by vaccine reaction
loving father jailed

yurko.jpg (35630 bytes) Baby Alan was born pre-term, with many complications including Strep-B infection, respitory distress and jaundice, to name a few. He spent time in intensive care and had breathing problems that never cleared up.

Despite this he had 6 vaccines in 1 day. He got a temperature, stopped feeding and elicitied a high-pitched scream. 12 days later he died of a brain haemorrage and meningitis.

His father, Alan Yurko, was accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome and thrown in prison. The above symptoms are not consistant with SBS.

Baby Alan died of a fatal reaction to his childhood immunisations! Currently in the UK and US there is an alarming rate of people being wrongly imprisoned for vaccine-induced baby deaths.

Please help us free a loving husband and father and stop this happening to you and your loved ones.

We need to raise £15,000 by 30 November 2001 just to start his appeal against this injustice.

RING   0870 444 0894   NOW!

Yurko Trust, c/o VAN UK 147 Bath Street, Ilkeston, DE7 8AS, UK.

Please make cheques/POs payable to VAN UK

Credit cards accepted--Visa/Mastercard/Switch/Delta

Yurko Trust
supporting vaccine-injured babies and their families

Yurko Trust is a division of
Vaccination Awareness Network UK
registered charity number 1072794

Alan Yurko documents

Shaken Baby Syndrome & vaccination
