VACCINATION--The Shot That Keeps on Shooting
by Thomas Levy, MD, FACC, Colorado Springs, CO
Designed to Protect?
Freedom of Choice in Europe
Failure of the Primary Function
Do No Harm?
Pertussis Vaccine
SIDS-The Unnecessary Plague
The Great Brain Drain
Long Term Results
A Final Common Pathway
Big Brother WILL Help You
The Money Trail
The Right to Know
Upon superficial review, nothing could seem more appropriate than to protect the population from dread diseases with simple and presumably harmless inoculations. However, the issue is very complex, and it is best to address it appropriately informed, as the consequences of such shots can often be as dire as the very diseases themselves. As with other public health issues such as the artificial fluoridation of our water supplies or the ongoing assault on our immune systems with the continued placement of mercury fillings in our mouths, vaccination programs are characterized mainly by emotional and political support, with a decided paucity of scientific validation. Similar to the fluoride and mercury issues, vaccinations also hold the unswerving loyalty and support of numerous health professionals, most of whom, once imprinted in their early training, never allow new data or studies to sway their allegiances. If such data does not appear in the very limited realm of a few specific scientific journals, it is simply assumed that new and revolutionary information cannot exist.
The evidence to be presented here will support a number of disturbing findings, including:
Vaccines often fail in protecting from the targeted disease, or they may offer only
a temporary immunity, in contrast to the permanence of a natural immunity.
· Vaccines can cause the very disease for which protection is sought.
· Vaccines often severely damage the immune system, causing any of many other diseases.
· Nearly all of the feared infectious diseases had largely disappeared when vaccines were
· Vaccines can implant latent or "slow viruses" that can manifest years later
as degenerative diseases, often neurological.
· Vaccines appear to have significantly decreased the intellectual or cognitive abilities
of several generations.
· Vaccines have been linked to learning and behavioral disorders of "unknown
cause," such as autism, dyslexia,
hyperactivity, and minimal brain dysfunction.
· Vaccines have likely facilitated the explosive growth of the criminal element in
In spite of the above points, vaccinations are effectively mandated by law, representing ongoing massive monetary windfalls for the pharmaceutical companies. Parents objecting, even on religious grounds, can still face custody battles for their children with the American government and welfare agencies, often on the grounds of "child abuse."
Much of Europe is completely free from mandatory vaccination. As of 1982, vaccination held a noncompulsory status in England, Ireland, West Germany, Austria, Spain, the Netherlands, and most of Switzerland. However, Belgium, France, and Portugal follow America's rigid policy of maintaining compulsory vaccination as a requirement for children entering school.1 (Many of America's relatively few unvaccinated children receive home schooling, thus escaping the highly effective public educational screen.) The parallel of vaccination policy to the involuntary fluoridation of the drinking water in America is striking, as no amount of solid scientific data, even in "mainstream" medical journals, seems able to keep the politicians, power brokers, and tunnel-visioned scientists from poisoning us (and often themselves). Bear in mind, however, that America has long ruled its science with politics, rather than vice-versa, as it should be.
Failure of the Primary Function
Certainly the primary purpose of a vaccine is to protect those injected from a specific disease. In fact, many vaccines have not only substantially failed in such protection, they have frequently caused the very diseases for which they were supposed to offer protection. America's own Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta admitted in 1992 that the polio live-virus vaccine had become the main cause of polio in the United States. Specifically, the CDC asserted that, from 1973 to 1983, 87% of all (non-imported) cases of polio resulted directly from vaccine administration. Even more amazingly, it was asserted that every non-imported case of polio in the United States from 1980 to 1989 was vaccine-induced.2 Even Dr. Jonas Salk himself (the developer of the first polio vaccine in 1955, a killed-virus preparation) was quoted to say:
When you inoculate children with a polio vaccine you don't sleep well for two or three weeks.3
For those who may think much of the above is some sort of statistical manipulation, consider that the overall number of reported cases of polio in the United States following the large-scale usage of Dr. Salk' skilled-virus vaccine increased substantially. Nationwide, the incidence appeared to double, with some states reporting 400% to 600% increases. And although polio has largely disappeared from the United States today, the evidence does not support the polio vaccine as being the cause of this. Not only had the polio death rate already declined by roughly 50% from 1923 to 1953 (well before the introduction of the vaccine), polio incidence was also similarly declining in Europe as well, and it continued to decline there even without the mass inoculations that were implemented in the U.S.4 The vaccine supporters nevertheless give full credit for disease eradication to a vaccine that merely 'jumped on the bandwagon" at the end of ride.
