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April 2001 Tedd Koren, DC Newsletter to chiropractors

Happy Passover, Happy Easter and may this Spring be a time of renewal, healing and spiritual opening. And it's so good to have longer days. (Apologies to those down under).


The response to Hollywood and Chiropractic from the last newsletter was wonderful. So many of you wrote about movies, TV shows and cartoons with chiropractors that I've learned something very important: you people have way too much free time.

Many of you mentioned The Naked Man - chiropractor by day, wrestler by night. I forgot to mention that one. I show it at my seminars. I also learned that there's a chiropractor (sort of) in "Nuts" with Barbara Streisand and one mentioned in "Sophie's Choice" with Meryl Streep and Year of the Comet. Lots of TV shows like Seinfeld, Norm and even kid cartoons like Mutant Teenage Ninja Turtles and Steven Speilberg's "Animaniacs" mention DCs. Anyone know how can I get copies of these shows?

Where is "Double Whammy" - the movie where Elizabeth Hurley plays a DC? I just discovered that it was released at Sundance in January. On Yahoo, it got 1/2 out of 5 stars. The one reviewer wrote: "drip, drizzle, blah." I don't think that's a compliment. Hey I suggested she wear a bathing suit - would have gotten a better rating. 

The best Hollywood portrayal of a DC is "Jacob's Ladder": Tracy Kirschner writes "The chiro also serves as a beautiful link between Jacob's spiritual consciousness and physical reality. He's always got this soft angelic lighting behind him too. A chiropractic image of which DD would truly approve." 

The "Behind the scenes story of Jacob's Ladder" is at the end of this newsletter (before the great letters). You'll be amazed!!!


I HAVE THE BODY OF A GOD (unfortunately its Buddha).
When Did My Wild Oats Turn Into Shredded Wheat?
I Chose The Road Less Traveled And Now Where The Heck Am I?
On A Cellular Level I'm Really Quite Busy.
Protons Have Mass? I Didn't Even Know They Were Catholic.
If You Think My Dog Is Poorly Trained, You Should See My Husband.
Seen On A Dog's T-Shirt (No, I'm not kidding): Very Uneasy With The Whole Play Dead Thing.

Are You a Victim of STRESS??

I read an article that said the typical symptoms of stress are: eating too much, impulse buying, and driving too fast. Are they kidding? That is my idea of a perfect day! 


Our new patient newsletter is now out and is a HIT! Feedback has been GREAT! How does it work? We send it to you, you may personalize it if you like (add your name, office, address, special events, patient birthdays etc) and e-mail (and/or print, send via regular mail, hand out in the office) to patients, friends, relatives, MDs, etc. For subscribing info ($25 a month for at least two issues a month - you can cancel any time) write me at Subscribers will also get private emails on practice building and other cool subjects (at no extra charge). Some feedback:

"The e-mail newsletter is great! About 20 minutes after sending it out a patient that I had not seen in a few months called. The newsletter reminded him that it was time for a checkup. One visit more than covers this month's subscription." Michael Haley, D.C.

"Everyone who contacted me regarding the newsletter said that the information was fun and informative and they really appreciated all of the hard work that went into preparing the newsletter." Dr. Lysa

"Looks great Tedd, Nothing to add. I like it! You are a master." Dr.Ogi Ressel, Ontario, Canada

"Great responses from the patients. I was pleasantly surprised I must admit because I was afraid that the
content might be too confrontational/anti-MD. But your wording was perfect. CONGRATS ! Muriel (from Frogland.)

"I really liked the way you did the chiropractic research section of the newsletter and hope you will keep this section on a continual basis." Arthur A. Moll, DC

"I'm very pleased with the newsletter and have gotten a lot of positive feedback. Thanks for a great job at a very affordable price." Karen Humbert, DC

"The content was spoke to everyone on their level (symptoms) and then brought them to our level by relating it to the subluxation. You've taken a big burden off me and it's definitely worth the money. I received many replies. Some via e-mail, others during patient visits." Wendi

"I love your writing style, and the content is right on. ..the vaccination section comes at a very good time. God is blessing me with lots of moms with newborns and the information will make a big difference." Dr. Jack M. Bourla

"I gave the newsletter out at a mall health fair event and had good response from staff from other chiropractors' offices. I like that I could chop it up and send different pieces at different times...I enjoyed being able to have a just chiropractic newsletter." Dr. Stephen Wechsler

"My patients liked the first one a bunch." Dave 

"Great, especially the added references and the human touches etc.... fabulous idea." Brad Nelson, D.C.

