Curtis Cost
An Interview with Curtis Cost By Susan Davis
[1992 first ed] Vaccines Are Dangerous: A Warning to the Black Community
by Curtis Cost
Curtis Cost at: The Harlem AIDS FORUM Part 1 of 2
Curtis Cost at: The Harlem AIDS FORUM Part 2 of 2
Curtis Cost & Lynn Gannet at: The Harlem AIDS Forum
I’ve talked to individuals who work in the pharmaceutical
industry and they’ve told me that the most experimental and dangerous vaccines
are always administered to the African American communities. There’s a story
I’ve heard numerous times, of this Black doctor who was working in a department
that handled vaccines, and he noticed that vaccines that were to be sent to the
Black community had code numbers on them which were different from the numbers
that were on the package being sent to the White community. He couldn’t
understand why there was this difference. On one occasion, he accidentally mixed
the two packages up. They found out what happened and immediately recalled the
batches of vaccines. Now, why? What was in those vaccines that were supposed to
go to the Black community that was different from the one going to the White
community? I’ve heard that story many times, from several credible sources.
An Interview with Curtis Cost
By Susan Davis
So, if there any proof for the continuation of vaccination? from the research I’ve done: No! If I had to face the decision of subjecting my child to a vaccine, would I give it any consideration? The answer is: No. Under no conditions whatsoever would I allow my child, myself, or any member of my family to be vaccinated. That’s how strongly I feel about this. An Interview with Curtis Cost By Susan Davis
No HIV virus has ever been proven to exist.... AIDS is not a new disease, but a collection of old diseases renamed, and that the real threat to the public's health are the worthless HIV tests and toxic HIV/AIDS drugs. [1992 first ed] Vaccines Are Dangerous: A Warning to the Black Community by Curtis Cost
Several well meaning researchers have fostered this point of view (AIDS man
made virus) in their books, tapes, lectures and news media interviews.
These individuals include: Dr. Robert Strecker in his video entitled, The
Strecker Memorandum, Dr. lack Felder author of the book: AIDS U.S. Germ Warfare,
Dr. William Campbell Douglas in his book: AIDS The End of Civilization, Leonard
G, Horowitz, author of Emerging Viruses and Dr. Alan Cantwell in his book AIDS
and the Doctors of Death. Each of these individuals, and others, presented their
documentation and they made compelling arguments. I spent a great deal of
timecredentials, and the soundness of their arguments, it is easy to see why
millions came to share their belief that HIV was a man-made virus, and that it
was designed to reduce the world's population, especially among Africans and
other people with color.
Each of these men had one critical flaw in their arguments
and that is, none of them addressed the controversy over whether any HIV virus
has ever been isolated! This one issue is the foundation which determines
whether the biological warfare theory holds up or crumbles to the ground! For
years 1 accepted the biological warfare theory, but after researching the
debate, I now know that the biological warfare theory does not have a leg to
stand on. This does not mean that there are not very evil people out there who
aren't capable of creating all types of atrocities in secret laboratories. Evil
men and women do exist and such laboratories also exist and they have already
created nightmarish chemical and biological entities. On the other hand, there
is no evidence that HIV was created by anyone, nor that HIV even exists!
[1992 first ed] Vaccines Are Dangerous: A Warning to the Black Community
by Curtis Cost