While the initial observations here have focused on the polio vaccines and their effects, similar patterns were present in the other infectious diseases and their vaccines. Smallpox, now considered to be an "eradicated" disease, was well on its way to extinction prior to the introduction of a vaccine for it. Furthermore, in the underdeveloped countries where the threat of rampant epidemics was felt to be greatest, less than 10% of the children ended up with inoculations.5 Yet the disease still eventually disappeared at the same rate in those areas as in the heavily vaccinated areas. From 1915 to 1958, the measles death rate had already declined by greater than 95%, prior to the introduction of any vaccines for it.6
Even the current traditional medicine textbook on vaccinations documents the above noted natural trend toward the extinction of smallpox. The 1994 edition of Vaccines by Plotkin and Mortimer states on page 29, regarding the declining smallpox incidence in the United States in the first half of this century:
This progress occurred in the absence of any nationally coordinated smallpox control effort, and little is known about the extent of vaccination immunity in the country during the 1940s or about the epidemiology of smallpox.
This would seem, then, to be a corroboration from traditional medicine that, at least in the case of smallpox, little real contribution to the demise of the disease was made by the smallpox Vaccine.
It doesn't take an enormous amount of common sense to realize that any intervention to protect or restore health should do precisely that, and it should do that clearly more often than it compromises the very health it seeks to preserve. Unfortunately, vaccines appear to frequently fall far short of this desirable goal. Germany, typically a health leader in the world, initiated compulsory diphtheria vaccinations in 1939. Although it was a relatively rare disease, 150,000 cases were then seen in Germany. France, not wanting to undergo a similar mistake, opted for no such vaccinations, but the subsequent military occupation by the Germans resulted ultimately in a similar mandatory vaccination program, and the diptheria case count in France soared to greater than 45,000 by 1943. As a stark comparison, unvaccinated Norway recorded only a mere 50 cases at this same time.7
Viewed from a slightly different perspective, the inadequacy of many vaccinations becomes even more apparent when one reviews the vaccination status of all who eventually manifest disease. One would like to think that even if much disease was caused by the vaccine, far more was prevented by the intervention. Here, too, the news is unsettling:
58% of all the reported measles cases in American schoolchildren in 1984 occurred in spite of vaccinations.8 Obviously, the unvaccinated children had the best "protection" against measles that year. Outbreaks of such disease continue to occur even in populations that have been virtually 100% vaccinated.9
Rubella, typically an extremely benign disease in children, usually runs its course in two to three days. The main concern with this disease arises when pregnant women contract it. If the virus is present during the first trimester, there is an increased incidence of birth defects However, a natural immunity to rubella resulting from contracting the disease as a child generally confers lifelong protection. Rubella vaccine, however, consistently fails to provide permanent protection. Ironically, and even tragically, then, many women of childbearing age do not have a natural, permanent immunity to rubella, and the assumption of being protected by an earlier inoculation is often wrong. An earlier shot might have only served to deprive a given woman of the opportunity to acquire a natural immunity from a natural, mild infection. In one Australian study, 80% of all the army recruits vaccinated only four months earlier with the rubella vaccine still came down with the illness.10 Such a poor efficacy, combined with the possible lost opportunity at obtaining a natural, permanent immunity, hardly warrants widespread vaccination for this disease, even if the intended goal of less birth defects is a noble one.