"I haven't got a data base of email addresses yet so I copied and pasted the different sections of your newsletter into a newsletter format I designed in MS Publisher and snail mailed it to all my patients. It was easy, I added my own clip art and It worked great. Jim Cormier, DC

IT'S STILL NOT TOO LATE TO GET THE PREMIER ISSUE (and future ones too). Please write me at for subscription info. If you wrote to me last month and didn't get a subscription please write again, we had some computer troubles.


The TV show ER had a segment wherein an unvaccinated child dies of the measles. The mother was treated like human waste. ER got so many complaints that even Newsweek mentioned it. One letter is very direct:

"It was my responsibility to do professional fee abstraction for the ER at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in 1997, and for 15 months reviewed an average of 150 pediatric' ER medical records per day, 5 days a week. I never read of one incident of death from wild measles virus presenting to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's Emergency Room.
"On the other hand, there were countless, daily reminders of the pervasiveness of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Asthma, Diabetes, metabolic and other chronic disorders in this generation of vaccine mutated children. Are we going to tamper and promote chronic disabling conditions in our society by terrifying them with horror stories of infectious disease epidemics when we've barely shaken hands with human genome prototypes? Your ties to your sponsors, the promoters of Prevnar, were shamelessly transparent." Disappointed RN, CPC


Samuel Homola, DC like Stephen Barrett, MD - appears to have no life other than attacking chiropractors. He was just published in an anti-alternative medical journal. As the US Congress holds hearings on the dangers of vaccination (mercury exposure, autism link) and there is increased controversy on the use of antibiotics in children, he writes, (from the abstract) "Treatment of infants and children by subluxation-based chiropractors who do not endorse such medically accepted procedures as immunization or use of antibiotics is especially a cause for alarm."

In total ignorance of Empirical science and Vitalism, the abstract continues: "Explaining the scientifically rejected chiropractic subluxation therapy and describing some of the questionable treatment methods based on this theory, a veteran chiropractic reformer concludes that if the chiropractic profession fails to abandon the false premise upon which it is based, it will remain controversial and some aspects of chiropractic treatment will continue to be a threat to public health." Hmmm, is that why more people are visiting DCs and rejecting medical care? Like I said, the man is way behind the times. If you can stomach this crap, it's at

From, He knows how chiropractors feel dept:
"I sit here all day trying to persuade people to do the things they ought to have sense enough to do without my persuading them... That's all the powers of the President amount to." - Harry S. Truman


From two medical journals. Of course the vast majority are not so damaged, just enough to subluxate them for life.
Forceps snap baby's neck at birth by Alison Crosweller 15feb01
The parents of a baby boy who died from a broken neck suffered during a forceps delivery will sue the doctor and hospital after a coroner blamed poor communication between medical staff for their son's death.
Jason Waters died at Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital three days after he was delivered by Dr. Hatzikostas, at the Diamond Valley Mercy Hospital, not breathing and with a broken neck. This miscommunication led to a forcep rotation carried out during a contraction, causing the child's spinal cord to tear from his brain.,4511,1712099%255E2702,00.html

Lesson of the Week: Don't twist my child's head off: iatrogenic cervical dislocation 
BMJ 1995;311:1212-1213 (4 November) A T H Casey et al 
Excessive rotation of two children's necks while they were undergoing cervical lymph node biopsy probably resulted in their dislocation; delayed diagnosis necessitated complex spinal surgery to correct the deformity. "Wry" neck, a synonym for atlantoaxial rotary subluxation, is a relatively common condition in young children often associated with tonsillitis. .. Iatrogenic torticollis is rarely reported... We have treated two otherwise normal children whose necks were dislocated under general anaesthesia while they were undergoing cervical lymph node biopsy.

