High dose Edmonston Zagreb (EZ) measles vaccine (quotes)
EZ vaccine

(1996 USA) Outrage! How babies were used as guinea pigs in a LA county vaccine experiment.  The Conscious Rasta Report Vol3, Issue 6, Aug 1996-Keidi Obi Awadu

"From 1989 to 1991, Kaiser Permanent along with the L.A. County Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), injected over 700 "mostly minority" babies with unlicensed experimental vaccines with fraudulently-obtained consent from the parents. One of the vaccines used, Edmonston-Zagreb high-titer, had already obtained a notorious reputation overseas for killing almost one out of every 13 babies in closely controlled studies in the Third World.  In particular, use of the vaccine had been closely associated with an increased death rate among infants in Senegal, Guinea Bissau and Haiti before their second birthday.  At least one baby in the L.A. County experiment died within this same two year window. When the final story is told, this will likely be one of the most scandalous affairs in the history of human experimentation to rival or exceed that of the German Nazis, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study or the DOE radiation exposure experiments."---Keidi Obi Awadu (Outrage, The Conscious Rasta Report, Aug 1996)

"In an experiment to find out of they could give high-potency Edmonston Zagreb (EZ) measles vaccine to babies as young as four months old [completing disregarding developmental neurology and lack of myelinization in the nervous system of babies] in order to overwhelm their natural maternal antibodies and replace them with vaccine-induced antibodies, medical "researchers" at the CDC and Johns Hopkins University injected thousands of babies in the Third World with the experimental vaccine that reportedly caused chronic immune suppression and the deaths of an unknown number of babies. Also, in the United States, with the help of Kaiser Permanente, more than 1500 six-month old black and Hispanic babies in inner city Los Angeles were "enrolled" in the experiment starting in June 1990. [ During the administration of president and ex-CIA director George Bush.] The study was halted in October 1991, after more than one year of genocidal activity, after repeated reports from vaccine trial sites in Africa that girl babies were dying in higher than expected numbers six months to three years after injection. [ A less-than-admirable population control effort.] "--Leading Edge http://www.cco.net/~trufax/vaccine/0696.html   Based on NVIC Vaccine Report 0696 Rec 9/3/96

    "Using kids as guinea pigs in potentially harmful vaccine experiments is every parents' worst nightmare. This actually happened in 1989-1991 when Kaiser Permanente of Southern California and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) jointly conducted a measles vaccine experiment. Without proper parental disclosure,  the Yugoslavian-made "high titre" Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccine was tested on 1,500 poor, primarily black and Latino,  inner city  children in Los Angeles. Highly recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO),    the high-potency experimental vaccine was previously injected into infants in Mexico, Haiti, and Africa. It was discontinued in these countries when it was discovered that the children were dying in large numbers.
    Unbelievably, the measles vaccine caused long-term suppression of the children's immune system for six months up to three years. As a result, the immunodepressed children died from other diseases in greater numbers than children who had never received the vaccine. Tragically, African girl babies in the experiment were given twice the dose of boys, and therefore suffered a higher death rate. The WHO  pulled the vaccine off the market  in 1992.
    Ironically, the E-Z measles  vaccine tested by Kaiser on minority babies was supposed to increase immunity in younger infants. Instead, the vaccine produced the opposite effect. A Los Angeles Times  editorial (June 20, 1996) assured readers  that "none of the 1,500 was injured by the unlicensed vaccine" and called upon the CDC to ensure that experiments like the E-Z measles vaccine could  never occur again."--Alan Cantwell MD

"Worth Coolie Prost of Arlington, Virginia, is a biomedical research consultant and medical ethicist who terms what happened with the EZ measles vaccine a "silent tragedy." She reminds us that human experimentation has been performed on vulnerable populations throughout history, with informed consent standards being repeatedly ignored, despite laws designed to prevent this from happening. .........It is very unlikely that any of those deaths would ever have been linked to the vaccine ("high titre" Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccine), since deaths were delayed. They didn’t begin until six months after vaccination and they continued up until four years after vaccination. Additionally, the deaths were not from measles. Babies died of infections, diarrhea, malnutrition, and all the other things that Third World babies usually die of, because what the vaccine did in some babies, particularly girls, was cause a broad immunosuppression."---Worth Coolie Prost (Gary Null vaccine report)