Even among the physicians who are the biggest purveyors and promoters of vaccination, it would appear that when the needle is turned around, the inoculation mania subsides. In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 90% of obstetricians and about 70% of pediatricians refused to take the rubella vaccine. The possibility of "unforeseen vaccine reactions" seemed to have their concern.11 Apparently, what's good for the goose is not always what's good for the gander. If these vaccines were truly all they were purported to be, these good doctors should have been pushing each other aside to be first in line to get stuck.
- An Immune System Sledgehammer In 1992, the CDC admitted that the polio live-virus
vaccine had become the largest cause of polio in the United States. Specifically, the
CDC asserted that, from 1973 to 1983, 87% of all (non-imported) cases of polio resulted
directly from vaccine administration. Furthermore, it was also asserted that every
non-imported case of polio in the U.S. from 1980 to 1989 was vaccine-induced.
Credit: Neil Z. Miller; Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and effective?
Arguably the worst of the vaccines is the pertussis vaccine. It's often given in concert with the diphtheria and tetanus vaccines (DPT). In addition to sharing a similar ineffectiveness with many of the other vaccines, it also seems to be somewhat uniquely vicious in its assault on the immune system, causing or facilitating a host of different syndromes, predominantly neurological. Infants are virtually the sole recipients of this vaccine, and they are the least prepared to handle it. The immune system in a six-to eight-week old infant is still quite immature, requiring yet the direct support of maternal antibodies and other immune factors passed along in mother's milk. This infantile immune system is often no match for the crude, toxic potion called the DPT shot. Aside from the bacterial portions of the vaccine, formaldehyde is also present as a "stabilizer," and it is a known carcinogen. Mercury and aluminum compounds are also present, both of which (especially mercury) are known toxins. Mercury (as thimerosal) acts as a preservative, but it can ultimately wreak as much havoc with the body as can the vaccinating microbes.
Statistically speaking, the data regarding DPTvaccinated infants is absolutely frightening. The death rate is eight times greater than normal within only three days of receiving a DPT shot.12 The dreaded Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) clusters very strongly around the typical time frame of DPT shot administration.
DPT vaccinations are usually given at age's two months, four months, and six months. SIDS occurs mostly during the same time frame (85% from one to six months), with the largest incidence occurring at two and four months, in a bimodal fashion. This means that most of the SIDS cases actually cluster directly after the injections, and not in smooth fashion over the entire time period. One study showed that of 103 infants who died of SIDS, 70% had received the DPT vaccine within three weeks.
As of 1975, Japan began deferring pertussis vaccinations until two years of age. A significant drop in serious reactions to the vaccine (of which there are many, the worst of which is SIDS) was noted immediately. The United States has refused to be deterred by such data, however, and some DPT shots are administered here as early as six weeks of age. Often this earlier injection occurs only because it better meshes with the pediatrician's schedule for a ''well-baby'' check-up.
An Australian physician, Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, had the opportunity to spend a number of years practicing family medicine among the Aborigines, beginning in the 1950's. He wrote an extraordinarily compelling book about his experiences, entitled Every Second Child.
At the time he arrived there, he learned that the Aboriginal infant mortality rate was in excess of 100 per 1,000 even though the European death rate in the same area was about 20 per 1,000. He also found that sudden death would most consistently occur in those infants that had been vaccinated recently. He soon discovered that nearly the entire Aboriginal population with which he worked suffered from severe vitamin deficiencies, most notably vitamin C. He noted an enormous amount of monotony in their diet, typically consisting of such foods as bread, jam, sugar, and sausage. Fresh fruits and vegetables were not to be had.