The law firm of Waters & Kraus, LLP has filed the first known civil case alleging that the mercury-based preservative thimerosal, used recently in more than 30 childhood vaccines, has caused mercury poisoning in many children. Counter, et al v. Abbott Laboratories, et al, (Cause No. GN 100866, 200th DistrictCourt - Travis County, Texas). The symptoms of mercury poisoning are, in many cases, identical to the symptoms of autism... Children have been exposed to cumulative levels of mercury from the vaccines that exceed threshold safety levels that have been established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. 
Waters & Kraus anticipates that a significant number of individual cases against the vaccine industry will be filed in the near future. Potential claimants should call Claire Bothwell at Waters & Kraus (California), (562) 436-8833 or

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Jacob's Ladder - The Rest of the Story
Tedd Koren, D.C. 
(originally published in The American Chiropractor)

It has the best chiropractic scene Hollywood ever filmed: the film Jacob's Ladder. I love showing it at my seminars. Many DCs know the scene well, but for those of you who do not here's a brief synopsis:

Jacob, hit by a truck, is lying in a hospital bed, in severe physical and emotional pain. He is in traction and his limbs are suspended in all directions.

Louie, his chiropractor (Danny Aiello), enters the wards calling out: "Jacob? Jacob Singer?"

A nurse rebukes him, "Sir, you're going to have to keep your voice down."

Louie screams, "WHERE'S JACOB SINGER!!!???"

"Louie, I'm in here," Jacob calls out from another room.

Louie runs to Jacob followed by nurses and orderlies. He is shocked to find his patient suspended by all kinds of orthopedic contraptions.

"Jacob, what have they done to you?" He turns to the nurses and orderlies: "You call this modern medicine? This is barbaric. BARBARIC!! What is this, the middle ages? Why don't you just burn him at the stake and put him out of his misery?"

He begins disconnecting Jacob from the medical apparatus, helping him onto a wheelchair. 

An orderly advances, "Sir, you can't do that." 

"Stay away," says Louie. He grabs a crutch, threatening to swing it at them. "The first person who comes near me, I'll wrap this around his neck. Back! Back!" They give him a wide berth as he hurries Jacob out of the hospital.

Next scene: In Louie's adjusting room. Jacob is lowered on the Hi-Lo.

"You've really done it to yourself this time," says Louie.

"Am I gonna die?" asks Jacob.

"From a slipped disc? That'll be a first."

The adjustment is successful and a shocked and relieved Jacob stands up walks again. His chiropractor rescued him and healed him.

As we watched the film I turned to my wife, "This is too good, I just know something will go wrong." But nothing does go wrong. Louie remained Jacob's hero throughout the film. He was really an angel.

I wondered who the film's chiropractic consultant was so I wrote to the director and producer. Perhaps they were going to make Jacob 2? In that case they'd need some Koren Publications patient education brochures on Louie's wall. But I soon discovered what Woody Allen once said: "Hollywood is worse than dog-eat-dog; it's dog-doesn't-return-dog's phone-calls." 

I was later told that Danny Aiello's nephew was a chiropractic student but never found out anything further. A DC told me that he ran into Aiello and his wife in a mall in New Jersey. "When he heard I was a chiropractor he asked me to sit a bit and have some coffee with him. We chatted and he told me that as a result of the movie both he and his wife got under chiropractic care."

But I digress; the above is not the rest of the story I'm referring to.

It's this. After discussing Jacob's Ladder at one of my seminars a doctor walked up to me during the break, "Can I speak to you a minute?"


"I'm Jacob."


"The guy in the movie. That's me. Actually I was one of about 400 Jacobs. This all took place in Edgewood Arsenal near Baltimore. They wanted to see how drugs affected military performance. We were all volunteers."

"You volunteered for this?"

"It was volunteer or go to Vietnam. Some guys were given acid, some grass and some were given really combinations of drugs.. Some got real sick; I had a near death experience, two GIs died."

"Is that what the movie was about?"

"Oh yeah, it was trying to express the bizarre emotional states many of us experienced. It did a pretty accurate job."

"So where does the chiropractor figure into this."

"There was a GI, a Palmer graduate, who joined the army right after graduation. They wouldn't make him a doctor, instead they made him an orderly. Late at night when all the psychiatrists and other MDs left he would sneak back in and give us adjustments. He was great. He saved a lot of lives."

"Who was he. Do you remember his name?"

He did and I looked him up in a chiropractic directory. There he is, Palmer grad 1965. Is this really him? I called. After introductions I asked him, "Were you in the Army in 1966?"

"Yes I was, Edgewood Arsenal, outside of Baltimore. Why?"

