Stunning New Link Between Vaccines and Autism Rates

I used the "Autism Rates by Birth Years" data from TACA Now and compared it to public records about vaccine histories. I found that since the DTP vaccine in 1949 the ONLY time period with NO increase in autism cases is also the only time period with NO vaccines added to the CHILDHOOD schedule. The hep b was licensed during this time but it was not given to children until 1990. Also, the Hib was reformulated for infants in 1987, but due to a shortage, it was not added to the schedule until 1990 (There was a HUGE jump in autism rates in 1990). See for yourself.
The NNii also says
that aluminum has been used in vaccines for
75 years. I don't know what vaccine they
are talking about. In 1949 DTP was the
first vaccine (on the current Childhood
schedule) to contain aluminum and was
licensed during the first significant
increase in autism rates. Also FYI,
according to Wikipedia, mercury thermometers
are not even allowed on some airliners
because mercury reacts with aluminum. Many
childhood vaccines contain(ed) both aluminum
and mercury. Sounds dangerous to me.
I'm sending this to you because I just want
the truth to be found about vaccines. My
cousin's son has autism, and I have one
child who has strange allergic reactions the
day after some vaccines, and another child
who had a severe reaction to the hep B
vaccine and then developed eczema 1 week
later. I'm afraid my children are at high
risk of vaccine injury, and I don't want any
more forced vaccination policies.
I'm a stay-at-home mom in NC with a
degree in Computer Information Systems. I
didn't know anything about medicine until
after my first child was born. When she
turned 8 months old she started doing a
myoclonic head jerk, and dystonic head
postures, which could have meant a brain
tumor or movement disorder. Her neurologist
didn't know what it was after the MRI, EEG,
and PET scan was fine. So I decided to
educate myself, and I learned way more about
medicine than I ever wanted to know. She
was finally diagnosed with stereotypical
disorder (usually seen in children with
autism, but she did not have any other
autism symptoms). Well, after that
diagnosis I have been very leery of vaccines
and autism, and have spent hundreds of hours
reading about the subject. I first read
about children having low glutathione levels
and thin bones study on Dr. Green's website.
(What about the idea that autism rates keep rising even though thimerosal has been phased out of some childhood vaccines?)
Here's my best response to the thimerosal
argument: While definitely it's not good to
inject children with mercury, I think that's
only a part of the problem. I think that
thimerosal can make the aluminum even more
toxic because the two metals are reactive,
and if it's true that thimerosal reduces
glutathione (I found this study on TACA),
then children's bodies would be less capable
of excreting the aluminum.
However, I personally think the biggest
contributing factor to the autism symptoms
is the aluminum, which has been increased
over the years in proportion to the autism
increases. Another argument I had heard
about thimerosal is that it had been in the
vaccines since I think the 1930s. Whether
or not that is true, I don't know, but
that's what prompted me to keep looking for
other answers. Then after my oldest
daughter had her second allergic reaction to
a vaccine I looked up the vaccine
ingredients on the CDC's Vaccine Excipients
table, and saw that they contain aluminum.
I remembered hearing prior to that about a
possible link between Alzheimer's and
aluminum. So I was even more afraid of
vaccines. So I bought Dr. Sears' The
Vaccine Book, ironically to ease my fears
about vaccines, and then I learned about the
high doses of aluminum in vaccines. So I
looked up aluminum on the CDC's website
(where I read about the thin bones and
thought, BINGO).
I also read the Wikipedia entry on
aluminum and found out that you shouldn't
mix it with mercury, and this article also
stated that aluminum damages the blood brain
barrier. That could explain why adding the
live virus measles vaccine to the aluminum-containing
DTP vaccine would cause problems. Without
the blood-brain barrier there would be no
protection against the live measles virus
which can cause brain damage. (Side note:
Wild measles virus can cause brain damage
called SSPE, a type of chronic encephalitis
in 1 out of 100,000 people (HERE.)
So if vaccines weaken the blood brain
barrier and cause autism in 1 out of 150
kids, wouldn't we be better off without the
One more response to that argument (about
thimerosal being removed and autism rates
still rising) is that thimerosal has NOT
been removed from the childhood vaccines.
According to the CDC's excipients table,
many still contain "trace" amounts of
thimerosal, and the flu shot, on the
recommended schedule for children as young
as 6 months, still contains the full
amount. If autism is caused by aluminum,
then perhaps children wouldn't need much
exposure to the thimerosal, just enough to
weaken their glutathione reserves. ... I
haven't studied thimerosal very closely
since I started my quest for answers just a
few years ago.
(Side note on thimerosal: My daughter, who
had the movement disorder, was born in 2005
and received the vaccines that supposedly
have the lower, safe "trace amounts" of
thimerosal. I've read that thimerosal has
been proven to cause tics, but I don't
remember where I saw that. She's 3 and a
half now, and hasn't received any of those
vaccines for a while, and she's outgrown the
movement disorder. Coincidence, or proof?
I don't know.)
But, even if there was no thimerosal in
vaccines, babies have an underdeveloped
kidney function and therefore have a higher
aluminum toxicity risk. My child's
pediatrician had told me a while ago to be
careful about table salt before 1 yr of age
because babies' kidneys might not be able to
process it well. I also found an old
article by the AAP that reported finding an
"underdeveloped kidney function" in
infants. If that's true, and we have to
watch table salt, why are Aluminum Salts
injected into babies at 1 day, 2 months, 4,
and 6 months years of age? Why would their
kidneys be able to process aluminum salt if
they can't handle table salt???
Also, the limits of aluminum in IV fluids
resulted in part due to the neurological
delays seen in premature babies. One of my
daughters was born 3 weeks early, and the
nurses still offered to vaccinate her with
the 250 mcg Hep B vaccine. Do they really
give this vaccine to preemies? When you
look at the chart, you'll see that the most
dramatic increase occurred when they started
giving babies the Hep B and Hib vaccines.
Now babies are given 13 aluminum-containing
vaccines by 6 months of age compared to only
3 back in 1983. Here's a good chart about
current vaccines, and the 1983 schedule: (HERE)
So yes I think thimerosal is dangerous, but
only one part of the problem. I believe
autism is also caused by aluminum toxicity
(which I think could be exacerbated by
mercury). If I'm right about the aluminum,
you would expect to see autism rates
continue to rise since the number of
aluminum-containing vaccines continues to
increase. The Wikipedia link about aluminum:
This link also says, "Furthermore, aluminum increases estrogen-related gene expression in human breast cancer cells grown in the laboratory. [39] These salts' estrogen-like effects have led to their classification as a metalloestrogen." I don't really understand what a metalloestrogen is, but the definition on Wikipedia is, a hormonally active agent. Could this help explain why one gender would be affected more frequently? That's not something I know anything about, but it seems like it'd be worth looking into.