When he first arrived, SIDS was literally at epidemic proportions, but by the time he had finished his work there, SIDS was virtually abolished in his patient population. By merely instituting a better balanced diet and specifically supplementing generous doses of vitamin C, Dr. Kalokerinos was able to eliminate this disease, even if vaccinations were still given. The overwhelming implications, then, were that even though SIDS could occur just in malnourished and sickly infants, marginally healthy but vitamin C deficient infants were absolute set-ups for succumbing to the huge immune assault of their vaccinations. Furthermore, it then becomes apparent that the heavily processed food in the average American diet, while perhaps better than the average Aboriginal diet, is nevertheless dramatically vitamin deficient. Remember, too, that if a nursing mother eats little or no vitamin C in her diet, the infant will be similarly depleted.
Dr. Frederick R. Klenner of Reidsville, North Carolina had independently reached the same conclusions as Dr. Kalokerinos. He also dramatically demonstrated that infantile scurvy (severe vitamin C deficiency) was a common killer of babies and the main cause of SIDS. Dr. Klenner totally eliminated this disease in his patient population by giving women five to fifteen grams of vitamin C daily throughout pregnancy and lactation (the period of active breast-feeding). This resolved any subclinical scurvy the mother might have had and offered the fetus the chance to develop without the burden of vitamin C deficiency. As might be expected, Dr. Klenner' s infants not only avoided SIDS, even with the continued administration of intrusive vaccines of questionable benefit, they were markedly robust and healthy, avoiding many of the repeated and recurrent viral and infectious syndromes that we seem to simply accept as part of the normal health patterns in our babies.
After weaning, he would continue to supplement the infants with up to one gram daily of vitamin C during the first year, after which he would increase the daily dose by one gram for each year of life, plateauing at ten grams daily for age ten and older.13 Artificially fluoridated water, also strongly statistically associated with an increased SIDS rate, meshes nicely with the above reasoning, as fluoride is known to accelerate the depletion of the body's minimal stores of vitamin C. For that matter, any toxin will have a vitamin C-depleting effect.
Allow me to emphasize the above point succinctly:
Proper administration of vitamin C causes virtually complete elimination of sudden infant death (SIDS), even when immune-compromising vaccines have been administered.
Dietary Determinants
Lest the reader think that vitamin C cures all evils, be aware that nothing can neutralize an inadequate diet. Consider the work done by Dr. Benjamin Sandler in North Carolina in the late 1940's. He compiled an impressive review of data from other countries that had the greatest incidence of polio at the time, and he showed that those same countries also had the highest consumption levels of sugar.
Aware as well that polio also seemed to occur most commonly during the summer months, he then realized that this was also the time when children consumed the most sugar (e.g., ice cream, candy, and soda pop). He subsequently waged an active campaign against the evils of refined sugar on the radio and the newspapers, and, most amazingly, actually effected a 90% reduction of sugar in North Carolina in 1949. The cases of polio were reduced that summer by the same amount. The Health Department in that state reported 2,498 cases of polio in 1948 and only 229 in 1949.
But give American capitalism credit. Sugar-related industries underwent an active disinformation campaign to undermine Dr. Sandler's credibility, which was quite successful. Sugar product-related sales rose back in 1950 to that of earlier years, and polio also stormed back to its earlier level of attack.14 Considering the world's love affair/addiction to refined sugar, it probably didn't take too strenuous a defamation campaign against Dr. Sandler to allow the public to once again accept sweets as nontoxic and harmless.
England & Wales: Deaths of children under 15 years attributed to scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles (Porter, 1971).?
This figure was presented at the Presidential Address of the British Association for the Advancement of Sciences
(Porter, 1971 ).
Credit: Neil Z.
Miller; Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective
Harris L. Coulter wrote a most disturbing and well-researched book entitled: Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain. It would appear that "developmental disabilities" are almost always an end-product of encephalitis (an inflammation of the brain and its associated tissues). A compelling case is then made for early immunizations as the primary cause of encephalitis in the world today. In fact, the very toxic pertussis vaccine mentioned earlier is probably the most reliably neurotoxic of the vaccines. It is actually used in animals to deliberately cause anaphylactic shock and a picture of acute encephalitis.15 Considering that researchers generally don't use experimental agents that work only a small amount of the time, the implications as to the breadth of harm that can be done by this vaccine are staggering.