"Did you ever see the film Jacob's Ladder?"

"Yes, I did."

"Remember the character played by Danny Aiello, the chiropractor Louie? Well, I met a doctor of chiropractic who was in the actual drug experiments. He says that the Louie character is based on you."

What followed was a long burst of laughter. "Are you kidding me?" he asked.

"No, I'm serious." He was silent as I related the story.

"Well, I don't know what to say. It was over 30 years ago. I did adjust many of those fellows. Some of them were in terrible shape.

"The Army let you adjust the soldiers?"

"Oh no. I had to wait until the MDs cleared out and then I went through the wards and gave everyone who wanted them adjustments. I also adjusted guys in the regular barracks as well. They were often a mess after those forced marches."

"Would you be interested in speaking to 'Jacob?'"

"Sure, I'd love to. Please tell him to call me."

I did. And that's where we left it. It's been over a year but "Jacob" still hasn't called. He was badly traumatized by the experience and is very angry at the U.S. Government and the Army for the experiments and for refusing to admit any responsibility. It may be too difficult for him to re-live it with anyone. Even "Louie."

Tedd Koren, D.C., produces chiropractic patient education literature, writes and lectures on chiropractic art, science and philosophy, childhood vaccinations and other topics of interest. For a free catalog and samples of his patient education materials call Koren Publications at 800-537-3001. Dr. Koren can be reached on-line at or at 215-699-7906 or visit his web site at

YOUR LETTERS (prior issues are at

Hi Tedd, I wanted you to know that your introduction to chiropractic, Bringing Out The Best In You is the best in the profession. I see approximately 80-100 NPs /month and EVERYONE gets your book. It is a fantastic patient education tool. It is what sets our Centre apart from the rest - the products we use are first-class, or they are not used!. It is that simple. Dr.Ogi Ressel

Dr. Koren, What about that chiro movie that came out in video stores about the chiro student who goes nuts and manipulates (he sure didn't adjust) a whole bar full of bikers and kills them. He was in a dazed condition after his parents were murdered by a pharmacy franchise CEO because they wouldn't sell there small town pharmacy to his chain company. Dr. Demetrios Kydonieus, Chiropractor
(TK: It was The Naked Man and was really bizarre in parts.)

Tedd: Awesome newsletter! I especially like the part about why the mechanists control the direction of the profession. I have always known that it is intuitively true, but Coulter's explanation of it clarified it. Thanks for the campaign mention. It will help me a lot. Love, Tom Klapp, DC
(TK: Tom Klapp is running for ICA President)

Dr. Coulter should know that the problem is not about successful doctors not having time to serve, it's about successful doctors consumed with their individual practices and lives who do not place value in serving the profession beyond their four walls. It's because they have no interest. It's apathy. Serving the profession means legislation, defense, promotion, and education. Let's allow respect even when we 
sometimes disagree. Brian C. Baker, DC Reef Chiropractic Care Fairfield, CT

Dear Tedd, You will be happy to know that I have devised a way to consume more pamphlets. At designated visits, the practice members are given a pamphlet to read BEFORE they get adjusted. Then, during the adjustment, we discuss it. Don Harte, DC.

Dear Dr. Koren, We'd like to thank you for your very helpful and informative newsletter. We had been gathering info on vaccinations prior to requesting your booklet on the subject, however it was your booklet that convinced us not to vaccinate our son with the HEP B vaccine. Bruce and Sandra, BC, Canada

Dear Tedd, Here is a idea, have the EPA sue the FDA for mercury contamination, it should be more fun to watch than the elections. Yours in Chiropractic Fred Vogel DC

Tedd, Thanks for your e-mail. I have a private practice in Hamburg Germany, so it is always refreshing to here from other principled Chiropractors. Sometimes i feel like i am on an island all by myself. I am the sole principled Chiropractor in a city of 1.7 million, and i hope that over the years i will get to adjust every one of them. If you ever want to see a Chiropractic frontier, it is Germany. There are just 42 of us D.C's and about half are treating diseases or some damn thing, and about another twelve are just trying to milk insurance companies. I don't pull any punches when patients come to me from these people. I have patients 
on a regular basis that drive as much as 8 hours one way to get adjusted, it is unbelievably satisfying. I think if B.J. were alive today, he would want to practice here. Mark J. Styers D.C., F.I.C.P.A.

