Eva Snead, M.D. quotes
Eva Snead, M.D.
One finding was that when vaccines are tested for viral contamination, results of these tests differ according to the time frame in which they are performed. Reading from the report, Sneed says, “The testing of cell cultures used in vaccines is commonly done 14 to 21 days after the cells are planted, the usual period for most virologic studies. At that time, only 2-4 percent show viral infections, but if the same lots are examined 29 to 55 days after planting, a significantly higher percentage of cultures show viral infection.” Vaccines: A Second Opinion by Gary Null
Other viruses, Sneed states, appear in their complete form. She mentions the ebola virus. “This is a virus commonly found in the green tree monkey. We also have a flurry of respiratory illnesses in small children, called RSV. Everyone is saying that they don’t know why so many children are coming down with this disease. But it is a common contaminant of the vaccines that children get at an early age.”--Vaccines: A Second Opinion by Gary Null
"Now whatever virus is in the cancer cells, whatever virus is in the monkey cells, whatever virus is in the solutions that they use to make these cells grow, will pass in part together with genetic material from the monkey and genetic material from the cancer cells, there are pieces of chromosome, some genes etc. into the brew we call vaccine. When you go to the doctor you may see a very clear liquid in an injection or the pink brew that was given to us on sugar cubes. And we may think it is very sterile and very purified but it’s not. It’s just a bunch of dirty monkey soup. "--Eva Snead, M.D.
"They are running a monopoly and they will lie, cheat and steal to keep it that way....... I think that no person would permit anybody to get close to them with an inoculation if they would really know how they are made, what they carry, what has been lied to them about and what the real percent of danger is of contracting such a disease, which is minimal......And according to those figures as compared to those from the Encyclopaedia Britannica for that same year they had inoculated (in Africa) according to their statement, twenty million people more that the total population, every man woman and child of the countries in question. Now if you can lie so crassly and have enough people to back you up about lying about how many you inoculate the question may arise of have you inoculated any at all? Did you use the same …..what did you do? We don’t know anything they are saying be cause they are lying from the moment go. So you know you really have very little frame of reference excepting that there’s something very fishy in the whole process."---Dr Eva Snead
"Imagine... the gullibility of a public that not only believes that these companies give them a safe and effective product but that they give them the credence of a god that two years in advance when they start making these serums they know which particular kind of influenza is going to be causing the epidemic two years later. I mean you know these people have the utter gall to tell people that they can do it because they can’t."---FLU VACCINE: Interview of Dr Eva Snead by Gary Null
"Within a few years of the polio vaccine we started seeing some strange phenomena like the year before the first 300,000 doses were given in the United States childhood leukaemia had never struck in children under the age of two. One year after the first onslaught they had the first cases of children under the age of two that died of leukaemia........ Dr Herbert Radnor observed that in a small area of this little town, in an area where no cases of leukaemia had been expected or at the most one in 4 years according to previous statistics, they suddenly had a rash like an epidemic within a few blocks"---Dr Snead
And then of course, as you well know, we may suspect that there are other reasons that could be political or genocidal because the product is administered to large amounts of older people and as you well know in nursing homes where they receive flu vaccines there are many, many cases of flu shortly after the vaccination effort which indicates a total association and from a very crude point of view the perpetuation of life in older people particularly in nursing homes is not desirable to those that handle the funds. So of course we cannot prove this but it certainly presents a seductive hypothesis. Eva Snead, M.D.