What is currently regarded as a rare and unfortunate side-effect in pertussis-immunized individuals may actually be a very common outcome when viewed in a more subtle fashion, such as with intelligence quotient (IQ) tests as patients get older. The average scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) have been steadily declining for about the last four decades, which is also roughly the same period during which there has been the widest systematic administration of vaccines. With the bottom score at 200 and the top score at 800, a score of 500 was the average performance when the current scoring system was established in 1941. Today the average score on the mathematics portion is 478. The average achievement on the verbal portion has plummeted even further, down to 424.
When looking at overall trends in large numbers of students, these numbers represent a sizeable decline in cognitive ability. Some researchers have also observed that a critical review of the tests reveals that they have become substantially easier. When this is weighed along with the still-declining scores, it's then apparent that even a greater real drop in our collective IQ has taken place. When these declining figures were released to the public earlier this year, the College Board administering the test simply announced that the two average scores just mentioned would be "recentered" back to 500.16
Obviously, just making the test easier didn't result in an adequate "adjustment" of the scores. This may help the collective ego of today's generation, but it does nothing for it's ability to think and reason. Isn't anybody alarmed that our nation's brain power is receding? Attempting to remedy the causes for such a decline makes far more sense than to just "recenter" the whole issue into oblivion.
Lest the reader think that the SAT test is only an isolated example of deteriorating brain power, the American College Testing (ACT) Program, which is akin to the SAT Program, has also shown declining scores. As well, military testing of recruits in the 1970s revealed clearly lower intellectual capacities compared to recruits tested in the early 1940s.
Autism, a tragic affliction in which the victim loses nearly all ability, and/or desire, to relate to others either emotionally or physically, was first described in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner, a child psychiatrist. This paralleled very closely with the burgeoning onslaught of pertussis vaccinations in the United States.17 France, Chile, Austria, Holland, and the Scandinavian countries didn't initiate pertussis vaccinations until the 1950s, and autism wasn't noted in these countries until the 1 950s as well. Many horrified parents have actually described similar abrupt losses of attention and affection of their infants within a few short days of the shots. To have a truly new disease without a clearly defined and plausible cause with the above temporal relationship to vaccination just "pop up" is almost incomprehensible. Today, over 4,500 cases of autism occur annually in the United States. Medicine is so "treatment-oriented" that most health care professionals are just content to have the business and are unconcerned about how a given illness came to be or how to prevent it in the future.
While avoidance of the pertussis vaccine would arguably reap the greatest benefits as preventative medicine, the incidence of devastating side effects appears to clearly relate to the timing of the injection. Both England and Japan have less autism than the United States, and both inject their babies later in life, allowing some additional maturation of those delicate immune systems. (England will vaccinate at six months, Japan at two years.) Not only will United States pediatricians often vaccinate babies at only six weeks, little attention is paid to the overall wellness of the infant at the time or to any history of previous vaccination reactions (if an older infant).
Many of the ultimately worst vaccination outcomes were clearly predated by significant but lesser reactions on an earlier shot, such as seizures, persistent crying, vomiting, and limited responsiveness. If an infant must be given an injection, it is absolutely mandatory that no acute infective syndromes of any kind be present. Nearly as important, the baby should be allowed an adequate recovery period for its immune system following recently resolved infections. Immune systems must be hardy and "well-rested" to avoid sustaining the worst of the vaccine reactions. It's very debatable, however, that any infantile immune system can completely rebuff all of the negative impact of vaccinations.
However, all of the data already cited seems to be completely lost on America and its legions of vaccinators, as the Clinton administration has recently launched (September 1994) its Vaccines for Children Program. This aims to complete eleven different vaccinations by the ripe old age of two years, including measles, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, mumps, rubella, polio, hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenza B.18 The real "beauty" of such a program is that the multibillion dollar drug companies get assured of 100% governmental reimbursement on vaccine administration to nearly all American babies, regardless of financial status. Certainly the richest of the rich can't be expected to compromise their incomes while pandering their poisons.
