NZ: 'Don't give kids painkillers before shots'
"If it's used as a preventative measure it might mask a fever or other
signs of illness not associated with the immunisation."
('not' associated?)

Not to mention what it does to glutathione - see links after below article

'Don't give kids painkillers before shots'
By KAREN ARNOLD - Sunday Star Times | Sunday, 1 July 2007

Parents and caregivers are being urged to avoid giving paracetamol and
other pain relievers routinely to infants and children before a vaccination

Immunisation Advisory Centre director Dr Nikki Turner, of Auckland
University, says paracetamol will do little to lessen the pain of an
injection and one dose would have a minimal effect on any adverse reaction
that might develop.

Children who are well do not need to be given medicine and she said mild
pain could be minimised by other comforting measures. However, medicine was
appropriate in situations such as when a child was at risk of a fit caused
by fever.

South Link Health immunisation co-ordinator Barbara Warren, of Otago, said
it was best to give paracetamol only when needed rather than as a routine
preventive measure. "Paracetamol is useful to relieve pain such as
following an injury or operation, migraine headaches in older children or
reducing the discomfort that may be associated with fever.

"A child who is not distressed or in pain does not need routine
paracetamol. If after immunisation there is pain from a red and swollen
injection site or the child is unable to be settled with usual love and
care, paracetamol can be given short term."

Warren has written a report for the Nurses Organisation's magazine Kai
Tiaki Nursing, advising parents that giving a child paracetamol before
injections is unnecessary.

National Poisons Centre medical toxicologist Dr Michael Beasley said while
there is potentially a risk of toxicity if paracetamol was given too often
and at a high dose, there were more immediate dangers.

It could have an adverse affect on a child who was dehydrated, he said.

"If it's used as a preventative measure it might mask a fever or other
signs of illness not associated with the immunisation."

From Sheri....
Conference Presentations: Bryan Jepson, MD
"Can low glutathione create problems with environmental toxicity? Most of the time ER doctors leave biochemistry to the internists, but glutathione is important in the emergency room because of Tylenol overdoses. Tylenol is a very safe molecule unless you take too much. It is metabolized in your body by glutathione. Our body renders the Tylenol metabolite nontoxic and then we excrete it. If you have taken too much Tylenol and it overcomes the store of glutathione in your body, you can no longer metabolize the Tylenol, it becomes toxic, kills your liver, and then you die. The treatment for a Tylenol overdose in the ER is to administer a precursor to glutathione called N Acetyl Cysteine. Tylenol is just one example, but if you are already low in glutathione it’s going to take a lot less of any toxin to cause trouble. This makes sense. It explains why our children are particularly vulnerable to environmental toxicity, even with toxins that are relatively safe for other people."

more at webpage

google on
+tylenol+glutathione stores+autism

Dangers of Tylenol (Acetaminophen) by Dan Murphy, DC
Tylenol (Acetaminophen) Toxicosis in Cats (this is about cats but concept
the same)
Acetaminophen and NSAID Toxicity

+tylenol+glutathione depletion

google on +tylenol+glutathione

+tylenol+glutathione depletion