Dear Dr. Koren, Thank you so much for putting into words what most of us feel. I can't wait to read your newsletter every month. Thank you for being a Chiropractic warrior. We love you! Infinitely Chiropractic, Wife of a wonderful Chiropractor, Julie (

Tedd is a less than. This, from a real Doc, a chiropractic physician. Grow up and get educated, i.e., I don't mean from Sherman or Life but rather fom Texas, National, LACC, Western States, Logan, UB, etc. Why are you so far behind? Dr. Fred Miscoe II, DC MAJ, MSC, PAARNG (
(TK: Sometimes I think that it's not the disagreements that destroying our profession but the lack of manners.)

Hey Tedd, Keep up the great work! Maintain your sense of humor, and most important - out live the bastards and have fun doing it. Thanks, Paul Zell, Chiropractor

I remember an episode in "My Favorite Martian" where Bill Bixby gives an adjustment to...the Martian. Maybe someone else can help locate the episode.

There was an episode of MARTIN, When martins fiances Father is a doctor. Martin is spending alot of time learning and reading medical language to have a descent conversation with her pop. Martin meets him and they hit it off at dinner. Then they talk about alternative. Laughing at chiropractors....Martin says all 
they do is CRACK CRACK. Then her pop who is really big guy gets up and says he is a Doctor of Chiropractic! He apologizes and get s a big hug from her pop and he squeezes him real tight and you hear a popping sound. MARTIN loves it and says, will you call me in the morning?

Hi Tedd, great newsletter, many years ago I had a patient who wanted me to take x-rays so I could adjust her vertebrains. To your success, Herb

Dr. Koren, your message is great. I am on your side 100% and I wish I could help you sometimes. In case you forgot me, se my rustic webpage that I made in a flash.\fralvez Thank you and health always. Frank.

Tedd, I was just re-reading the broadcast on chiropractic and re-connecting the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. It was great to read right before a Tues. night new patient workshop. Any plans to develop a visual flip-chart for use during presentations? I'm still using a tired 'ole SInger chart and would like something fresh to use. Let me know!

Dear Dr. Koren:
I was unpleasantly surprised that you choose to condemn and criticize CCE before investigating. Do you know the membership of CCE? Do you know when these changes were put in place, and who approved them then? One of the greatest problems that we have in our profession is individuals and groups that have no greater agenda than to attack others in chiropractic. Your unfounded comments are an affront to those people that have worked hard through CCE to improve the profession.
If your true intention is to improve chiropractic, I invite you to contact me personally and learn more about the process before you continue to growl about CCE. Sincerely, Joe Brimhall, D.C., Chair, CCE Commission on Accreditation Phone: (801) 393-6000 E-mail:
(TK: I did call and growl, I mean, speak to Dr. Brimhall. We had a rather pleasant conversation. He said the profession should have given feedback when the CCE was contemplating changes. I invited him to write for this issue but have not heard from him.)

Dr. Tedd, There is an Andy of Maybury episode with a Chiropractic mention. Barney has a new girlfriend and wants to take her out for dinner. He sends her to Andy's house while finishing his rounds. She is enamored with Andy, comments on his big hands and inquires to what he does? Andy holds up 
his hands and replies "I'm a Chiropractor!" Dr. Bob Facca

Dear Dr. Koren, Richard Tyler DC played an orthopedist in the movie Hooper a movie about stunt men. Dr. Tyler was a child actor and came out to Hollywood-did stunt work to make ends meet but got hurt. The MD's said he would never recover---he tried chiropractic and fully recovered. He was a good friend of Burt Reynolds who starred in the movie--The producers wouldn't let Dr. Tyler play a " chiropractor " and used I think" Orthopedist " on the office door instead of " Chiropractor " Dr Tyler used to practice across the hall from me but I haven't seen him in years. Hope you can add this Ron Saltman DC

I have been reading your Emails for sometime now and always enjoy them. I have passed on much information contained in them to family and friends. My husband Tom is a chiropractor in Norcross, Ga. I am a registered nurse and have always had a strong passion for health and nutrition. I have a strong desire to educate people in an area where there is so much deception. Tammi Copelli R.N. 

Thanks for reading to the end. If you're getting the Patient newsletter, in a few days. This next issue will focus on the existence of the vertebral subluxation (complex). Tedd

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