In the textbook, Vaccines, Plotkin and Mortimer make the following comments (pp. 116-117):
DTP is customarily administered at a time in life when a variety of neurological disorders occur and, even more important, when congenital or neonatally acquired neurological diseases become manifest with the appearance of seizures, the recognition of developmental retardation, and the like.
One can only wonder how many "neonatally acquired neurological diseases" would really be around without our saturation vaccination programs. As for ever finding the answers Plotkin and Mortimer address this tersely:
Further, a definitive study would require withholding pertussis vaccine from a randomized control group, which is ethically unacceptable.
Of course, thousands of brain damaged victims and a steady sapping of our nation's collective mind power is perfectly acceptable.
Heather Whitestone, Miss America 1995, is another DPT victim. She became almost totally deaf at age 18 months after a reaction to a DPT shot, retaining only 5% hearing in her left ear. Six years of speech therapy were required for her to learn how to say her last name.19 Obviously no victim of brain damage herself, Miss Whitestone overcame enormous hurdles to attain her present achievement, but is the tragedy here any less? Ironically enough, our unflappable Plotkin and Mortimer use this "diversity" of possible DPT side-effects as a main argument against it causing problems at all:
there is no characteristic syndrome that has been ascribed to pertussis vaccine. ... there is no characteristic pathological picture no plausible mechanism for vaccine-induced encephalopathy has been uncovered 20
Any objective and honest practicing clinical physician will tell you that few disease processes present consistently and reliably in the same fashion from one patient to the next. Also, there are numerous examples of modem medicine having no knowledge at all of disease mechanisms or the reasons that certain empiric therapies are effective.
Penicillin was used for a long time in treating previously fatal illnesses before its "mechanism" was understood. And in the case of vaccine reactions, the main reason for the great diversity of reactions rests in the fact that the vaccine is affecting the immune system directly, and when something as basic as this is assaulted, diversity rather than monotony is the rule in such reactions. Only a disease process that is precisely focal, like a bacterial pneumonia, can be expected to consistently display reproducible syndromes.
In his above-cited book, Harris Coulter goes on to point out some additional compelling data. Western Europe and Japan, consistently less and/or later vaccinated countries than America, have clearly less violence in their societies. Those who would want to immediately blame poverty and a chronically poor economy should realize that violence in the United States is now approximately six times higher than in the 1940s. We have three times more violence now than in 1933, which was the depth of the Depression. So much for poverty having the primary effect.
A direct consequence of having such a large population of children and young adults with autism, dyslexia, minimal brain dysfunction, hyperactivity and various other neurological disorders is the regular usage of drugs, prescription or otherwise. Approximately a million United States children today are taking a drug for hyperactivity, which is often a form of amphetamine, a powerful stimulant. Is the child's body and brain, upon maturation, going to magically know what is or isn't a prescription drug? Unlikely. The only significant information to that individual will be whether or not a given drug, however obtained, will cause a level of stimulation to which that person has become accustomed.
It is not hard to see, then, that neurologically impaired victims that have been chronically drugged suddenly from an early age will follow what is almost a natural path to chemical dependence of all varieties. Children with minimal brain dysfunction and uncontrollable tempers are given amphetamines for calming. Since even the treating pediatricians would acknowledge such a drug is not really addressing or curing the underlying problem, how can those young bodies keep from becoming drug-dependent? Coulter, who feels that vaccination programs are the root cause of our ongoing epidemic of social violence, summarizes quite nicely the wide-ranging scope of the post-encephalitic syndrome often following vaccination:
For this syndrome, now into its second generation makes its own notable contribution to poverty (hyperactive adolescents cannot keep jobs), illiteracy (dyslexic children cannot study), child abuse (hyperactive young adults have little tolerance for hyperactivity in their children), broken families (the stresses and strains of minimal brain damage lead to marital breakdowns), social violence (uneducated youth without jobs have nothing else to do), racial tension (black children may be affected disproportionately by vaccination), alcoholism, and drug addiction (adolescents and adults with neurologic disorders must find escape somewhere).21
As alluded to earlier, any process that primarily insults and compromises anything as basic as the immune system can have a wide-ranging scope of effects. Similarly, many diseases that share varying degrees of impaired immune function have been noted to arise following vaccinations. Multiple sclerosis (MS) has been repeatedly observed to first arise following a wide range of different vaccinations, including smallpox, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, tetanus, polio, tuberculosis, and influenza. Even non-vaccinating injections such as gamma globulin have served as MS-initiating events.