In the 1980s, the World Health Organization declared measles a life-threatening illness in Third World countries. To lower infant mortality rates, they recommended that the high-titer EZ measles vaccine be used on infants younger than 15 months old. ......Not only did the experiment prove ineffective, it had disastrous consequences. Says Prost: "In 1987, four large ‘studies’ - .... using the very-high-titer EZ measles vaccine were sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Johns Hopkins University, and their Department of International Health. These studies used concentrations of the EZ vaccine in doses 10 to 500 times the standard in babies as young as four months old. Studies were done in Haiti, Senegal, Mexico, and Guinea-Bissau."   Prost refers to this incident as a huge, silent disaster for Third World countries and inner city USA. Had the experiment not been stopped - largely through the efforts of one person - consequences would have been far worse, as deaths were not clearly associated with the vaccine. She elaborates:  "It is very unlikely that any of those deaths would ever have been linked to the vaccine, since deaths were delayed. They didn’t begin until six months after vaccination and they continued up until four years after vaccination. Additionally, the deaths were not from measles. Babies died of infections, diarrhea, malnutrition, and all the other things that Third World babies usually die of, because what the vaccine did in some babies, particularly girls, was cause a broad immunosuppression... It’s important to point out that, at least in Haiti, the study was done on a population that included a number of HIV-positive infants. So there were children given this very-high-dose vaccine who were already known to be immunocompromised." 
    In the beginning, Prost notes, results of the experiment were glowing, but once the data were analyzed this presumption changed.  "The study was deemed a success, and by October 1989 WHO was recommending the high-titer EZ vaccine to Third World children as young as six months. They were posting a contract for 250 million doses. By January of 1990, just three months later, the directors of one of the two African sites notified WHO and CDC of a possible link between increased mortality in the babies who were given the high-titer vaccine versus babies who got the regular vaccine. In April of that year, Dr. Goran, director of the Senegal site, re-analyzed his data and found the same thing. He alerted WHO to the problem and was essentially ignored.
        "In January of 1991, there was an international meeting of the vaccine team. Dr. Goran’s mortality data was presented in full. Going into the meeting, he had believed that once the rest of the team saw the figures they would say, ‘Oh my God, yes, he’s right, the vaccine is causing deaths.’ But he was astounded to see his data set aside. The studies were to continue."
        Prost goes on to say that, at that point, Goran decided that the only ethical thing to do was to publish his data independently..........."Dr. Goran’s article appeared in The Lancet, one of the gold-standard medical journals, in October 1991. By that time, the Johns Hopkins team that had been doing this research in Haiti had gone back and collected mortality data, and thought that Dr. Goran might be right. WHO called for an independent analysis of mortality to be presented at a meeting in June 1992."
        By this time, EZ measles vaccine studies were already taking place in the U.S.  "Fifteen hundred mostly black and Hispanic six to nine-month-old, inner city Los Angeles babies were enrolled in a study that used the high-titer vaccine. Parents were not told that the vaccine was experimental, only that their children were in a study comparing two different kinds and schedules of measles vaccine to see which one worked better. The parents did sign something, but the paper left off a little key fact about this being, number one, an experimental vaccine and, number two, associated with increased mortality.
        "In October 1991, the Los Angeles program was halted, and in June 1992, Dr. Goran’s position was vindicated as it became clear that the EZ measles vaccine was significantly associated with increased mortality. The vaccine was withdrawn internationally. By then, the vaccine had been used in about two dozen countries, from Bangladesh to Zanzibar, in ‘studies’ involving at least 15,000 children. Not all of them received the high-titer EZ, but many certainly did. Nobody knows how many of those children died."
        Prost feels strongly that had it not been for the actions of one man, Dr. Goran, we may have had a tragic and unnecessary loss of life of almost unparalleled proportions. And the press never reported the enormity of the incident. She asks people to look back at the Tuskeegee study, which went on for 40 years, and reminds us that it was not the Public Health Service (PHS) or the CDC that exposed that to the public in 1972, but rather the press. "A journalist, Jean Heller, began a series of articles after a social worker, employed by the PHS in California, had been writing to the PHS and the CDC for years with no results. He questioned the ethics of denying a diagnosis and treatment of syphilis to people in the interests of science. Finally, the material was turned over to a reporter who covered it, causing an immediate end to the experiment. That went on for 40 years, and it only stopped because the press covered it."
        Prost contrasts that to the situation with the EZ measles vaccine. "The press hardly covered this issue," she says. "A reporter had an article that ran... in the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and the Philadelphia Inquirer in which CDC director Dr. David Sacher [now Surgeon General] said that he was shocked to discover that parents in the LA study hadn’t been told the vaccine was experimental and that they were very, very sorry and would never do that again. They ignored the fact that the vaccine had caused deaths in Third World countries. That was stated, but in such a way that it was glossed over; [it was] sort of an afterthought, a given, if you will. CDC and Kaiser maintained that there was only one death, and it was unrelated to the vaccine."
        While some international media and U.S. progressive media have covered the experimental measles vaccine story, our mainstream media have not. Says Prost: "We should be very alarmed about this for two reasons in particular, the first being that if the mainstream press hadn’t touched Tuskeegee we never would have known about it. And secondly, we should be alarmed because precisely the same government agencies, research institutions, and very often even the same researchers are... doing AIDS vaccine research in Third World countries and in the United States. The same folks who did the EZ measles vaccine - this non-story - are doing HIV vaccine research. There’s been no accountability, no disclosure... Why should we expect different behavior now? And if the press doesn’t cover it, how will we know when things go wrong?"