB is no longer common in this country, there are between 5,000 and 6,000 cases a
year. TB is on the increase in Asia, Africa and some Eastern European countries.
When do children normally
have the BCG vaccine?
Most children have the BCG injection when they are between 10 and 14 years. Your child
will have a skin test to see if they already have immunity to TB. If not, the immunisation
is given. Babies under three months who are having the immunisation don't need to have the
skin test.
Are there any side effects of
the BCG immunisation?
A small blister or sore appears where the injection is given. This is quite normal. It
gradually heals leaving a small scar.
New information about the
recent TB outbreaks
See the DoH web site.
B vaccine
This vaccine gives protection
against hepatitis B.
What is hepatitis B?
There are several different types of hepatitis and they all cause inflammation of the
liver. The hepatitis B virus is passed through infected blood and may also be sexually
transmitted. Some people carry the virus in their blood without actually having the
disease itself.
If a pregnant woman is a
hepatitis B carrier, or gets the disease during pregnancy, she can pass it on to her
child. The child may not be ill but has a high chance of becoming a carrier and developing
liver disease later in life.
Can this be prevented?
Yes, many pregnant women are tested for hepatitis B during their ante-natal care. Babies
born to infected mothers should receive a course of vaccine to prevent them getting
hepatitis B and becoming a carrier. The first dose should be given within two days of
birth, and two more doses should be given before the child is six months.
Are there any side effects?
Side effects of the vaccine tend to be quite mild. The injection site is often red and can
be sore for a few days afterwards.
If a mother has hepatitis B is
it still safe to breastfeed?
Yes, you are still safe to breastfeed as long as the baby is immunised.
Alternatives to immunisation
Is immunisation voluntary?
In the UK parents can choose whether to have their children immunised. Children who are
not immunised run a risk of catching diseases and having complications. Immunisation is
the safest way to protect your child.
Having children immunised at an
early age means they are well protected by the time they start playgroup or school where
they are in contact with lots of children. If you have any doubts or questions about
immunisation, talk to your health visitor, practice nurse or doctor.
Can homeopathic vaccines
protect against infection?
No, there is no proven, effective alternative to conventional immunisation. Homeopathic
medicine has been tried as an alternative to the whooping cough vaccine but it was not
effective. The Council of the Faculty of Homeopathy (the registered organisation for
doctors qualified in homeopathy) advises parents to have their children immunised with
conventional vaccines.
Travel immunisations
Do children need additional
immunisations if they are travelling abroad?
Children may need extra immunisations depending on their age, which country you are
visiting and how long you plan to stay. You should contact your doctor or a travel clinic
for up-to-date information on the immunisations your child may need. If you are travelling
to an area where there is malaria, your child will need protection. This is one of the
most serious health problems in tropical countries.
There isn't an immunisation
against malaria, but some anti-malarial drugs can be given to children. It is essential to
do all you can to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes. Insect repellent, mosquito nets
soaked in repellent and making sure arms and legs are covered between dusk and dawn will
all help. Be careful not to use too much repellent on your child's skin.
Need more information?
You can get Health advice for
travellers (T5), an information leaflet produced by the Department of Health, from the
post office. Or call the freephone number for the Health Literature Line on 0800 555 777
at any time.
Stay Healthy Abroad, a
Health Promotion England publication, gives advice and information for each country. You
can get this from bookshops and Health Promotion England by phoning 0171 413 1995.
Health Information for
Overseas Travel, produced by the Department of Health and published by HMSO, contains
advice and information for each country. Your doctor's practice should have a copy from
which they can give you advice.
You can also visit some of the
travel immunisation sites on our links
All the information on this page
is taken from The Guide to
Childhood Immunisations.
Published by Health Promotion England for the NHS and the Department of Health.
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