Joined: 29 Jun 2006
Posts: 161
Location: Pilipinas
Posted: Sun Sep 24,
2006 5:12 pm Post subject: STOMACH
The brother of my
secretary came to see me a month ago because he was getting
pale. I referred him to a gastroenterologist, who is a close
friend and was a classmate at med school. The patient was
diagnosed to have a bleeding duodenal ulcer 1 cm size. He also
had few healed ulcers. He was prescribed 2 kinds of antibiotics
for H. Pylori, the helpful bacteria in the stomach that is being
blamed today by the conventional medical practitioners as the
culprit of ulcers, and another adjuvant drug that is a gastric
antisecretory drug. The adverse effects included: headache,
abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, vomiting and
constipation, dermatitis, pruritus, urticaria, dizziness, dry
mouth, blurred vision, etc. Scary isn't it? The cost of the
medicines wld cost him around $100.
When the patient came back to show me the gastroscopy report, he
asked me if it was necessary for him to buy all the meds
prescribed. I told him straight..."Don't buy any of them!" My
prescription was: Add salt to ur water and drink it as
follows.....!!!! I learned from my secretary that his brother
was well and went back to work as a policeman in a week's time.
Today, he still enjoys his water and salt....and the most ....
his savings from those expensive meds and is now symptom
Dr Batman cured more than 3,000 ulcer patients with his water
cure...we cld include this patient of mine to his long list!!!
It really works!!!