Antirabies vaccinations have also been repeatedly implicated as an etiology for MS.22
The swine flu vaccine, initially foisted upon an unsuspecting public by then-President Gerald Ford, was little more than a toxin looking for a disease to which it could claim a beneficial effect. According to investigative reporter, Eustace Mullins, drug manufacturers looked to pig raisers for 80 million dollars for a vaccine of dubious benefit to their livestock. Watching several pigs collapse and die after the shot was administered was all the pig breeders needed to see. Then the drug companies, not to be shortchanged or deterred, decided that the public needed to be protected against swine flu, even though there was not a single known case of it in the United States, and the price tag would now be 135 million dollars. Almost magically, the CDC in Atlanta then emerged with a plan for a national immunization program against this phantom plague. One brave soul, Dr. Anthony Morris, who was then director of the Virus Bureau at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), asserted that the whole concept of a swine flu vaccine had to be essentially fraudulent, since there had never been any cases of swine flu, making proper testing impossible. Not only was he promptly fired, but his laboratory animals and research records of three years duration were destroyed.
As the program then gained momentum, fully funded by the taxpayer through Congress on April 15, 1976, so that vaccinations could be administered nationwide "free of charge," some insurance companies actually aired their concerns about the vaccine. They asserted that they would not insure drug companies against possible suits resulting from side effects, because no studies had been carried out in this regard. Leave it to an insurance company to objectively know the real financial risks in any endeavor. After the vaccine had been administered for only a few months, 1.3 billion dollars worth of claims had been filed by the victims, many of them paralyzed with a neurological disorder called "Guillain-Barre Syndrome." This syndrome has also been seen after other vaccinations, indicating a nonspecific association with certain forms of immune system damage, but the swine flu vaccine seemed especially adept at eliciting it.23 In fact, much of the time this syndrome is still considered as having an unknown cause, even when a vaccination has recently been administered.
Many researchers have also voiced concern over the potential seeding of many people with largely inactive, "slow viruses," which can remain dormant for even decades before manifesting relatively denly as such diseases like lupus, MS, Lou Gehrig's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Such diseases, as well as many others, have already been independently shown to often have such viruses present when those diseases finally become manifest.
Cancer, an epidemic of rapidly escalating magnitude, demonstrated a 40% increase in incidence from 1947 to 1984. Nearly all of its known causes share the common thread of compromising or harming the immune system. Widespread vaccinations have likely made the last few generations all the more sensitive to the many and diverse ways that can further lower immune strength, largely helping to explain cancer's recent near-exponential rate of growth. In 1900, only one person in thirty died of cancer. Today, that number is closer to one in four.
Until recently, our nation appeared to be finally softening its Gestapo-like stance on mandatory vaccinations. While still largely required in order to gain admission to the public school system, many informed and motivated individuals were able to sidestep the shots through home schooling, or just by expressing official opposition from either a religious or an academic perspective. Such a "luxury" appears on the brink of extinction. Congress presently has before it a proposed law requiring universally mandated immunizations. It will not provide for any religious exemptions, and parents who refuse the vaccines for their babies will be subject to charges of child abuse, and they could well face the prospect of losing custody to government specified foster homes.24
According to William Campbell Douglass, MD, the Clinton administration has plans to even further increase the insanity. Proposed legislation wants to authorize assaulting infants on the day of birth with multiple vaccines, even if the newborn is ill. It also specifies that shots may be given without a physical examination or a medical history. Informed consent in this arena would be abolished, as vaccinators would not be obliged to inform parents of possible vaccination dangers, and they would even be free to lie if necessary. President Clinton even went so far as to directly misinform the American people when he told them
It is unacceptable that the United States is the only country in the world that does not guarantee childhood vaccination for all children.25
Even if Mr. Clinton truly believed that ridiculously false statement, it doesn't lessen the magnitude of the damage that will be wrought if Congress does enact such laws.
Discovering who profits from what is not always a simple task, but vaccination profits are easy to locate. Vaccinations represent one of the biggest gravy trains for the multibillion dollar pharmaceutical industry. One can only wonder if their blind greed keeps them from realizing that blanket, mandatory vaccination programs will undermine the health of their own babies' minds and bodies. Reason has been known to disappear before when billions beckon, such a completely educated individual would be the exception rather than the rule.
Demand, at the very least, that your own health provider is totally receptive to answering any and all questions that you may have regarding your treatment. Arrogance, with its "master-pet" mentality, has no place in the relationship between you and your health care provider. Simply hearing your doctor occasionally acknowledge not knowing everything, with an implied openness to reviewing outside information that you may have, is probably your best indication of a healthy doctor-patient relationship. But regardless of whether or not a doctor really respects his patients, nothing can excuse deliberately administered toxins. Perhaps vaccinations do have a legitimate place in medicine. Certainly this writer seriously doubts it, and, if so, the place has to be a small one. However, the reader, and his doctor, are invited and encouraged to review the mountains of data on the negative impacts of vaccinations, of which only a very small amount has been cited. A conscientious physician should do no less. It's high time the medical profession stops being the willing pawn in the pharmaceutical industry's great chess game with our nation's health and future.
It is hoped that this accumulation of information on vaccines will stimulate the reader to think, go to the original references, and then make an educated evaluation of the whole issue. Blind faith in our health professionals is about as warranted as blind faith in our political officials. When you're sick or you're concerned about your child's health, it's natural to want to assume that your health care professional knows everything and has the purest of motivations in tending to your health needs. Sadly,
Give no deadly medicine to anyone.
1) Buttram, H. E. and Hoffman, J. C., Vaccinations and Immune Malfunction, The
Humanitarian Publishing Co., Quakertown, PA, 1982, page 41.
2) Strebel, P. M., et al., "Epidemiology of Poliomyelitis in the U.S. One Decade
after the Last Reported Case of Indigenous Wild Virus Associated Disease," Clinical
Infectious Diseases, (CDC, February 1992), pp. 568-579.
3) McBean, B., The Poisoned Needle, (Mokelumne Hill, CA: Health Research, 1974),
page 144.
4) Miller, N. Z., Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? A Parent's Guide
to Childhood Shots, New Atlantean Press, Santa Fe, NM, 1994, page 18.
5) "Vaccines: A Future in Question," Therapoeia!, June, 198 1, page 23.
6) Alderson, M., International Mortality Statistics (Washington, DC: Facts on File,
1981), pp. 182-183.
7) McBean, B., Vaccinations Do Not Protect, (Manachaca, TX: Health Excellence
Systems, 1991), page 8.
8) Frank, J. A., et al., "Measles Elimination-Final Impediments," 20th
Immunization Conference Proceedings, May 6-9, 1985, page 21.
9) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, (U.S. Govt., December 29, 1989).
10) Allan, B., Australian Journal of Medical Technology. 4, (1973), pi). 26-27.
11) "Rubella Vaccine and Susceptible Hospital Employees: Poor Physician
Participation," Journal of the American Medical Association, (February 20,
12) Fine, J. M. and Chen, L. C., "Confounding in Studies of Adverse Reactions to
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